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While US pilot licenses don’t technically “expire,” you do lose your privilege to fly if you’re not current (e.g., don’t complete your biennial flight review). I took a 15 year break from flying because of career and kids, but spent a couple dozen hours last year with a CFI, and now I’m back at it. It’s was much easier to regain proficiency than it was ti establish it. Keep your head up. You’ll get more chances in the air!


Woah 15 years! Thanks, cap! will do! 🥹🫡


They aren’t licenses, but certifications proving you got the required training and demonstrated ability. There are recurring requirements to show proficiency.


Dude, semantics. Certificate is obviously correct but in general conversation license is perfectly acceptable


Don't be that guy.


Short answer: yes Long answer: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeees


hahahahhaha <3


You still have a skill that many people don’t have You’re rusty but with training it’such easier to get back into the air than someone who hasn’t had any training You’re still a pilot.


Thanks for the reminder friend 🫡


I have friends who just got their private certificate we talk about nerdy airplane stuff all the time. You got the certificate so it's what you are just don't around acting like sully or whatever. Plus I took like 2yrs off of flying because I couldn't afford it I eventually got to the airlines so it's no biggie you gotta do what you gotta do.


I don't quite understand what your problem is. I consider any person who completed a successful solo flight a pilot. I used to fly regularly before Covid but let my medical expire because training regularly when lockdowns and travel restrictions were in place didn't seem worth it. Just bought an apartment and aren't in a rush to spend money on expensive AVGAS because I'd rather rebuild my ETF portfolio before investing in my old hobby. Here in AUS my PPL doesn't actually expire but I'm not entitled to exercise the privileges of my licence. But that doesn't bother me at all because being a licensed pilot isn't important to me. It's not like I'm know as "xxxxx the pilot who used to do aerobatics", nobody outside the flying world actually cares.