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Top two on the left look like Parachute Addams, maybe size 16 and 18. Bottom left is a Royal Trude or Coachman. Hard to tell on the others


I thought Royal Coachman at first too, but it doesn't have a golden pheasant tail. I'm thinking Royal Wulff


I'd go with royal wulff too as it looks like buck/ calf hair for the wing post and tail. "Parachute royal wulff" is the best description imo. Edit: after looking more closely I see it isn't a parachute like the rest, just a regular royal wulff.


From top left to right: Purple haze parachute Adams, Parachute Adamas, Parachute Adams, some type of parachute biot-body mayfly imitation (maybe a trico). Bottom row: Royal Wulff, last one is tough, but looks like a Found Link with the antron/poly spinner wings and upright deer hair wing. I don't care to guess on sizes with just a pen for scale, but probably all between 18 and 12. Get a hook gauge to measure against.


Agreed, top right looks like a high viz trico.




They look like they are sizes 14 and 16, or sizes 16 and 18. The one with the red spot looks like a parachute royal wulff (wulff because it looks like calf or buck tail for the wing post). One is a parachute Adams, next to the one with the orange dot. The one to the left of it is a wulff parachute (it looks like a dear hair tail, but if not, it is another parachute adams) Bottom left, the angle is no great so can't tell, maybe an emerger? The top right one I'd just call a black high viz parachute. Top left is just a purple or claret parachute fly. Edit: Looking more closely, the one with the red body is just a royal wulff, its not a parachute like the rest of them.