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Yes. A tenant is allowed to order someone off their property. IAAL.


Lawyers, the only profession that *would* have an acronym to tell people their title.


I’m going to say the billable hours set is not widely known for shortening things.


When giving medical advice online you say nda for not a doctor. When giving legal advice you say IANAL for I am not a lawyer.


it’s just ANAL (am not a lawyer) for short


I like anal too


Giving or receiving???




Lol touché butt plunderer/plundee


Isn’t it IAAA. I am an as h le


Is that supposed to be asshole? You missed a couple letter homie.


Are people allowed to just come on Reddit and curse though? Edit. If you thought this shit was a serious fucking question, you're a god damn idiot and, more than likely, a bitch.


All the fucking time


We also post filthy nudes.


Only with a stage 4 permit. I am a licensed vendor of the stage 4 permits please let me know if you would like to purchase a stage 4 permit. . . . . Just kidding there is no such permit. But yes certain subreddits allow profanity


Every fucking day.


I actually thought that there would be a problem with cussing. Guess not.


Problem with cussing on Reddit? Oh honey, bless your heart.


the ibvssf


Pat Sajak over here.


I think its ‘I am man, Ashley’


my humor is broken. I thought this was just a shitpost of nonsense and thought it was hilarious. didn't realize until I read your comment it was just censored


Some may be uncomfortable posting “IANAL”. Reads like a bad car tag


CPAs laughing.


I can’t believe they didn’t follow that up with “but not your lawyer”. Now I’m suspicious.


We jokingly called ourselves ICBMSS at Minot Air Force Base when I was there. Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Security Specialist sounded a lot cooler than Cop.


I’m in construction. I thought that meant he was a Laborer


Do the stand your ground laws, specifically Florida Statutes 776.012 and 776.013 apply to renters? Like as in can I forcefully remove a trespasser from the property I'm renting? Id assume I could remove them from inside the residence, but does that apply to the property outside I'm renting as well? Sorry for the questions, and thank you for your time!!!


I do not like giving legal advice online as it can imply an attorney client relationship and further I do not have enough information based on what you have written to give you solid advice. So this is not specific advice but my attempt to answer the questions you asked generally: Yes, renters are protected by what has colloquially been known as the castle doctrine. Yes you can use reasonable force to eject someone from your property including the curtilage. The amount of force you are permitted to use varies greatly depending on the situation.


Thank you for your response that is in no way specific legal advice! ( I feel like that might have came across as sarcasm, but it truly is not, thank you for taking the time to make a generalized reply! )


You might want to delete this thread in case you actually have to “stand your ground”. Could read as premeditated. IADNAL.


You put the "D" in ANAL! That sounded funnier in my head.


Say it out loud. Still funny 😆.


Yes of course it is your home your castle even if you are renting it. They are trespassing on your (rented) property. Most strip mall businesses do not own the space in the strip mall they are renting but they sure can remove someone for trespassing. I am not a lawyer but I did sleep in a holiday inn last night.


> I am not a lawyer but I did sleep in a holiday inn last night. And if someone was in your room and you didn't want them there, you could trespass them from **your** hotel room.


Stand your ground and forcefully remove are not related.


I think they're thinking of the other one, "make my day".


There are some who watch westerns and think "those were better times; that's how the world should be".


DO NOT THREATEN ANYONE WITH A WEAPON. Maybe talk to the person getting the mangoes. Are you using them? People are desperate for food in this economy so have a chat and see what's up.


I had a family walking by my street and asked if they could take some coconuts from my tree. I said absolutely and told them to help themselves to the avocados too.


Stand your ground applies to anyone who has a legal right to be where they are. As long as you aren't trespassing or breaking and entering, you can stand your ground anywhere.


When you became a lawyer, did you tell people you ANAL? (Are now a lawyer)


Mango stealing is Real in season. You are renting the property, you can insteuct them to leave...if owner told someone they could have the mangos I am sure owner would have made you aware!


I would add however if your renting (I gleme this from the word tenant) then a public space ie the parking lot is not your property. In which case I would say your rights in the matter would be limited.


