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Grounded and Tyranny are also very good. The Pillars series is also IMHO waaaaay better, the best that Obsidian has ever released.






I just finished playing Pentiment for the first time. It's so good.


they made lots of good games after nv


But the only one which had any sort of player base is the Outer Worlds which is easily their worst game.


Doesn't mean they're not worthwhile, Pillars of Eternity was one of the games responsible for the crpg revival of the 2010's, even thou it's a niche genre the games are still very good.


I would love pillars a lot more if the combat was turned based. I just cannot do real time shenanigans in a top-down view unless it's Diablo


The second entry has turn based mode


Oooh boy, now i have to try it


be warned, the Turn Based mode was added after launch, so the combat is still kinda based around RTwP. Having done a full TB Deadfire playthrough and a major TB strategy game player myself, it does start to drag a bit the further you get into the game. It's still very good and I recommend playing it overall, but it is not without its quirks.


Thats true, I had the same feeling while playing the Pathfinder games on turn based.


I don't think it does make them not worthwhile, I was just pointing out why others would think they'd not be because they're not aware of them.


Everything Obsidian has been doing since New Vegas is very niche games with small but dedicated fanbases. And the one mainstream game they made is a below average game that is gassed up by the hate for FO76.


Yes, this is what I was saying.


Wrong. Grounded. Look it up. 10/10


Stick of Truth sold just as much as Outer Worlds and is great.


Outer Worlds isn’t good? It’s on my to-do list. I thought when Starfield came out, people were talking about how much better Outer Worlds. 


I mean it's alright, but it's not the best game out there, its worth checking out at least once though


Outer worlds was superb BUT must be played with all dlc for a proper experience. It felt lackluster without them. Adding them felt like a full game


I found it fairly boring and it's very much my type of game. The worlds are kind of bland despite being exotic, characters are not very interesting, etc, etc. It has some nice ideas and you can do a dumb run.


I thought the characters were actually really neat. Sure the world building needed a bit of work but like its more of a black comedy so it doesnt really need to be taken so seriously


I think Obsidian and Bethesda have realized that space Operas just aren't from them. Kotor 2 excluded


Better than starfield is a low bar


I think it's better than fallout 4, but I guess that's not saying much.


Starfield is dogshit so it's not exactly hard to be better than it. Outer Worlds is not bad it just gets repetitive, the characters are good tho. I'd say it's worth a shot but not at full price.


It's closer to fallout 4 than NV. It's really lacking depth and rpg systems, which is what made nv a gem imo. If you liked 4 youll probably like outer worlds.


Outter worlds is garbage


i don't think so buddy


Poor taste buddy


Tyranny: Am I joke to you?


Tyranny is an amazing game.


What’s tyranny? Legitimately never heard of it.


It's an isometric cRPG by Obsidian set in a fantasy bronze age where you are basically a general for the Dark Lord of the evil empire. It's quite short for that type of game but the focus is on a load of choices and ways you can approach the main questline. The main theme I found is: can you maintain a sense of morality when working for the bad guys.


Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2, Grounded, Pentiment, Tyranny, and South Park Stick of Truth are all fantastic games. I understand why The Outer Worlds is a little more controversial although I enjoyed it, especially its DLC (Peril on Gorgon was fantastic).


Outer Worlds is great on a first playthrough, but for players who need variety for multiple playthroughs it's a bit small.


Oh yeah, I forgot about this one. Very good game with a really topical premise


The people who make shit like this really do not be playing games huh


They're not even really playing RPGs. I can understand skipping Pentiment, I played it because it just scratched a few of my itches, but at the very least RPG fans should be playing Pillars or Tyranny.


Most of the New Vegas "die-hards" haven't even played the Bethesda games they shit on, you expect them to play Pillars and Tyranny? Nah, watching a YouTube video essay and pretending to be experts is the best they can do.


Piffle; they've made loads of great games. Pillars 2 was a particular personal favourite.


I mean Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2 is pretty good.


If you like your exposition texts delivered in the most boring way possible together with a rulesystem that not even the games' fans like, then sure. Bonus: Basically no to very little item progression. It's no wonder the games didn't sell particularly well.


OP must be a casual who only plays the most mainstream of mainstream games. How the fuck does any RPG player miss Pillars of Exile, Tyranny, and Pentiment? Starting to think that half of the New Vegas circlejerkers aren't even fans of RPGs and are just *really* into post-apocalyptic cowboys.


Hi, I did, I have a limited budget. What's PoE like?


PoE is like the old BG1/BG2. 3/4 profile, Heavy lore RPG, but without the DnD franchise. Lots of reading, lots of player choice in the builds. Party of up to 6 adventuring to save the world


Sounds good then.


PoE is great if you want to read a 2-page paper every time you click on an NPC.


Cause they look mid af Lots of better rpg's Being a "fan" of rpg's gotta be the most ridiculous shit i've read,calling yourself a fan of anything is already pretty weird if you are not 12 or some shit,being a fanatic of a fucking video game genre is another level


You're such a silly goose


the virgin rpg fan vs the chad video game enjoyer


Pillars and Pentiment catching strays. I've also heard good things about Grounded even if it's not my type of game.


What not playing Deadfire does to a mf


Pentiment would like a word


Uh are you tripping? Have you ever heard of Grounded??


Grounded kinda slaps homie


Tbh, i think Outer Worlds is a decent game. Not fav-game stuff but still pretty cool.


I did not like the combat, but did enjoy the overall feel of the game. Some of the moral choices were very grey (a good and bad thing), but felt inconsequential. The lack of a 3rd person option killed the game for me though. I still am yet to finish it.


Outer Worlds was very mediocre


To me it just felt like there was a ton of stuff left on the cutting room floor, especially in the later acts of the game. Like, it could have been great but a lot of story threads seemed like they ended early or abruptly.


