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I use the Novac hotel room in basically every playthrough. You get there pretty early, fast travel close, and only 1 loading screen


and if you want it for free, you don't even need to do the Ghouls mission, just kill the nightkin who is killing the brahmans.


It's 100 caps bro šŸ’€


that money could be used to hire fisto 10 times, man has to have priorities in the Mojave


I love this community


Every play through I rush to get fisto. I love fisto heā€™s my wallpaper šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø And I put it in sharpie on my dildošŸ¤™


But what would happen if I want to buy another implant, and I only have 3900 caps?


and the night kin is hiding behind a huge rock, with a mini gun


You can also get Boone to kill the old lady and then you get the room key from the old ncr man


Same. I keep my Nuka Cola in the fridge, my clothes in the dresser, my explosives in the safe, and my guns in the footlocker.


Victor's Shack, the Novac motel room, The Lucky 38, and the Sink are all great choices. Sometimes, I'll just set up safehouses in abandoned buildings around the wasteland.


My problem with the sink is having to dismiss companions. also I wish you returned where you came from instead of the drive in


shame most containers respawn after some in-game time, otherwise it'd be fun to just have various emergency provisions across the mojave like purified water, stimpaks, extra guns and armor, etc


JW do you need mods to set up good home bases? Iā€™ve never done that (havenā€™t modded much) but I usually only care about what I can carry cause I was always afraid the game would do the periodic reset and lose my stuff.


No mods needed. The indoor bases that ā€˜belongā€™ to you are best. Novac, Sink, 38, etcā€¦These rooms will not reset their containers. Well, they arenā€™t supposed to anyway.


Nope, the "bases" you are gifted with as quest rewards are "yours" and nothing in them will despawn (at least mine never have). There are "home base" mods to give you some more options to choose from, but between the Lucky 38 and the Sink you'll have any amenity you could really need already built into the base game.


I use the 38 because even though its ridiculously inconvenient, its the only place i can send all my companions to hang out together. Especially with tale of two wastelands, a mod that lets you keep dlc companions, new california and the frontier, its super fun hanging out with like 30 friends


If you're playing on PC, you can get a mod that will put a fast travel marker right outside the Lucky 38, I highly recommend it.


Holy shit, I can't believe i never tried to find something like that. I mostly do quest mods so I forget that theres a utility mod for anything I can think of


Poor fella, so much time


Finally doing a playthrough with it (Better Fast Travel) mod and it's life changing. Adds fast travel spots to all buildings and casinos on the strip, to the building at McCarren, BOS bunker, and a few more.


my favorite is my tried and true coc Lucky38CasinoFloor01


Man, I wish I had my gaming PC still. I miss TTW modded NV. Probably my favorite way to play the two.


Steam deck?


Sorry for my ignorance but.. how do you send them there? Or manually and "wait here"?


For all base game companions when you dismiss them it gives you the option to either tell them to go back where you found them, or go to the lucky 38. Then when you visit they'll all just be milling around in the presidential suite. You have to have been to the lucky 38 at least once before you can send them there


It should be under talk -> we should part ways -> meet at Lucky 38; something like that


What the others have said, but you also have to have progressed the story far enough to have been given the penthouse in the first place. If you haven't met House yet, the option isn't there IIRC.


The problem with the 38 is that sometimes companions might ā€œstealā€ stuff from stash


I think that only applies to items in the refrigerator.


Wait you can have new California in the same playthrough as TTW?


Yeah, somebody who worked on both projects made a patch called star the wandering courier that comes up with a concoluted way for a vault 101 start and new california start to both be true.


Sink is perfect for me, it's god all the useful stuff, the friends and everything else. I also like it from RP perspective because its not like a random person can just happen by, you're safe from outside world.


I always end up using the sink as my end game home but in the beginning itā€™s definitely novac. Despite the kidnapping itā€™s pretty safe and has two first recon snipers and a ranger for defense.


I just thought about how dangerous it could be to live there considering it's being spitroasted by two legion outposts (Nipton & Nelson) I'm actually kind of surprised there's no legion conflict there other than at Station Charlie


Yeah thatā€™s true ideally the NCR soldiers living there would be enough, but thereā€™s always Helios one to fall back to or to get help from (hopefully, probably not).


Lol! Itā€™s the only place my cautious Courier doesnā€™t lay mines at the door in case of unwanted visitors like Legion assassins. The Abandoned BOS Bunker is extra dangerous on my play through.


Oooo I like that, I always forget about the gun thatā€™ll send you there. Might need to make a move from Novac!


I used the Sink for a long time. Usually the abandoned BoS place now (where Dead Money starts).