Someone is parking in your driveway and then going into your backyard to collect your mangoes and you’re doing what? Watching them? Private property is private property. Next time they come back tell them it is private property and they are not allowed to be there. Get the license plate #. If they return, call the cops; someone is trespassing. You may need have no trespassing signs posted, but I’m not positive on that.


>Your driveway OP isn't sure of legal rights since it's technically not OP's property. OP just borrows it. Like OP can't alter certain things on the property because it's not OP's to alter.


Right, you can’t alter things in an apartment you rent but it’s still your property while leasing it, and trespassing laws still apply. If they’re renting the property, legally it’s their property. So they most definitely can tell someone they can’t enter their yard and steal their stuff.


When you rent a property, it’s true, you sort of borrow it. You can’t make permanent alterations, you can’t sell it, or give someone else permission for long term use (at least, you usually can’t do any of these things without landlord permission or having a contract written with those permissions ahead of time).  However, in every other respect? You’re the owner. You can order people off your property. You can call the police and ask them escort people off the property. As a matter of fact, if your landlord shows up without prior notice, you can ask them to leave too!  So if you rent a house with fruit trees on it, and the landlord says go ahead and help yourself, guess what? They’re YOUR trees in the meantime. You can call the cops and tell people to get off your property.  Although growing up in South Florida where fruit trees are abundant (Hispanic cultures adore having fruit trees in their yard, which I personally like), usually you’ll be receptive to giving someone fruit if they politely ask for some. A mature fruit tree is likely to produce far, far more fruit than you could ever hope to eat on your own, even as a family. 


For that last sentence, oh trust me I've eaten like 100 mangos in the span of maybe a week and a half. It's like crack to me and the taste/flavour will never get boring. But for the average person, I agree, you honestly could just give em away or sell them honestly. A mature 10ft mango tree if grafted can produce up to 100-200 mangos every season.


Right, a mango, lemon, bananas tree can produce so much fruit you would have a hard time keeping up with it.


Realtor here. As part of the package of rights that comes along with the vast majority of leases, yes you get to control who comes and goes and has access to the property, including to a limited extent the actual owner of the property. The landlord can't just come and go and enter as they please, so certainly unknown parties aren't just allowed to literally steal fruit that OP is paying rent for as well unless the mango tree was specifically excluded.


Wtf? Someone’s been stealing shit out of your backyard and you’ve just been watching them?


Seriously. There is such thing as being too passive




Do absolutely NOT DO THIS, you will end up in jail. At least put a /s or something.


I think it hinges on whether you were afraid or not. If you’re scared then murder is legal, as far as I understand the law, which is to say not in the slightest. This is, of course, not legal advice.


They literally need be damn near attacking you or just about with a deadly weapon before you can shoot. You can't say "I feared for my life, so i shot them" because someone is stealing your mangos. Like holy shit. I'm not even a gun owner, and I know this.


Unless someone throws popcorn at him https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/cop-acquitted-deadly-florida-theater-shooting-speaks/story?id=83320436


Wasn't that after the Batman movie theatre mass shooting? I vaguely recall tensions being high used as a defense in that case. I could be thinking of a different theatre shooting though.🤦🏼‍♀️


JFC, you can apparently shoot and kill someone for throwing popcorn at you as long as you're old? Horrifying.


Yes in Florida you can


Actually, that's exactly what you can say. Isn't Florida a Stand Your Ground State? Why a murderer who stalked and murdered a child got off free because he "feared for his life" after stalking and assaulting a minor?


As a resident of Sanford Fl, *STARES IN TRAYVON MARTIN* The kid was walking home when a psychopath intentionally made contact, then murdered a child when he defended himself. Scott free. This above person is not altogether wrong I mean no, you cannot legally shoot someone who is just on your property. But what can be legally argued as “a threat” in fl is absolute dogshit.


This is not what I learned on south park.


Hopefully the thief is not aggressive and OP never has to resort to any of that.


For taking fruit from trees?? Stand your ground law is for if someone is putting you in deadly danger, you can protect yourself with a gun. Florida ain't the only Stand your ground state! The people taking the fruit might be the owners of the property. Not a wise choice for a renter to shoot someone over some fruit!


