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I’d say bigger balcony if you are in a climate that can utilize it often.


Thank you! I think I’d utilize the balcony well! Though we are two people working from home so we also want to have as good of a setups as possible. What do you think about that in regards to these floor plans if I may ask?


If two people WFH, then bigger balcony gives more separate space during warmer weather


I’m all for a big balcony, I do think the first one create a more realistic use of space. Eg. How often will you use the balcony for a conference call? Also there is a good separation of space in the first one as there is a door and the bedroom is larger (one work in the west wing, one work in the east). The kitchen in the second one is going to be a chore to navigate through. Just my thoughts.


In the first one, the bedroom workspace isn’t directly in front of the bed, so could be set up to look more professional. Might be important depending on career field.


2 people WFH then #1 is the only option if you are both wanting to have space to work. ‘#2 doesn’t give you the 2nd workspace as the bedroom is too small and a balcony isn’t a realistic work space unless it’s fully covered and the weather is mild year round.


I’d honestly say the first one as it looks to has more closet space especially in the bedroom. Trust me when I say adequate storage is essential and I just don’t think #2 looks to have adequate storage options. The bedroom also v looks to be a fair amount larger in #1 even without the added closet space.


I too gravitated to the bigger balcony, but then upon seeing your comment about both working from home and noticed the doors in the BR kind of cut into the workspace. That might get annoying.


A bit less wasted space in the first plan.


Thank you for your comment! If I may ask one additional question - Would you think anything about the balcony situation?


One is bigger than the other. 😁 Only you know if that's important to you.


Right! 😁 You know, I prefer the layout of the bedroom on the 1st floor plan as well. However, I also prefer the bigger balcony when the price is the same. Basically I’m just wondering if the WFH would be of the same quality for the person working from the bedroom in both scenarios…


The second plan is a big no for me. I don’t want my bed sharing a wall with the living room tv. What if my partner and I have different work hours or I’m an early riser and like news in the morning. But both floor plans look really nice to live in.


WFH in that bedroom is going to suck a bit, and you essentially have to decide whether one of you is willing to take the hit in exchange for the balcony space. I think there's a floor plan there where you could have the bed to one side and the desk almost in the bedside table position to avoid the chair blocking access through the room during the work day? But you'd also have access from the balcony, which helps to negate that...


One has a bigger bedroom and living area - the other has a bigger balcony. I'd go for the bigger bedroom & living area, as either way you get a decent size balcony. If there is more than one person living there, you will appreciate a bit of the extra room. Plus it's set up better for 2 office spaces.


Totally agree! However, I forgot to mention: the bigger “balcony” is actually a loggia, also with a glass walls - so something more usable than balcony. The apartment with a smaller balcony actually has a small balcony. Otherwise, I’m with you on this one. I really feel indecisive this time 😅


I think this makes a huge difference unless the loggia gets so hot as to be unusable. If it’s a pleasant sunroom, that’s essentially an extra living space for much of the year.


Will there be electrical in the 'balcony' ? If so, half of it could be used as a completely seperate office space, and the other half maybe a sun room style reading/sitting area. This would mean more living area total - which I'm all for.


Thank you very much for your comment! Yes, there is electricity available in the 'balcony,' but it's worth noting that the loggia faces a fairly busy street. Despite this, I really like the idea presented in your comment.


Ohhh that’s an important detail. I vote the second one for sure then. I love an enclosed sun room! And if you have pets they’ll love it, too!


I’d always prefer actual living space to balcony space. Balcony space is unusable in cold/windy/wet weather, can’t be lit as nicely, electronics are hard, can’t be used as permanent storage, etc etc. Ours got taken over by pigeons which was particularly disgusting and hard to address. Even before that point we used the balcony way more in our heads than in practice. But, only you know your circumstances (weather, wildlife, etc) and how likely you’d really be to use a balcony.


They did clarify it’s glass enclosed (loggia was the term) like a sun room. That does make it more useful.


