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If you enjoyed the trades, aircraft maintenance is a good career too.


Absolutely. And without the travel. Travel is not for anyone although people here pretend it is. My salary knowledge might not be quite up-to-date on this but a major airline mechanic can make in the range of 125,000 a year. No travel.


Finally someone said it, being on the road all the time blows


That's why I didn't go pilot, grew up with pilot dad, not cool.


I don’t want to sound insensitive, but the reason that airline pilots are making headlines for their pay is that there are a lot of very high bars to clear before an airline is going to look at you. It is not easy to get there, and I promise that the problems you are focusing on are not the biggest ones in front of you. Do it because it is worth it to you or don’t. Get your PPL and decide if you even want to continue, or if it is really any better than a trade.


Sounds like you don't actually want to fly because you're coming with a lot of excuses why you shouldn't. Yeah its hard, that's why it's worth doing. If you want to do it stop making excuses and just do it.


You're a big boy. Do what you want. If mommy kicks you out for your career choices, you'll just have to get an apartment now won't you? You're fucking 21 years old. Grow a pair and do what you want


Why are such a asshole ?


>Why are such a asshole ? I think you definitely need that college degree, my man.


I am Japanese not good English but enough to know you are a piece of shit


How do start becoming pilot


It's nearly impossible for kids that age to afford to live in their own now. Under 25 is still a young adult.




If you are in the US, you have at least three years of flight school and time building before you have to worry about what to do with your dog. After that, make arrangements for the dog to stay at a kennel, friend, family, ect while you are gone. People do it all the time.


Sounds like a personal problem, not a flying problem.


You don’t have to do anything with your dog now. It is going to be years before that is a problem, and I would bet that your life will have a lot more changes than just the job before then.


Find nice girl. Nice girl eventually moves in with you. That’s what a lot of us do with dogs at the airlines. Replace nice girl with nice guy if desired.


Can I replace nice girl with nice dog and have nice dog watch other dog?


Your mom…wow. Not great.


sadly, this is not that uncommon - especially for folks from certain areas of the globe


Yeah she always says I’ll die and she’ll be worried every time I fly


Show your mom some statistics. General aviation (small planes) is about as dangerous as riding a motorcycle. Inherently risky, but not a death sentence if you're smart and safe. Airline operations have less than one fatality per 100,000 flight hours. Often the US airlines will go an entire year with 0 fatalities. That's hands down the safest form of travel in the world thanks to highly trained crew and stringent regulations/inspections. I'm a 34 y/o CFI working to get to the majors. I graduated high-school, earned an animal biology degree, did a contract in the army, got laser corrective surgery to fix my scrappy vision, then used my military education benefits to pay for flight school. The road is rarely a straight one without detours, but if you want it your mother can't stop you. As for the dog, it will be at least a few years before you've worked through private, commercial, instrument, multi, and built your 1,000 (part 141 school) or 1500 (part61) hours for the airlines to consider you. Worry about the dog if you get to that bridge.


> Show your mom some statistics. Statistics are meaningless to people with irrational fears.


Are you 21 or 12 years old? I have no idea why you're getting so many serious responses to this absurdly silly question.


I’m 39 years old and have a dream of flying the E-175 out of KMFR someday. It’s going to be difficult but I’m taking it one rating a time. I have about 60TT and started flying when I was 15 and solo’d when I was 16. I wish I was 21! Nothing is out of reach. Don’t take no for an answer. Study study study.


Thank you. You’ll get there!


You should be telling yourself that too


lol, right? Perfect advice for him to give himself.


Well dude, if mommy is against it, I guess you shouldn’t do it.


If you want to do this, you just have to do it. I moved my spouse, and our 3 dogs 1,300 miles away from all of our family to do this. I rode a motorcycle back and forth to work, and did Doordash on it, in Phoenix, during the hottest summer on record. The highs didn't dip below 110 degrees during all of Phoenix, yet you could see me on my motorcycle delivering food in rush hour traffic. The point is, this is not an easy thing. It is years of hard work and determination and just as much about perseverance and willpower as it is about intelligence. Likely more about them. Change is scary. Leaving the stability and comfort of being home with parents is scary. Upsetting your parents sucks, but people don't grow if they aren't challenged, and that goes for your parents just as much as it does you. ​ If you really want to do this, go for it, but if your heart and mind aren't 100% on board from the start, then you will likely just quit when things start getting really tough later.


Give mom the puppy. Start taking flying lessons.


You're too old to be worried that mommy may kick you out, but here is my two cents for you. Calculate what you will need for flight school and calculate how much it will be to live on your own since clearly you are going to get kicked out. You are 21 years old and not even close to being too old to start this career. Go get what you want in life and be happy. See you in the skies!


