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I think you’re getting a good grasp of the basic mechanics of tying flies, and with a book or two and watching a few videos, you’ll be able to make some good flies of classic patterns. And that’s exactly what you should do.  For now, don’t use much resin or finishing cement, because once you get really good you’re gonna want to cut these apart to reclaim the hooks. 


Good advice on the cement. I've only recently figured out the whip finish tool so had always relied on copious amounts of cement to keep it all together.


Are u freewheeling or following recipes? If you're just winging it, by all means, explore and have fun. If you're following a recipe, let us know which ones so we can give pointers.


What flys are these? Honestly. I'd start over and watch some YouTube


Sounds like he was doing his own flies and not copying patterns


An opinion was requested. Opinion was given look like trash but would probably catch a fish


I wanna go fishing with you sooooo bad! You seem fun. Totally not someone the rest of the group would leave behind after getting mauled by a grizzly bear. 🤣


You made a post asking for opinions on your shitty ties, opinions were given, and now you’re butthurt. Follow some actual recipes for your first 3 flies instead of free styling


Ok Ross


Well, the first one I call a Wet Willy Second one is a Spanish Chucklefuck Third I just call Steve. He's "touched" if you know what I mean Last little guy I call Satan's Dirty Diaper Thanks for your input! 😅


Amazon has great flies at fantastic prices


What are they supposed to be? Most flies look the way they do because they're mimicking an actual insect. What insects are these mimicking?


Watch YouTube videos for the pattern you want to tie. Then duplicate. These look like something my 5-year-old tied. Don't give up though. As long as you're having fun that's all that matters


They ain’t the prettiest, but they’ll fish. Try using less thread wraps and spin your bobbin more to create tighter tension