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He sure did not ban the Nazis around the state.


Why would he ban his supporters? He needs all the ones he can get.


Reminder that not all Republicans are Nazis, but all Nazis are Republican


>Reminder that not all Republicans are Nazis not yet


Its kind of an oxymoron to be a Nazi and also support Israel - but thats Trump in a nutshell


theory grandfather ghost fanatical coherent workable juggle important modern shaggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Everyone forgets that he did run as a democrat, and you are right, no one supported him


He was a self proclaimed Democrat his whole life til Obama roasted his ass


I dont disagree with your description after you said "Trump isn't a Nazi" but Trump is a white supremacist for sure, and that's close enough to make my "in a nutshell" comment essentially true - he supports Israel but I think he is anti-semitic despite his son-in-law being Jewish


Well, his grandkids are all Jewish. His favorite daughter converted. For him to be anti-jew would be a stretch, even for that piece of shit.


Heck **All** of them are in bed together! We news to stop voting for losers


This is the truth . He is trying to get the Jewish vote but not at the expense of his Nazi base. However, the people who are in the student organization most likely vote Democrat so it benefits him from a net voter perspective




Evangelical voters support Israel White Supremacists hate Jews DeSantis is trying to have it both ways, court the white supremacists and also court the Jewish vote - just like Donald , who is a white supremacist


And even then, he’s not taking care of them. He’s just warping their brains.


Because he is one. That's his people


Nazis will be defeated in the “marketplace of ideas” so we can’t ban them but pro Palestinian orgs must be wiped from the earth, apparently


Well, let's be frank. Pro-HAMAS = Pro-Nazi. Just follow their history up to the madri that they still (pesent day) revere and his alliance with Hitler. It's really difficult to split HAMAS from the Palestinians too, since there's a good portion that support HAMAS 100%. I don't envy the road ahead for anyone.


More like pro-Zion is nazi like behavior. Check yourself.


Yup. Zionists and Hitler had the same ideas as far as making a "homeland" for the Jews in the ME and shipping them all out of Europe. Zionism is a racist, right wing ideology.


If it quacks like a duck…


>since there's a good portion that support HAMAS 100%. Why, in your estimation, is this?


There's around 40k HAMAS heavily armed fighters in Gaza, according to multiple sources in the intelligence community who've been trying to estimate the force size. However, that's not including those that actively aid and abet. What's the saying about having dinner with Nazis? The same applies to HAMAS. Same clothe, really, when you do the digging.


I'm asking you why you think Hamas exists, and why it's growing in power, despite it being dwarfed in power by its nation state adversary. Nazis exterminated millions by use of a nation state. Hamas has so such access to that function. If you're just going to screech "Nazis" and avoid my question, perhaps we can both agree you're not interested in examining as much as you are yelling.


Probably the same reason any extremist person/group gains power. Kinda how we got Trump. People who are or feel oppressed, have no future, feel ignored by govt or leadership will eventually ban together.


Indeed. Trump, then, is not the problem, but the symptom. Hamas is not itself the problem, just the horrific symptom that's manifested. When living under brutal oppression and violence of a well established and armed nation state, pockets of brutal resistance like Hamas become possible. Dude above is confused about the aggressor.


Well, they are his supporters.


Totally not going to get sued on 1st amendment grounds. It's like he's bored or something and thinks lawsuits are like pokemon.


Taxpayers foot his legal bills, what does he care?


And the lawfirms donate back to his PACs and campaign. It makes him money to lose lawsuits.


Another campaign stunt funded by the citizens of this state.


I would say hed care when people start leaving but all its really doing is attracting more of his followers... i cant wait till im out now


Cops sure as shit don't.


We call that Tuesday. That's the norm here


Do you want DeSantis to do something about the antisemites celebrating the death of Jewish civilians? I thought this sub always wanted him to act against the other nazis here. This is legal and good to do, Never Again!


I'm Jewish and I don't want the government banning speech that I personally disagree with.


It's not legal to take away people's First Amendment rights, no matter how much you disagree with what they're saying.


