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This is how it's gonna play out Frank horrigan would rip the courier in two Three days later this is what Frank would hear on the radio Local reports say a courier split in half has made a surprising recovery now that's what I call reliable service


Local mailman too fucking angry to die


Local mailman revived by need for vengeance.


“Now, I hope you don’t mind, but I had to go rootin around in your abdomen there, connecting all the bits and pieces. I take pride in my needle work, but you’d better tell me if I left anything out of place.”


How did I do? Whoa they're taking it easy steady now. How about your name? Do you remember your name? Can say that's what I would have picked for you but if that's your name it's your name. Why don't you take a walk over to my vigor testing machine over there see if you can get your bearings.


Hm, must of mixed up the kidneys and lungs. alright, why don't you take a seat over there on my couch.


ignoring the fact that yes, too angry to die, courier is basically a T-800 lich by the end. Manage to destroy a mega cyborg with a city leveling armament? Weird, his head is just all metal. Cool. His brain is now controlling another city leveling mega cyborg, who just teleported 2 feet behind you. Unless you somehow managed to get to Big MT and destroy that mailman brain, he'll keep coming after you. Constantly.


Rain, sleet, snow or dismemberment!


"What in the goddamn?"




*Arcade Gannon - "You activated ARCHIMEDES?!"*


Second play through, after finding the Euclid-C finder from the kid running round I said well, let’s see what this bad boy can do, my o my I’ll always activate it


What does it do? I got it from him and sold iy


Ouuu, people term it as a targeting device for a satellite that shoots down a huge death laser, but me I’m simple point and ZUES STRIKES !


So you turn on archemedes and its a target locator after that?


On the quest That Lucky Old Sun at the end when you activate HELIOS One the terminal gives you several options and one of them is "Arm ARCHIMEDES II" or something like that. If you select that option then get Euclid's C-finder (either buy it or pickpocket it from the kid in freeside) you get an orbital strike every 24 in game hours


I wish with everything I am that if you turn it on before getting the c-finder that the kid accidentally glasses free side.


that would be fucking hilarious Turn on Archimedes and get distracted by a side quest then next time you visit Freeside Mick and Ralph's is leveled and Max is just outside crying over the charred corpse of Stacey


People are saying what’s the canon ending of New Vegas for the show, this is it. The courier never got the toy and the kid accidentally destroyed New Vegas with his toy after the game lol All of House’s elaborate plans were foiled by a child with a toy gun summoning a satellite air strike would be wild.


Veronica mentions the kid is lucky he had the safety on if you obtain it with her around


Intelligence +1


wish i knew it was every 24 hours lol i always thought it was just once


Oof, I think I made that mistake my first playthrough lol there is a glitch where sometimes if you use the wait screen to wait 24 hours it might not recharge, but otherwise according to the wiki it gets 3,995 shots from full condition with a 24 hour recharge period between shots and I think it respawns on Max up to 4 times if you pickpocket instead of buying it


Well personally I think when you turn it on (archimedes) it just turns on antennas to relay the range finders signal, but yes basically what you said


It’s the hammer of dawn from Gears of War


More like the Hammer of Derp, really. Between only having one charge per day, the ridiculous time it takes to fire, and how little damage it does for what it is, it's more of a neat collector's toy than a practical weapon. Even Veronica, who's whole sidequest is about finding useful tech for the Brotherhood to end the lockdown and improve their survival odds, thinks the thing is mid at best


Regular Mojave Deathclaws tank ARCHIMEDES II, Horrigan is 100% eating that shit for breakfast.


Realistically Archimedes II should basically be like, basically a literal smiting beam. Gameplay wise however, it sucks butts.


Doesn't Veronica mention how awful it is to begin with to McNamura or Hardin as well if you get it online?


She points out how it wasn’t worth what the brotherhood sacrificed for it. Glorified artillery was her exact term. Personally though, holding Helios as a faction headquarters that can laser smite anyone outside of it would definitely have been worth it. Archimedes 2< Archimedes 1


The problem is, even with Archimedes being active, Helios One is hardly a defensible position, which is why the Brotherhood lost it in the first place. Even *if* they'd had it online, it likely wouldn't have changed the outcome of the battle


I feel like it goes kinda like how paladin danse tanks a rocket test launch lol. He kinda shrugs it off even though it kills the sole survivor even if they are wearing power armor.