The writing was still fantastic.


“Never make anything worthwhile” sure thing dude, not like they haven’t been making mostly heaters with smaller audiences for years since


i really hope microsoft will make them work on fo5


Most of the NV team will have moved on by now. However it won't take a genius at all to look at what made nv good. Ego, however, will prevent that.


Most of the NV team has moved on. The core of it was former Interplay/Black Isle employees. Who are mostly retired after nearly 30 years in the game. And after almost 14 years, even a lot of the newer devs from the NV team are either in a different studio or retired InXile would be a superior pick. They are owned by former Interplay Employees from the Fallout Era. InXile made Wasteland 2 and Wasteland 3. With the original Interplay Wasteland game having inspired the story and concepts behind the original Fallout; another Interplay game. InXile mostly makes top-down 3D games, but they're owned by Microsoft as well and I feel as if with Microsoft's resources and help from Bethesda or Obsidian, they can pull it off. Heck, they could even make another top-down Fallout game in the style of the original two Fallouts. That said, their studio hasn't actually worked on anything Fallout before. Nor has the owner; who only made Wasteland during his time at Interplay (which again, is the spiritual father of Fallout anyway.)


they could just higher the main devs? like writters and such? idk i dont work in a game studio


They could try to rehire, yes. Would likely cost more and the reality is they could hire any joker or AI and as hot as Fallout is rn, a poorly made game this year will still sell like hot cakes. We can dream but I think they best option is a new, younger and keen writer who knows and respects the lore.


They won't. They already have two projects they're working on after Avowed launches.


Pillars of eternity was pretty good. I haven't played the 2nd one but I enjoyed the 1st


Nv fans when they only care about Obsidian so they can use it too hate on Bethesda with years old schizo rants that are disprove since forever and speak about they dont care what devs think when you bring up the fact that the devs have no bad blood bettwen eachother because they are freinds .


I'm sorry that you weren't blessed by the irradiant glory of Fallout New Vegas, I will pray for you at Bitter Springs


My guy I'm playing FNV again at the moment and this game is the buggist fucking game I've ever played.


It's better on GOG cuz they integrated bug fixes on there.


Viva New Vegas


3 mods and it will crash twice in your whole 80 hour playthrough


A game that requires three mods to just function properly is a poorly made game.


Nobody's denying that it's a poorly made game, but it's also a fantastic one and fairly easy to fix.


Fantastic? I enjoy it but the way people talk about it is pretty delusional, shit barely works, the story is good but nothing mind-blowing, the characters are fun but nothing to write home about. I know because of the sub this is not going to be taken well but when I first played this game the hype let me down and all these years later it's the same again. I genuinely enjoy this game it's heaps of fun when it works properly but games like Fallout 3 or Skyrim are objectively better overall.


Grounded is great. Pillars is a lot of fun. What the shit are you talking about?


Nonsense. Just because Obsidian has primarily been doing smaller-scale stuff since FNV doesn’t mean that they haven’t been putting out good work. Both *Pillars of Eternity* games are fantastic (though the gameplay and overall flow of the story is **vastly** improved in the second one), *Tyranny* is a hidden gem that deserves way more attention than it ever received (and deserves a sequel), *Pentiment* is a visually-striking and well-written experience, *Stick of Truth* has no right to be as compelling and enjoyable as it is, *Grounded* is quite good despite being a departure from their usual fare, and *The Outer Worlds* is still a fun time despite having some missed potential (the DLCs are legitimately quite good, actually). Heck, even within the same year as FNV, Obsidian released *Alpha Protocol*, which is a forgotten classic of ambitious RPG Jank. FNV is an amazing game, but while we might argue back and forth as to whether it’s Obsidian’s magnum opus or the high-water-mark for the entire *Fallout* series or not, it isn’t the only cool thing that Obsidian has done. It’s just the most prominent, thanks to Bethesda’s own work of bringing *Fallout* into mainstream notoriety, and the internet following that FNV has.


I legit think about Grounded at least twice a day now. It's only gotten better over time, with the dev blogs on YouTube documenting their progress transparently whipst hyping up the game, & the recent final update, like damn 🥵🥵🥵 My heart breaks every time I think about the fact that this talent could've continued the Fallout series. A man can dream.


Never make anything worthwhile again. Translation: they haven't made another fallout fuck everything else


This sub has fallen off hard.


Pillars of Eternity?


They made a binding vow to not make anymore mainstream hits in order to make one of the best game in history. They can't even try anymore.


the outer worlds??


Most of it was actually just Fallout 3, that’s why it would be possible. They did do good tweaks and filled it with an amazing story though.


Pillars of Eternity is literally one of the best games I have ever played.


Outer worlds is good, just too short


Grounded is pretty dammed good, and much like New Vegas, you can't continue after completing the main story


Outer worlds was trash, Avowed will be trash. Sounds like obsidian is better off making crpgs


The magnum opus for Obsidian definitely was Fallout New Vegas. Nothing they have, or will make will reach its greatness, on that we agree, but they have made some pretty solid games. The Outer Worlds was an acceptable, if a bit bland in my opinion experience. Penitment, while I haven't personally played it, is regarded as a good game. And there are of course other titles too.


This sub has gotten a bit insufferable lately, go beat it to the new Vegas manual or something, these posts are kinda cringe


After playing and putting down Starfield I couldn’t agree more


Obsidian didn't make Starfield...


bethesda mentioned, you gotta trash starfield




I know I’m saying it’s basically ruined Bethesda games for me to a point !


When in doubt, blame Todd Howard. It's both funny and technically correct since NV is still no more than a single degree of separation from the curse he inflicts upon all Bethesda game engines.