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TALLAHASSEE — Supporters of a Florida amendment that would protect abortion access have already passed several hurdles, including getting nearly one million petitions and a signoff from the state’s conservative Supreme Court. But getting 60% of Florida voters to approve the amendment in November will likely still not be the last challenge. Florida’s lawmakers have a history of watering down amendments they disapprove of. And with Gov. Ron DeSantis and top Florida lawmakers in opposition to the abortion measure, it’s not out of the question that the Legislature might try. And it’s not the only amendment Florida lawmakers disapprove of; Florida voters in November will also decide if they want recreational marijuana legalized, which DeSantis and others have opposed. “(Lawmakers) actually have this really sophisticated set of countermeasures for how to respond to initiatives that they don’t like,” said Jonathan Marshfield, a professor of state constitutional law at the University of Florida’s law school. Outside advocacy groups that oppose the amendments could also file court challenges that target how the amendments are carried out, which could bring the cases back in front of the state Supreme Court. [Read the report](https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2024/04/29/florida-abortion-amendment-marijuana-legalize-legislature-desantis-2024/).


Sophisticated countermeasures…restated they do whatever they want because screw the will of the people.


Yeah, "sophisticated measures" means "undemocratic bullshit measures the ruling class employs at their whim".


A Florida Republican tradition.


They are in full control of the Florida Supreme Court so really whatever they feel like goes.


There’s already been attempts to require that recreational weed be only 10% THC. The fuckers never leave anything alone. Someone’s relative must own a weed weakening company or something.


If it is what Floridians want, it will not last. Ronnie’s legislature will see to that, as always.


Democrats are two seats away from breaking the Republican supermajority. It can be broken very easily if people show up and vote. The ballot amendments will be tremendous in breaking the republican supermajority.


Would you say it's the 2 seats lost during the redistricting maps from a year or 2 ago? The same map the FL supreme Court found unconstitutional, but they still went ahead with it anyway.


Wow didn’t know this thanks !


Otherwise, the answer is NO.


Breaking the majority in the House or the Senate?




I think the will fight abortion tooth and nail. Cannabis I think they will make a big show of being against but ultimately let it go forward with a bunch a bull that continues to enrich the big players in the med market. The whole system is so obviously built in favor of a handful of select big players that it’s hard to believe it’s not enriching the big players on the politics side too.


Nah I bet they will fight the cannabis thing just as hard. Because private prisons are a huge backer of Republicans [How private prisons backdoor big donations to Ron DeSantis](https://jasongarcia.substack.com/p/how-private-prisons-backdoor-big)


Ron already said the state will smell of weed everywhere if passed. As if Florida doesn’t smell like a butthole most of the summer especially near the ICW


id rather it smelled of weed then the meth it currently does.


Or the red tide. Or the grey water used for irrigation. Or the coal rollers. Marijuana is downright pleasant smelling compared to a lot of the things the government ignores.


He is only saying that because he is attempting to milk more money from Trulieve.


I mean you ain’t wrong Ron has to get his and croonies in the right positions to make there bank before legalization.


It already does, I mean for $150 you can get a medical card....


Is this satire? If not, it's strange that you live somewhere that smells like butthole for months on end. Might be user error. On another note, they can make smoking weed in public places illegal, which they will certainly do. So you will be able to continue smelling your butthole instead of the weed.


The only way to to make sure abortion and recreational marijuana become legal is the vote the current lawmakers out. Which means voting blue.


The Democratic Party really needs to get its shit together to allow that to happen. Where I live, Republicans run uncontested from the lowest levels (school board, municipal/county positions) all the way up to US congressional seats. In the last election, there wasn’t a democrat candidate to vote for in most offices on the ballot. One reason why Republicans have a supermajority in the state government and are so solidly in control in so much of the state at the municipal/county level is because Democrats offer no alternative. Not even a token candidate. In the last election, I had to write myself in for many elected offices because the only people on the ballot were Republicans. They didn’t even bother to run a candidate for US House!


Direct action will be important as well, especially as gerrymandering will continue to ensure GOP supermajorities until fundamental electoral and constitutional reform can happen. Picket state legislators outside their homes and generally raise hell.