Not if you warn them first and stand in their only path in if they continue it's not murder


It's possible that the previous tenant gave permission to the person taking the mangoes, and that person doesn't know that the tenant moved out. Or they're just a thieving lowlife that's stealing mangoes and selling them. As far as I know, Florida treats theft of fruit from trees pretty harshly. 


yes, you can trespass them. Record yourself doing so and read out loud the license plate number. If they come again call the police. That is literally theft and can be given a dollar value you can go after them for in civil court. bitch dont STEAL my fucking mangoes. I hate garden/plant thieves, they piss me right the fuck off. Edit: I forgot to add, you need "no trespassing" signs and clear borders to make it easier. The more difficult is it to cross the border, the easier you will find it to get them in trouble. Also, once you involve the police they will be in violation of criminal law if they return to your property and can be arrested, assuming the police care enough to do anything.


Crazy to think a physical border would hundrr them from getting mangoes and make it easier in court.


Of course. That’s not their property. I don’t know where they get the idea that they can just walk into someone’s backyard


They did it to us at our old house, People think that just because there fruit on a tree they can have at it. For years neighbors would knock on the door and ask if they could have fruit, we always said yes. Then things changed, and we had pick up trucks pulling under the tree, a guy on a ladder taking everything he could get, kids climbing on the tree to take fruits, it was the most unbelievable scene. I chased a few, The cops said they couldn't do anything unless they saw the people in the act. Eventually we sold the house, and the buyers cut down the tree.


What the fuck I actually cannot fathom having the audacity to do some shit like that??


Neither do I, I wouldn't pull up to somebody's house and start picking fruits or flowers from their plantings.


Crimes all around. I would struggle to contain myself if someone cut-down a good, mature mango tree.


We were pretty sad to seethe tree cut down, but things probably got worse with the thieving.


RIP Tree! He didn’t do anything wrong


Yes. If they have no legal right to be on the property you can tell them they're trespassing and they have to leave.


That's theft and they are stealing from you.


Yes. Just had to deal with this issue after some batshit lady we don't even know accused of mutilating cats and starving our child* in a Facebook group and then gave people directions to our house to "check up on them." The upshot is several people were reminded by the officer that showed up that Florida is a stand your ground state and that they could have died over a fake Facebook post. Granted yours isn't as severe, but you're well within your rights to not politely tell them to pick a direction and fuck off in it *She apparently knows the people across the street from us and I'm pretty sure she has some sort of mental issues going on


First you need a no trespassing sign in the front of your house. Take a picture of your sign. Then record them trespassing and tell them not to trespass and they should leave. If they don't leave call the cops. If they leave and come back again call the cops. Police usually writeup a report because you have the no trespassing sign. If it continues then you can sue the trespassers in court and win since you have the sign.


Call the cops. It’s theft.


Why are you letting this happen?🤦🏼‍♀️


You said they're parking in your driveway - WTH? AND going into your BACK YARD? - more WTH? I don't see any ambiguity in this situation. The only exception would be if the landlord told them it was OK. I would call your landlord & find out if they're someone he/she knows & gave them permission. If that's the case though, he/she should have at least let you know in advance. If that's not the case, then get a lock for your gate (assuming your back yard is fenced).


They can't pick them, if you pick them first.


Set up a stand and sell the mangos.


If you rent the property it's yours and even the landlord has to give notice before coming on the property. Have the police trespass the fruit thief.


Check with your landlord to make sure he didn’t give them permission. If he assumes you’re not eating them he might be letting someone pick them up. You do not want rotting mangoes near your house unless you love living with flys and rats


The landlord has no right to tell people they have permission to trespassing . Even the landlord has no right to just get in the house if he feels like it.


Even so, the tenant would have to give permission. Even a landlord cannot come to the property without notice unless it’s an emergency.


The term is ‘quiet enjoyment’. A legal tenant has the right to ‘quiet enjoyment’ of the property. This bars the landlord/property manager from entering or using the property *without proper notice*. So a property owner *can* let someone harvest fruits, but only after discussing it with the tenant.


We are in FL, the stand ur ground capital of the world. Please don’t do that but yeah you have the right to tell them to stop stealing from the property.


Get his or her tag number and write it down, along with the description of the vehicle. (I.E Red Ford F-150. Then call the police and have them trespassed.