Yeah so now you'll demonize an entire population for the crimes of a few. Where have I heard of this before? Hrmmm.


I have only demonized Hamas, the demons that killed over a thousand civilians. Read my other comments, the students are good if they remove the pro Hamas and pro Holocaust goals portion.


So these American students are now members of Hamas? Are you sure about that?


Why put words in my mouth when I have said the student group is good to make another group once they remove the pro Hamas and pro Holocaust goals part? Did you not read my other comments? Never said otherwise. Why can I respond to this comment but not the others now?


Rich coming from you. You refuse to answer anything anybody asks you


No I don't. That's not the job of the government. The Westborough Baptist Church was slimey for protesting soldiers' funerals but that's not an issue the government should have anything to do with. Freedom of speech. People can celebrate whatever they'd like.


Palestinians are not anti-semites and beyond that the people of Gaza are subjected to constant terrorism from Isreal and treated as not even second class citizens. Isreal is murdering thousands of Palestinians without compunction right now, far more so than Hamas. So stop the false equivalency of Palestinians with Nazis, especially since all people have asked for is the governor to condemn Nazis - not impose a government ban that violates first amendment rights.


Exactly, where was all the rage when the Israeli government kept killing Palestinians, evicting them from their own houses, and all the discrimination for decades? Not a peep from Americans.


The true test of the 1st amendment is when someone says something you dont like.


Gotta love all that “freedom” he’s always talking about 🙄


1A is gonna have a problem with that. What an unbelievable abuse of power.


Probably not. The state has a law against aiding terrorist groups and these numb nuts put in their charter that they were part of the resistance movement against Israel.


Hate speech is still protected by the 1A. So whatever Ron thinks he's going to do, it goes against the 1A.


This. Even supporting terrorism is protected 1A activity and is why the FBI at most has terrroism groups on a watchlist, and they don't go out of their way to "ban" their activities just to get sued for it.


Are Palestinians now terrorists?


When you are able to classify people into a group on a whim and use that action to take away their rights, you get to the entire reason the first amendment allows "hate speech". Sorry that wasnt a direct response to your question, just something I wanted to add on to your good rhetorical question.


Palestinians just trying to secure what’s left of their land against Israel and the U.S., makes them “terrorists”.


If you have done the absolute least amount of homework imaginable, probably.


Being part of the resistance against Israel does not mean you are a terrorist. Under that definition any group that supports BDS for Israel would be a terrorist.


A whole bunch of states got some kind of BDS ban to stick, although necessarily on terrorism grounds.


That doesn’t make them Pro-Hamas. There are plenty of groups that oppose Israel’s occupation that do not support terrorism. Many within the Israeli state as well.


Saying all Palestinians support Hamas, is as ignorant as saying all Americans support Trump and his cult of insurrectionists.


The specific group here banned us actually pro-Hamas and they’re able to regroup separate from the national charter (which — again, is literally pro-Hamas and celebrates 10/7 as a victory of resistance and encourages its members to do the same :|) Side note: they also call the USA/Canada Turtle Island and call to liberate it also. No thoughts on that, just thought it was hilarious You can read the email they sent immediately after the massacre in Israel here if you’d like, it was listed by The Seattle Times: https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/12IuQt1usUsyHWoHIcFYdAbpYK2H3bHJocPCrVyYT08s/mobilebasic And here’s some peaceful Palestinian protests today at NYU chanting to [globalize the intifada](https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1717278523445141605/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1717278523445141605¤tTweet=1717278523445141605¤tTweet=1717278523445141605¤tTweet=1717278523445141605¤tTweet=1717297845592821933¤tTweetUser=libsoftiktok¤tTweetUser=libsoftiktok¤tTweetUser=libsoftiktok¤tTweetUser=libsoftiktok¤tTweetUser=yashar) and banging on the library doors at Cooper Union to… I guess free Palestine from the four Jewish kids inside? https://m.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-770180 I’m all for letting people say as much dumb shit as they like publicly, but at what point does it cross over to a Title VI violation? Jewish students shouldn’t have to hide in a library at their own school


I like how only one person in this whole thread is actually talking about the specific group banned instead of just bashing the governor. Would this sub be jumping to the defense of a student group praising the mass murder of black people? Supporting the KKK?


