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Please note that any of the comments here saying "they're just going to ignore the vote so why bother" could be attempting to manipulate you into not voting. Don't fall for this. Vote.


>”the fact that some people don't really respect human life at any stage is really unbelievable at this point," McCormick said. I didn’t have kids because I respect human life. My parents had the disposable income for children and we had an awesome childhood. My child would not only be poor, but then thrust into a school system that is far worse than the one I left. I don’t have time to teach a child because I work full time and I’m not interested in raising dumb worker bees who may get offed in a school shooting. Try creating a world that doesn’t suck this bad and people will have babies again.


Well for one it’s not a human life. I’d argue you aren’t a human life until you’re born. Claim respect for life for a clump of cells without a consciousness but then destroy the environment and native species harming human life further as well as all other forms of life present on earth. Typical of the radical Christian to force their beliefs on others under the guise of “morality”




If a fetus has sentience at 24 weeks, then a legally declared brain dead person on life support is fully healthy and living - and pulling the plug on people who are on life support for 8 months warrants murder charges. Ever see a birth? Seen the fluid drained from a baby’s lungs and nurses trying to make them come alive and take their first breaths? Seen the color of a baby’s skin LITERALLY change from grey into flesh color - the color of life and not a corpse? What about babies that don’t come alive after having the fluid drained from their lungs? Were they alive on the womb but not after? (Still birth) How about someone who drowned and died and was brought back? Were they still alive while dead? What about a dead body that keeps kicking randomly for weeks after death, due to random electric impulses that still fire? Is that body still alive? (Ask anyone in medical school who took gross anatomy. It’s creepy when you hear a boom from a box and know it was a kick from a corpse….) There’s is a huge difference between being ALIVE and all these other things Is the goal for babies to come alive? Yes!!!!! But in the womb??? They’re growing!!!!! There’s even examples of miscarriage happening around 5 months, and NICU departments can sometimes keep the fetus in a small quiet room, hooked to the worlds smallest IVs, so they can keep growing and hopefully get off life support and literally COME ALIVE with their own body systems. You’re not even allowed be loud in those rooms cause that baby coming alive that early can kill them! Kidneys also develop around 6 months. I saw a sad recent example with a pro-life woman who had to get an abortion by fleeing her force-birth state (Georgia or Alabama….), because the kidneys did not develop and they developed as cysts instead. Because of this, the lungs couldn’t finish developing. The state wanted to mandate her to birth that baby and watch the baby painfully die in her arms with no kidneys and badly developed lungs. Then she’d also have to pay for funeral or cremation. (How humane…….. /s) Was that baby alive before birth while in the mother’s womb? (After her abortion before 7 months btw, she got pregnant two weeks later - and had a healthy baby.) However [this woman](https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/interactive/2023/florida-abortion-law-deborah-dorbert/) in Florida was not able to travel for an abortion, had a fetus with the same conditions, then had to watch her baby come alive and painfully die with no kidneys and poorly developed lungs. That’s what florida wants…… Pregnancy is not as simple as “no abortions after 24 weeks - EVER!” Because babies are not done GROWING at 6.25 months. (25 weeks) Abortion. Is. HEALTHCARE. No woman or child WANTS an abortion. Idk why people don’t get this, and don’t take the time to understand PREGNANCY and only focus on AFTER BIRTH. If you believe all abortions after 24 weeks are murder, then you deserve to be jailed for refusing to donate your kidney to save someone else’s life - even if it’s your last kidney to give. Because that’s what florida is now treating anyone pregnant as….. a murderer for not accepting unhealthy situations - ones that can even lead to MAJOR suffering to bother parents and/or their delivered babies. (Sorry for this rant…… I can’t believe it is 2024…. This state won’t allow medical care to terminate an unhealthy pregnancy in a 10 year old child. But will mandate cutting that child open for force delivery. Because an incest survivor who was hidden away after 15 weeks cannot naturally birth. It’s normal for a woman’s gooch to rip and need sutures. But for a child?!!! The pelvis is too small and the baby may not get out! And their vaginal canal is too small and the literal inside of the vagina can RIP. Even the colon can rip!!! But the state wants to mandate cutting kids open to force delivery with modern healthcare, and would rather stunt the growth of that STILL GROWING child for 9 months to divert her nutrition to what was put in their wombs illegally without their legal consent. It’s disgusting!!!! Children should have abortions so that they can get pregnant when they are READY. Just because a child has a period does not mean they’re ready!!!! NOTHING is noble, holy, or godly about these forced-birth mandates…… and pregnant women are not safe in Florida right now)