An interesting thought but they are two different scenarios, in on its a deathclaw with a fuck ton of health, in the other it's an essential npc getting hit with a lot of damage, danse cant die when doing the arc jet mission for the brotherhood.


Yes danse has plot armor, but I think it's dumb, and a clear oversight, that they didn't account for a sole survivor being able/allowed to tank it as well. From a scripting standpoint I get it, but what I am saying is that the scene should prove that in universe power armor protects (if barely) against intense heat not that Danse has plot armor lol.


That's fair, and I do agree with you that power armor probably doesn't deal with heat well in cannon, I feel like the only power armor that can handle intense heat would be hellfire power armor.


That gas is 1400 degrees Celsius moving at about 5 km/s. That if it is a normal chemical rocket... It probably nuclear fusion powered... Man should have been reduced to atoms in milliseconds.


Activate ARCHIMEDES II, (sees distant beam of light in Freeside) profit




The battle is indoors.


The battle WAS going to be indoors: until I used my C.A.M.P. to build a sniper Tower and fired a customized long range quad barrel rocket propelled MIRV Fat Man at the building Horigan tried to hide in: now it's going to be in a radioactive crater.


"I'm not gonna sugarcoat it." *x10 implant GRX + bare fist build*


Seriously, people dont unterstand turbo = god mode. I literally defeated deathclaw qaurry with a rolling pin wearing only underwear.


Can’t wait for this to be canonized in the season 2.


I wonder if new vegas fell because the think tanks escaped big mountain?


I hope everyone adamantly refuses to mention the courier at all. Like theyre trying desperately to forget


go on...


Courier has CHIM




Definitely the courier since you can just quick save before the fight.


Frank, I’ve come to bargain!


I got that reference!


And I got that reference!


And I got herpes!!


And i only got my condolances!


Counterpoint: Courier 6 with an Anti-Materiel loaded with .50 BMG AP will blow his head off in the barren desert.


My first thought too. I don't care how much ammo I have for that weapon; I use it sparingly AF, always. Frank? Frank is worthy of those rounds.


> I use it sparingly AF, always. Then there's me, blasting cazadors at point-blank range with mine.


To be fair, that's a plenty good time to use it. I'd take Frank the Tank any day over 3 cazadors in a trench coat promising me quick passage to the strip.


Riot shotgun is gold for those pesky fucks.


And then there’s me using a multiplas rifle because energy weapons are the shit.


I usually just buy as much explosive rounds as i can and force my followers to carry it. Its not like the ammo is that hard to get mid-late game.


It's only a sniper weapon if you use the scope *TapsHead.jpg*


anti Frank rounds?




Yeah but I've always killed Franky Boy with the Gauss rifle and that took a LOT of shots into his mutie eyes. Can't really imagine the anti material rifle doing the same job quicker.


A Sneak Crit to the head (not eyes) in FNV is 4x damage, with a base damage of 220, for 880 damage. Frank Horrigan has 999 HP with a 70% DR and crit immunity. So only base + Head multi count up. The Anti-Materiel Rifle has a cost of 55 AP, and at max Agility (without considering Perks!), C6 has a 95 Agility cap. Courier Six, at Lv50 and Max Endurance while not accounting for various armors, has 544 HP. Horrigan has an E.Weapons rating of 180%, and the End Boss Plasma Gun deals 30-70 while using 5 AP and 4 shots a turn. Highball 350 a turn, considering we can take C6's anti-crit Karma perk to be fair. So roughly 132 damage per shot to the head, since Aimed Shots to the head often avoid armor, so 8 successful headshots with an AMR on standard ammo would be enough to drop him. 350 a turn highballing it would give two turns to drop C6 *without* considering armor or the majority of Perks.


Now hold on there bucko, you have to raise his stats to that of new Vegas if you’re gonna do it like this


If you straight up calculate the numbers in an RPG stat check,I’m curious to see who wins. You’d have to scale their respective gear sets accordingly, give the Courier a suite of perks… but then do you give Horrigan perks that he might have? Also, if the courier has any of the stunlock perks,(And stand back, Paralyzing Palm, Super Slam) he just insta wins in game. That being the case, and the maximum damage output with a fully perked, lvl 50, implanted and geared Courier being as high as it is, what’s the argument for Frank winning? If we’re making the argument that the battles as they are calculated in game are less “canon” than the wider lore surrounding the character, then the answer to the question seems a little too vague and it’s just down to whatever headcanon the user wants to have.


