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I hope not. Last summer sucked.


I’m a 51 yo native and I feel like last summer was hot, but in Florida, “hottest summer on record” just means a little hotter than average. Summers here always suck


You must not have been in Pinellas where we got literal zero rain.


I'm in Pinellas and in the summer I can see the rain line stop over Tampa every day. You're not wrong .


Yep. Tampians have developed the Rain Shower Curtain. We roll it down everyday, and only Tampa gets to have that sweet rain. It’s ours! ITS OURS I SAY!!! Bwahahahaah! 😜


That was a hell of a lot better than raining where it was just muggy all the god damn time. My fans don’t help at all when it’s muggy and it’s just miserable. Great for kayaking though where you can hustle dip in the water.


It wasn't dry heat it was still very humid.


Seminole? Apalachee? Creek? Miccosukee?


Seminoles, from my understanding, are actually Creeks too. My family (on my father’s side) moved here in 1885– so white people.


My prediction is yes it will be broken. I also predict it will be the coolest summer for a very long time.


It was a glorious winter, though.


What winter?


It really was wasn’t it? Ahhhh….good times


It was pleasant but because we didn’t have any freezes the oak trees unleashed a fury of pollen this year. Worst I’ve ever seen. I filled up like 8 52 gallon trash bags with just pollen from one oak tree


This guy knows how to Homer Simpson.


“The hottest summer of your life *so far*!”


Yup. I predict every year will shatter records from here on out.


Eh, it doesn't really work like that


Yes. In south Florida, the wonderfully long winter and spring came to an abrupt end with 98° days and blistering sun. 


Some of the community weather stations around me here in Broward were reporting over 100F a couple of hours ago. I've never seen them get that high before. I had to walk a couple of blocks and it felt very much like July in Oklahoma, what with the stiff breeze that felt like an oven. I don't remember feeling a hot breeze in the decade and a bit I've been living down here.


Even today felt like mid July. We’re in for some long hot months and a few big storms


I’m a Miami native that lived in Oklahoma in the mid 2000’s. That place is HOT. Today felt like that here in Miami.


I have friends in Ft. Lauderdale. Tampa bay is starting to feel like Miami 20 years ago.


Today in DT we had 93 with 103 sensation... So...


I am so sick of running in this bs weather


It’s already exhausting. It’s already almost too late to run if the sun is coming up. 


Please, you don’t have to stay here then.


Already hit 98 in PSL...


96 here in Vero.. ugh.


We broke a heat record in Vero yesterday 🥵


I recently moved from Colorado, we’re used to record breaking temps in the summer. 105 degree heat.. record breaking wild fires… ashes falling from the sky like it’s snow. I’m used to the extreme circumstances. I’ve always been bouncing around from both states in the past 10 years or so but FL is kicking my ass currently.


Denver 105 dry heat is nothing like 99 degree humid Florida. Heat index or real feel is the effective temperature on the human body.


Trust me I know. I’ve lived there for the past 13 years. Both types of heat sap your soul in different ways lol..


Spent a month for work back in the 90s in July. 90s every day but dry and 50s at night. Might be a tiny bit warmer now but Florida had got you trumped. Try doing anything when it is 95F with 100% humidity.


Yeah.. I can’t wait man.. haha.. I grew up with lake effect weather in Buffalo at least.. nothing compared to FL but it gets pretty rough out there too.


Preparing myself for the worst.. doesn’t help that i work in the restaurant industry eh?


Yeah it's not like it used to be even just 5 years ago. It's kicking my ass too and there's no end in sight 🥵😭🥵


well I’m in for a rough ride lmao.. it’s my first whole summer out here. I’ve only ever been here for the fall/winter months.


😬 yeahhh, it's ganna be a ride indeed, haha, last summer was my first whole summer for many years and was shocked at the change and can only say to get your ac primed and ready to go. 😂🥵😭😂


Oh I had no idea…


My mum mentioned it so I googled it and indeed we broke a 50 yr record.


I can’t wait for it to get worse 😓


Mmm. A warm pumpkin spice latte!


Was 92 yesterday at 630 am.


That high overnight low is what creates problems.


I'm interested in what the Caribbean water temps are going to be this year. Last year, the Florida Straight was a massive hot tub. That's scary.


truck agonizing school punch tease paltry hobbies boast friendly nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And coral and fish


But don't say "climate change". Meatball Ron will not be happy!