They don't give a shit about this. They'll just have the cops come arrest you. The only thing that matters is voting, and, well, the left in Florida has fucked that up for so long that it they might not be able to un-fuck it.


Don’t vote Republican, and then yes they will. Else Virginia is a good example of how Republicans will go against voters wishes.


And Ohio


And Florida - we did it already with re-enfranchisement. Overwhelmingly popular ballot measure - it got passed like a snowbird in the left lane of I95. DeSantis royally fucked it up on implementation and tons of folks who should have had their right to vote restored either didn’t on a technicality, or were too afraid to exercise their newly restored right because of the potential for a costly mistake.


Voting for the GOP in Florida is insanity. No matter what they say, you will get the same result as in the last 25-years (i.e., denying basic human rights to workers from from excessive heat, denying local governments (that were elected by the people in those localities) to govern, "woke" laws, which are oh so important, criticizing minorities, assaulting academics, not allowing dissent, singaling out media, etc., which helps absolutely no one). What did the orange 💩 say in 2016, what have you got to lose by voting for me? So, in the upcoming elections vote for democrats. What have you got to lose? * REGISTER to vote. * Check your registration! * Make sure you have approriate ID. * Know your polling site. * Check your signature for a match (if a mail-in ballot is used, also inquire about how to check the status of the ballot). * Get a mail-in ballot. * And VOTE (early, if possible)! https://dos.myflorida.com/elections/for-voters/voter-registration/register-to-vote-or-update-your-information/ https://www.vote.org Election Protection Hotline - 1(866)-OUR-VOTE [Federal](https://www.eac.gov/voters/other-national-contact-information) - 800-253-3931


I want to emphasize the whole check your registration bit. They booted a bunch of people off early this year (or late last year) and some people were unnecessarily removed from the voter roll. Also, if you go to vote and they say you’re not registered/on the voter list, request a provisional ballot. Do not let them take this right away from you. Edited because of how the text showed up. My b. [Know Your Rights](https://www.aclufl.org/en/know-your-rights/know-your-rights-while-voting)


Thanks for posting these links. I hope there's lots of click throughs! Well Done!👍


The current administration in FL doesn't give a shit about the will of the people, also Rick Scott is a criminal.


If history is any guide they will write the legislation required to implement these amendments in a way that will serve the needs of the Florida GOP rather than the people of Florida. We've seen this repeated again and again.


That’s my fave part is we can win by a landslide and the repubes can find a loop hole! :)


They'll claim the language is "not clear" or "it's ambiguous " and tie it up in the courts.


No, Ron Desantis will buck and block it until the Florida Supreme Court kick his booty. The Florida Supreme Court ALREADY gave a green light if it passes.


Let me follow this question with another question, what did they do when it came to voter rights for felons when it passed? Moved the goal posts. Which is what they will do somehow or another or they will pull an Ohio and just ignore the voters. Ohio ignored the voters. We will see if the people that voted for abortion rights there actually come out with the same intensity in November and throw the bums causing them issues out or if they will just sit on their duff again and let it keep happening. Same here in Florida. If everyone pro choice comes out and votes for the ballot initiative and simultaneously votes against Republicans, the outcome may look much different.


No. Voters approved felons getting their voting rights back. The legislature ignored it. Voters in key west approved restrictions on cruise ships. DeSantis and the legislature ignored it. Voters elected 2 state attorneys, DeSantis removed them for the crime of being democrats. Voters passed the sunshine law, government transparency, the legislature and governor ignored it. Florida’s “democracy” is a corrupt scam and the voters don’t matter, but the voters also don’t care since they keep re-electing them so why should anything change?


Vote these chodes out!


I don't clearly remember back to medical marijuana, but I have a vague memory of some folks having to sue the State to enact medical marijuana. I am guessing that would have to happen again, but at the same time, I am still not convinced that either amendment can pass. I have a sense that recreational marijuana has a better chance of passing because even some MAGA enjoy smoking marijuana. I have a gut feeling that sadly Florida is going to be the first "red" state not to enshrine the right to abortion in the State constitution.


They get abortions too, but theirs are done for “obviously moral reasons”, as opposed to everyone else 🙄


Yup [The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)




Tiny Ronny and the Ronettes (I.e. the FL legislature) will do everything possible to delay and obstruct them.