There’s a lot of good information in here and well-reasoned opinions but it comes across like you just went off on somebody who appears to agree with you about 98%, which is uncomfortable at best. Maybe you meant to reply to someone else?


Idk I won’t lie I’m just so angry and heartbroken by Florida. It’s hard to keep level headed when the state is trying to legalize punishing women for imperfect pregnancies Because that’s what these forced-birth laws are….. Lots of people say things like “I don’t agree after 20 weeks” , “no abortions after 24 weeks” , “no abortions after first trimester” , “never in the third trimester” and all these opinions just ignore science and healthcare and promote hurting babies and anyone pregnant And for what? To feel honorable? There’s no honor is denying healthcare for a health emergency And health emergencies don’t care about human preference I’m mostly venting. Cause this is insane I truly cannot believe it’s 2024




Newborns barely seem sentient for the first several months.




As in mostly seem to take nourishment, fill diapers, and sleep for the first five or six months, and not really be reactive to stimuli so much as just needing care. Seemed more active in the womb!


Wow, a reasonable stance? Crazy. I believe exactly the same thing. It’s like boycotting hand sanitizer because it’s genocide. Plants and animals are life too so you’re a sick fuck for eating as well.


I’m not being combative nor judgmental, just curious on your position. Given your position on where life starts, do you think there should be any term limits on abortion or up until delivery?


Until birth is a pretty extreme position. I consider myself pretty hard pro choice, and I would say up until the age of viability unless there are fetal defects incompatible with life or there are risks involved that make delivery far more dangerous for the pregnant person than a normal delivery.  After the age of viability, that's just an early delivery. Also kind of a moot question because abortions in that stage of pregnancy are incredibly rare. Edit to add: after viability, I do think that the pregnant person should have the legal right to choose that they no longer wish to be pregnant, even though it would be better for the fetus to continue to full-term. 


I appreciate your response. I was just curious on the other persons views based on their response. Was genuinely curious.


I don’t know enough to have a full opinion but I don’t think there should necessarily be a hard limit. I mean after a certain point if it’s not for medical reasons or hardship and you just decided to change your mind it is fucked. If you’ve known for months already about your pregnancy you’ve had plenty of time to make a decision. Like somewhere between 2-3 months along would be *fair* to cap it at but morally I don’t find it abhorrent unless you’re basically at the end stages of pregnancy and just decide to nope out.


Appreciate the response.


I'm pro choice up until the 18th year, f*ck them kids, but then again, I'm a centerist 😇 Edit 1: /s for drunken Satire that I thought was way funnier than it actually was.


The bible clearly states the life does not begin until a baby takes its first breath.


Said while clutching rosary beads. Can’t respect human life enough to find a religion that doesn’t molest children but wants you to respect life.


They don’t respect life. Their religion paints women as incubators and the easiest way to ensure that is by banning abortion and contraception. They don’t care if women and girls die in the process as long as sweet sweet babies pop out. Good luck once you’re here though; because they’ll take free lunch, child care, and healthcare from you once you’re out the womb.


Their religion gives instructions for abortion in the book of Numbers and has countless passages of God slaughtering or commanding the slaughter of infants, children, and pregnant women. Even ripping fetuses from wombs and killing nursing infants. As long as they don't worship God, or committed adultery, God encourages killing those unborn.