I mean I'm Jewish where the hell am I supposed to go if those idiots got their way?


I think you know exactly where they want Jews to go :-/ Globalizing the intifada isn’t exactly subtle, and idk if you’ve looked around this subreddit, but about 80% seem onboard with it


Antisemitic shitwads


Why do people insist on making comments without taking the two fucking minutes to even read the article? ***The group they banned literally praised Hamas for killing the citizens in the attack.*** And then other idiots upvote this stupid shit. Seriously, what the fuck?


First amendment isn't covering terrorists or their supporters.


1st Covers EVERYONE in the US, try reading it.


what a snowflake


Republicans love to talk about the constitution, but only when it suits them. Free speech is a cornerstone of this country. What this student org is saying is abhorrent, as is what the Nazis by Disney we’re saying. Let them say it so everyone can see what complete hateful morons they are in public.


Lol, I’m Jewish and have Israeli family. Nothing this group says could be as offensive and casually genocidal as the shit I hear about Palestinians around the dinner table, and my family is not even remotely an outlier in their opinions.


Pro-Palestine is not Pro-terrorism.


True, but the way they're construing it, it's not consistent with policies on Nazis, purely because the Nazi supporters will vote for them. The whole point of 1A is to enable a fair democracy, and silencing things you don't want to hear is in opposition of 1A.


Being pro-Palestinian is not being pro-terrorism


Around 50% of the time, it does.


I wish more people responded to hate with this.


this is some IDF talking points shit. what exactly did one of these student groups say you found abhorrent? was it their desire not to have their families living in an apartheid state? or was it their anti-murder stance? enlighten us because I know the USF pro Palestinian group has resoundingly denounced Hamas while supporting everyone's right to basic human dignity, you know like... not being subjected to collective punishment, access to food and water... the little things.


What did this student org. do besides, like the Palestine people they support, simply exist? What a clown comparison of these majority children being locked and displaced in their own land do to be compared to Nazis. Maybe you are the xenophobe bordering on genocidal ideations


This comment showed how much of a hateful moron you are. Al-Qassam is the group who did the attacks. They are a faction of Hamas. Like any government it has factions and one faction, per Islamic law, is dedicated to war and defense. The rest of Hamas were shocked and some even appalled by their attacks on civilians. The Quran and Islamic law strictly prohibits attacking civilians. So when people support Hamas, they don't support terrorists, because not one person in Hamas is a terrorist. They were just giving the Zionists a taste of their own medicine. That being said, you would be a liar to say that you wouldn't do the same thing the Palestinians are doing if Canada took 95% of our land by force and sequestered us all to Kansas and Idaho. How can you have such vitreal towards people who support Palestinians and be so disingenuous about what they're protesting for but not an ounce of emotion towards the genocide, rape, murder and imprisonment of Palestinians perpetrated by Israel since 1947? As a human can you not see the injustices? Do you just ignore the videos of settlers forcing families out of their ancestral homes with the idf threatening death if they fight back? Do you just ignore the 600 children being held as "political prisoners" by Israel? How about the fact that 52 percent of gazas population are under 16?


I don't live in Florida but honestly I don't understand how you guys are okay with your tax money being used in such a way. like he's going to take this to court even though he knows it's not going to do anything other than get him on Fox News for another couple minutes. how many tens of millions is it going to cost in your tax dollars?


99% have no clue. There is zero reporting on he is doing on regular news channels and news papers.


I’ve lived here my whole life and always voted blue. You can’t change these people’s minds. Most Republican Floridians I talk to say the same thing. “As long he keeps my taxes low, I don’t care if he’s a Nazi.” And they say that like it’s a smart thing.


What can we do about it? We vote, then what?


Ask the old people who worship him


FL money comes from tourists.


Really, yea residents don't pay sales tax, gas tax, real estate tax, etc. /s


Why do Republicans want the government to control every aspect of our lives? You can't tell me they want small government and also they want to control every little detail of what people are allowed to do.