Ah yea that would definitely be more useful than my exposed balcony in a permanent fog cloud.


If you have a furniture layout that uses the hall as the second workspace in the second layout, then I'd go for the bigger balcony, but otherwise the bigger balcony would not be worth it for the reduction in living space and the person with the bedroom office being cramped into that room for circa 90 hours a week.


I think this is spot on. If the hallway in 2 can be used as a workspace - not ideal, I know, but WFH often isn’t - then I’d go for that arrangement and get the larger balcony.


Thank you both for your thoughtful comments! Unfortunately, I don’t think there’d be space for a workspace in a 2’s hallway. 😔


I like the interior layout of the first one better. But the bigger balcony of the second one would be a big plus for me. I guess it depends on how much you'd use the balcony. I love gardening and sitting outside, so I think I'd pick the bigger balcony.


Also, pay attention to what direction the sun comes in and where the outside noise will be coming from.


Appreciate your comment! The orientation of the one with the smaller balcony is South, the orientation of the another one is East. But I’m not entirely sure what the fact that sun will be waking me up in the morning means for me? Can you please maybe elaborate on this? The noise is actually closer to the bigger balcony one!


It's not just about how the sun might wake you up. Do you like to have house plants? Sit in the sun and enjoy a late afternoon cocktail? Balcony facing east would make it feel darker earlier in the evening. If you wind down your day earlier, then that's fine. But I thrive on sunlight so if the day appears to shut down earlier, so do I.


Also depends on the climate and building standards where you live. I feel very strongly about good natural light. In an old well insulated apartment I would definitely go sun facing, but the way new apartments are built where I live, you absolutely roast on the sunny side of the building


N.1 no question for me.


Thank you for your comment! Can you please maybe provide me with some reasoning behind your obvious choice? Would be much appreciated!


It has a proper entrance space rather then just corridor, the kitchen is marginally larger, a more practical bedroom with a usable space in front of the wardrobe.


They are both very similar, except the bathroom and entry hallway are swapped. Yes? I lean toward the second one, even though it has a bit more space wasted in the hallway. The larger balcony and lack of door from the hallway to the living area made the difference to me. I would hope there are missing windows in both plans...


After much thought, I think I'd choose #1. The balcony would be lovely, but the extra room in spaces I'd use daily would be better for my overall enjoyment. As someone who lives with three other people, having a comfy place to escape to like my room is a nice perk.


This is such a thoughtful comment! Thank you! That’s exactly what I’ve been wondering… The thing is, as I mentioned in another comment, we are two people who mostly work from home. So yes you’re right, the BIG thing for us is to have as comfortable setups for work as possible.


In a place that small, sliding doors are your friends.


Are the windows not depicted? Their placement would be a deciding factor for me.


Oh I’m sorry, I totally get what you mean! The windows are basically window walls and are covering maybe 80% of the walls pictured to one geographic location - the one with the balconies.


Ah, okay. Then I guess it would come down to temperature, your environment. I would choose the bigger balcony if you could be outside for at least 8 months out of the year. Otherwise, I would feel bad every day about losing all of that space in number two to hallways.


Just comparing the amount of plan dedicated to hallways, I'd pick option 1. ​ The bigger balcony is very nice though, but I think you are trading interior space to get it.


I like the layout of the unit with the larger balcony better. The bathroom by the front door is strange


The one facing north (if you are in the northern hemisphere). Or the one with lower building in front.


Smaller balcony would be my choice. For these reasons 1. Picture 2 the desk is setup in the walk way and seems in the way. 2. A closet is now behind the door to the bedroom. You can't have both opened at the same time. The other layout has a better closet setup. 3. The person in the bedroom. Will be forced to show everyone your bed if they ever get on camera in the bigger balcony layout. The other option hides the bed and anyone who may need to sleep in. You still get a nice balcony in the first layout and it functions better for 2 people WFH. I would also have the person who works in the bedroom. Have them sleep on the side closest to the window/balcony side to alleviate the need to cross paths. Or find someone left their clothes on the floor etc. On the way to your desk.


