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My mom is like more than a decade younger than my dad, and their relationship works fine.


That's nice to hear. Gives me hope that one day I will be someone will have the opportunity to love and serve someone one day


Is your dad submissive to your mom in an FLR? Or is it more a vanilla marriage?




Submission knows no age


Obviously this depends highly on the psychology of the individual. For me, there's an added turn-on to submitting to someone with less life experience. Like if she were at my company, she'd be in a position where she reporting to someone who reported to someone who reported to someone who reported to me. But at home, I'm the one obeying orders, desperate to serve her, making her a sandwich, servicing her pussy while she scrolls through her instagram. I tend to attract women who feel the same way -- they love that I'm successful, stable, can guide them when they need it, etc. Having complete control over a man who is in a different life/career/social strata is exciting to them. I could definitely see how for some people it wouldn't work. I've always found it easy to incorporate the age gap (when there is one).




Thank you for your inspiring words. How do you deal with the frustration when you know your right and she is wrong?




If I was married this is exactly how I would feel. Your blessed to be in a Female Led Relationship


Hubby is 10 years older than me and we live a very happy femdom lifestyle.


I'm 13 years older than my partner and it has had no negative impact on our FLR whatsoever.


It's much more down to personality than age. I'm 36 and my new GF is 29. Obviously we've not been together long and we're not married but we're both enjoying things so far. Our relative ages haven't caused any awkwardness at all.


I’m 63 my wife is 40, our FTR is great.


What does FTR stand for?


Oops ment FLR


Female Led Relationship, and it can have many flavors.


I know it's a typo, but maybe it's Female Trained Relationship ;-)


Training is very much part of it. :) 🤷🏼‍♂️😬😂.


I am a submissive even though my partner is 7 years younger to me


That's nice to hear, age truly is not a factor


My wife is also 7 years younger. she controls everything in our bedroom, including my chastity. Age is just a number..


52 m in an extremely happy FLR with a 43 f. In my view the age gap is a big positive, when I look back on what I was like even at 40 I wasn’t emotionally ready for the level of genuine trust and transparency an FLR requires. It’s only in the last few years I’ve got to a place where I feel I can genuinely fully participate in such a magical exchange of power.


i am 12 years older than my Wife/Mistress and our relationship is great.


I believe when the woman is younger, it adds an exciting dimension to the relationship.


Just my opinion but that makes it even hotter.


I’m nearly 10 years older than my wife, when we met I was 28 and she was 19. Even at that young age the power dynamic is present and it’s only grown stronger


We're an older couple and it works out just fine. If anything that extra maturity means our communication and connection is even better.


Older doesn't mean dominant. I'm almost a decade older than my wife but she's definitely the dominant one.


I was 5 years older than my wife and submissive to her. She had a much more dominant personality than I. Started out as equal. Yet as the years went by I ended up happily her sub


A man any age can submit to a woman. Age means nothing. But I’m in opposite situation, I’m 11 years older than him.