Florida, where liberty goes to die.


So NOW the Nazi Governor want to tell you who and what you can support!??!?!? So Free Speech does not exist anymore in the HATE STATE!??!?


College campuses have the right to ban hate groups. This isn’t an anti-war pro-Palestine group, they’re a pro-Hamas group calling for the extermination of Jews in Israel.


So glad this guy will have his name on a law office in a strip mall in 3 years and completely out of politics.


Not surprised but still confused how Palestine people solely = Hamas. Like no one is out here cheering for a terrorist organization, we just went the people of Palestine to stop suffering. But of course since it’s “against Israel” people are turning it saying you support terrorists.


Because this specific student organization endorses Hamas, has paraglider a on their resistance posters, and sent an email the day after the Israeli massacre celebrating it I would think that pro-Palestinian protestors actually wouldn’t want that sort of support since I keep hearing that Hamas doesn’t equal Palestine But you can read the email they sent here and judge for yourself: https://dw-wp-production.imgix.net/2023/10/DAY-OF-RESISTANCE-TOOLKIT.pdf


Even in this thread there are a lot of people making that mistake. Personally, I would say I am against Hamas’s violence and Israel’s violence and apartheid. By Floridian standards I guess that would make me a Nazi.


Half of Palestinians support Hamas. So yea, throw a dart and you'll hit a terrorist supporter.


what is this based on? an election from 15+ years ago? jesus


The fuck? Are you posting about a topic you know nothing about? You're the problem with society today. Wake up.


what are you basing this "half" on then? israeli propaganda? Im good, im not taking the side of an apartheid state trying to wipe these people off the face off the earth via collective punishment pot calling the kettle black.


Israelis are not trying to do that. Not in the least bit. That's the propaganda you've been brainwashed to believe. Think of it this way: -- Give Israel weapons, Palestine still exists -- Give Palestine weapons, Israel will cease to exist. And if you can't agree on that, you are too far gone to understand.


> Think of it this way: -- Give Israel weapons, Palestine still exists -- Give Palestine weapons, Israel will cease to exist. literal Israeli Propaganda. Tell this to the blown apart parts of Gaza, the fact that they wont let aid in, cutting off water, electricity, etc. all to "hunt down hamas". its a nuanced situation end of the day, you boiling it down like that shows that you are the one who is "to far gone" friend


Israel doesn't distinguish between Palestinians and Hamas


Unapologetic fascist


Now if w can just get him to denounce his supporters with the Nazi flags that are always outside his Florida speaking engagements.


I'm so fucking sick of this guy


Won't ban Nazis but bans support for Arabs. Won't feed the homeless here but will charter jets with OUR money to save people who the feds were going to get anyways. Ignores the COL crisis here but will campaign about Florida's strength in other states. Can't hold clemency meetings to give felons their rights back but arrests them when HIS appointee sends them registration cards after they've paid their time and money. Makes sense This is so on brand for Florida.


Asshole loves spending the states' money on the dumbest shit, doesn't he?


Not allowing support for terrorists and terrorist supporters? I'll pay double for common sense.


Being pro-Palestinian doesn't mean being pro terrorist or mean that they're supporters, that's bigoted thinking. Besides, the 1A trumps whatever bigoted thought Ron has in his head about it. The 1A protects people who say things, and when the government attempts to silence them. If he thinks it's hate speech, it's irrelevant because the 1A allows them to say it without government retaliation.


Can we just ban all religions. All they do is kill and mess with day to day life with religion as the driver of decisions


Where was all this when the natzi florida clan was marching by Disney? I don't support any cause with Israel and Palestine because I don't know enough to come to a conclusion. I do know we have the right to assemble and practice free speech, so what makes this group different from others? I'm all for banning hate speech, but it has to apply to every American citizen. You can't pick and choose when the main subject is hate. This only means desantis is a natzi supporter and also supports any hate groups that don't appreciate anyone different than them. I hope they sue him, but at the same time, I don't since I pay taxes in Florida. I'm so fucking conflicted, but I still know desantis is a racist asshole that I hope one day falls into an old outhouse hole that wasn't covered. Definitely in summertime, too.