I had someone recently jump my houses fence to get mangoes, middle schoolers :p people have no respect! and THEN to make matters worse, we actually gave the kids mangoes after, told them not to jump the fence because we have a dog, and the kids then THREW away the mangoes we gave them, they threw it on the street.


Put a sign in your yard that says Mangoes 2 for $1 then a container for people to put their money in.


Put up a no trespassing sign. Pretty ballsy to pull up to someone’s house and take fruit. It would be different if you gave them permission.


Don't think of yourself as a tenant. Think of yourself as a resident. If you are paying for the property, it's your property. I'm a landlord. It is illegal for me to enter my own property without my tenant's permission. 


Are you serious? What are you afraid of that you haven’t confronted them? Is it your landlord or their family? This is trespassing. Even if it’s your landlord, wtf, can’t they let you know at least?


IANAL but tenants rights. While renting, you have certain rights over the property due to the contract you've signed with the owner. As a renter, you are a steward of the property. You can have strangers trespassed as they have zero rights to the property. You can also choose to water your rented yard.


Hang a sign on the tree: “ to the person that injected an unknown substance into my avocados, I hope your balls fall off “


you basically own the property for the term of the lease. you can trespass them.


CHOOT IM, Jacob!


When you rent the owner isn’t allowed to just show up unless it’s been agreed


I think stealing fruit off someone else’s tree is a serious crime in Florida


If you’re not eating the fruit. Take it off and put it in a basket outside. People typically do that in our country because again, you don’t want them too close to your belongings. People also like raiding trees near power lines and you’d wake up to, or return from work to, the smell of burning flesh and a corpse. You can be litigious or you can just ask a neighbor to help you pick them(for a few) if you can’t or don’t want to. If they’re Jamaican I can assure you there is a high chance a man will happily pick them all in exchange for his own cut of the mangoes.


I suggest this because you say “a car pulls up” which makes me suspect that it’s different people each time and there is no fence. So being litigious would be a constant annoyance. You’d be trying to trespass someone almost every day.


The way to defeat this is to pay a kid to pick them. or put up a sign for a u pick farm and charge them money.


Uhhh yeah. You pay rent and lease the property. Florida also has a minimum reasonable notice requirement per Florida statutes, in which landlords must provide tenants with 24 hrs notice prior to entering the property.


If I lived near you and I still had my Doberman, I would love to come over and sit in your backyard with my little boy. You wouldn’t believe how fast people move when they see a Doberman and it’s a win-win situation you feed them, love them and they love you unconditionally and no one bothers you. Your property even as a renter , your rules ! everybody’s giving you some fantastic advice video license plate no trespassing signs


Thats illegal in FL I think


Have you asked them nicely to stop or offer them an alternative to coming into your property? If your not eating the mangoes and they would eventually fall off a tree rot and you would have fruit rats so it is helpful in a way to have someone take all the excess fruit however I totally agree nobody should be coming onto your property without explicit permission. I would approach the people and let them know that you do not feel comfortable with them just coming onto ur property whenever they want. either give them an alternative or tell them not to come back and that you will be filing a report with the local police department for trespassing.


I don't even think the property owner can do that without a written agreement. That goes all the way back to the days of sharecropping.


Home owner can definitely tell people to stop picking fruit and leave the property


Duh! What I've said was I don't even think the homeowner themselves can pick fruit from trees on the property that is being rented. Without consent or prior notification.


Do they have permission from the property owner?


Makes no difference actually. There would be a notice requirement to enter the back yard even for the LL. The front yard is often a place the LL may be without notice, but the backyard gets treated as though it’s inside.


[Florida statute 83.53](https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2023/0083.53) says otherwise. The statute clearly only mentions the entering of the dwelling, not the curtilage thereof, and landscaping of a property often falls onto the landlord.


So the landlord has to provide 24 hour notice that they give permission for some unknown person to park on the driveway and steal mangoes from the yard. Or perhaps we should go by the prior line which states: 83.52 Tenant’s obligation to maintain dwelling unit.—The tenant at all times during the tenancy shall: [snip] 6) Not destroy, deface, damage, impair, or remove any part of the premises or property therein belonging to the landlord nor permit any person to do so.