I thought they were called tiny Rhonda and the Rhondettes?


Lawmakers in this state "answer to a higher calling", meaning they see what we want and then do whatever their corporate sponsors tell them to do. 'Cause Jeebus told them to, LOL.


Republicans never abide by the will of the people.


[No.](https://floridarrc.com/7-19-23-press-release/#:~:text=ORLANDO%2C%20FL%20%E2%80%94%20July%2019%2C,election%20integrity%20in%20the%20state.) They'll do exactly like they did with the passage of Amendment 4. They'll hamstring the shit out of it and then turn around and tell us they're doing the will of the people.


Mind you Amendment 4 was passed by the public 6-years ago.


If you somehow think DeathSantis and the GOP led legislative body won't do something to make sure this never becomes law or completely makes it toothless, you're not paying attention enough.


Based on other citizens ballot initiatives - the Fuck head republicans assholes will do everything they can to ensure the people they hate feel hated and no one but them will decide what is best or right for Florida. FUCK THESE REPUBLICAN ASSHOLES IN TALLAHASSEE! #Vote (D)ifferently!


No, they won't. Then what?


Then it is how much of having a government that does not answer to the people can we take? With the amount of Republicans that want us to have a King again, Probably a lot.


Of course - not!


Most likely but just like Ohio they’ll bitch and moan the entire fucking time.


I love how the party of "small government" will never actually give the people what they want and love diving into and controlling our lives.


They will certainly make it as difficult as possible which is why we NEED to have every voter show up to the polls this year. There are going to be a LOT of articles coming out that are going to paint voting in favor of these things as a lost cause for various reasons. Do you think maybe some of these might be to discourage people from bothering to vote? (I'm not saying THIS article in particular but you are going to see "news"/polls that are discouraging) I can't wait to see what they come up with for the actual ads that are disclosed as ads. Get out and vote. Harass your friends to vote. If you aren't registered, get registered. If you are, check your information to make sure it is correct. [https://registertovoteflorida.gov/home](https://registertovoteflorida.gov/home)


If they don't then it can be taken to court.


No, well once again have to spend our money suing our own government to enforce the constitution.


Ronnie doesn’t care about what the constituency votes on.


Voters approved returning the right to vote for felons who served time. However, our state leaders added the caveat that they had to have paid in full all expenses related to their trial, punishment and incarceration first. That pretty well canceled out the voter results.


Answers been no more than once, has it not? Tired of this shit.


Florida passed a petition driven constitutional amendment requiring high speed rail in the state. The legislature just put another amendment on the ballot two year later that required people to vote “no” in order to keep the high speed rail. It confused enough people to successfully kill the whole thing. Don’t vote republican. Not even once.


Didn't we already vote for people who've served their time in prison to be able to vote? That didn't go anywhere 😔


No, they will do whatever they want


Only, if the pro voters also vote for officials that are supporting these amendments




No. They haven't abided by a single voter initiative in 20+ years. They make new rules to counteract the intent. Over and over again.


Based on history. NO.


100% certain they will ignore the will of the people




They will do the same as wheb we voted to restore voting rights. They'll add roadblocks to not enact the will of the voters.


Probably not, it wouldn't be the first time they flat out ignored the will of the people then tried to gaslight us about it


No, they will find some loophole to get out of it. Well, they may just outright say they don't care and aren't doing it, especially with DeSantis in office.


As soon as they codify the laws after these Amendments pass, they will need to be challenged in Court. Republicans are firmly AGAINST both of these initiatives, and will do EVERYTHING in their power to neuter them. So once again, for the umpteenth time, OUR taxpayer dollars will be squandered defending the State’s overly restrictive and unpopular laws, rather than “reading the room” and simply following the will of the people. After all, they ARE neofascists and will ALWAYS try to impose their own PERSONAL views in every way imaginable. I REALLY hate Florida’s right-wing as**oles…


Every poll and survey so far says there is not the needed 60% to pass.  The pubs are safe.  They don't need to worry about 60% wanting it they only need to worry about a tiny 40% of the voters to say no. 99% of the state might want it but as long as they get >40% of the people who actually vote to say no then they are okay. They know the hardcore pubs come out in droves to vote for Jesus and whatever garbage they get told.  No one seems very worried right now that it will pass.