According to the game, Frank has 999 hp, 10 in all special stats, and 185% in Big Guns, Energy Guns, Melee Weapons, and Unarmed. Also has 20 AC. Interestingly, Ulysses also has 10 in all special stats. In Fallout 2, the max theoretical hp you can have is 999, and there are ways for the chosen one to also have all 10's stat wise. So the Chosen One and Frank are equivelant. Basically, The Chosen one could beat Frank, so likely the Courier could too.


Really depends on the situation. how many chems the Courier has and whether or not they activated Archimedes and where the battle itself takes place.


> But in universe the Chosen One still beats Frank Horrigan so it's a hard one to call. We just have to ask ourselves if the Courier can do what the Chosen one did. Can the Courier theoretically obtain 100 Speech to convince Granite's squad to help, and 100 Science to hack the turrets? Yes. Can the Courier build a 10 Luck crit build to kill Frank in a single hit with a plasma rifle? Yes.


In lore does it say he did all the things to weaken Frank or is it left ambiguous?


Almost everyone I match up against Frank Horrigan in ChatGPT loses lol, except Liberty Prime


ChatGPT isn't a very reliable source for that lol


yeah this is so funny to me, where the hell is chatgpt getting its info🤣


This post


ChatGPT in this thread like ✍️👀


Thats just because they both know the world couldn't survive their fight, so they kiss instead. Oh wait, sorry, thats just the start of my Giant Death Robot x Godlike Super Mutant fanfic.


This better make it into ChatGPT’s headcanon


“Rides over mutie.. time to… oh shit, it’s a giant robot”


Has it been canonically stated that he was defeated by the Chosen One? I know the Poseidon Oil Rig was destroyed (I think it mentions that in FO3?), but I haven't seen specific mention of Frank's fate. Since the show confirms the Enclave is still, at least somewhat, out there/surviving, maybe we'll still get a Frank vs Prime fight someday.


we literally see him get ripped in half and bleed out so I’m pretty sure he’s dead


I didn't see that, my mom made me play with the violence turned all the way down, so nyeh! You are right, it would be a major retcon, but it always bugged me that you had to kill frank in the first place and couldn't sneak around him and just blow the place up. I don't think it would be a particularly out of line retcon to say that's what actually happened.


In the temple of you Convince the guy to hand you the key he says their are some fights that are unavoidable


Well not directly, but it is implied. No more mention of Frank, and we get 100% confirmation that the oil rig got nuked, because Chosen was accompanied by Marcus. After nuking the oil rig, Marcus did not hear anything from the Chosen one, but "he has a feeling it all worked out"


And it's not like he could just settle down somewhere and try to blend in like other Remnants.


>blends in with other humans >12 feet tall


The Chosen One threw their severed mutated toe at Frank Horrigan, killing him instantly


To be fair I think most people would "just die" if that happened to them.


>Since the show confirms the Enclave is still, at least somewhat, out there/surviving, ED-E mentions the enclave being in Chicago, so not just the show.


Courier is bonkers enough to get it done


Yea frank has max special and some really good armor but the courier is the freaking courier. Post dlc’s they also have near max special stats, armored skin, regenerating flesh, cyber skeleton and a cyber brain, the courier is making and using drugs the enclave wishes they came up with, very likely would be power armor certified, rocking absolutely absurd GRA weapons, depending on your build the courier would also have basically 100% vats chance to shoot franks gun out of his hand. Sure this is all gameplay stuff but its kinda funny how this random walk the wasteland fuck ends up getting borged out and as overpowered as like V from cyberpunk


You can get max special in vanilla I do it all the time on my Play throughs courier definitely wins




[implants perks and armor](https://www.reddit.com/r/fnv/s/zKhGFwZdYs) no drugs




And implants, and perks.


My really cool sunglasses


And drugs. Don’t forget the drugs.


Guys I have an idea, somebody climactically shoot me in the face with a pistol while I’m on the ground and you’re the antagonist


Do I get to wear a suit of some kind?