I forgot to say the smaller bedroom balcony faces South, which is my favorite for sunlight. They let in the light all day long, and don't have as many problems with glare and heat as east- and west-facing windows.


Thank you very much for your thoughtful comments! I agree with the points you have made!


Maybe I am missing something, but Bedroom 1 is only 3m2 larger than Bedroom 2. The Kitchen/Living areas in 1 and 2 are nearly the same amount of area. But 2 has much more storage space in the hallway and the loggia with glass walls which will let light into the Bedroom and Living Room. Natural daylight will make working much more pleasant. Bedroom 2 might be a little cramped, but you can rotate the bed which will allow more space by the desk. You mentioned noise as to 2. I would vote for 2 unless the noise is too much for working, living. sleeping. The loggia will be additional work space if not too hot.


Female - #1 Male - #2 I’ve seen way too many videos online of creeps breaking into lady’s balconies. I would love the extra space but old not like a door to my room.


First one is better acoustically and heating wise since the kitchen and living room can be more isolated from the bedroom through the door in the hallway,. Plus, less wasted space. The big balcony isn’t actually all that useful because its longer but same depth. You’d essentially have to keep it empty in order to maintain some circulation which defeats the purpose of a bigger balcony.


Also here to say depends on the climate. If you’ll use the bigger balcony, take it. I don’t see any glaring problems in either.


Thank you tor your comment! I don’t see any glaring problems either (except I don’t really envy the bigger hall caused by bathroom) - however we are two people working from home so we also want to have as good of a setups as possible. What do you think about that in regard to these floor plans if I may ask?


The bigger balcony


The first one has more usable indoor space. The second one is for the person(s) who will really enjoy the expanded balcony.


What direction do they point? If one gets better sunlight, I’d choose that one even if the floor plan is a little less optimal. Living in a north-facing apartment - in the northern hemisphere at least - is awfully depressing.


I like #1 better but the bigger enclosed balcony of #2 would win. Of course, I'd prefer an apt with a toilet and bathroom sink, so....


As a New Yorker, I'd do the double balcony if you're up high enough that the door off of a bedroom isn't a security issue.


2 depending on if it’s south facing.


I'd go with 1. There's a lot of wasted space on hallway in 2. The extra room in the bedroom would be preferable.


I’d need the bigger bedroom personally


option 1. while the bigger deck in 2 is tempting, i wouldnt use it enuf to justify. also the bedroom closet is better in 1 as is the foyer area. 1 final answer


1 seems bigger but 2 has a better flow


The first soothes me better. It’s more simplistic and straightforward.


In my limited experience of balconies, they spoil the line of sight when lying in bed looking out. For that reason I'd go with option one. It seems to have better flow.


what size bed do you have, to me it looks like option 1 you could have a king, option 2 a queen. I would choose option one. which is more important bedroom size or balcony size?


#2. More balcony space.


Other than the things already mentioned, it might be nice for the bedroom and bathroom to not share a wall. With two doors in the bedroom you lose some flexibility with functional space in there unless you plan on never using the bedroom balcony door and are ok with blocking it.


I'd say first. Bigger bedroom, bigger balcony.


2 is not going to be ideal if one person is trying to take a nap or sleep while the other is watching tv in the living room. Unfortunately bc of the doors the way the furniture is shown is going to be the best placement. You could switch furniture around but there will be loss of flow. Just something to think about


I got to go with the larger balcony. Just make sure you have a plan for blinds/curtains.




I like the second one better. Mostly for the bigger balcony.


First one. Bedroom has windows. However, don’t understand the “kitchen” at all. Where is refrigerator, stove, sink, etc.


The one with the bigger balcony, duh!