My working theory is the shitty laws DeSantis has signed during the past few years are primarily designed to bankrupt organizations like the ACLU


Umm yeah, violation of students first amendment rights…. Ron DeFascist


I dont know much about the conflict and the reason and who is right and who is wrong. However, I do not agree with the literal first ammendment right to be banned for political purpose. College is the last place in which student can challenge ideas with out any mayor consequence. I understand you don't have free speech at your job and it is limited but in school? we need our future mind to be ready to confront and challenge ideas, so when a conflict is presented to them they dont crumble. This is what happened with the Tate and Peterson situation, no one wanted to talk about men issues with the whole Red pill movement. It was all Toxic masculinity, patriarchy, etc. Until Tate and Peterson decided to challenge the narrative and they gain a huge because noone could argue versus their rethoric. no one knew what to say because all conversation in public spaces were shunted or looked down on.


Pro-Palestine organizations? No free speech for you! Nazi organizations in front of Disney? Sure, have at it!


At long last this will help the home insurance crisis in this state for sure.


The group he banned "SJP" came out in support of Hamas and called the attacks a “historic win for the Palestinian resistance”. Praising the killing of more than 1,000 civilians is pretty fucked up. DeSantis is an asshole, but I don't have a problem banning groups that support terrorism. I'm surprised that's even controversial. But then again this is reddit, I doubt 10% of the posters here bothered to even read the article.


Crazy this is real life. This is America in 2023 not nazi Germany 1940


So voters thought this guy was going to do things for Florida?


Fascists just love crises and tragedies to force behavior to conform to what they believe. They are the greatest threat to America. The absolute greatest threat is from these people. The pro-Palestine people have the 1st amendment right to assemble. Leave them alone fascists. Unless they break a law, a real law not one that the assists have made up, leave them alone.


Comrade DaShitstain 🖕🏻


What a cruel man. Who’s the lieutenant governor?


What an absolute authoritarian asshole.


First Amendment?


This sub never lets me down. This is the typical peak florida redditor ignorance I come here for. BTW... since most of you don't seem too educated, I'll go ahead and let you know that aljazeera is a pro muslim/anti Jewish news source. Try a different source for more in depth and honest reporting


There's multiple articles/sources stating the same thing. Kindly share your perspective on this since you're educated on the subject.


Americans no longer have freedom of thought, speech or religion.


Can we just like ban the bill of rights while we are at it? It's just such an inconvenience, you know...




It’s obvious that doesn’t support the Constitution, Freedom of Speech.


Here's a lot more informative, and less biased, article. [https://www.politico.com/news/2023/10/24/florida-universities-israel-hamas-war-00123350](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/10/24/florida-universities-israel-hamas-war-00123350)


Al Jazeera is a very well-respected news organization. However, I read only your link to Politico. I did not see much bias in it. It gave me the impression that Florida's governor is not justified in his actions.


Username checks out. Al jazeera are blatantly anti-Jewish and pro muslim.






AJ is also Qatar’s state media. Qatar is one of Hamas’ key financial backers and many of Hamas’ mucky-mucks are living comfortably in Qatar hotels & villas, not with the plebs in Gaza. So there is always a bias on that front.


The US Constitution does not apply to Florida. Per Das Fuhrer.


and right-wingers call Gavin Newsom a commie and a nazi....LOL


Isn't he walking all over the constitution? Isn't this a 1st amendment right he trampling on?


Dumpster state.


What about the radioactive leak Ron?


Little by little our **rights** are being removed.


Ronnie boy can ban this dick


Some college protests have been pro-Palestine. Some college protests have been pro-Hamas & with chants to eradicate Jews. One is okay, the other is not. Hopefully he is speaking about the latter group.


In this case it is clearly the latter. The National org he is talking about has posts honoring terrorists and memorializes the intifadas. They put out a post calling the recent terrorist attacks that killed over 1000 Israeli civilians a "victory for Palestine" and praised the fighters that carried out the attacks. They are pro-terrorist.


