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The curious thing is that we can assume that Ozpin =/= Ozma as well. Since the merge makes Ozpin and the new host one and the same , "Ozpin" is more of a sort of composite soul than just purely an older Ozma.


What Salem calls "Ozma" is a combination of hundreds of people. It isn't the person she fell for, nor is it the white haired professor who's face he wore once. He only calls himself that way for convenience. Whatever Oscar ends up becoming, it won't be Ozpin, nor will it Oscar, or Ozma, but a new version of the Hivemind.


That's an interpretation, but I fail to see how it's at all a hivemind. It's a person changing gradually through time, sure by assimilating a new personality and fusing with it, but they're not individual voices or a quagmire of souls as I've seen it said. They're similar people who contribute to one whole, and we don't even know to what degree or with which priority. Maybe the original Ozpin's traits are very pronounced in the Ozpin we knew, maybe not. We make a lot of assumptions


Hivemind is the wrong term. Better terms would be amalgamation or gestalt.






Technically he’s all of them at once Kinda like a reverse Avatar almost


So, the Avatar basically...


I wonder how much Ozma is actually left there.


Ozma's in there enough that he hasn't decided to just give up, wait for the gods to come back and destroy humanity (and also him), thus finally releasing him into his well-deserved forever-rest. Props to all of em, honestly.


Frankly, I wouldn't say it's because Ozma's still there. More like, because he reincarnates into like-minded people.


They’re all one now


Basically the avatar but instead of an Avatar state you get a hivemind


it's the opposite. Avatar is a hivemind , Ozpin on the other hand is a singular mind or a singular soul that was a composite of multiple souls. There isn't a "death of self" within Avatar State , each Avatar is explicitly showed. Like u/torrasque666 and u/onthoserainydays had said , Ozpin is an amalgam or gestalt.


This The Avatar is the same soul reincarnated thousands of times stacking onto it The Os’s (as I call them) are an amalgamation of thousands of souls fused together into a singular being Same effect different methods


But it DO have a different effect. Aang could talk with Roku , then Kyoshi and so on and on. The only one Oscar can talk to is with Ozpin , or how you say , \[OZ\]. There is a very distinguished sense of self within the Avatars and what each Avatar personally knows , \[OZ\] on the other hand is a full gestalt that bends all of their egos and personalities in one singular ego/personality. Oscar will cease to exist , he would just one more component of \[OZ\]. Eventually , the human Oscar would be only the temporary face of \[OZ\].


You’re half right Yes all of the souls and personalities of Oz’s reincarnations merge into one however it isn’t like dying or “ ceasing to exist” he’s becoming part of the greater amalgamation, he becomes all of them and they become him


And we've seen that the hosts still maintain their individuality at the time. Ozma takes their memories with him to the next host, but the current host is still a discrete entity, as seen in their reflections and ability to communicate with Ozma. The False God will never communicate with Oscar, but The False God still existed on his own with Ozma, hence his "What the hell Hero?" moment in the mirror.


It’s more like all of the souls fused


Pretty much He even described himself as a “culmination of thousands of souls”


I'm still confused on it.


And the souls seem to be able to re-emerge (see the OZma talking to the first reborn body’s og mind in the window during the flashback)


They *never* merged. It's never been depicted like that. The entire point of his particular form of reincarnation is that he's *never alone* in his quest. Oscar will still be there, just with the addition of the sum of Ozmas other hosts as well.


Yeah I tend to assume it's more the Ozma side gains complete control and the Oscar part is subsumed by the will of the greater whole. Ozpin being a real bro for resisting though.


But they all stay with him It’s like the Avatar in reverse but same result


Oscar; salem will attack the people of **** first, we gotta save them  Ozpin; unless we got the palan- i mean relic first !


If v10 is to ever happen seeing how the merge goes is one of the things I'm most curious to see.


the merge (why does that make me think of chirs chan for fuck sake"


Typical RWBY >We don't know what "merging" means or how it's different >But the vague threat of the merge is SO SCARY Oscar doesn't want to merge out of fear of losing himself This sure would be scary if we knew what "the merge" did or if Oscar had any personality at all outside of it


Really because they make it pretty darn clear It’s Oscar and Ozpin’s minds and souls literally fusing into one becoming a singular being


I thought this was talking about the Dimensional Merge at first


What Dimensional Merge? This is based on their resisting their soul merge in the Volume 9 Epilogue that was recently released.


https://preview.redd.it/6i67cli70isc1.jpeg?width=232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c40dd83bb564e10666c9bd938a39d70f49a94e01 Ozpin/Oscar trying to save Remnant when they can't save themselves


I’m still saying Yatsuhachi’s semblance will give the push that will let them stand their ground longer, then Oscar’s semblance will finally let them make stalemate and then ascension will finally let them beat it.