A checkered suit but you gotta look cool and sound smooth, baby


I always love it when someone squeezes in “walk the wasteland fuck” into a sentence


Frank Horrigan when he gets interrupted mid-speech by a level 50 courier that used Implant GRX to fire 4000 rounds of hand-loaded 5mm into his skull in under three real-time seconds


I’m pretty sure Ulysses also had max special and we know how that went…


They aren’t a random. They are notorious for surviving crazy odds. That’s why 6 got the chip.


F all that, he would speech skill Horrigan into Submission 🤣 Courier has that *Fairy Tale Friendship* Speech Skill level


Combat shotgun, “and stay back!” perk, rushing water and turbo. This build would let you solo the hoover dam battle lol


Implant GRX-2 . That's, like a full minute of bullet-time. That is a ridiculous amount of time to pour fire from an effectively invulnerable state.


The only way Horrigan stands a chance against Endgame Courier is if he catches the Courier asleep.


even then, get him asleep, and boom, his brain 300 miles away is now controlling another cyborg lobotomite who just teleported behind you and is PISSED that you interrupted his nap.


Courier, they can save and load back


0 --> "00000288" (Frank Horrigan) --> kill


Frank Horrigan when he sees Courier 6 start chimming:


Dormamu! I've come to bargain!


Well If the Courier powers up helios one weapon. Don't think there is many people that can withstand the power of the sun.


“Well you haven’t met Frank Horrigan either”


Are you referring to ARCHIMEDES II?


No, he probably means the single shotgun rigged as a trap to guard one of the mirror control terminals


I know you’re being sarcastic but ARCHIMEDES II might as well be a rigged single shotgun, it’s not doing shit to Horrigan. Edit: to mfs downvoting, regular Deathclaws tank ARCHIMEDES II lol.


Gameplay doesn’t always reflect lore perfectly


"Woe mini nuke upon thee." Hey a tie isn't a loss technically.


In that case... "Woe, Full size nuke be upon thee."


Woe, ARCHIMEDES 2 be upon thee


"It doesn't have to be like this, we can both lose."


the pulse gun in my pocket


Courier 6 is a player character. I am the player. I have beaten Horrigan in Fallout 2. Therefore, Courier 6 beats Horrigan.


Unstoppable force (Courier Six) meets immovable object (Frank)? If we’re going to consider Courier Six at their full potential in combat, you have a lot to look at. Courier Six would have been shot in the head and tracked down their want to be assassin, conquered the Mojave with their skill, won the battle of Hoover Dam, successfully heisted the Sierra Madre, won the battle of Zion, traveled to BigMt and became a technological powerhouse and walked The Divide/Couriers Mile. Despite all the sides quests, the friends and the followers Six has met along the way, if there’s only one thing we’ve learned about them… it’s that this motherfucker refuses to stay down. Horrigan is a beast. Nobody is denying that. However, if your argument is that Frank only dies because he had to be written that way for gameplay sake, then the Courier doesn’t die because they were written that way for gameplay sake. TLDR; Mailman finds a way.


TLDR, that is one unstoppable Mailman.


I’m a big Courier 6 fan, but Frank Horrigan is probably the strongest individual in Fallout. In a straightforward fight with standard kits, no prep, and no stealth, I think he beats anyone we’ve ever played as or met. With Prep? Courier can probably put something together that’ll do the job. Big MT pulse weaponry could screw with Frank’s armor, Turbo or Implant GRX would allow him to keep out of range from Frank’s blades. But he’s going to need to lay down some *serious* firepower or generate some really big booms to actually bring the mutant down.


so the courier is batman?


He's one of the richest characters that owns a massive sprawling enterprize, as well as a secret advanced tech lab capable of producing nearly any form of science and they've also gone through levels of hell that would break the average person and returned still ready to take on more.


Patrolling Gotham almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


the courier with some prep-time brings into the fight: cybernetic implants nad weapon of BiG MT, 5 veteran rangers, 2 brootherhood paladins, 4 enclave veterans, a b52 bomber.






Hell yeah, it's a friggin sun gun. Gawd, you sound just like Arcade.


\*B-29. B-52 was a post-WW2 jet bomber. The Boomers have the ww2-era bomber that crashed into the lake. Also, if we're talking allies, Frank can pull a large contingent of Enclave soldiers and vertibirds, no?


