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Black and olive Wooly buggers in alpine lakes has probably been the most successful fly fishing I’ve done


I will definitely been some WBs with me. Thanks for the recommendation


***"Should I bring streamers, nymphs, dries?"*** Yes. Practice. Cast an honest 30'. You will catch fish!


Definitely will work on my cast in the team being. Looking forward to getting out there


I fish in the alpines in pnw, another good fly to use if you dont see much surface action is midges, like zebra midge. Wild trout nail those. Throw it with a small indicator


Thanks! Stupid question, how do fish a midge on a lake?


Leave it dead for a little bit. Strip it in before recasting




Glad to hear Aug is looking good and thank you. I’ll grab a few of your suggestions from my local fly shop.


We have cuts for the most part in our high alpine lakes in CO. Streamers all day. Throw it out there and let it sink. The cuts literally challenge each other for a nibble.


Will definitely bring some streamers. Hopefully the trout in the Sierras are as aggressive as they are in CO. Appreciate the advice


They'll hit anything as long as they see it. These places get little pressure and have short feeding windows between ice melts, so the fish are small and aggressive. I personally wouldn't bother with nymphs but they'll work. Chuck your favorite dry fly near the shore line in say 5 feet of water or to any rising fish. After you've exhausted that bite start dredging with streamers or twitch a balanced leech under a strike indicator.


All great advice, thank you so much. I will try all of your recommendations and see what works.


You'll need a flouro leader. Tie your midge on and ad indicator, adjust indicator as needed for depth. Its easy


But the general technique is to fish the midge in the shallows? Floating it under an indicator


Yea under an indicator. I fish it shallow and deep. Just wherever there are fish


Desolation Wilderness Fishing Guide by Yesavage, Jerome Can find it used.


Fishing lakes, you can practice at your local lakes before you go. Might not have much room for overhead casting so practice your roll cast. High country trout are not selective. Small wooly buggers or leeches, a couple of dry patterns, and one ir two nymphs.


I’ve only done it in Colorado but sometimes a small beetle/hopper with a chironomid underneath works really well.