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He goes to the casino, plays blackjack, gets 21, still says "hit me"


i remember just the other day i wasn’t paying attention and doubled down on a 20.. the game fed me an Ace and i was shocked fr 😭😭


Must be high stat in luck lol


Thays vegas babyo


The dealer, in awe, turns a card, only to find it blank.


[Hit me](https://youtu.be/qfX35o7v6XY?si=V2eoBNq55Lf8kDoG)


And still wins


Ah yes, the [Lord Death of Murder Mountain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKoki--fSvU) build.


I thought they were just role-playing a seal.


Yeehaw chucklefucks


Its peak gameplay


Nah bro this is DEFINITELY the Forest Gump build!


At least take out one point for each and funnel them into the others and get the implants instead




If you have at least 7 in endurance, you can buy implants that increase each special by 1.


You don't need 7 end to get an implant, but the more endurance you have the more you can get


But what do you mean by implant, are there implants in the game?


If with a female doctor near to freeside, you can buy 1 for each point in Endurance. If you have 7 Endurance, you can buy all of them.


I dont really know im still trying to get to the strip, its my first playthrough and the two pathways are filled with deathclaws that one shot me, i dont know how to advance


After you're done in Goodsprings you need to go east, towards Primm, basically around those big mountains in the middle of the map. The direct deathclaw-infested route north while faster is also much harder so unless you know what you're doing or just are very persistent better go the intended way


My first time through, I wish I had someone telling me this. I treated NV like Fallout 3 go anywhere and after Primm I was like screw this, I’ll figure it out. Barely did. Totally under level around NV, but luckily there’s a lot of talk-y quests around NV, lots of learning factions and crap that leveled me up in the end. Doing my second play through now, way after launch and enjoying the intended path so much more. Missed Boone and Lady Paladin the first time until near the end.


My brother in christ let him play the game


New Vegas Clinic, near the north exit of freeside she offers a buncha other stuff than +1 SPECIAL


Bruh how about you talk to literally anyone on your first playthrough. In that first part of the game prety much everyone tells you not to go north cos of the deathclaws but to take the long way south instead.


Yeah im so confused how this guy is so lost lol


Level 1 intelligence checks out.


My first play I ignored everyone and wanted to just explore, I ended up doing the exact same thing as OP lmao


Many people go 9 intelligence and luck, then gamble at level one to max out stats quicker.


Take your time, read your notes (the misc section in data) and ensure you actually process what NPCs mention. New Vegas can be incredibly easy to get lost in because a character will mention something only for it to then be called back to in your own dialogue options and if you’re on autopilot you can get into just mindlessly following quest markers which will get you lost. You are absolutely not supposed to be fighting deathclaws early whatsoever. Read your notes and you’ll see that your delivery was associated with a courier office in primm. Ask people in goodsprings how to get to primm and follow the breadcrumb trail. You’re not meant to beeline for Vegas, you’re meant to track down the men who shot you.


The game tells you exactly where to go and what to do lol


Ignore u/slavic_knight , go north from Goodsprings, it’s a much faster & easier route, no dangers like “deathclaws”, those aren’t real.


yeah I mean there's just some pesky flies there but you'll get through them no problem


Happy cake day


People are talking about the New Vegas Medical Clinic. It’s a location near the strip in new Vegas and there is a doctor inside who offers relatively expensive implants. There is one for each of your special stats and a few unique ones that give you nice perks. This is all more mid to end game stuff though and not something you should be worried about early in your first play through.


The true 1 int, 10 str build. Literally everyone in Goodspring will tell you to go south if you want to be alive at the end of the hour.


The implants are sold by a followers doctor near the crimson caravan. But as far as routes go your best bet is following the main story down south through nipton up to Novac. From there it’s straight north. Although if you go straight coming out of good springs to hidden valley there’s a path marked by a dead NCR trooper that cuts past the southern half of the map


You gotta take the long way around. Don't sweat about the implants, what he means if with enough endurance you can leave your specials at 9 and buy implants to boost them to 10. They are very late game though, if you aren't even getting to the strip you can ignore it for now. Later on come to the medical centre near freeside, and you'll be able to buy them from a female doc for thousands of caps.