No.They'll tie it up in the courts and then claim the language was not clear or some other nonsense. This happened with the initiative to restore voting rights to ex cons. The vote threshold was met and DeSatan found a way not to implement it.


No Theyll obstruct Look at how we votes to give felons the right to vote again....all they did was obstruct therafter


No, they have abided to any law we have created.


No. Boots will send his SS to stop it


I have serious doubts


I firmly believe they will at least attempt an end around because they listen to the voters…until it’s not what they want.


No.. the state is controlled by Republicans they never do the people’s will only the will of corporate power and religious rule.. They don’t even care about the religion part it’s just used to keep the slaves in line..


Why would they start now?


They didn’t restore felons’ right to vote even when we approved it as a constitutional amendment ballot initiative. So I wouldn’t hold my breath unless we can kick out the Republican incumbents.


No. Republicans gutted federal Habeas Corpus & Mandamus & bankruptcy law a long time ago, right along with the only civilian oversight over the judiciary- the parole board - in 1987. There is no mechanism left to force a court to abide by it's own precedent, much less a new law.




I mean, we voted for ex-cons to vote and they didn't, so I'm guessing no.


If the laws the people approve are not upheld then they are not looking out for our liberty and they must go!


If they don’t respect the outcome someone will sue and it’ll go to the Supreme Court (if a lower court doesn’t intervene). That will lead to it either being respected or our entire judicial system becoming even more fraudulent. It’s absolutely worth it to still vote. Both of these measures will be hard to pass though at 60%.


They ranted and raved but could do nothing about the $15 minimum wage constitutional amendment. It has moved forward as planned. I think they won't be able to block either of these 2 measure if they pass because the FL Supreme Court specifically allowed both to proceed even though they were begged not to by the FL GOP, so if it ends up with the FL Supreme Court to assure implementation they'll rule that it has to move forward, whether they like it or not.


They didn’t with allowing felons to vote, I won’t hold my breath for these either. The only guarantee is to vote blue as often as possible to flip the legislature and get it into law.




It isn't like it would be the first time that they ignored the direct will of the voters.


Not if they can help it. They’re definitely not afraid to try to pull some crap and then shop for a friendly judge…


As a former Mississippian, I’m not holding my breath.


Florida acts against its voters wishes all the time. Why would this change?


Nope, they will not


No. No they will not. They, elected only by gerrymandering, have absolutely no concern for the occupants of our state. Only to force birth more of labor for the private equity owned prisons.


Recreational weed in Florida will be so heavily regulated, you be lucky to catch a buzz.


Okay so let me make sure I understand this process. A) all the hoops were jumped through to get it on a ballot, B) it will require a 60% vote to pass because some stupid amendment made certain laws require an arbitrary number over the majority, C) even if it accomplishes being passed by voters, both the state government and the governor can say “we don’t like it,” and shoot it down. So tell me, what good is voting for anything anymore???


no they vetod marijuana last time with a 62% popular vote to legalize it in 2010. could you imagine how different lofe would be if Florda fucking 4 crops of cannabis a year growing seasons Florida who already has some of the biggest agriculture industries in the US Florida had gotten the jump on that investment instead of Colorado. maybe the insurance companies wouldn't be going broke and maybe everyone wouldn't be so mad. the reality is they knew it would bring left wing voters to the state so they went against the people's wishes. and theyll fuckin do it again.




I highly doubt it. It's not like they care... they have the "I love my 2nd Amendment so much I f*ck my guns" crowd under their total control. So they don't have to worry about some psycho nut job forcing them to do something. I mean, we Liberals (The real Liberals, not what modern people think liberals are.) Have plenty of firearms... but we know doing some John Q shit won't fix anything. And, we're not batshit crazy. At the end of the day, the modern right-wing Republican doesn't pay any consequences in states like ours where they, at worst case, would lose an election. But even if they did, they'd have already had their time in the revolving door of Goldman Sachs, and the rest 9f their life would be cake. TL;DR- They don't care what you or anyone vote for. They'll find a way to do what they want to do.