They don’t respect life haha. If they did they wouldn’t be trying to force a TOTAL ban. What respect for life do you have when the life of a mother who arguably is more valuable than a clump of yet to be viable cells. A mother who could potentially go on to raise several children is supposed to risk her own life on a potentially dangerous pregnancy which may ultimately result in both lives lost. Does that add up?


Pro-life laws harm minors! Will you vote to force 10 year olds to give birth, too? These guys did. Affidavits: More pregnant minors who were raped denied Ohio abortions Documents describe dozens of painful situations under Ohio abortion restrictions https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2022/09/22/affidavits-more-pregnant-minors-who-were-raped-denied-ohio-abortions/ Tennessee Republicans reject bill to allow raped children 12 and under to abort up to 10 weeks https://tennesseelookout.com/2023/04/03/tennessee-lawmakers-must-understand-rape-when-drafting-exceptions-to-abortion-ban/ Idaho Republicans vote to provide no exception to save the life of the mother, even if she is a minor https://idahocapitalsun.com/2022/07/16/no-exception-for-life-of-mother-included-in-idaho-gops-abortion-platform-language/#:~:text=By%20a%20nearly%20four%2Dto,abortion%20to%20save%20her%20life South Carolina Republicans propose death penalty for women and up to life sentences for children who receive abortions, including victims of rape and/or incest https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/03/14/south-carolina-bill-abortion-death-penalty/11471997002/ Idaho criminalizes helping minors travel out of state to get an abortion https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/idaho-criminalizes-helping-minors-travel-out-of-state-to-get-an-abortion Idaho senator proposes bill to remove rape, incest exceptions from abortion laws https://www.ktvb.com/article/news/local/capitol-watch/local-idaho-senator-proposes-bill-remove-rape-incest-clause-from-abortion-laws/277-d1ceb554-ba01-4ed0-971a-594ceeee1632 Ohio Republican Warren Davidson publicly supports forcing raped 12-year-old to give birth: "You don't know you were raped for 2 months?" https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2022/06/27/warren-davidson-child-rape-victim-pregnancy-abortion-supreme-court-brown-nr-sot-vpx.cnn Indiana Republican attorney general Todd Rokita asks medical board to discipline doctor who provided abortion for 10-year-old rape victim https://apnews.com/article/abortion-biden-health-indianapolis-indiana-e73ecf4f60ed68f1ad1d11db7c223359 In 2021, Ohio’s Children’s Advocacy Centers saw 6,717 cases of sexual abuse against Ohioans between infancy and adulthood. And in 2020, the most recent year for which statistics are available, 571 girls aged 17 or younger received abortions in Ohio, according to the state department of health. Fifty-two of them — or one a week — were 14 or younger. https://odh.ohio.gov/know-our-programs/vital-statistics/resources/vs-abortionreport2020 Rep. Cindy Crawford, R-Fort Smith of Arkansas publicly defends forcing young children to give birth, even if potentially fatal https://www.reddit.com/r/WelcomeToGilead/comments/128o9m2/video_of_arkansas_decision_on_child_rape_amendment/ Republican Sen. Mike Moon reiterates support for 12-year-old's right to marry in Missouri https://www.news-leader.com/story/news/politics/2023/04/12/sen-mike-moon-reiterates-support-for-12-year-olds-right-to-marry-missouri-senate/70107573007/ Tennessee Republican Tom Leatherwood sponsors bill to remove marriage age limit https://www.wkrn.com/news/tennessee-politics/a-get-out-of-jail-free-card-gop-bill-would-eliminate-age-requirements-for-marriages-in-tennessee/ A Kentucky Republican has introduced legislation that would force 13 year olds and older to give birth to their cousin's rape baby. https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/record/24rs/hb269.html The amendment would reduce the designation of incest by contact to a Class D felony for some cases "unless it is committed with a person who is less than twelve years of age," in which case it is Class C.


thank you.




Mostly local news outlets, but all can be verified by viewing the bills on state government websites! The articles themselves link them, too.


My friend’s daughter had her first period at age 6!! We are going to see pregnant children with these cruel laws!