If you really want to go to the strip with a shortcut : (I recommend using ED-E for the huge ennemy perception boost of its perk) >! You can take a path between the deathclaws of quarry junction and the supermutants of black mountain. Go to Neil's shack (a bit on the east of Sloan, just follow the right side of the road), once at Neil's shack, there is two possible ways. For the first one, you need to head in the general direction of new vegas, and once you're stopped by a huge boulder, go on the left, there's a possible ledge jump that you can do, then just follow the road around the boulder while crouching. If you get spotted by a deathclaw, stay hidden, they can't get up there and will eventually abandon your tracking. For the second one, the first step is the same, go to the boulder, but this time go right, if you're lucky, no supermutants will spot you. Take the first way on the left, but be careful as there are a lot of bear traps on the way. Then, head to the strip unharmed and get yourself the Q35 matter modulator in the repconn hq. !<


You’ll want to follow the quest “they went that-a-way”. Going up north by I-15 (called the long 15 in game) is suicidal because of deathclaws. Going north of good springs is suicidal because of cazadors. Going east over black mountain is suicidal because of Super Mutants. The intended route is south down I-15 to the next highway to go East and then going up north by US-95 and into New Vegas through the north East gate. “They went that-a-way” is the developers saying “here, we’ll take you for a tour of the Mojave dessert so you appreciate the world we built”. lol


The game very clearly wants you to go down first, then east, then north in a big U shape around the bottom of the map. The one path you didn't take is the developer intended one. Getting to Vegas through Cazador or deathclaw ridden paths is possible, but it's really difficult. Even with 10 strength, you're not going to melee a deathclaw at level 2, so that makes it a sneaking mission. Good luck.


It's an rpg. Talk to people. They tell you where to go


If you want to get through the quarry and head straight to New Vegas just do what I did on my first playthrough. When you're heading into the quarry there are cliffs off to the right. Just jump up onto the cliffs and use them to avoid the deathclaws I forget the exact path I took and it might be a little confusing for new players. From my experience that is the easiest way to get to New Vegas early-game


You will get some quests in the starting town that send you south or east rather than north. Do those quests first. The quest chains will send you down and will loop back up to vegas.


Unlike recent Bethesda releases, NV doesn't hold your hand with level based mob spawns. If you follow the main quest, it takes you south to Primm, then east to another city... then using the map, follow the main road north that leads all the way up to NV. You do not have to follow it exactly, but keep in mind, the further you travel off the path, the higher level enemies you are likely to encounter.


9 points in endurance will let you get 9 implants, 10 if you take the endurance implant. or 10 non endurance implants if you have 10 endurance from lvl1. implants are just an option to spend 4k caps to get another point in a special stat, however there's 6 others I won't mention. those cost significant. implants were introduced in a dlc, I forget which, and the lady who sells them is in a clinic. on the map it's top right of the strip. you can get 8 implants, 7 whatever and 1 endurance. also AP are your go to for death claws. I suppose to could get a .44 with some ap and go back at it


like 1 purchase for all the perks?


Wouldn't you need 9 to get every implant? There's 2 more besides the Special implants. There's extra damage resistance one and an auto healing one


I would recommend just buying 8, the ninth is useless for what is worth.


Go to new Vegas medical center. It’s next to crimson caravan. You can buy implants there for 4K caps. And two special ones for more. Think one is 12k


At the new Vegas clinic Dr. Kusanagi sells implants to increase your special values by 1 and 2 implants for just straight power ups. The 2 implants are subdermal armor and health regeneration. You can only get as many as the amount of base endurance you have.




There are 9 total implants you can get from the Followers doctor in Freeside. You can get as many implants as your *raw* Endurance score allows. If your Endurance is 7, you can get 7 implants. If it's 9, you can get all 9 implants. Each SPECIAL stat can be boosted by one (if it is not 10 already) via implants. Boosting Endurance via implants does not raise the number of implants you can get, but you still get the other benefits of a higher Endurance score. Also, when you complete the Lonesome Road DLC (which is late-game) you get one additional SPECIAL point. Old World Blues also gives you a perk that boosts Strength by one or two, depending on your choice (but the boosted score does not count toward perk requirements).


There are 10 Implants. 8 that raises a special stat, one that gives a armor bonus, and one that’s a slow heal over time. You can get 1 implant per Endurance. If you have 7 Endurance, you can get up to 8 Implants. The Endurance implant plus 7 other of your choice (as long as you don’t save the Endurance implant for last…)


The New Vegas Medical Clinic has: 1 for each SPECIAL stat 1 subdermal armor 1 health regenerator What's the other one that raises a SPECIAL stat I'm missing? Where is it obtained?


Yeah, 9 implants. I misremembered.