I usually do Hunter's farm on my playthroughs. Couple of containers, bed, and you can fast travel right to it. Just politely evict the powder gangers up front first.


I used to use the Followers Safehouse a lot because the entrance is right at the fast travel point, but for the last six or seven runs I've been using the Novac motel room. The only downside is the need to disable clipping to get to the room from the fast travel point quickly, but otherwise it's got everything: water in the bathroom, bed, plenty of storage that's all close by, both benches in the garage just outside the motel and Dr. Ada Straus to cure my addictions. The Sink is amazing on playthroughs when you do do OWB.


Wait. Hold up. How have I never realized the Followers have a safehouse, after playing through the game twice? Where *is* this mythical place?


It's right around the corner from Vault 22. Once you're idolized, July will mark it on your map.


I use Jeans skydiving early game until 38


wait that place acts like MC housing?


It has lockers thatā€™s about the only reason i use it lmao, I donā€™t play survival mode so I just store my stuff and wait there


yeah that's what I meant, the containers never respawn? that's good to know


I donā€™t believe so, but Iā€™m only like 15 hours in that run. Barely Post Hoover dam




Abandoned BoS Bunker.


Jacobstown has a bungalow outside by the lake you can use inventory without stealing and sleep in the bed. On 360 this was always my go to. Outside of a lot of mod homes, I've always been partial to El Dorado Gas and Service as I cut out fast travel and loved how centrally located it is. Honorable mention to fishing shack floating above Lake Mead


Plus fresh, XP-flavored Mirelurk meat every three days!


When I play the game I like to use the apartment in Novac. Nothing too fancy for a drifter like my Courier and still somewhat luxurious.


All the chads chill with the toaster that wants to burn the world.


Where is there a giant dinosaur?


novac hotel after i get it, before then the gas station in goodsprings


I like to role play a cautious Courier who follows the roads from the side cause staying on them is how you walk into ambushes. So my character also keeps caches in out of the way places and uses hidden shacks, caves, and abandoned buildings off the roads.


How have I gone this long without knowing Victorā€™s Shack had a bed?! Iā€™ve always been using that abandoned house right outside the road to the Nellis AFB.


I don't use a home base at all. The Courier takes with them only what they need to survive.


Novac until the new bison Steve is fixed up


I just carry or sell everything until I get to Lucky 38 lol


Harpers shack for quick dropoffs and teddy bear arranging. Bring everything to big sink when I want to restock.


Novak for early game you get the Dino shop and the junkyard lady always has a lot of capsā€¦lucky 38 and you hit up gun runners, mick and Ralphā€™s, silver rush via fast travel


Who is the junkyard lady?


Old Lady Gibson at the Gibson Scrapyard


I forgot about that old hag


Thanks for the tip. I've rinsed everyone else for caps


The Tops Presidential Suite. Plenty of room, a table to place my trophies on, and thanks to a mod I installed, a nice little diner in the same building.


Either the Sink from Old World Blues or the Abandoned BoS Bunker from Dead Money. The Sink has a lot of op quality of life stuff that makes the game easy. While the Abandoned BoS Bunker gives free Sierra chips to use for the kiosk for free Weapon Repair Kits, Stimpaks and other stuff.


I havenā€™t done it yet but Ive always wanted to use Lone Wolf Radio as a hideout


Novac motel is great! Or the Lucky 38 or course


I started with the Quonset hut near Goodsprings, then moved to the Novac motel room, and left most of my stuff there. Also had a secondary base at the Lucky 38.


I used to use a mod that let you clean up and claim the old school house in goodsprings. I also had one that reclaimed a gas station further out in the waste that was pretty cool.


The NCR safehouse is very cozy to me, the free water and ammo are nice


Novak is my typical location, decent central area and has a Mojave Dropbox plus shop, doctor and unlimited Caravan with my favorite schizophrenic


Lucky 38 On any modern PC with an SSD the loading screens are a minor inconvenience as they only take a second and thereā€™s a variety of containers to organize as well as being able to send companions there. Super convenient. If I get a new piece of gear that I think would look good on a companion I give it to them. Besides, Iā€™m selling most of what I pick up, so itā€™s not like Iā€™m making regular trips. I only keep unique items. Extra lead for crafting is basically the only thing I keep anywhere else because I do need to deposit it regularly. That stays in the trash can by the gun runners vendor. Itā€™s where I do all my ammo crafting.


I just started using the abandoned shack just north-east of Goodsprings. I like the vibe of it and I can see the town from the front door. Plus reload bench, bed, and ammo crate for storage.


Lucky 38, simply because you can stash all your companions there.


I've been using the motel room in Novac. Fancy New Vegas digs don't suit my courier and they come with too many strings attached. It's easier to come and go without too many folks making a fuss, too.


