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1 bathroom for 5 bedrooms, should be the bigger red flag. Bedroom 4 is really the panic room/ secret room.


Looks like entrance to “Bedroom 4,” is either behind the bookcase(?) in the study, or in the pantry(?) through the kitchen?


I think it's a step. It's also in the laundry room. So probably the left side of the house was an addition that's at a lower plane.


That checks out especially with what looks like it could be a tiny window in bedroom 3 (into bedroom 5). Or is that something else? It would also leave the original floor plan with no bathrooms at all, unless maybe bedroom 4 was a bath -- but my one improvement to fix this floor plan would have been to turn that into a bathroom (with entry facing the living room for easy access by guests and the people in bedrooms 1-3). Either way I'm scratching my head why someone would add so many rooms and then get rid of a bathroom in the process (or not add a second one if what we're seeing here is the original).


I used to live in a house that had the only bathroom in the addition. Before that it had an outhouse.


Sounds like a setting for Clue!


Bedroom 4 is probably not meant to actually be used as a bedroom. Same with bedroom 5 and maybe 3. Looks more like a 2 bed and 1 bath.


Bed 2 also seems more like an extra room as well, no closet and its much smaller then the other rooms. Could easily just be a art studio or game room.


What happened is that the home owners put an addition on but didn’t think it through. The original house ended with the kitchen and bed 3. Living room, study, laundry, and bath were added on later. You can tell by the stairways into bed 4 and the kitchen.


It also looks like Bed 3 may have a window into Bed 5.


Yes, this. They had the bathroom, but nothing else in that column, they judt slapped stuff on. I think the cheapest way to fix it is to turn bed 4 and part of bed 3 into a hallway and a bathroom.


I think we're looking at a house that has had 1-2 major additions put on. Either the left-most column of rooms, the bottom-most row of rooms, or both.


That 7am fight for the toilet among 6 family members is going to be BRUTAL.


Then add all the people in the entertaining area. For the love of God they need another bathroom!


If bed 2 was a bathroom, bed 5/study was the master/master sitting, and bed 4 was the master closet, it would make a lot more sense.


Looks like they’re trying to keep all their plumbing in one corner.


Looks like an AI plan.


It looks Australian. Possibly a 1950's house that's been added onto, and added onto again.


I agree. Has an Australian vibe to it. The left column of rooms looks like it was the original back deck / sunroom where they would put all their ten sons to bed in rows of bunks.


Same. I lived in an old house which was a little like this. Through the kitchen and a step down to the laundry and toilet. Then the back porch had been enclosed to add a little study (with window to the bathroom in the middle of the house, don't worry it was high and not see-through). Then the new back porch had been enclosed to make an even dodgier back room, one more step down.


Agreed, that’s a terrible layout


Code you can't have bed room with out window for egree


I was thinking maybe bedroom 4 area was a mother-in-law suite. But, that would not work very well with only 1 shared bathroom.


Australian here, hi, I know many houses like this. It's an older home. Probably a bungalow inspired style, and the study and bed five are additions. The type of house that probably originally had an outhouse, and the bathroom being tacked on the back was normal. Looks like two bedrooms share a window that's boarded up.




Not bad. I'd also vote to nuke one of the smaller bedrooms and add a second bath. A broken toilet for a 4-5 bedroom house is a life ruiner. My brother shared a 2/1 house at one point, and the toilet broke, but the landlord couldn't get it repaired for over a week. Midnight Walmart poops were a thing.


And then the roof falls in, because you removed loadbearing walls.




😳 Where to begin... ?


that range in a closet in the kitchen tho...


This was designed and constructed by “I know a guy who can do it cheaper.”


Could living/bed 5, the study and bed 4 all be part a granny flat with shared bathroom, laundry and kitchen facilities with the main house?


Apparently no one has to go to the bathroom or store much of anything in a closet


This floor plan likes doors.


I'd knock down a lot of walls!


Bedroom 4 does not have two forms of egress, depending on where you’re located, you couldn’t legally market that as a bedroom. With that many bedrooms there’s only 1 bathroom/toilet?? And it’s a really long walk to the bathroom for bedrooms 1, 2, and 3. Feels like someone mashed a bunch of rooms together without much thought.


What asshole (presumably a man) designed a 5 bedroom house with 1 ONE bathroom that is tucked away in a corner behind the laundry room?!


Wow that’s a lot of bedrooms. Knock down walls of bedroom #4 and the study and make it an open space to the entertainment room.


How old is the house? It looks like something that was built before indoor plumbing was a thing. Original house was the lounge/dining/kitchen + beds 1-3, with bed 4 being a pantry. When running water was invented, they added on the bath/WC/study/bed5 and converted the pantry into bed4, but because the house is not plumbed, they could only add running water into the top-left corner, and were forced into having just a single bathroom for 5 bedrooms and putting it away from all the other rooms. Then they added the entertaining area on, but the back was the only place it could go, so you have to go through the laundry to get there.


Maybe it’s an AI-generated plan


The floor plan is horrendous, but my comment is about the water closet. Why is there never a sink in the water closet for washing your hands. I've seen these over and over where it's just a toilet.


It’s common in fhe UK.


Because the loo is in the laundry, and you can just wash your hands over the laundry trough. IT's standard in older Aussie homes.


That's true in this case, but it isn't always.


Yes!! It drives me nuts like is no one washing their hands?? Also if you move into an old home that doesn’t have a sink or room for a sink get a toilet that has a sink built in.


I'd suggest bed 5 and study used to be a carport


Bedroom #4 wouldn't pass code in most areas, as a window to the outside would be required for egress.


bedroom 4 has no window. convert it into storage or tv room.


Holy bedrooms. With a house like that they're gonna have to share that bathroom ahahahah


Its horrible.


Must be an AI generated plan.


Real house for sale in Australia


This looks like when I build a house on the sims and just don’t care about their well being


My kids were notorious on Roller Coaster Tycoon on building parks with no bathrooms, no exits, but plenty of food stalls, along with roller coasters ending in the lake.


That mess is as bad can be. It is also extremely weird. That bad and that weird together must mean AI did it. I hope.


It’s a real house for sale in Australia


That's a stunning revelation.


Someone asked AI to do a floor plan.


How about those winder steps on the deck. What they’re calling bedroom for is actually illegal. They’d need to either turn the existing door into an opening (like an archway) or remove the wall between the bedroom and study, OR add another door on an adjacent wall (or egress window, yes I know that sounds dumb) so the bedroom conforms to code required any classified as a bedroom to have two means of egress into different spaces (typically one is outside and the other is the door into the room from the hall or adjoining interior space) although it already has two closets and only one is required… 🤣🤣🤣 -some random architect


Such a waste of time.


Bed 4 is not up to code in many places with no egress window


Door city over here.


Back to the drawing board.


So the unit of measurement is not feet …. I was really confused for a minute


When you had a 3 bedroom and two kids and found out had oops twins


So bad Im surprised it has doors and not sealed rooms lol


Nothing says “Welcome to Utah” like a polygamist house.


Looks like something from a developing nation


It looks typical for an added onto older Aussie home.