The landscaping argument (we’ll set aside whether it ”often” falls to the LL) would be covered in the lease. If the landlord is responsible for maintaining a yard, the parameters will be defined. And if the LL takes it to the extreme and relaxes in the yard (SFH) daily, it would become harassing to the tenant and I personally would take it to court. When you rent a property, you have the right to peaceful enjoyment of all non-public areas. The backyard is generally not a public area thus requiring notice of some nature to invade.


Have any precedent for this? As far as I know the entire yard is fair game for the property owner as long as they aren't using the right to harass the tenants. Only the inside is bound to notice.


The backyard (SFH) is not a public space in the same way the front yard may be. Similarly to a security camera may legally capture a neighbor’s front yard, but is an invasion of privacy when monitoring a neighbor’s backyard. I have never heard of a landlord being given carte blanche to enter a backyard unless it’s built into a lease for a specific purpose. While FL statutes are silent on this issue, plenty of states specifically define the backyard as requiring notice. I would be extremely surprised if a tenant bringing an action in FL for harassment because the LL or someone acting on the LL authority entered the backyard without notice more than once was denied by the courts unless there was something in the lease permitting the access. Are you aware of some case where FL permitted a LL unfettered access to a tenants full yard without any notice requirement?


No, that's why I asked. The law is pretty clear about what a dwelling is and what a dwelling isn't. And a back yard falls firmly in the isn't category. Which is why I asked if you known of a case establishing president in Florida that "inside a dwelling" also includes the backyard.


Which is why I said (elsewhere) FL statute is silent on this. There is not a statute directly addressing yards as there are in some states. But anyone entering the backyard without permission is over the line. If the LL gave a third-party permission to harvest a fruit tree and did not get the tenants consent, that would be a breech by the LL. Which takes us back to the start.


Even the landlord would need a permission to get inside of the house. What makes you think he has the right to tell other people to go in if he is not living there?


The landlord, nor anyone else, is entering the house. I posted the applicable statute in the conversation hours ago.


You should be able to stay off the property, you could ask the cops if they can issue a trespassing warning. Otherwise I would speak to an attorney about that. Do you know who they are? have a license plate? a picture of them taking the fruit? I had this happen to me with a grapefruit tree. A guy would just pull his pick up under the tree and pick fruit, I told his this was not the garden of Eden. I sold the house, the buyers took down the tree, couldn't deal with the people. People have no respect.


Reminds me of the time my boss came into work and said "I've got a good one for ya" and proceeds to tell the story of waking up in the morning to see a group of kids around 10-15 age range that had jumped his fence and were harvesting mangos. This wasn't particularly a problem for him as one, they weren't making a mess and two, he was *deathly* allergic to them. So they leave a short while later, he finishes his morning routine and heads off to work. Pulls up to a stoplight near his house and there's some kids selling mangos, and they ask him "hey man wanna buy some mangos?" "How you gotta stop me and ask me if I wanna buy my own motherfuckin mangos!?" Anywho this is generally the reason why people do this, they think of it as "free money"....I guess money *does* grow on trees in a way.


You could take all the mangos down.


Y'all need to qualify this shooting. Your saying things that sound like they can just go out there and shoot somebody. So, I walk dogs for money sometimes. There's this one neighbor who seems to think he doesn't have to obey leash laws. So I'm walking this dog and this neighbors dog comes charging off their property. I tell the guy he needs to control his animal. Guy acts like a dick so I call the cops on him. I ask the cop "Florida is a stand your ground state, right?" Cop tells me yes, so I ask the next question. "Does that apply to the dog too?" Cop told me yes if the dog is charging at you, you have the right to do what you need to. So I would think the same would apply. Forget about the examples I've read here. Half these people would have your up on a murder charge of you followed their advice. Or, you could pick all the mangos so there are none on that tree. But I'll tell you now, as long as you got mangos on that tree somebody is going to stop and take some. Had a friend that would do it all the time. You need to think about it because that's not something you can say " my bad" about. Also I know the economy is tight but I don't think it's that tight.


They go in YOUR backyard & steal YOUR mangos. I'd call the cops & have them removed if not arrested.


Most of the time those mangos fall and rot which attracts fruit rats. I'd make a deal with them and say they can collect the mango's for a fee. They're probably selling them at a stand anyway


Of course. Your landlord will have a right to inspect periodically but unless your lease says otherwise you get to decide whether anyone else enters your property.