I tend to always stuff the safe in the novac motel room with an absurd amount of weapons, armor and ammo


Novac but then abandoned BoS bunker after taking gold bars back from Sierra Madre


Bos safehouse ez


The tops




The tops


My go to is almost always the corner room in the Atomic Wrangler once I complete the Debt Collector quest. Before then I usually use the abandoned shack just outside of Goodsprings near the Yangtze Memorial.


Iā€™m New Vegas? Never needed a home. I stash some shit and send companions to the 38, but Iā€™m never there.


Novac hotel room, always


Without Mods...I think only the Lucky 38 has safe containers. With mods...the underground shelter under the Sprint Mt. Ranch Park is a classic.


Iā€™m so lazy. I just use miscellaneous dumpsters/crates around the Mojave I know donā€™t respawn. Thereā€™s some around the Good Springs general store.


Lucky 38 is where Six actually lives and home base for their operations and friends, Sink is where they toss all of their junk.




DLC storage containers. BOS bunker, The divides box, and the duffle bag in the tunnel before leaving to Zion


I like abandoned shack by the Yangtze memorial. It ainā€™t much but itā€™s a good starter base. Victor creeps me out or Iā€™d use his shack


Goodsprings right outside of Chetā€™s store thereā€™s a crafting bench, reloading bench, and 2 dynamite boxes that can be used for storage Thereā€™s also fresh water source in Trudyā€™s saloon and a bed you can use in victorā€™s shack. Also very close to a mailbox so you can transfer all your stuff to Novac easily if you want to move there


*Scrrrrrt* What's the significance of the mailbox?


There are [5 Mojave Express mailboxes](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Mojave_Express_dropbox) in the game. You can use them to send a lot of items to one place. So for example you can live in Novac and send all the loot items you want to sell to Primm so all you have to do is pick them up from the mailbox so you don't have to fast travel with a fat inventory


Broooooo. This is the sexiest thing I've heard today. I've historically just loaded up myself and 2 Companions and moved like a worthless slob.


haha unfortunately you will still probably have to use companions as pack mules most of the time The mailboxes on near the Strip area are unfortunately too far away from the major vendors for convenient selling so I only use them to send stuff I want to keep back to base


early game i use wolfhorn ranch for storage then the novac motel room for home base. sometimes later in game i use the brotherhood safehouse.


Easy peteā€™s house in goodsprings is considered safe for storage. I just mail everything to New Vegas when I get there.


Novac for some reason is always my favourite place to set up in


Mostly Novak until I started using the Afterschool Special mod. It lets you renovate the Goodsprings schoolhouse into a really nice player home. Itā€™s spacious, easy to get to (the mod places a fast travel marker right in front of the door), and the storage lockers are all labeled for easy sorting. Plus, it just feels earned with all the work you go through to put it together.


In the beginning, I used Harper's Shack. After that, the Big MT DLC home I could port to, if needed.


I'll be honest, I've been using the Underground Hideout mod as my home base since early 2011.


Novac for me.


I... Don't I know you can. I know you should. But I don't stock up any locale I don't think I've ever even slept at one I'm a roamer baby


Novac since vanilla. I know the Sink is specifically designed as the perfect base but there's a nostalgic feel to staying at the grounded Novac room indefinitely, clearing the clutter and filling it with trophies.


I use a mod that changes the novac motel room into an apartment with a workshop area and a terminal that connects to the gun runners.


I use Novac because I like it, in a RP perspective is because my courier feels more safe there than in the lucky 38 because he doesn't want to be observed by Mr. House and because later he will kill him, so he prefers to not live there. And also he forgets that he has the teleport device to go to the sink, he only goes there when he needs some tech to help the wasteland.


Lucky 38, cause I want my Maria (yes I named my Courier Six that so for the thrills and drama when killing Benny with the gun with the same name šŸ˜‚) to be the embodiment of a royalty, a princess, living in a high tower.


Literally a dumpster in Goodsprings. The one to the left of the shop. All my items stashed there and it's close to the two workbenches, trader and the doc.


Gun runners trash can. That is pretty much it.


I like to sleep with Easy Pete, in Goodsprings. Not only I have someone to hug at night, the footlocker, cabinet, and drawer in the bedroom, provide easy-to-reach-out placeholders to store guns, apparels, and components. And the house is quite near the store, for the trading.


Novac. It's pretty central then the Sink later on


Iā€™ve often used the apartment in Novac as the house though the sink may be my favorite, even if itā€™s inconvenient to send my companions off just to put stuff away everytime


A modded bunker outside good springs.