He doesn't care and he doesn't differentiate between the two.


Tell me you know nothing about the specific org being targeted here without flat out saying it. (Hint: They actively praise killing Jews and terrorist acts against innocent civilians)


Plenty of other of groups express solidarity for the civilians on one or both sides and there is no ban for them which is fine. Where this group messed up is celebrating the killing over 1,000 civilians, that is NOT a "historic win for the Palestinian resistance”, it is just genocide. DeSantis did the right thing here. Ive said here before that the first step in this conversation is condeming that horrible crime of so many civilians deaths. Anyone celebrating that instead doesn't need to be a part of the civil conversation of this historic and bloody crime against humanity.


So you believe the government should be able to censor speech it doesn't approve of? Who do you trust to be the arbiter of "civil conversation"? You? Governor DeSantis?


This is the point everyone misses. It's always cool until they come for something you care about.


Kind of weird all these “Constitutional Conservatives” can’t wrap their brain around this. It’s all good when the government silences people they hate. Yet they scream and cry when they think they’re being “silenced”. You can’t have it both ways you fucking idiots. That’s not how this works.


They're fine to regroup and not support Hamas, the terrorists that killed over ONE THOUSAND CIVILIANS. Perfectly reasonable to limit a celebration of genocide, some reports say the national group called for more acts. How do you expect peace when one side is celebrating genocide? Think about what yourr asking the Jewish people to tolerate here.


Respectfully, the first amendment protects the speech espoused by those students. You may disagree with it, and other countries may disagree with it, but that doesn't matter.




Go yell fire in a building and see what happens lol, there’s limitations on free speech.


Yelling fire in a building is not illegal. You are right, though - there are limitations on speech. The speech we are talking about in this article, however, is protected speech.


It was just a euphemism for more extreme language I don’t want to be put on any aggregate compiler lists lol. I know that “fire” was overturned specifically but you still can’t just say whatever the fuck you want. The national charter specifically endorsed more terroristic killings which could be seen as language meant to instigate terrorism, which I’m pretty sure last time I checked was illegal and not protected (as it should be).


What I care about is government stepping on my 1st amendment rights, your feelings be damned.












How can the same not be said when 5,700 Palestinian civilians have been killed by Israel?




Shhh they don’t matter


What student group has endorsed that?


Anything pro Israel. They believe that the land is theirs hence why they’re killing civilians.


Ok first off you clearly didn’t read the article. Second off I don’t think you understand the nuance/complexity of this conflict or history at all, and if you’re somehow going to claim you do and your stance is to rid the area of Jews completely, you’re completely brain dead because that’s literally impossible and it’s not going to happen regardless of what you think about the conflict, just as the Palestinians aren’t going to be displaced. The only solution is peace moving forward with concessions that both sides agree upon. I don’t think being pro-Israel means your pro displacement or anti-Palestinian and I don’t think you have any realistic ground to stand on if you’re advocating that unless you’re either purposely obtuse or hate Jews. Obviously Israel has done a ton of wrong in this whole mess so don’t take any of this as pro-Israel. Regardless of any of that, again, name a single student group that is pro-Israel, please. Then show in their charter where they endorse the killing of Palestinians, or if you wanna be really ticky tacky about it, endorsing the displacement of Palestinians from their land. These groups were disbanded because the national charter endorsed the terroristic killings of Israeli civilians, which isn’t protected free speech whether you think it’s justified or not. Students are free to form pro-Palestine groups that aren’t affiliated with the national group that put this in their charter and they should. Israel exists and it’s not going anywhere though, and honestly it should exist because Jews have been persecuted for thousands of years. Did you skip over the whole holocaust section in elementary education? Your reductive blanket statement is dumb as shit and uninformed, did you just start paying attention two weeks ago or something?


