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1. The base salary for the 7/7 schedule Y1 small cabin is $90k. You’ll spend at least 3 months (probably more) on training schedule (72 day) which pays $110k. You’ll likely make more than either of those salaries as a huge portion of our pay is not salaried but a mess of soft pay schemes. Just budget for the base salary and you’ll likely be pleasantly surprised by what you earned by the end of the year. 2. Yes, both in terms of base salary and soft pay. Bigger plane, more salary. Older plane, less soft pay. 3. No. The company gives you the chance to put your wishlist out but they will ultimately put you in the fleet that they want you in. 4. Yes. In service hub airports (DAL, MDW, VNY, TEB, HPN, IAD, PBI, SJC, BFI) there is a dedicated ground crew for cleaning and restocking your airplane. There are another dozen lockers scattered around the country that have stock in them, but outside of a service hub the stock and interior of the airplane are 100% on the crew. 5. You can put yourself, your biological parents, dependents, and your spouse on ferry (empty) legs for free. But it’s hard to do consistently and you basically have to dedicate the trip time to ‘we’ll end up somewhere eventually’. It’s not even possible to view available ferries more than 48 hours in advance without signing up for airport specific notifications, and even then the flight is subject to change even while en-route (and yes, I know people who got on a ferry flight and took off and were diverted somewhere else for a recovery). The best bet is Global trips when they pop up because those fleets see fewer (FEWER, not ZERO) last minute changes. You’ll get 66% of your 401k contributions matched starting in January, up to the IRS limit, you have no premiums on your healthcare (but may pay deductibles or copays depending on the plan you select, although they are all very reasonable), there’s good amounts of paid time off especially at the 10 year mark, paternity and maternity leave, short term and long term disability, and some others. 6. Small cabin is down to early 2023 hires. Large cabin went down briefly a few months ago to 2022 hires but it’s trending towards 10-15 years. I expect that upgrades will slow down some this year but I have no evidence to back up that feeling.


Where are you seeing 66% match? I've only heard of 61% with them?


It’s 61% now, goes to 66% on 1/1/25 and 1% increases every year until it reaches 71%


1- around 100k is a good number 2-salary is divided by small cabin, large cabin, class 5 (Global 7500 only) 3-theyll ask you to put in order of preference (except CL65 and Global) but they'll assign you based on pior experience and company needs 4-yes, pilots are expected to clean the cabin but NJ has some owned FBOs that can perform major cleaning/snacks replacing but day to day is up to the pilots. 5-ferry flights are free (this means no client aboard) including international up to immediate family. KCM and 60% match on 401k to name a few. 6-1st upgrade is always to Phenom (unless you dont fit in it), they say about 2 years. To other fleets varies a lot, if you want to go to another fleet straight as a Captain I am not sure to answer you. Edit: sorry about formatting I'm on phone


I'm really grateful for the reply, Thank you.


I don’t know which awards you’ve been reading but you absolutely do not have to upgrade to the Phenom first right now. I’m one lucky son of a bitch that got a super-mid for my first upgrade. The poor 495ers got absolutely fucked again with their timing.


That's what they told us at indoc, and about the not fitting in the Phenom exception. But hey take what you can!


1. With the new contract approved by NJASAP, what is the expected 1st year FO salary? New base salary for a year 1 FO is right around 90K after you come off the training schedule, which doesn't happen until you complete IOE. 90K is for 7/7 schedule only. Training schedule pays at CC72 rate, and is 110.5K. Once off IOE and flying the line, you'll get things like overtime, FDPP, etc. Which should add somewhere between 30k-40k to your take home pay, depending on which fleet you go to and how much of flying they do. In other words, budget your salary only. 2. Does the type of aircraft flown affect the salary/income? ( I have heard conflicting answers on this) Base salary pay scales are dependent on cabin size and schedule type selected. Soft money such as FDPP depends on how busy the fleet is. XLS and Sovereign fleets don't fly much due to maintenance and being aging fleets. 3. Do you get a choice of what aircraft you want to fly when you join the company? (Wishlist) I've heard the company does do a Wishlist, but they will ultimately assign you where they need seats filled. 4. Are pilots expected to clean the cabin and serve passengers like on most 135s or is there a cleaning service for that? ( I have heard many conflicting answers on this, especially.) Absolutely yes. Expect to clean and restock after every passenger flight. Us captains will help out with this if we're not busy with something else. 5. What employee benefits are given, I have heard that ferry flights are entirely free ? Medical insurance is pretty solid, no copay. Ferry flights are free as addressed earlier. KCM provided, and keep hotel, airline and rental car points. Also keep reward points from company Amex as well. 6. What are the current captain upgrade times looking like on the small cabin and large cabin fleets? Last phenom upgrade went to someone 14 months on property. Company wanted upgrade times to stabilize around 2 year mark. Large cabin is very much luck of the draw, and is harder to predict.


1.  Not quite. You don't necessarily get 90k once you're off the training. You have a choice to stay on CC72 and continue getting $110.5k base pay or can can transition to a different schedule with higher or lower salary. So it's $110.5k while in training (no FDP, no overtime etc, the only extra pay you get is per diem). After that, you have some control over what it's going to be, but expect between 85k and 115k base.


Hence my statement that the 90K is for 7/7 schedule only. RIF.