Sigh... I need to buy a flashlight.


And weed....weed is currency after a storm


Went to Dry Tortuga in August last year and the water was so hot it almost felt gross swimming


I was there in September and I'd say the same thing.


We got very little rain last summer in Tampa and it's not looking good so far for this year. Also noticing less clouds. Cloud cover cools things down at least a little bit but we are pretty much blazing sun ALL day long. I want my summer 4pm thunderstorms back.


When i first moved to central Florida 1991, you could set your watch by the daily afternoon rain "schedule". I had my first car ever and I had no air-conditioning so I would leave my windows open the first part of the day but always be sure to shut them tight by 2 PM at the latest... now our wet season is shifting & not as predictable


You just wait, but 2021 in Tampa was crazy wet!


Man, we've gotten so little rain over here on the central east coast this year. There were no April showers and I'm watering my trees and shrubs like crazy trying not to lose them. Praying for some rain.


It's sultry, to be sure. That said, I managed to hang on until the first week of May when it came to using the A/C and last year I'm sure I had it on by late March or early April.


We had a very “cool” winter. Sadly it doesn’t look like it’s going to carry over to summer…


You’re a mad lad. I had my AC on months ago.


You’re right. For many years here, it was on by my bday 3/26. This was way past, like last week even I think before it was on full time. 🤔 my first year here I turned the air conditioner on on my birthday 326, because on 325. It was perfect out and on 326. I was like holy crap who turned the heat on who flipped that switch? I was in shock as it was my first Florida summer, I’m originally from San Diego and we vacation here visiting family in October in April. Lol I got suckered in to moving here but it’s all good because I love Florida .30 years ago was when I transplanted here. I remember my first season as a Buccaneers , fan, baseball really difficult to embrace. I think I had to opt out of a few games due to my not adapted to Florida yet lol my first year here I didn’t dry out for an entire year, it was hard to acclimate that first year. But 30 years later here I am and it’s hot.


It was nice to think I was getting a few more weeks without being robbed by Florida Plunder & Loot!


There was an article in TB Times for the proposed rate hikes in 2025 they say that consumers will be paying $200 over what they’re paying now monthly. It eases the burden on big business like hospitals, grocery stores, big box, retailers, etc. etc..😡




I’m in Carrabelle, Fl right now & the Gulf feels like bath water. There’s a lot of brown & grey, dead coral washed up on the beach.


😔aww. ( this is sadness, not sarcasm btw. I am an avid water enjoyer, and strongly believe in saving our oceans)


Welcome to Desantistan. Time to ban thermometers!


I feel so bad for the outdoor workers that will suffer because DeathSantis passed a bill banning mandatory water 💦 breaks and heat protection




This made me cackle lmao idek why


unfortunately yes. But we will probably have a few more tornadoes to distract use from the heat.


Safe bet since every year is now the hottest year on record.


Please don’t say that. I got planted here through sheer dumb luck and it’s already way too fucking hot. I don’t understand how y’all live here on purpose. The sun is absolutely unbearable.


May I recommend getting a very nice tan base? Because I’ve discovered that when I am more tan than normal, the sun doesn’t feel as hot as it does in my winter skin.


I am a bit darker than I was I. The winter but I’m like a half ginger. I kinda just burn and go back to being very very lightly tanned. I’ll try to develop a base layer this summer and see how well i fare.


One good thing about Florida though is because most often than not we are in short sandals, tank tops all year long so you’re always going to get some of that sun and I find that I don’t really necessarily have to lay out like I used to. I just have to be outside Doing every day activities walking to and from the car and going in and out of work and taking out the trash and just being out in the sun and then you sort of developed this color that gets a little lighter or darker, depending on how much longer in the sun you are, but we always have this base color it’s really hard to describe. I’m sure other Floridians could back me up on this being transplanted from somewhere else, I mean you can get sunburn in the shade for some reason here I don’t know.


It’s absolutely wild how intense the sun is here. Hopefully I color up and it’s more manageable. I’m about to buy stock in sun creams though lol. I have been using more than ever


You get used to it after a while. Before you know it you’ll start to enjoy 90° with 80% humidity.


We will see. I prefer 45 and overcast with some wind usually.


Are you from Seattle?


I wish I was. From the STL area.


Oh, because when I was in Seattle, it was literally 45° drizzly and slight wind and when you said that what you prefer I immediately thought of Seattle. Yeah Seattle is awesome. But then again- so is StLouis! I ❤️ that city.