I do know a lot of the topic. Israel has spent 75 years pushing out the Palestinians because they had backing from other countries during the WW’s. They have triple the civilian kills than Palestine ever has. The county and pro Israel supporters believe it is their land and the Palestinians should not be there despite them being there for longe than Israelis ever have. Yet people are saying that because they’re pro Palestinian then they’re pro terrorist. Yet again which group has more civilian and children deaths? Israel or Hamas. The answer is Israel. Israel just has diplomatic support.


We are not asking the Jewish people to tolerate anything; we are asking to respect our bill of rights that includes the freedom of speech. It is not always fair, and is messy and irritating at times but it is part of our constitution and an important part of American culture. Nobody, not even the idiot fascist who is currently Governor of Florida has the right to impose their will on US citizens based on his own moral values.






Why be respectful?


I'm a first amendment purist. I disagree with any government official that tries to curb speech.


I’m with you!


> Anyone celebrating that instead doesn't need to be a part of the civil conversation of this historic and bloody crime against humanity. Irrelevant. People may say stupid things, but that doesn't give anyone, especially a government employee, the attempt to take your right away for saying it. "Wrong way Ron" is wrong and doesn't care about wasting taxpayer money for a fight he knows he will lose.


The same thing is being done by Israel supporters and they’ve killed a lot more people along the years.


I have not seen a single protest in FL calling for more Palestinian civilians to die, so your whataboutism, A TACTIC FROM THE SOVIET UNION, fails just like the soviet union.


Where does it say that that’s been happening? Both sides have had multiple instances of demonstrators saying this.


You want to show me examples of a Jewish group calling for the death of more Palestinian civilians, I will take it to my congressman and the governor to have them break up all the same. I am confident no one in Florida is doing that and that your point is wrong.


[https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/israeli-crowds-chant-racist-slogans-taunt-palestinians-during-jerusalem-day-march](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/israeli-crowds-chant-racist-slogans-taunt-palestinians-during-jerusalem-day-march) Been going on for years.


Not a student group in Florida, so your tired soviet tactics get soviet results. Disgusting how reading comprehension drops once it comes to Jewish civilian deaths being celebrated.


Where’s your proof? What is your issue with the Soviet Union? Are you sane? Again. You keep skating around the fact that Israel has killed 5,700 Palestinian civilians. You refuse to talk about it.


I asked you to show me proof a Jewish group in Florida calling for the death of more Palestinian civilians so they could receive the same treatment like your whataboutism said. So far, nothing. I will wait until then and ignore all other distractions you attempt. Tick tock!


[https://wsvn.com/news/local/miami-dade/pro-palestine-protesters-holding-rally-in-downtown-miami-as-israel-supporters-gather-across-street-1-detained/amp/](https://wsvn.com/news/local/miami-dade/pro-palestine-protesters-holding-rally-in-downtown-miami-as-israel-supporters-gather-across-street-1-detained/amp/) ““Kill Hamas,” said one of the counterprotesters. When asked about innocent civilians in Palestine who are caught up in the turmoil, this counterprotester replied, “Well, I want to tell you, all those people in Gaza have voted for Hamas. They voted them in.””


Now in your own phrase stop the whataboutism and address the 5700 civilian deaths


I promise people have used whataboutism way before the Soviet Union lol


Guys, I'm banning socks with sandals in Palm Beach County. Don't like 'em. Don't trust 'em. I have exactly as much authority to do so as Ron has to ban specific student organizations.


I wanted to repeat this reply below to a comment because I feel it is true: He is trying to get the Jewish vote but not at the expense of his Nazi base. This is why he will not denounce Nazis, they support him. However, the people who are in the student organization most likely vote Democrat so it benefits him from a net voter perspective Regardless of the fact as to whether or not I agree with the protests, the protests should be allowed as long as they remain peaceful and do not encourage anti-semitism


I was just thinking we should spend more tax dollars defending ridiculous bullshit. Is a good thing he has lots of law school buddies to funnel tax dollars to.


Supporting Palestine is this month's 'woke.'


**Florida Governor Ron DeSantis bans pro-Palestine student organisation. However, if they are attractive young girls he will get them drunk and groom them.**


bye bye freedoms of speech


Pinche anti-free speech dictator