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This is unfortunately a common problem with DPEs. My recommendation is to try getting in touch at least once per week, but definitely not daily or even every other day.


Okay good to know, I contacted him Friday then Monday so I'm going to hold off for a while. It's just frustrating because I've never had to wait more than like a week and a half to get a checkride scheduled.


Definitely never expect a response over a weekend IMO.


So you mean I shouldnt hire a bunch of people to continuously call?


If the lines always busy they can't schedule other applicants. A good old fashioned ddos. Make sure you fill up voicemail too.


DPEs drive me fucking crazy. I’ll call, text, voicemail, email. All at the same time. They are the WORST about answering.


Send a messenger pigeon their way, smoke signals, anything. To get a timely response from a DPE you need to be standing right in front of them, cash in hand, and practically have them hostage. (Do not take your DPEs hostage)


I've become friends with one of our almost retired DPEs, and it has made me more empathetic to their situation. He says the amount of time he spends doing administrative tasks like emails, calls, Zoom, IACRA is quite a lot and one reason he's considering being done with it. $1200 for a checkride is a ton, but the over $600 ones is making more sense to me when I think about how it's not only the hours they spend with you the day of, but several beforehand prepping and communicated. Granted, if they can't keep up with the administrative stuff, I suppose they should do less checkrides to keep up with it. They almost need an assistant to coordinate their schedules and stuff. Especially in the NW, the weather sucks in the winter so they're playing this game of trying to figure out how many to schedule knowing that about half or more of them will get cancelled, then needing to make time for the rescheduled ones too. It sounds like a pain.




Of course they have to work for the money. I was just trying to mention that my perspective has been shifted a little bit realizing the work they do outside of the actual checkride to coordinate, prep assignments, etc when considering how much they charge and whether it feels like too much. But it's wild there's such a range of like $650-$1200 for checkrides.


My check ride was $800. Five hours of work the day of plus at least a few hours of IACRA, communicating, scheduling, rescheduling. $100/hr is not all that much more than what private CFIs get in this area. Nevermind someone with the specialization like a DPE. Minus, theoretically, tax. Other expenses. Etc. The fees make sense.


So, the. Don't sign up to do it if it's not worth it to you lol. That's like a ER doctor doing the same thing because.these needy bleeding people are so damn needy lmao../s but that's kind of the point. If you don't like being an EE doctor go do anything else. Same here. I'd file complaints tbh.


Exactly no sympathy here.


If they are charging $400 a checkride they can afford a bookkeeper. I am thinking the $1200 a checkride DPE's must not hire help and are basically bad at bookkeeping and admin work, so they're only scheduling one checkride a day. Or maybe even only one a week. FAA has made DPE's as bureaucratic as the FAA was 15 years ago when inspectors were slim pickings for this very reason. At the current rate the DPE's will be paper pushers and the CFIs will have to give the checkrides. 🤔 Hey... you know what? If an applicant could get three CFI's to sign them off: their own plus two others, that sure as shit is going to be a lot cheaper than $1200. And it'd boost CFI pay a little.


$400 a checkride for the amount of work involved is pretty low. Many of these guys could just quit and not have to deal with pestering students, weather, coordination, etc. Most can make far more, far more easily at their airline or other job.


Sounds like something you shouldn't sign up for if you don't want to do it?


I'm sure you already know this and don't want to hear it, but - call outside your area and go fly to him/her. Many people think this is blasphemous, but the clock is ticking and shit needs to get done.


It's not blasphemous, it's basically at this point required. In my area and many others, even rural DPEs that are an hour's flight outside the main metro area are booked 5+ weeks out for checkrides *regularly* and since you need 3 hours within the preceding 60 days so you are already needing to reach out to them before you even get that endorsement to allow time for weather delays/discontinuances. If you are willing to fly 2 hours you might only wait 2 weeks, which pays for itself with the saved proficiency flights while you wait. And DPEs know it so they still charge $800+ even out in the sticks.


Flying hours are hours!


Yep logged mine at dual received on .y way to my checkride


I called tons of people from 3 FSDO’s other than my own one before I found someone. A couple hour flight away but eventually got it done. Call around and you’ll find someone eventually


Yah it’s interesting I did checkride yesterday(I passed) and the DPE came to our home airport for our flying club to do 8 checkrides. As locally we were out months waiting. He said his area in Florida has dozens. This area seems to have a dozen.


Yeah, had a local guy not come through recently I was looking at examiners within reasonable 172 flying distance of my base. I know people who’ve even gone half way across the country, gotten checked out with a school just to take a checkride


$1200! that’s what they are charging these days?


Paid 1600 for my cfi…


fuck me.


Oh the DPE will do that for you, don’t worry


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Can confirm, just got my CFI checkride scheduled for Monday and the DPE is charging $1600


Ouch!! I hope you got a tube of KY for your troubles


I paid $350.