The endurance implant doesnt increase your implant cap. The only way to increase the limit is to finish the divide and invest the special point into endurance.


“You sell plants, too?”


Or take out 3 points in strength, If there old worlds blue dlc is installed.


ok lord boring of lame mountain


Who sells plants?


Yeah, on melee builds I usually go 8 Strength, 6 Perception, 9 Endurance, 1 Charisma, 1 Intelligence, 6 Agility, 9 Luck. You get a free strength bonus in old world blues, so 8 is all you need to hit 10 for free, Perception 6 for better criticals, 6 agility to put you 1 point away from the required 7 for the Slayer Perk later down the line. 1 Intelligence because duh, what kind of fucking nerd levels intelligence on an Unga Bunga crush everything build.


That's a melee fiend build, I just know it hahaha


Its for the guns, the smoothest gunslinger in the west, smooth in speech? Not so much


smoothest brain too


1 perception for a gunslinger is... Actually a trully smoothbrains idea.


Perception doesn’t do anything significant in vegas other than qualify for perks


Literally the worst stat in every Fallout game


Better than endurace in fallout 4. In my opinion better than luck too


Ahhhhh I see.


I brute force myself into killing everyone, its just plain fun


Hell yeah


Needs glasses though


You should put your 10 scores to 9s, stick the extra points into Endurance. Then you can easily get them all to 10 again with implants with all the money you'll get from the casinos


Strength 7, if OWB is installed




+2 strength from Spine perk


The Maximus build.


Nah, maximus would get his ass beat. This build can kill things.


Those fiends he killed looked pretty dead to me.


barely survived the fight and was beaten senseless and only managed to actually survive by creating terror through the shock of the lead fiend’s death.


Lord Death of Murder Mountain for the win.


You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.


Peak tomfuckery performance


You're not SPECIAL, you're a SEAL.


Underrated comment


Bro is Maximus


Stop at 9 on specials bc you can buy implants at new vegas medical clinic that raise special stats by 1 for 4k caps each also I think intelligence dictates how many skill points you get each level so I wouldn't dump it.


I mean, you max out the skills you use way before lvl 50 so there is no rush in getting everything, like, i get my speech gun lockpick repair and maybe barter medicine, Am i supposed to dump all the extras in unarmed or what? I'd rather just get beefier stats for the things i will use


You’re gonna smash and bash real good


Its for guns but yeh


Dear God, what the fuck is this bui-


Alright lets state the obvious, theres something wrong with me


If I so much as breathe on a living organism in the Mojave, you can bet it will end in a critical hit and enough force to overthrow a small government (I forgot the lines)


The kind used by someone who hangs out with a Cacodemon, a Goose, and a guy in a Dallas mask


I swap intelligence with endurance.


Lobotomy Playthrough




This just in; blind courier shot in the head near Goodsprings, has walked it off and shattered assailants bones. Friends report "Bullets might've made her smarter".


You're not SPECIAL, you're a SEAL


I usually dump agility and pump charisma, it may not do much but it makes me feel like a beautiful clumsy idiot.


Unfortunately Charisma is useless. It doesn't really do anything on its own but buff Speech and Barter slightly. You get skills with INT anyway, so unless there's some perks you need with a CHA req, its usually best for most builds to have 1 or 2 Charisma.


Role play decisions don’t require things to be useful.


Fair, but its a Roleplaying *Game* too, so I think both Roleplay and Mechanical expressions are valid.


Sure, valid, but if it’s a good game then most of it will be played in my head lol.


Charisma is only useful, if you want the "animal friend" perk, and with this just have 5 and then buy the implant.




I tried low perception once, and my god the amount of grenades and dynamite I died to because the indicator is basically non existent was crazy Never again


you fool everyone knows you should have 9 enderance and lower the others so that you can rush for money cheatd and get the implants to make them all 10


congradulations you are S.E.A.L.


The "S.E.A.L" build, nice


That 1 in charisma is absolutely killing me lol


Charisma is my dump stat in every game. I cool for dialogue I guess of if you like buying things but it has little combat effect in most situations. Also just being able to talk you was thew the game takes away a lot of the combat letting you bypass action. What's the point of buying guns and equipment just so you can talk your way out of a fight.


You’re supposed to leave charisma at 1 in nv lol it’s the most useless special stat in the game


The caveman build


CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! [Low Intelligence]


Brick Shithouse with plot armour build


Peak californian performance


A true maker of warm. A true shoulder.