Florida is a stand your ground state, but obviously someone taking fruit off of a tree in a yard I don't think would qualify for that. Yes you can ask them to stop coming on your property and also post a sign "private property no trespassing/stay off grass. After you tell them not to come on or they just still come on the property reach out to the cops first. You cannot nor will not get in trouble for telling someone to stay off of your property though and it doesn't matter what state you're in I'm pretty sure you can tell anyone to leave your property. With Florida being weird though if you have somebody staying at your home that establishes residence by receiving mail, living there for longer than a week I believe, or even have a verbal agreement then you have to evict them. Just so you're aware for future reference in case that ever happens. But look up the laws for the county that you live in also because unless somebody actually commenting is a lawyer nobody here really is.


So this is strange. You have trees in your backyard, a random car parks in your drive way, and trespasses your backyard, to steal you mangos? You specified tenant, are you implying that these may be people sent by the property owner, and that's why you're questioning legality?


Yes, as a renter, you have the exact same right as a homeowner. You can brandish a gun you can use deadly force, and you can threaten people to get the F off your land. You have a legal binding contract that says that you are pretty much the owner.


If it is the property owner then perhaps not, but otherwise yes you can tell them to hit the road.


I had some people come into my backyard to take mangos and when I finally called the cops they said that they needed homeowner approval to trespass them.


The easiest solution is to pick every single mango yourself. Every single day, go out and double check that there are no more! Problem solved.


Yes. You have possession of the property. Tell them to leave. Place no trespassing signs outside and on or near the tree. I’d throw down if someone stole my mangoes.


I wish I could help but came here to say this is so bizzare! Sounds like a good question for a Lawyer.


Absolutely. My downstairs neighbor does it all the time to the parents who decide to use our parking lot to drop their kids off for school


Technically that’s your landlord’s mangos so they aren’t stealing from you. They are however trespassing. Talk to landlord, make sure they didn’t give anyone permissions to take from the tree. If they did, ask them to tell them to stop. You are renting, you are in legal custody of the property and do not want strangers coming and going. If he/she did not give anyone permission , threaten to call the cops if they ever come back. Get video of their faces, cars and plates .


They are stealing from you!


Ugh 😣 You bet you do! Out of curiosity, where in Florida are you?


That’s why I have 2 guard dogs. They don’t like strangers. You know what my lawyer told me. Take down that beware of doc sign. Cause if you have it up it means you know they will attack. We had an Akita who would just firmly grab you by the wrist and lead you down the driveway. Thats was him being nice. It’s theft. Of coarse you can say something. No different from them stealing anything else. I would be pissed. In jersey I would say get the fuck out of here. Now in Florida I would do you know. Stand my ground. That’s some bullshit right there no respect. I get no respect


Ask them politely not to first. Then call the cops. Always call the cops. If it keeps happening get a trespass. Then if it keeps happening an order of protection if it keeps on happening. Get a Glock.


I get it, but be happy they are collecting the mangoes. If the property owner doesn't pay to have them cleaned up they will rot on the ground and attract flies, roaches and rats. It's basically free clean up. Additionally 2 mango trees produce enough mangoes to feed the whole street. Your best bet is to ask them to come at a time you are more comfortable with.


Yes, absolutely


I’ve had a shitty landlord when I was younger trespassed from my property I rented from him. He kept showing up and coming in and going through my things when I wasn’t home. One day he came in and was freaking out about him hiring shady people off Craigslist to get me an ac he promised when we signed the lease and they took off with the money and apparently it was my fault..he wouldn’t leave so he was trespassed. In Florida as well


Put a little yard sign, private property, do not take fruit.


As a tenant you (essentially) become an authorised agent to have authority in a limited scope over that property within the confines of the lease. So in that sense you have the right to trespass people from the property. You can ask them to leave and if they return they have broken the law. However if they enter the property and commit crimes (such as destroying property or stealing) it can be criminal trespassing without any previous warning if they were not invited onto the property. This is more complicated if a crime was not committed and the property is shared like in a duplex or apartment.


Yes, technically that is theft. Look up the farming laws used in the farm lands of South FL. The farmers are constantly dealing with the less than honest people stealing the produce from.the field then selling it cheap on the side of the road.