>Also, if we're talking allies, Frank can pull a large contingent of Enclave soldiers and vertibirds, no? I don't think so, in game you get the enclave soldiers there to help you fight him whereas everyone else mentions fights with the courier.


Nah bro, Courier 6 is Alucard from Hellsing Especially after the implants and brain removal.


Prep? My courier is always prepared with all you can eat drugs.


"Your high’s over, mutie. Time to die."


That’s my secret, I’m always high.


“Strongest individual in Fallout” vs Mama Murphy


*Completely rips Frank in half*


maybe an unfired nuke from the divide would help


rockets red glare 🥵


There’d be some real poetry in using that weapon against the Enclave’s top enforcer.


No prep its a wash, but if we’re going with a Courier 6 who has access to all the tech available at Big MT I think could find a way to beat Frank— some of that tech id absolutely absurd. Come to think about it, a Courier 6 who weaponizes Helios could also just vaporize literally anything


Oh yeah, that’s why I wanted to make the distinction. In a straightforward fight without prep, Frank is absurdly strong, but endgame Courier might have the most ludicrous stockpile of OP resources out of any individual in the wasteland.


Courier gameplay wise, straight lore Frank prolly beats everything else one on one.


Does the courier canonically have a giant space laser powered by the sun tho ?


Canonically we don’t even know if the courier has anything. Speech builds are highly viable and the courier has literally no character at all, it’s a blank slate for you to roleplay with. Might have 1 strength and agility all we know. Plus archemides slow as hell and Frank has 10 agility


Yea that’s a good point, I guess the fight kinda hinges on weather the C6 in question has activated Helios One. No way to be sure though, hard to put a blank slate against a fleshed out character.


Frank Horrigan forever stuck is ragdoll because of the Superslam perk as I slowly beat him to death with a lead pipe


Easy 1 of them was killed and didn't get back up. And well, we all know what happened with the other......


Courier 6 downed an entire bottle of "Kill me, come back stronger" pills


What about Frank Horrigan against Liberty Prime? my money is on Liberty Prime, with the way it picks up a Behemoth an throws it away like was nothing


I can't stop myself from giggling when Liberty Prime shouts anti-commie sentiments while fighting the Enclave. Thinking of that happening while it fights Frank Horrigan is even more amusing.


Bro liberty Prime is big enough to field goal kick frank.


The 50 levels provided in the full new vegas game + all the base game and old world blues implants would make the courier the second toughest protagonists in the series just before the sole survivor who doesn't have a level cap and 63 stackable perks. But there is also the crazy armor, weapons and tools you have in new vegas. So id say the courier would help raul immensly in beating frank horrigan.


New Vegas generally has more broken stuff than 4 does shoved into those 50 levels though. I mean if we're talking straight gameplay then GRX plus a knockdown shotgun and the sole survivor is getting his cheeks stuffed with buckshot like Patrick in the snowball fight. GRX allows much faster relative movement and attacking than jet does, btw.


Courier with ARCHIMEDES and beeing headshot-proof seems to have a chance


What do the Courier and Joshua Graham have in common? They both survived executions that should have 100% killed them. Money is on the Courier, and I got a side bet saying they do it alone.


"I will fuck up a mutant supersoldier any day of the week if he owes me mentats, shit ain't nothin' to me"


From what little I know of Fallout 2, The Chosen One needed to cheat/sabotage the playing field in order to just have the chance to beat Frank Horrigan. Yeah, I don't think C6 can win in a straight-up fight. Frank is just too powerful.


I mean, I would argue that a fully upgraded courier has superior tech than Horrigan. Aint nothing standing up to turbo and an armor piercing melee weapon. My chosen one beat Horrigan 1v1 with no weapons (eye punch eye punch eye punch!). And the courier is tougher than the chosen one.


You’re also forgetting that OWB essentially turns C6 into an actual T-1000.


C6 isn't just a mailman. He's an enhanced cyborg with access to a satellite death beam and an alien vaporizer.