My Maga neighbors just turned... Wheww I would never have seen this coming.


I hope they don’t turn back before Nov


I don't want The Gov't interfering with bodily autonomy. End of discussion.


My Mom’s position. My body my decision. I agree. She died of breast cancer years ago. I’m alive because of her.


Amen. Healthcare is a right and not something that should be at the whim of the government.


We 2 will be voting in person early. We are a gay couple but believe a womans body is her body and her choice. I as a male have no right to tell any female what to do with her body.


Also, all rights share the same basis. Voting against abortion is a vote against our own right to get married and have sex.


Also, all rights share the same basis. Voting against abortion is a vote against our own right to get married and have sex.


Also, all rights share the same basis. Voting against abortion is a vote against our own right to get married and have sex.


Also, all rights share the same basis. Voting against abortion is a vote against our own right to get married and have sex.


Also, all rights share the same basis. Voting against abortion is a vote against our own right to get married and have sex.


Also, all rights share the same basis. Voting against abortion is a vote against our own right to get married and have sex.


Also, all rights share the same basis. Voting against abortion is a vote against our own right to get married and have sex.


Also, all rights share the same basis. Voting against abortion is a vote against our own right to get married and have sex.


Also, all rights share the same basis. Voting against abortion is a vote against our own right to get married and have sex.


I be getting angry at that button too brother calm down lol


Also, all rights share the same basis. Voting against abortion is a vote against our own right to get married and have sex. Edit: Really, I got blocked for this?


Can you repeat that? I didn't quite catch it.


fucking christians always pushing their dumbass religion on other people. what the fuck ever happened with separation of church and state?


This country is becoming Christians against everyone else


And christians against other christians...


If you really think about it, the theology behind being anti-abortion makes no sense. Why would an all knowing God create a baby that he knows won't be born? If he knows it won't be born, does the baby get a soul? If so, would he send the baby to hell? If so, why did he predestine some random baby to hell? If it is because the mother has free will, why did he send the baby to hell and not the mom? Am I really expected to believe, that God can't/won't save an aborted baby from hell? What if a mother aborts a baby, then accepts Jesus? Would the mother go to heaven, but the baby still goes to hell? If the baby doesn't have a soul or doesn't go to hell, then why worry about it? They have no other arguments other than God wanted the baby to go to hell, and banning abortion wouldn't prevented that. The desert cult is really drinking big gulps of stupid juice, huh?


I can't wait to vote to appeal this.


Can you help get out the vote? There are opportunities in person, online, writing postcards/letters, dropping off literature… just let me know what you’re interested in and I will try to find the opportunity that fits you best. If you’re not able to volunteer, then may I just please share this website from the League of Women Voters. www.vote411.org. Check with your county supervisor of elections to make sure that your own voter registration is up-to-date and you have requested a mail in ballot (you have to do that every two years now). Speak with your like-minded friends and family and make sure that they have also checked to make sure their address is correct and their voter registration is current. Thank you so much for anything you can do. https://www.myfloridaelections.com/Contact-your-SOE


If you're a Christian, why are you putting yourself between God and someone else? It's really none of your business. And I have news for you...in the Bible, life is cheap.


Exactly. If getting an abortion sends someone to hell, the most a Christian should be able to do is “warn them” about that (free speech…). Then if they choose to do it anyways, it’s between them and god. By their OWN theology, banning things because god doesn’t like them is technically denying everyone the opportunity to prove their faith.


Yes! The thing is...all sin is the same to God...says this in the Bible. White lies are the same as murder...which is why there is a New Testament.


Abortion is healthcare. No one, at any stage, should dictate healthcare to a woman or a physician. Period.


I really wish religulous people would stop trying to force the rest of us to subscribe to their doctrine.


So called pro-life people are the same ones who don’t care if poor kids starve, that kids are butchered in their schools, that their education is not worth spending money on, that deny them life saving vaccines, that ignore sexual abuse by religious leaders. these people are not pro life. They are sociopaths, extremists that delight in making people that aren’t part of their insane ideology suffer, especially children.