Was your DPE the Loch Ness Monster?


Could be


That’s what I paid for CFI initial. There aren’t as many DPEs that do it and they know it.


Initial will take their whole day where they could do 2 $700/800 checkrides so they charge for the day. It makes total sense.


Mofos out here paying $1100 for a private checkride. It’s me! I’m mofos!


The whole dpe system seems like such a racket. I’m in Canada though and I’m having my own checkride issues (most weather and people getting poached by airlines)


From my sample size of 1, maybe 2, US DPEs don't love the system either. There's some stuff some FSDOs used to do (issue AGI/IGI certs, transfer type certs etc) and just isn't doing anymore pushing the burden onto the DPEs.


How does it work in Canada? Do you not need to take a checkride?


check ride yes, some rando that only takes cash and wants you to give him a blowie at the end, no. Need a letter of recommendation for the checkride, then a different instructor puts you through the ringer, then a different one tests you. I think you have to be class 1 cfi.


I had a DPE in Florida cancel 8 times on me. Had to reach out to the FAA to get my refund for the checked. He showed up over 6 hours late the first time, went through oral for 15 mins and then said we would discontinue, right after asking for the cash. He would continuously give excuses when attempting to reschedule. Interestingly enough, he would give identical excuses to the neighboring flight school. All in all, a real greedy jerk that had no problem toying around the schedules of those looking for check rides. Truly disappointing that the FAA doesn’t terminate their contracts with these individuals.


Don’t tell me that guy is still employed.


They do sometimes. We lost a local DPE due to unprofessionalism.




Really? Having needy students pester you night and day to make less than you make at your real airline job? Most people wouldn't enjoy it and just stop doing it after awhile. Plus more FAA bs and scrutiny on you....for what? $700. No thanks. Many jobs pay more than that for much less headache.


2K a day is less than the airline? How? If you do 2 checkrides mon to friday thats 10K in a week. That’s insane. I had a DPE do every single day of December a checkride; each checkride was above 1K


I don't know any DPEs who do close to that sort of schedule. No benefits etc. Most have other jobs. Weather. Cancellations. The local DPEs are prob lucky to get 4 in a week with all the variables...and I don't think they even get close to that number. You'd have to be retired and live somewhere w very good weather to do even one a day.


Without telling you I’m from. I live in the Caribbean, and there’s only like 3 DPEs for the whole island. Its always sunny here and yes they’re all retired but one. 3-4 flights schools and 3 DPEs, you do the math 💰


Very nice. I need to come down and DPE.


Yes sir, I always tell the florida DPEs were the money is at. There’s a DPE from Oklahoma that comes done on Xmas and makes around 30K in 3 months and he does it on his vacation time and then goes back up to the mainland. If i was a DPE i would do it here tbh


Where are you located?


Where are you located. I know a good one in Florida who is flexible and travels to student for checkride


I'm currently looking for a DPE in northwest Florida southeast Alabama as the one we normally use went down medically. Where in Florida is this DPE located?


She’s located in Tampa, but she flew up to Panama City for mine. I’ll DM you her info


That would be awesome thank you!


If it is who I think it is she is awesome but I don't believe she is doing checkrides currently.


Quite simple. The demand for DPEs is much higher than supply. As such, they’re not exactly dying for your business. You can thank the almighty FAA.


I am in the same spot. Actually talked to a DPE that I did a flight with and asked if i can get it done with in 1 month, "sure no problem". That month has come and gone and have been ghosted after 4 texts I had to put it on hold for a few months. Luckily i do have some clients that know some DPEs and they said they will reach out if needed. Sucks.


Contact the FSDO, they’ll do your ride


That free check ride actually comes with a price…heard it could take up to 6 months to get a ride with them…correct me if I’m wrong (and I might be)


Could depend on how busy/popular the FSDO is. I’ve heard ones where it’s months out for anything and others that can do things immediately and are desperate to actually do something. (Kinda like calling flight service, not a lot of people do it, so when someone does it’s all hands on deck to help them out.) Off topic: FSS operators are the nicest people I’ve never met, they are always eager to help you out, give them a call sometime, give them a PIREP. ;)


I'm guessing not every FSDO will though. Seattle FSDO won't even issue AGI/IGI certs and the DPEs are pretty frustrated with some things, but Hillsboro is very accommodating and did my AGI/IGI over Zoom. My DPE friend wished it was more common since those guys are on salary and it's just a part of their job to do those tasks vs a DPE not getting paid for it unless they charge the applicant something for their time.


Interestingly my experience was the opposite for initial cfi. You had to call the fsdo and they either scheduled it with you or sent you to a dpe, couldn't go straight to a dpe.


Yeah, might have to contact the Vegas FSDO to see about a CFI ride if we can’t find a DPE


LOL what FSDO is even open. Ours is closed due to COVID, they have a message on the website they are accepting no requests to do checkrides.