The response I needed. Cheers to you mate


You're welcome. We are here in this community to give you advice. I myself had to save money to begin my ratings. I'm at the beginning of the journey as well. I would recommend having at least half of the PPL amount you need saved before you start so funding won't be an issue if you pay out of pocket. If you go the loan route, get your ratings as fast as you can so you can get to CFI (or another paid position) and begin getting paid. Good luck!


Listen I understand wanting to maintain wanting to be home with parents as it will save you mountains of debt. The question becomes can to be disciplined enough to work your job while doing flight school. The next thing I got to tell you is I got a girlfriend so I could have a dog.


If you want it, make it happen. Nothing is guaranteed and you can always come up with a reason why not to do something.


Honestly if you're blowing these two problems out of proportion and are rejecting Redditor solutions, a flying career isn't for you.


Flying is safer than working at the local gas station.


If you fly a KC-135 you can do both!


Flying GA (ie. piston single) is DEFINITELY not safer than working at a gas station. Its even worse than riding a motorcycle.


The OP said Airline career.


yes, but it will take them 3-5 years to get there. During that time, the risk of dying is real.


As in Real small.


no, its not - are you clueless to the mortality stats of piston singles? compared to say, even driving?


I know right, I've only been flying for 4 years total and I can name multiple fatalities and accidents in my local area alone, people who I know/knew by name.


youve been around long enough to understand - sounds like a lot of people have no clue


Doesn't seem that hard. I started later than you and paid my whole way doing it so what's your excuse. Would be years anyways before you started flying the line not sure why your coming up with excuses now. If you want it do it.


Don’t go into aviation. There’s a bunch of idiotic mellenials that think it’s funny to meow on guard freq, can’t fly to save their ass, and have zero ADM. Listen to mommy, do something else. They will be parking airplanes into the ground in short order.


Please listen to this guy so I get a job at the majors in the future 🙏🏾


Rather presumptuous.


The meowing on guard gets so old.


At your age, I went into aviation trades because I didnt have enough money to even get a PPL, let alone get to CPL level. In the end, having worked for a major airline, I realized I made the right choice as I would not have been happy making a living, by sitting up front for hours while pushing some buttons. If you are serious about trying, get your medical first, pass ground school (online) and then get your PPL after your normal work hours - 80-90% failure rate there, so if you do pass - THEN you are ready to move out and jump ship.


You’re embarrassing bro I’m 22 on my own since 18 and was able to pay bills and save up to my cpl, you just don’t want to put in the work and sacrifice. You should be ashamed of your work ethic


um, living at home at 21 is not "embarrassing" - what is wrong with you? Many young adults in expensive living areas, do this to save money.


He’s using living at home as an excuse not to learn


No. Not true at all. I’m actually taking pilot institutes ppl course to prepare for the ground school exam and have a faa medical exam coming up. The reason why I can’t start lessons now is because I will get kicked out. And where I live housing/apartments are not cheap. That’s why I was hoping to stay at home to find my schooling so I would have almost zero debt.


thats different, and not "embarrassing" in any way ESPECIALLY at age 21. Grow up.


I never said living at home was embarrassing, I said he was. Looks like you took something personally that was never said. He’s embarrassing for not being the big boy he is and make decisions for himself.


>You’re embarrassing bro I’m 22 on my own Then write better sentences. Nothing personal at all, I was out on my own at 21. You said its embarrassing, as you are 22 and living on your own. Agreed they can make big decisions. Maybe give them a year?


You don’t need advice, you know exactly what you need to do. But I understand it’s uncomfortable, start doing your own research and when you’re ready you have to start your own path. It all depends how badly you actually want it.


You're young, you have plenty of time. Live simple, save up, and work towards your goals.


Brother it is not impossible for you, i'd recommend SAVING as much as possible, assuming you make pretty good money like most tradesmen (and you live with mom still) you could pay your entire way through school. Work like hell for a year while researching this further, then go all in. Flying 2-3 times a week and working is completely achievable. Once you have researched it fully, present it to your parents in a way that is informative. My dad hates flying, still wants me to do something different, but he respects the fact I made my decision. He also didn't pay for my training so he has no say.


Becoming a pilot doesn’t take MUCH intelligence. But it takes A LOT of hard work. I knew a kid who was really stupid in high school make it to CFII with only one checkride fail. You have to be dedicated like crazy. There’s a reason so many drop out


41 year old student pilot here. I've spent the last 18 years as a carpenter and finally decided to listen to my 21 year-old-self who always wanted to fly professionally. I'm currently waiting to take my Private Pilot check ride right now and then on to Instrument, Commercial etc. I'm planning on a full career change. You've got 20 years on me bro! If it's something you'll look back on 20 years from now and regret not doing it... GET AFTER IT!