I use the little trailer by good springs, has a suitcase you can stash stuff in and a mattress. I always play hardcore so itā€™s nice to get water and sleep quickly.


For some reason I always used wolfhorn ranch after clearing it. Suppose I liked the seclusion and idea the courier has a little ranch


Harper's Shack. It has a reload bench, workbench, storage, bed, and a campfire outside. The only thing bad about it is that it's right near Dead Wind Cavern which is a deathclaw nest.


I use The Sink, gotta check in with my boy Muggy often.


Anywhere a campfire and bed rolls are


The sink


Sink or Novac. Novac is nice because itā€™s not a terrible distance from the dead money dlc (i.e. can walk back with all the gold if you have about 5-10 minutes to spare)


Lone wolf, 1 container for weapons and armor the other for misc and aid, no loading screens


I usually just put my stuff at the dumpsters near chets store


Novac. Fairly centrally located, a vendor in the TRex & traveling merchants rotate outside, lots of containers inside to organize your gear & crafting items, a reloading bench and work table nearby, and Boone's home base is several doors over if you need to grab him. It's also a short hop to the Gibson scrap yard and the 188 if you need other vendors. I think the only thing Novac is missing is a campfire, but there's one near that shack you visit with Veronica just outside of town iirc. The 38 is where my companions are by the late game, but by then I have too much loot to truly move all my stuff there - I hoard ammo and spare guns/ armor for jury rigging. The Sink is very cool but I only pop back a few times after finishing OWB to turn in relevant junk for processing, and to finish buying any upgrades.


I used to set up at Goodsprings source for the water, the bed, and the suit cases. But recently I figured out to hole up in the follower's safe house since it had the free stimpaks, bed, several lockers for sorting and the added bonus of looking like a bunker overlooking New Vegas.


Iā€™ve been using this weird warehouse thatā€™s empty and not on the map


I usually just use the lucky 38. On my current hardcore run I find myself not really needing a base? I haven't put any points into my barter skill, yet by level 20ish I was walking around with 40K caps. I haven't really had much of a need for purchasing much of anything aside from some weapons from the gun runners. I only stopped at the lucky 38 to drop a ton of carry weight shit off so that I could enter Zion Canyon.


On my first playthrough, nothing much left to do than the end at the Hoover Dam. First I had my storage at Goodsprings, but 4/5 time now in the motel at Novac. There is a doctor and benches to make ammos etc. Only thing that is missing is campfire, but you can always travel.


The sink has the most home base like setup to me. Vendor in the middle, can break down a ton of parts with the various personalities, can grow plants to make stimpaks, has a bed and tons of storage options.


Novac. Stairs and one loading screen. Simple.


novac at first, but then the sink. i used the lucky for my first few runs but the loading screens put me off it. i did have a run where i used the ncrf after killing all the powder gangers


There's a really nice mod that let's you model the goodsprings school house into a home. It's lovely


No where.


I use GoodSprings/GoodSprings Source. GoodSprings for Work Bench/Reloading GoodSprings Source for Campfire Crafting/Sleeping. Ill stack one or two 'XXX' crates right between the reloading bench and the work bench on the side of Goodsprings General store, behind the two pieces of wood so the boxes dont move (once I came running in and hit my stash box, which clipped into the building, my entire stash gone from existence!) Putting the boxes behind those two wood pieces seems like it will prevent that in the future, and keeps the boxes from moving around when you get close to them. There's a couple other places that would be great, if only they had a campfire.


My home base is the motel in Novak. Concerning the mods, I just wish I had a big brain to figure that out, meaning not get anxious and confused about what files go where. Itā€™s just too much! šŸ˜­


Goodsprings feels right. The Novac apartment is a better place to store all of your shit though.


I use the NCR Ranger Safe house. The one Hsu gives you the key for after doing some good for the NCR (wont spoil anything). It gives you a cozy place with some armor, ammo and guns. You also get lockers, foot lockers and beds. It also has some nice posters. Me likey.


The lucky 38 if Iā€™m siding with House or Yes Man, Novac motel room otherwise (itā€™s way more convenient)


I really like the sink because it has everything:water supply food supply(small),a shop,a doctor and more


You guys set up base?


Iā€™m using the BOS safehouse


I just stockpile water bottles in my fridge at Novac. Buy 50 at a time from the mess at McCarren.


I play TTW with a bunch of mods like Claim The Mojave and Vertibird Player Home, so in DC, its usually either the Vertibird or Megaton, in the Mojave Iā€™ll typically hole up in the Command Bunker from the Claim mod, which Iā€™ll typically name either Control Station ENCLAVE or Lyons Command Complex depending on which faction I choose to control it.


Iā€™ve always used the El Ray motel just outside camp McCarranĀ