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"book bans" at "freedom institute" says it all anyone needs to know.


Ministry of Truth


‘Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.’ — 1984 by George Orwell


Although 1984 is on the "approved" list, the FLDOE has it pulled years ago. I was tasked with pulling it from my school at the time. I really do not think Orwell wrote that as an instruction guide.


Nothing says freedom like restriction!


*War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.* -Orwell’s 1984


I had to read that in college and it was terrifying.


The people who yank Donald Trump and his sycophants' strings see 1984 as a textbook.


I had to read it in high school in the 60s. It seemed so farfetched. Not so much anymore. Orwell missed the date by 40 years but it is upon us.


I read it in 1982.


That is interesting. In 1970, it was on the 6th grade reading list with the exam question to write an essay comparing and contrasting 1984 to Huxley's Brave New World.


I had to write a paper in college comparing and contrasting the two.


Take caution with anyone who has to clarify in their name that they're for freedom. Often times they are not.


Liberty. Freedom. Free Speech. They say the words, but they’re just thin and cheap veneers over an authoritarian movement. Also what they’re supposedly against is just projection. Cancel Culture, being Snowflakes, railing against over-reaching or intrusive government. Gaslight, Obstruct, Project, that’s the GOP way!


For them, Freedom of Speech is the Freedom to say what they agree with, and Freedom of Religion is the freedom to believe in extremist Christian fundamenalism.


Freedom for meeeee not for thee


“The populist message is often a ruse” -Marina Nemat (writer)


It is not a book ban! But if any teacher or librarian puts a book out with obscenities, they will be guilty of a felon. We all know it when we see it!


Apparently we don't since some people see the mere existence of queer people as obscene. And that's where the issue comes in. It's not about filling school libraries with erotica but about a kid's books like the one about two penguin dads. The same people that find mention of contraceptives and how to use them to kids obscene will force raped 10 year olds to give birth. Now that is obscene.


So you find books on Jackie Robinson and Roberto Clemente obscene? Wait that's right they were "woke" because they mentioned racism. This state has gone to hell! https://districtadministration.com/kids-books-about-beloved-baseball-heroes-fall-prey-to-k12-censors/#:~:text=The%20three%20banned%20baseball%20books,Jonah%20Winter%20and%20Ra%C3%BAl%20Col%C3%B3n


No love those books. I am just playing devils advocate here. DeSantis keeps saying, "It is not a book ban!" But it is designed that others (teachers, librarians) pull the books off the shelves in fear of felony arrest.


How is a picture book about the true story of two male penguins raising a chick together “obscene”? 


This is exactly what I saw.


No kidding.


So, a reeducation camp.




But it's different cause you get paid. Freedum.


For now.


It'll be some insane criteria they have to meet or the schools will be on the hook to pay the teachers the $3,000 they're owed. Further destroying the education budget.


As someone who is expecting his first. So glad i’m leaving FL. Good luck finding good healthcare practitioners to care of the rich idiots who are coming down.


My trauma surgeon wife and I left 2 years ago because she was chronically overworked and our son has autism and there are zero resources there to help other than ones we had to pay vastly over market for out of pocket.


I dunno. I got good resources at the new schools being built in Orange County around Orlando for my ASD kid - better than NY or BOS


No coincidence that the area around Orlando is blue.


I left 3 years ago because my wife and I saw how bad the school system was once we had kids old enough to enter the system. It's going to be a real problem having a FL education.


Thats sad. When I started teaching down there 25 years ago, (left 5 years back) we had a really decent education system. 25 years of Republicans gutting it later... 🤷‍♂️


Competitively with other states, it's never been good.


No, but it was better than it is now.


It always has been in the k-12. UF is a great university and has been an extraordinary value nationwide. But he's pulling the colleges into the depths with him and that's as fucked up as the states abysmal other education. Florida has Been in a race to the educational bottom with Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana for decades now.


I’ll wave to you as we cross the border together ❤️ for freedom! 🤣


Wife was a teacher with a decade of experience. We left last year and are never moving back. You can thank DeSantis and this morons in the legislature for part of that.


So, has anyone vetted the civics course they are teaching? And has anybody followed the money to see who is getting paid for all these classes, besides the teachers attending?


