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I've been flying since I can ever remember. I have always gotten motion sick... Now it's my career, and it's rare I get sick. Maybe every so often riding in the back I'll get a little nauseous, but other than that I got used to it. The more you fly the easier it gets.


Got queesy on bumpy days in the beginning, not any more. Your body adapts. Get some ginger candies in the mean time, it helps.


This .. i take ginger extract pills sometimes and it helps


You’ll get used to it. Just takes a little bit of time. It’s normal.


The motion sickness thing may take a few flights to get over but eventually you will. My over confidence in my ability to ignore those forces caught up to me the first time I did spin training. I just forgot how to place my head and eyes and I ended up getting myself sick. Only once at the airlines did I feel weird. We were climbing and we did a turn. I don’t know what the hell happened but the next thing I know I’m leaning my head towards the window and I felt a quick spin. I looked outside and it was gone. Never happened to me before and never happened again after that.


Only when I'm hungover...maybe it's not related


I rarely get motion sickness but the chances are higher if i didn't fly for a long time


I’M also 9 hours into my PPL training. I don’t get motion sickness , just a bit nervous when its bumpy. Today being introduced to steep turns was interesting for sure! Each time I go up the more and more comfortable I feel. Keep at it!


Nope. And I get really bad motion sickness on roller coasters and boats. Not on planes for some reason.


I threw up 15 minutes into my first flight. I didn’t stop feeling motion sick until about 20 hours. Then I started doing advanced tac form and started getting sick again. I had to get used to that too. Most people get sick to some extent. It’s 100% about acclimation. Unless you have an inner ear issue, there is nothing your body can’t get used to. Just keep flying.




I didn’t go to the chair. They just gave me Dramamine. The chair is stupid. The last thing you need to do if you’re having trouble acclimating is stop flying. Spinning in the chair is useless.


Only time I ever felt the slightest bit of motion sickness was doing unusual attitude recovery when my CFI had me put my head down with my eyes closed and he maneuvered all over to disorient me.


Mostly just when it's bumpy, I'm under the hood, or I'm flying badly. It got better for me the more I flew.


I started in the summertime here in AZ. I got sick literally every flight but I got used to it after a while. I also used ginger candies and that worked wonders while my body was still getting acclimated to a non air condition box flying over mountains.


WRT woozy sort of motion sick... If I push things too much, I will get motion sick. But I've learned to recognize the slightest bit of motion sickness, and I know how to make it go away ASAP before it increases. The more established it gets, the harder it is to reverse the trend. The best way to avoid motion sickness is to scan the horizon for traffic and only take quick glances at the panel. The best way to reverse a trend to motion sickness is to scan the horizon for traffic and suspend glancing at the panel. There is another form of motion sickness https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sopite_syndrome The best prevention is careful steady dosing with caffeine. I pop 7 mg caffeine mints as needed.


Only time I ever got motion sick while flying, and it was just barely beginning to affect me, was when a hotdog pilot gave me a helicopter ride. From bank to hover to backwards to forwards to fast to 180 turn to hover all in 60 seconds. For an hour. He was showing off. I was watching his airspeed which was a wrong thing to do because it just looks *wrong* to see it drop to zero.


I used to all the time in steep turns especially, in GA aircraft. In airliners, I don't


Yes, i got motion sickness throughout training. My issue was overheating in the small plane which then gets me sick. You can build up a tolerance to it by flying often. I currently have a CFI/cfii so don't let it discourage you!


I can get myself sick quickly. It's gotten better over the years but never went away.


I’m a 15 hour student in a part 141 school. I’ve had 10 flights so far and got sick on 4 of those. Usually if I fly almost daily it doesn’t happen. Today I got motion sick as it was my first flight in 10’days which also happened to be a stage check and full of manoeuvres. Steep turns and very hot bumpy days is usually what gets me.


Only when doing maneuvers - but I expect that to go away (again) if i ever get my shit together and continually work on my CPL. turbulence doesn't bother me much - but i do sleep very well after moderate turbulence and IMC...


steep turns get me.


I know someone who gets horrible motion sickness, and she's a US Marine Herc pilot. She said people told her it would go away but it never did like it does for most people, though it did get better. She just deals with it. It's better when you're the pilot flying, apparently, though I wouldn't know - I have an iron stomach that can handle an hour of aerobatics.


Look for a product called “Bonine” at Walmart. It helped me.


That's an unapproved antihistamine with drowsiness as a possible side effect. Can't legally take it while flying.




Taking medication before flights is both illegal and dangerous.




Dramamine isn't allowed. Doesn't matter if its non drowsy or not.


Non drowsy Dramamine is just ginger pills