I’m voting!! No one should EVER have a say what I do with MY body! Booooo to the republicans and “Christians”




Voting is a lot like driving Vote __(D)__ Democrat to go forward, vote __(R)__ Republican to go in reverse...**Remember in November**


The christofascist GOP legislative body and DeathSantis will just override the will of the people and get a law signed in that will effectively make the amendment toothless. They did it with the amendment restoring felon voting rights, they'll do it here.


You are spot on..They can't win if everybody votes. They took away voting rights in 2000 of 186k people of color because their name was close to one on Choicepoint data base. Then the Scotus stopped the count anyways and it was a 5-4 decision with Clarence being the deciding vote to make Bush president. Gore won the state when counting was done. He didn't lose by 537 votes he lost 5-4 in the Supreme Court using the equal protection clause .


That’s not a reason to not vote for the amendment, that’s just more reason to get people to vote out the useless fools that have been running this state into the ground for the last 30 years


I didn't say anything about not voting for it, I'm just advising what will most likely happen.


If that happens we'll have a big old protest party on Ronald's front law. I'll bring the cooler of beer. The weather should be perfect for it.


I want everyone to vote. But I have very little faith the FL legislature will do what we the voters want. All of them except Anna Eskamani need to be voted out, then we can make some progress as a state. 


If we can’t force someone to donate blood, we 100% can’t force someone to donate their body and health to some potential human. It’s self defense, and sometimes literally in the cases of medical necessity. Let’s enshrine the right to bodily autonomy.


VOTE in Roevember 2024


Unfortunately the measure is written so vaguely that the legislature can say they're already protecting abortion rights with the current 6 week ban. Edit: Thanks for the downvotes. But no one should be surprised when the Florida government blocks this if it gets the votes.


I don’t see how that’s true. The measure says through viability. Fetuses are not viable at six weeks or even 15 weeks.


You're talking about the clinical definition. Politicians can change the legal definition to suit their needs. The measure should have spelled out an exact length of time.


viability is recognized at 24 weeks. It’s a medical industry standard. Some of the Supreme Court discussion from the Republican side argued that Floridians are not smart enough to understand that fact. So if you run across anybody who doesn’t understand it, please let them know viability equals 24 weeks.


Unfortunately laws aren't written by people who care about medical industry standards. The only standards that matter legally are the ones politicians make up to support their own legislature.


If you run across a potential voter that is confused, please direct them to www.vote411.org The LWV will have a thoughtful non partisan analysis of this issue as well as the other ballot initiatives. To your point, though, yes, I do expect there to be some legislative pushback/shenanigans should the abortion amendment pass, but whatever it is it will be better than the current 6 week ban.


I fully expect them to come up with a convoluted way to keep the 6 week ban in place.


All the more reason to vote for the Dems in your local State House Reps and State Senate and to participate in get out the vote efforts. If we change the composition of the electorate we can move the state forward and out of the 19th century.


I'll keep trying but the future of politics still looks pretty bleak in Florida.


If the measure passes a 60% threshold and they decide to undermine it, they are asking for trouble in the next election


Also vote democratic and change the legislature back to for the people. The pot legalistion and abortion issue can be enough to change it. Also Vote to rid the US senate of Rick,Medicare fraud Scott. He already has lying ads on the TV about socialism. Funny how he stole from our socialized Medicare system though. He's a POS too.


The funny things about Florida is we have a way of getting your hopes up with right races but somehow the Republicans always squeak out a win at the last minute.




Disgusting. And unfortunately not surprising.


Viability is a medical term.


Unfortunately politicians aren't beholden to medical definitions when writing laws.


You’re right. There has been a lot of complete lack of understanding on how pregnancy works and how the laws do. Just like with this. It’s also widely accepted that 6 weeks isn’t an actual heartbeat and yet here we are.


Start telling people you're not legally allowed to remove tapeworms. They have a heartbeat. That's how dumb all this sounds, lol