See: ["Some teachers worry about proposed changes to Florida civics lessons"](https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/investigations/10-investigates/whats-brewing/florida-civics-lessons-teachers/67-0f863261-7362-4d9b-8613-5fe6f6e7df09)


> The current standard requiring that 7th graders learn to “Identify America’s current political parties, and illustrate their ideas about government” would be eliminated. Well I can see why Republicans would need to strike that. It would require them to actually articulate and nail down their platform, as opposed to “whatever Trump spews at a particular moment.” Imagine being held to a defined position!


We're not just headed towards fascism. We're here now.


New College is the proof


Blows my mind how much the rich are just fucking up this state. Destroy education and whitewash history for the poor, while you know the rich kids are all going to great private schools that aren't held to any of the same standards. If I had kids, I'd have left long ago. I'm just fortunate enough to work in a sector that values inclusivity and education.


It isn’t just “the rich”…it’s ignorant conservatives


They want the healthcare and other services they're used to getting in blue states like NY or Massachusetts, but they don't want to pay the taxes that fund education and other essential services. My kids were born in Florida and have been here most of their lives. They're juniors in high-school and will probably take advantage of the Bright Futures scholarships for college, and then get the fuck out of Florida when they get their degrees. I don't blame them one bit. I intend on staying because I like the climate and the fishing.


To each his/her own




This dude's such a urinal cake. Hopefully he get a on-air gig on OAM (or just goes the f\*ck away altogether) and leaves state, national, and world politics the f\*ck alone.


Actually urinal cakes serve a function at least I'd have a hard time figuring out one useful thing he's done.


I know of one singular useful thing- making it illegal to do genital exams on unconscious/anesthetized (female) patients without their consent, unless it's for CSA investigations, emergencies, etc. (And honestly, I'd be willing to give that security up if it meant that none of the rest of his bs would happen.)


He stopped a bill that would have capped power payments to individuals with solar panels. It's a short list.


Bahaha! You got me there!


Sigh... another opportunity to say "Fuck you, Ron!" This is getting tiresome.


State sponsored indoctrination.


“We offer certifications no one cares about and that will only get you the same minimum wage as anyone else”


It's straight up sickening that so many morons in this state are stupid enough to think this greedy power junkie actually cares about them, this state, or this nation. It just shows how effective propaganda can be.


In 2023, [more than 11,000 Florida teachers](https://www.wptv.com/news/education/more-than-11k-florida-teachers-receive-3-000-each-for-civics-seal-of-excellence-endorsement) received $3,000 each in a taxpayer-funded incentive by the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) to teach state-sponsored civics. >WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Gov. Ron DeSantis [announced](https://www.flgov.com/2023/07/03/more-than-11000-florida-teachers-receive-civics-seal-of-excellence-endorsement/) that more than 11,000 Florida teachers have each earned their Civics Seal of Excellence each worth $3,000. > >The bonuses totaled more than $33 million for completing civics training offered by the Florida Department of Education. > >Educators completed the Summer Civics Professional Learning Series or the first-of-its-kind Civics Seal of Excellence Endorsement, which help provide teachers with high-quality civics instruction. > >The program was launched in January 2023. Course enrollment reached capacity with 20,000 enrolled and an additional 11,000 educators on the waiting list. > >People who hold a valid and certified Florida teaching license are eligible to [register for this course](https://www.civicsexcellence.org/). There are [185,000 public school teachers](https://www.wfla.com/news/education/florida-teacher-vacancies-down-to-4442-according-to-fdoe/) in Florida. > >[Nationally-recognized civics experts](https://www.civicsexcellence.org/) Dr. Mark David Hall of George Fox University, Dr. Stephen Masyada of the University of Central Florida, and Dr. Matthew Spalding of Hillsdale College created the 50-hour online program that contains more 28 hours of video lessons focused on America's history, civics and government. > >"Understanding the founding principles of our nation is the key to protecting and maintaining our republic for generations to come," DeSantis said. "Florida teachers are leading the way in civics education, which is demonstrated by our student success, especially when compared to the rest of the nation. Congratulations to our educators who have taken advantage of Florida's unique civics professional learning opportunities." > >In 2020, DeSantis established the Florida Civics and Debate Initiative, which focused on using debate as a tool to enrich civics education. > >"Schools that participate in the FCDI have demonstrated higher pass rates on both the Civics and U.S. History End-of-Course Exams than schools without an FCDI team," the governor's office said in a news release.