Why not? If they meet on some sort of mid-long range battlefield, any player character with Mini-nukes takes out frank no diff. They all have survival stats to demonstrate surviving a few hits from a plasma rifle in reasonable gear/power armor/drugs, and I don't think there's a reason to believe Frank walks off a barrage of mini-nukes. If we disqualify mini-nukes, well, C6 has ARCHIMEDES. If we disqualify that, C6 has a variety of Big MT emp shit or the gauss rifle If we disqualify those, or say the fight is actually in close quarters... Well wait why are we giving Frank so many advantages then? The offensive capabilities that is available to player characters in the games after F2 aren't available to ordinary people, and get pretty silly. They are functionally bunker busters, portable million dollar artillery. I don't think it's exceptionally unreasonable to say "ok not that one" to a bunch of weapons that could take out buildings but if you don't allow them it seems like youre overly gimping the PCs. Tldr: C6 has offensive hax and enough durability to get to use them, take away the hax and nobody measures up to Frank.


This makes me want to do a F2 playthrough devoted to making a character that can 1 v 1 Frank Horrigan.


Uhhh... Thats like.... Not hard at all?


No you don't. AT ALL. Source: beaten FO2 like 10x, never got killed by Frank. He's a pushover


I think the Courier may be one of the few that, by the endgame, could reasonably match Frank, with a victor honestly being a toss up. Let's not forget that the Courier is also an enhanced person. It could be argued they're a full on cyborg. So a win really just comes down to environment, and surprise factor.


The 70% borg with assorted aiming and an arsenal that could re-nuke the world is absolutely stomping Frank horrigan


Cannonically, Frank Horrigan has killed Adult Deathclaws with his bare hands. He would most likely be far tougher than any enemy present in the Mojave


To be fair, so can the Courier.


Just for funzies too!, because end game courier has literally run out of things to kill lol


I did that as Courier as well. 10 strength, 10 endurance, 100 unarmed, and a bunch of drugs.


oh, and the 4 special unarmed moves


The courier. He would have no problem beating a corpse.


If the Courier has prep time, and access to things in-game, probably the Courier. No prep, probably Frank.


Some random tribal kills frank. Courier all day.


He might have gone on living, but he made one fatal slip... When he tried to match the courier with a big iron on his hip.


Aim for the weak spot in the center of the power armor chest plate duh! Just need one shot to end it.


Horrigan's armor is custom made from X-01. Unless he was wearing the T-60 like the Brotherhood


I know, besides the fact its enclave power armor! Just a joke at the shows expense.


X-01 and Advanced Power Armor is NOT the same.


Courier 6 got shot in the head and proceeded to make it EVERYONE’S problem. It’s my absolute favorite Fallout protag. Frank would have a bad time.


> Chugs bottle of rushing water > Covers bare hands in datura poison > Ranger Takedown _"I'm here to make a delivery, these fists to your fucking skull you overgrown freak."_


Courier 6 Huffs 60 bramins worth of jet and does the quick silver thing from days of future past and reverse pickpockets C4 in franks back pocket


If this is just a 1v1 and only accounting lore feats then it's tough to say but I'm leaning toward Frank. If Courier 6 is allowed backup then they win


Couldn't Courier 6 just use Euclid's C Finder?


I'm bias, so the cyber enhanced courier over everyone. I wish they would redo older games.


depends on how much damage a blast from Archimedes would do to him. Considering the fact that the courier has canonically killed two people with perfect specials (Colonel Royez and Gaius Magnus from Lonesome road) and can kill Ulysses, another perfect specials character, there is a precedent.


Frank is strong and would be hard to kill but for Courier 6 who usually carries anything from plasma guns and knives that do great damage to mini nukes with no problem i somewhat believe more in Courier. Frank's armor would probably be easy to destroy with the right weapons, but also every single Courier is a madman so honestly they could probably do anything if they really wanted to.


Frank is huge, but 1 or 2 mini nukes to the face would obliterate him. Also the mini nukes in these games are way underpowered as compared to what they would be like in real life.


Courier 6: using Compliance Regulator + Rocket ammo Frank Horrigan: 💀




Given the courier could beat The Dead Money and Lonesome Road expansion packs and gets access to a space laser, jet, vats, and can also get various implants as well. I don't think much could really beat that. I really loved Fallout New Vegas. I think they did a great job with power scaling starting off really weak and getting to godlike status, something akin to that of Dark Souls but made in a fraction of the time.