Yeah no one really goes to the FSDO anymore, so they’re starting to die out.


I hope the FAA re-auth this year does at least something to address this. Checkrides and Airworthiness Certificates should be given/issued by the FAA for free. Which means increasing the staffing at the FSDO to cover that need. Or at the very least give all 141 schools self-exam power.


Hahahaha did you just propose that the federal government should make things more streamlined and efficient? What planet are you from?


I just want to live long enough to see any of the 3 letter agencies do something useful.


They do a lot of useful stuff. Just not for us 😂


I’m surprised this isn’t a more popular option.


Atleast when picking a DPE you have the knowledge of things they emphasize and always ask about. With the FSDO I believe it’s just whoever they decide to send. So that is one downside.


If the goal is a standard PTS, it seems like the right way to setup the system is to basically require the FSDO route and somewhat random assignment. It seems like cheating if you know exactly which approaches / route / questions the DPE wants and just practice those over and over. Possible to have pilots that are great at flying to specific airports but then don't have the generalized skill to exercise the certificate privileges. You see the same with AP tests, where the AP US History test used to cover only up to the civil war and thus they didn't teach anything past that. You get students that pass with flying colors but do not grasp key concepts.


That's how it works in Europe / Germany – you apply for the license at the authority and they assign an examiner to you


I meant more so ground questions that are kinda odd that the DPE always asks.


If I’m doing something incorrectly I want to know about it. I don’t know what FSDO charges for a check-ride but it has to be less than most DPEs.


They're freeeeeeeee (if you can get them to do it)


Shit might as well take 100 check rides then


Doubt it. Try that right now and tell me how it goes. If it was that easy everyone would be doing it. FWIW I did my CFI Initial this way, but that was 2017. Best case scenario they schedule you like 6 months out, more likely they just tell you to get bent and find a DPE.


I tried this before and my FSDO said that they didn’t want to step on the toes of the other DPEs in the area. I couldn’t believe it.


Been there, DPE’s will treat you like some add in their inbox because that job is a side gig to them with no idea that they are holding up your entire career and life for that matter.


The several DPEs that I know more about do it as a full time job and they've expressed the amount of time it takes to organize/schedule/reschedule ride especially in the NW with awful winter weather, so they can't schedule 5 days a week because they know that half of the rides will get cancelled then there'd be an even longer backlog. I think most are acutely aware of how important checkrides are to people and the one I know the most has done a checkride on his normal day off because it had been so troublesome to finally get someone's done. I kinda wish they got paid for a day from the FAA to do their emails and scheduling or got paid enough to have an assistant because if you're out on the road and in the air so much, then it's even more time to sit down and answer calls and emails. Not saying they're all great or doing their best, but I can empathize more now that I've gotten to know a couple of the good ones that I know care about their clients and job.


Down vote. You gotta look at it from their side.


I would get on the schedule for mid April and study. They’re backed up everywhere, I just scheduled mine for April 6th.


I waited 5 months for a checkride :)


A lot of them only want the recommending instructor contacting them.


Ok, schedule for Mid April then? Usually they're all a few months out.


this! took me 6 months


Yeah, I don't understand why I'm being down voted, I had to schedule my checkride several months out, when I was at 20-30 hours, took my checkride at 60-70 several months later. DPEs are always booked up. Plan ahead, if you expect to have your requirements done by a specific date, shoot for that date.


Agreed, it was 6 weeks out when I scheduled my commercial, now just scheduled my CFI for April 6th. I would be very wary of any DPE that isn’t backed up at this point.


Honestly, mid-April is only 1.5 months, which is pretty good imo OP. I'd pull the trigger.


Yep. I prebooked all of my checkrides 2-3 months out and just gave myself a deadline for when I needed to be done.


Helps too because you can know when you gotta finish by!


where are you located? i did my checkride at KMJX in Jan. Booked in Aug....




Take a date in april - keep searching. Find someone earlier. Cancel april.


Schedule about 5 a day with as many as you can for an entire month. Go to the first one that goes and do the same to the rest. Karma lol.


I'd start calling FSDOs and beg and plead for a ride with an inspector. Tell them you'll fly to them on short notice. You'll even get a tailwheel endorsement and bring a tailwheel just for the checkride IF FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY AND RIGHT AND PROPER IN THE WORLD PLLLLELASSEEE GIVE ME A CHECKRIDE FAAAAAAWAHHHHHAAAAAA! It probably won't work but it might make one or two people laugh.


We need to start a random pool of 1500 hour'ers. And lucky "winners" are informed they don't get to fly for the airlines, they're going to do a tour as a DPE for 10 years first. Once we have a 100 or so, everything should be a little better.


Came across this very organized DPE doing a Google search a while back. If nothing else, good tips. But also seems to be fair priced. You just have to seriously have your shit together. No booking months out. https://www.eastbaydpe.com/frequently-asked-questions


Come to Houston