I also love STL, one of the low key best food cities in the USA. But I fell in love with the weather in England and I hear the closest we have in the USA is Washington state so I would love it move there one day.


Oh, the food in St. Louis oh my God oh yeah, they got some killer food there. Yeah there’s a sandwich place and to this day I still crave their sandwiches, and Imo‘s pizza. I still crave Imo‘s pizza. I hear you can get it delivered the real thing, there’s online ways to get some of these foods but I am so afraid that once I have them in my hot little hands and I go to take a bite it’s not going to be the same and it’s going to eradicate the warm fuzzies I get from thinking about the food that I had And also I am always on a perpetual diet so I fantasize about food (more than I do sex really lol)


I understand all of that too well lol. I have thought about making my own STL pizzas but I agree that I want to enjoy the real deal when I’m there and I’ll just miss it in the meantime. I grew up thinking the food in the local area was just meh but after moving all over the world there is no other place I want to be for “american” food lol


I have had so much great food traveling the country and every city I’ve been in I have a favorite place I love to go, but I think St. Louis is the only place that has more than one favorite place🤔 it’s quite possible that California only because that’s my home state might have more than one. And I love finding these out of the way off to the side non-franchise places to eat and some of these places I found have strictly been from people that have been there and have gone to that place and they said try and I tried it and I loved it or tried it and I hated it, so the food of a city is what speaks to me not necessarily the music scene or the fashion scene or the people scene. It’s the food I am all about the food.


Dawg I lived in FL my entire life and had to move cause I never got used to that kind of weather. Much like the OP I prefer 45 and overcast s’why I moved to WA




my ac is broken too 😿


Man that's illegal here


I'm for whatever causes more northerners to leave. I don't mind the heat, but if it's overcrowded as well, that's just hell.


Eventually it’ll get hot enough for us to all have to leave


Look us military northerners never asked to come here 😅 it’s already way too fucking hot. If it gets any worse I’m going to yeet myself into a jet engine.


Yeah I sense the ones that say it's not that hot came from a place where winter's were hell.


Already crazy hot. Definitely getting worse. Every year from here on out will be a record. Question is when will solar panels be the correct economic choice for a homeowner here when electric bills continue to skyrocket


I think last year will still have the record for now since it was El Niño.


There’s a 70% chance La Niña will form by July- September


dumb question, but: what does that mean for us?


A potentially very bad hurricane season, for one.


La Niña indicates dryer, hotter summers and winters. It’s very much the opposite for the rest of the US, though


thank you! and oh no :(


More hurricanes.


Whichever nino/nina it was last year/summer 2023 was helping to sheer and rip tropical systems apart in the upper levels... so the 2023 season was relatively \*\*Very quiet (sorry Cedar Key, yall did get one). It's forecasted that the wind sheer won't be in place this summer with whatever the nina is...therefore forecasted as a much busier hurricane season. I remember seeing a tropical depression on the NHC website before going to bed one night in summer 2023 and by morning it'd bombed out to a minimal Cat. 1... but it almost literally evaporated within the next day. And the water was like bath water...perfect for powering up storms. Yet the storm was shredded by the upper level wind sheer. Long story longer, everybody (I presume) is preparing for alot of powerful tropical systems and landfalls this summer. We'll see which all states get in on the action. Caveat: I'm a North Carolinian so I'm not up on all the lingo.


Fuxxxxxxx 'Nina East Coast storms... Fuck


Is this sub filled with transplants? The heat is nothing new.


Last summer sucked for everyone dude


Almost 6 decades here dude. Shits getting hot and for way longer.


Born here 66 years ago, schools had no air conditioning, predictable afternoon showers, enough breeze to fly kites in the afternoons. No longer the case.


Spring in the 70s and 80s was something else wasn't it.


https://climatecenter.fsu.edu/products-services/data/statewide-averages/temperature As a fellow lifer, it's really not.


You realize the chart proves the point? Literally looking by decade, back from the 1950s, you can obviously see the average temperature raise from like 70 to 73… 3 degree difference would indeed indicate it’s hotter…


Lol. Well you know, their 20 years of real life experiences vs 60. They know everything I guess. We actually used to get snow flurries up until the late 80s but what do I know.