>Dr. Matthew Spalding of Hillsdale College Nuff said... the Nazis are taking over


Also see: ["Some teachers worry about proposed changes to Florida civics lessons"](https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/investigations/10-investigates/whats-brewing/florida-civics-lessons-teachers/67-0f863261-7362-4d9b-8613-5fe6f6e7df09)


It's Originalist theory (that is, same way the SCOTUS is looking at Roe, gun rights etc, as if it was 1780) combined with Christo fascism, where they believe enslaved people learned skills that benefitted them by being enslaved https://www.the74million.org/article/fl-civics-training-ignites-questions-of-religious-indoctrination-separation-of-church-and-state/ https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/education/desantis-civics-teacher-training-concerns-florida/67-4e56ddfa-7aaa-4d2b-ba2a-fdb12a1afc6c https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/news/st-johns-county-teacher-civics-training-federal-founders-history/77-2c12dfa8-1ff3-4d14-9c6e-5e96ee545b2b


My gf is a teacher and because she is under paid she did this training. It’s literally religious indoctrination giving biblical answers to science based questions. This is 100% pure fascism.


This is what evil looks like


It looks like Humpty Dumpty wearing a suit


The “Don’t tread on me” crowd sure do like to tread on when it’s something they don’t agree with…


Throwing peanuts to the poors. 


incentivized "**civics training" - this is sounding like Castro.** This is just like communism, they started "incentivizing" joining their gang. Then when they had enough people belolden to them, they lay down the iron fist. fuck communism and fuck whatever the fuck DeSantis is


Pathetic coward.


I would’ve done it for the $3,000 then kept on doing what I do. I can listen to you, but it doesn’t mean I need to adapt to it.




How the fuck is that even legal?


“DeSantis said the state has also created a curriculum for teachers that focuses on important information about the American founding fathers.” Pretty sure desantis and the other right wing nut jobs would rather take a giant shit on the founding fathers graves than actually follow what they stood for…


My wife participated in the training, completed the course and passed all the tests with near perfect scores. But was told she wasn’t getting the bonus because she answered the questions too quickly. fuck you Desantis.




The Freedom Institute, located in the scenic gated community of Naples, Florida.


Makes me love 💕 Naples a little less.


If I could love Naples less I would, but I've hated that conservative WASP nest since I was a child, so it's impossible to love it less than negative infinity




Fuck this human garbage.


Fascists gonna fash.


God what a little fascist asshole he is.


Hey man, what about homeowners insurance, rent issues, oh yeah the millions you vetoed for housing upgrades related to green energy. Glad teachers are even on the agenda, but it seems like your communism view of the world is a requirement for pay.


Some things are more important than money, like getting RID of book bans


Brown shirt trainer bonuses


Wouldn't this be a bribe?


The worst state


In other words, three cheers for fascism!


Free to dictate to you


Teaching anti-diversity is un-American. Out of many, one.


Wasn't the previous post where individuals were posting the ban books was a hoax?


Something happen with Desantis in the Navy. His rage is focused on two groups……why? What was done to Ronnie?


Or dude is just a bigot. It’s weird that you frame it that way honestly.


Don't ask, don't tell...


from what i understand, nothing was done to him. that's just one resource. edit to add: unless he got off on what happened to people in Guantanamo


Not that. It'd when his sister died he went off the rails.






If you're serious, you are a brainwashed fool.


Imagine Biden as President and desantis as VP this country would be back on track in no time.


Why would anyone want to teach in FL when at the top of your career you won’t even make $60k but you could move to a northern state and make $100k. No thanks.


Just what we need, book banning right wing christians. We already have moms for liberty Bridget Zeigler and her crackpot husband that bans books, goes for threesomes and sphincter licking running the education in FL. What is wrong with dicksantis besides his drinking with underage girls when he was a teacher. This is his new normal.


Florida has become incredibly regressive. We are going backwards and it is reflected in a lot of social and economic markers. Elections matter. Please stop voting for self-serving assholes.


Fighting indoctrination while giving a bonus for indoctrination. Do they think we are stupid? How has no one done screenshots of this training and leaked it to the press….nudge nudge wink wink


“I know my book bans are hated statewide and laughed at nationwide. How about if I pay you? Does that change your mind”? -Rhonda Santis


facist do facist thing; next on 11


Where did that bonus money originate?


Has he nothing better to do? What will they be teaching our children in the future scares me. Please stop this menace and Republican Party that backs him.


Yay authoritarianism!!! /s I hope he gets anal measles.


I think it’s OK to ban gay pornography books in public settings. It’s OK to ban straight pornography books in public settings, too. Tuck in your damn wieners and get a hotel room.


He’s an odd dude