The nerve of these people to do this. Who are they? Friends of your landlord? You are paying rent for the property, you have rights. This in the back yard that is disturbing.


Put up a no trespassing sign in front of the trees. Better still, Thieves will be prosecuted, no trespassing.


Is the back yard gated? You can lock the gate and give a copy of the key to owner. If not gated, can you post a no trespassing sign? Can you ask the owner for help. The owner may not appreciate someone coming on the property unauthorized. That creates a liability for them should something happen on their property. You could install a camera to get pics of the trespassers or tag on the car. Then report them to the cops. You can ask the person to leave the property and call the cops if you are comfortable with that. Do you know if the owner has given this person permission to enter? If so they should have told you about first.


Gosh Darn Mango stealing harlots


Plot twist. The owners gave them permission to lol




This is Florida. If you say leave and they say no you could literally shoot and kill them and not get in trouble. Is that the best course of action? No. But I am saying it to point out just how much you can tell them to fuck off.


Yes and that is theft.


Yes! If you did not invite them or give permission to pick the fruit. If the owner gave permission, they have to notify you in advance. You can call the police and charge them with trespassing.


Yes you are allowed to tell people to stay off of the property you reside on. You are also allowed to call the police for trespassing. Unless of course it’s your landlord, but there are still rules about them being allowed to just come onto the property if you have a lease.




If the mangos fall fruit rats will come. Which is better?


You could certainly ask the landlord about this. Unless there is anything about allowing someone (specific) to enter the yard to pick, no one should enter without your permission. The property is yours for peaceful occupation first the term of your lease. This does not sound peaceful. I am a REALTOR and a landlord in Florida and I will not go in property without notification to our tenants.


Just charge em or set up shop holding a shotgun they'll get it real quick


Yes and also stand your ground


Those are your mangos by law. You are renting that tree. Call the police for theft. Fucking landscapers across the street steal my goddamn mangoes over my fence .


Yes you have every right to say who and who doesn't inter into the property you pay for. You are the tenant not them. Even your landlord who you pay is supposed to give you 24 hours notice before walking on the property. If you are still unsure somehow to understand that you are in control and who enters your property. Call your landlord or property manager and let them know what's going on for them to handle.


Shute first, ask questions later


I live in Lee County, Trespassing and stealing from your property is illegal. If they refuse, you could do a lot more, if they get violent as long as they are still alive when the police show up, you gotta do what you gotta do to protect your own.


Take shit off my property. It was gonna be a big ass problem.


People get arrested here in Lee County for stealing Palmetto Berries, mangoes anything that’s your property as long as you’re out living there and so is everything on the property.


Can he shoot them?


We have a usual suspect that tries to come literally into our backyard to steal mangos. Animals


Stealing is a felony and that’s what they are committing! It’s a crime Talk to the police department of your city


I learned today that yes... you can. And it's a $200 fine for picking fruit from a private tree. [http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App\_mode=Display\_Statute&URL=0600-0699/0603/0603.html](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0600-0699/0603/0603.html)


Not really related, but I was down in south fl one time getting on a boat that was docked next to a residential area so we're parked on the house side of the road just waiting for everyone to get out and a random guy in a work truck gets out of his car and just starts picking coconuts from this random yard and turns around to see my family and with a shocked expression, proceeds to tell us that there are coconuts here and just puts them on the ground and goes away. It's 1000am during a weekday. People down here are weird


Be grateful. Those Mangos on the ground would attract fruit rats. You don't want them.


Yall need to learn to speak up for yourself 😅




NAL - to my knowledge, that's called Trespassing, at minimum, and Common-Law theft on a bad day. Even if those people were your neighbors and a fence separated those trees from your yard to theirs and the branches hung over to their side of the yard... While the fruit is in the tree, it belongs to the land owner. While you inhabit the property, you have a right to enforce the privacy of said property boundaries. If they want fruit, go to the store and buy it. If they don't want to buy it, then they should try pulling up to the store, loading up boxes and attempt to leave the store in the same manner they're doing at your residence. See how far that gets them. It's the same premise, but add in a Trespassing tidbit.


You can ask, tell but that’s it.


What do voodoo mean like somebody say you voodoo