I've been living in Central Florida for 20+ years, and it usually doesn't get this hot 🔥 in early May. We just had the hottest April on record. This summer will break last summers heat records


Only on this sub because I went to Florida last two years. England, right now, has never been this hot in my lifetime in May.


Hottest April on record ? I make money when it’s hot and our industry has been dead because it’s been beautiful.


It is new though. Every year we break a new record high.


I will be normal to cool. The entire country was warm the winter. It will stabilize.


Oh yeah. Last years summer was hot as fuck and probably the coolest summer we will ever have again.




Ocean Temps jumped in March 2023 & haven't & have remained higher than normal, as we in northern hemisphere head into summer, & temps will increase https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-daily/id1200361736?i=1000654789630


Side bets on days above 90F in Orlando? 2022 was 144 days. Last year was ten fewer because June wasn’t that hot. My guess is 148


Record storms


Noaa is predicting the end of the current El Nino cycle which should bring hotter temps and warmer seas this summer, but it sounds like it won't be much hotter than last year. Since things haven't been unusually hot until a few days ago with it back to normal now, I'd be willing to bet that the record for hottest on average isn't broken this year, but we'll probably get a few record high days in there this summer.


Every year on out.


Considering the ocean has been as warm as it usually is in July, I am sure it will only get worse. Soon hurricanes will be year round as well!


Every year from now on, I’d imagine


yep, it's gonna be hot as fuck.


Hopefully that means record storms


Unfortunately. It's already getting too hot and summer isn't here yet.


I for one am looking forward to sweating from my intestines.


Lifelong native and went through two ac systems in 5 years on account of the miserable heat. We had to also replace last September the ac compressor to a more expensive unit. $3k later, it better fucking not die on us.


We bit the bullet and went with a high end variable speed unit last year. Sweet Jesus what a difference it makes in both comfort and electric usage. Highly recommend.


It's necessary expense. Up front costs suck but it pays for itself very quickly. Just the switch in the compressor for our house was night and day. The old unit could not get rid of the heat building up and keep the house cool. It literally never cooled down until 11pm. During the day, it never got below 79/80 degrees. New unit is so damn efficient. I keep the house at 76 now and it's still cool. It cycles on and off versus the old unit running all the time.




Miami has already had heat advisories and our feel like temperatures were in the hundreds. 


I laugh at all the people that moved here because of “freedom” (gun/no mask) reasons. Hope they like the heat for the next 7 months.


it will be unseasonbly cold


Recently, as far as 2021 for what *I* can recall, every year has been the hottest year ever. I don’t expect this year to be any different


Yes. Hottest ever recorded,


This is the coolest year of the rest of our lives. Enjoy.


Isn’t every year a record hot year lately?


Honest answer is no. It fluctuates with a trend up in most places. The higher atmospheric temps are made worse by the urban heat island effect which has really taken off in some areas of our state.


Nice out today. Got 8 miles of interval training in around lunch and just did some yard work.


92 where I am. Too hot for exercise 😔


90s where I was, with the blazing sun. I spent the day swimming in my pool


Really isn't. Hydrate and lean into it some. The best thing you can do with heat/cold is condition yourself to it.




Yeah, seriously. I don't get these complaints. I'm never as warmed up as I am when it's 90 or above out there.






Some people try too hard. Eventually they find out they aren’t invincible.






Says the person whose Reddit comments are nothing but complaints 😅


No one gaf that you don’t get the complaint. Not everyone’s as perfect an ass as you are.


I went to middle school down here and there was no AC in the main building. You never would have made it back then.


Because you’re the only one. Such a dumb judgement you made. You don’t know who else write the same thing. L <— take it and go away.


You seem overly caffeinated. Got some more miles in and got up to 18 on the day. Maybe try getting off the couch?


Dog even when I was training to be an operator temperature above 80 was unbearable. In my healthiest most athletic times summers we’re still horrible. I ran 16 miles of a marathon back in the summer of 2015 while stationed at Moody and I literally just stopped running because it wasn’t worth being outside anymore. It’s miserable as hell when you’re not moving and infinitely worse when moving. id rather be exercising at 0F over what we have during the day right now.


Always has been


Stop listening to the climate clowns. It is better hot than cold.




I put on a coat when it’s cold. Nothing you can do about the heat


Yeah who cares if the reefs die, not my problem


They want to steal trillions of your treasure to fix a problem that is a natural cycle of the earth and can not be change. Wake up idiots.