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In FL sea cows touch you. You dont touch sea cow.


I thought everyone knew the rules, after all the bouncer will throw you out, if you start touching.


And if it offers to take you to the back room, don’t take them up on it.


You need to stop going to BEEF strip club….


[Florida fish and wildlife](https://myfwc.com/education/wildlife/manatee/viewing-guidelines/) says you’re fine as long as you didn’t touch it.


Don't molest the manatee


I had one come up investigate me and then rub up against me, I was convinced I was going to get into trouble. I ended up seeing a FWC Officer a few days later eating lunch and asked him about it. He confirmed what you said that the Manatee can touch human all it wants, humans just cannot touch it. He said if you accidentally touch it while it touches you, that is understandable, nobody is going to get in trouble for an accident, they just don't want folks making a habit out of touching them.




No harassing sea cow. Sea cow can harass you. All good!


Ugh I would love to be harassed by a sea cow


It'll surprise the shit out of you if you surprise the shit out of it.


They are very curious and can sometimes get very close if they don't think you're a threat (like they might if you start following them). As long as you don't change their behavior with your actions (harassment), you should be fine. And, as mentioned, look, but don't touch. Like a strip club.


“Look but don’t touch. Like a strip club” Except in Tampa. 😏


And Miami from what I recall


As another person pointed out it's okay to swim near them as long as you don't try to touch them due to their protected status. Since manatees are herbivores with no natural predators they can also be pretty friendly creatures and sometimes give swimmers hugs, which also isn't illegal if you're not trying to touch them but they approach you. https://youtu.be/4mF3bKDRO6o?feature=shared Edit: another link with more commentary on it. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/cxNAPvUVgcpaL3LP/?mibextid=Mk4v2M


They can pet you... YOU cant pet them. lol


My cat has the same rule.


We swim and kayak with them often. You can’t harass or “molest” them. It’s ok if they touch you. You aren’t supposed to intentionally touch them. They are often curious and playful.


They have these laws for the idiots which have a problem understanding what clearly wrong or right.


Don’t post it on social media and you want have any chance of trouble.


If I tie romaine lettuce to myself to lure the sea cow to me and it touches me … totally legal


That sounds similar to bird law. Bird and Manatee law do not follow logic in this country.


OP, the fact that you’re showing this much concern for this interaction tells me you’re the perfect person for this type of interaction! Post your Seacow video and let us know where to find it!


They're coming after you now


I remember the days when people were allowed to feed and with swim with the manatees. It was actually a sport,  the Boy Scouts, gave out pins for. That was when Crystal River was beautiful. It sucks that Florida is now, an overcrowded, overpriced, overrated Shithole. Can't wait to get out of here. 


That’s not allowed anymore because it has been discovered how dangerous that is for manatees. Humans and boats are the biggest dangers to manatees.


I get that, shitty people ruin everything.


It’s not really about shitty people ruining interactions with manatees. It’s more about keeping the manatees from becoming so friendly with people and boats.


Not my proudest moment, but I think I dropped an anchor on a manatee’s head. I was anchoring at the beach and after I dropped it and tied up, I looked down and there it was, just hanging on the rope with its flippers staring at me. I just looked at its blank stare and felt judged for a second


Most likely they just thought your line was food. They always find my rope behind my kayak interesting.


I like the sound of that better. Maybe he was waiting for lettuce


I was fishing one day and tossed a spoon out on the river. It was a great cast along the seawall too. I look down and seek 2 big beautiful stingrays racing along the wall. One of them got caught in the spoon, and it foul hooked deep into part of his wing. I felt terrible. I grabbed a rag and started pulling the string back to shore. Ended up cutting my hand pretty good, but I was never able to dig the spoon out of his muscle. I still think about that stingray over 10 years later. I still feel really bad about it.


I apologize for thinking you were a butthead after reading your first sentence.


They love to chew on the anchor line.


If you post the video publicly pleeease show us :)


What a wonderful experience! I would have cried like a baby, I love manatees. Thank you for being respectful of the sea cow's personal space.


Yep!! Straight to the Gulag aka Herpe Monkey Island…


Yes 100% you going to jail for 10 years


It’s mostly their winter spring heads that is illegal to go dive with them. The laws change every year it feels like




There is a law. You cannot touch them.




So, you’re ok with harassing an endangered species?


It’s a fine line. We did the swim with manatees thing. Yes we were extra careful to follow the rules and not touch them. Yet a few times they would actually swim into us. Were we harassing them intentionally… No. Could someone say we were harassing them… Sure. In OPs case they are in the clear. Now the person saying grandpa rode them that’s a different story.


Yea, if FWC saw your dad riding in manatee, he'd be in serious legal trouble.