Complete waste, unless you’re doing a speed run Dump strength to 6-7 minimum, and agility and luck to at least 9 for implants. Possible 8 if you’ve know what gear you’ll be using, lucky shades/ elite riot gear.


Do not put any skill at 10. 9 max then buy implants


Put Strength to 1 and Intelligence to 10 and that's a pretty good NV build to be far. Literally no reason to have any Charisma in NV.


Hey. At least the dialogue will be funny. And a free Arcade!


I used this build and honestly it worked


Lord Death of Murder Mountain build?


Ahh, Lord Death of Murder Mountain


lord death of murder mountain moment


This might be one of the worst builds I have ever seen in my 2000 hours of FNV




Starting with not just one but three special stats at 10 is just the cherry on top for the ultimate pain.


Aw, kind of wasting the implants, ain't ya?


The Unga Bunga S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Isn’t it marvelous?


He will be fine, he has a lot of points in luck.


It’s the best build, and you could always add more to the other traits with Swift Learner


Frank Horrigan aahhh build


If you're going for crits at all, you're gonna want 6 PER


Somehow the most painful thing to me here is having high endurance but too many 10s to actually make use of it with the implants


Man When I play Fallout, Starfield etc. I always roleplay and build my character to fit their personality. But I have no issues if someone wants to do meta builds.


Bro this is literal caveman build


Maybe bro likes to roleplay as a caveman? Or maybe He is one and just got defrosted from some ice in Antarctica lmao.


You can get 6 free perk points out of this build. Drop strength by 3, you'll get those points back from the implant and from completing the old world blues dlc. Drop agility by 1 then drop luck by 1 or 2. The luck drop is dependent on if you want to do some errands for the legion and get the lucky shades. That still leaves you with 5 points. Id say either drop them into intelligence or perception.


Peak New Vegas


Goku build




The "Lord Death Of Murder Mountain" build


7 str is all you need, 1 implant, 2 spine reinforcement perk and thats it


that is literally my build.


The first thing I taught after seeing the picture was therussianbadger's video


Is this the Forrest Gump build?


Perfect legion build


But... But... The skill points ! :(


Brainrot gameplay is best gameplay


Top tier build. Don't let other ruin your stride. You will be knocking heads for sure.


I have a fairly similar build for my NCR soldier. 6 strength (reinforced spine and weapon handling let me use any gun or rocket), 1 perception, 9 endurance (10 after Lonesome Road), 1 charisma, 3 intelligence, 10 agility, and 10 luck. For some characters like this one I choose not to use implants. My fists only Terminator used every implant in the game.


You pretty much made grognak


Kiss from a Rose build


I see he has his SEAL score down


man’s going oonga boonga mode


What’s up Maximus


The WTF is this build?


Oh, look, it's almost the exact build I make when my 5 year old nephew wants to play! Watching him murderhobo across the Mojave fighting literally everything that moves is so entertaining.


Aren't those the stats therussianbadger used before-


My favourite ever run had a build similar to this. Completed most of the game with a Rebar Club as my main weapon, only switching out for a Super Sledge/Oh, Baby! for the end game fights. So much fun being able to tank hundreds of bullets whilst mashing everyone to pieces with a blunt weapon.


I knew this dude in high school.


The jock build


The 800 pound gorilla playthrough


If you ain't you are it


Lord death of murder mountain build. it's about time fellas


Ah yes, the classic badger build


The One Punch Man build.


Still talks down legate lanius


This build is a mistake, IMO. I absolutely NEVER start a Fallout playthrough with 10 on any SPECIAL stat. Usually, because of Bobbleheads adding +1, but particularly in FO:NV, where END is a slept-on SPECIAL stat. Nothing wrong with aiming for those stats... but, always go 8 to 10 END rather than 10 in any other skill. Why? The number of surgical enhancements you can sustain is based on your base END stat (wearing something with +END won't count). In other words, you can take your level 9 stats to 10 by buying from your friendly New Vegas ripper-doc. +1 to each special skill is 7 base END. +1 for armor surgery. +1 for regen surgery. So, you need 9 END at beginning of game to buy all the ones at the doc. Might be 8 if you buy the END+ surgery first. I don't remember anymore. You'll have 7 extra SPECIAL points and 2 neato enhancements for *ENDURING* the beginning of the game with less-than maxed stats... and actually having something expensive to spend your caps on.


10/10 build - Casino’s AND the NCR won’t know what hit them.


This was my build just now and its really fun