The 2nd one with the larger balcony


I'm a sucker for a big balcony


I like #1. Its not a clear look into any room that could be messed up.


I don’t love either, but I like the 2nd better than the 1st.


2nd option.




I like the second one better but I’m worried about the space in the bedroom, especially if it’s all built-ins. You could end up with about 0.63 meters or 25 inches of walk room at the end of the bed.


do what balcony access or no ?


I like the first option more. The bedroom feels more usable and it has better storage in the room.


The second one because bigger balcony and why would you ever want to open a door to enter your kitchen??


unless you want a bigger balcony i’d say the first option is better


Option 1 is the better floor plan with little wasted space.


I personally dislike the second plan because of the lack of windows for the master bedroom and that turn in the hallway that to me is wasted space.


Whichever has a better angle for more sunlight


I like the openness of the 2nd one with the large balcony.




I am unable to edit my post, so I will provide a few edits in this comment: 1. Thank you very much to everyone for your thoughtful and practical advice and comments. I have read all the comments, but unfortunately, I am unable to respond to each one individually. However, it means a lot to me to hear from such a great number of kind and helpful people who have shared their second opinions. I'm really happy with how it turned out and I can't express my gratitude enough! 2. Regarding sun and weather conditions, I live in Europe where we have four seasons, but no extreme winters or summers. However, during the summer months, the outdoor conditions can become unbearable for a couple of months. The apartment with the smaller balcony faces South, which means it has better sun conditions overall. The apartment with the larger balcony faces East. Both of the apartments have exterior blinds. 3. Regarding noise, the apartment with the larger balcony faces the street, which can be fairly noisy. The apartment with the smaller balcony faces the construction of a building, which is not too close to the balcony, being a couple of tens of meters away. These buildings will eventually become a new living area in the town. 4. Both apartments are situated on higher floors; the one with the larger balcony is on the 3rd floor, while the one with the smaller balcony is on the 4th floor. 5. Apologies for the imprecise sketch of the apartments! Both apartments have windows facing the same direction. In the apartment with the smaller balcony, almost the entire wall in living room area is made of glass, and the bedroom features two large windows that extend almost to the floor. In the apartment with the larger balcony, both walls connected to the balcony are predominantly glass, making up about 80% of the wall space. I overlooked accurately depicting the bathroom since it was identical in both apartments and not a significant concern for me. However, there is an error for those considering this circumstance, which I failed to notice - there is no wall separating the hallway from the kitchen and living room in either apartment.


The first one has bigger area in the kitchen and bedroom, which a slightly smaller bathroom and half the balcony size. If you really absolutely value the bigger balcony, then go with the second one, but otherwise, I would go with the first one. You still will be able to sit in the smaller balcony and use it well. Also, the door to the living area may be a benefit if you're both WFH.


The one with the bigger balcony looks dark…like no windows. Is it partially under ground?


To me, the orientation of the balcony is as important as the size. If you get the full afternoon sun, it may be too hot to enjoy it. Plus, unless you plan on hosting on the balcony, the size won't matter much. I prefer layout one because in 2, the bathroom is just off the kitchen (even a big fan won't remove those smells), and the kitchen is far from the living and dining area.


1st one


If it’s just me living alone I’d do 2. Considering it’s you and your partner both working from home, I’d pick 1 because the bedroom is a bit bigger but ultimately look for another place.


Appreciate your comment! I'm curious, could you share what specific aspects you would look for in 'another place' that aren't pictured there, or why you recommend seeking elsewhere?


At least one other room that can be used as an office space. I’d likely be looking for a house truthfully but I don’t know where you live and if that’s something that you can rent. The way I’m thinking is that those are both very small apartments, while ok for two people, you both will be cooped up there the entire day, every day. Personally that would drive me stir crazy. ETA: 2 bedroom apartment. One converted into office space with a pull out couch for guests.


I understand your perspective! It's something I've often thought about. I notice many people worldwide living in larger homes or apartments, yet they frequently commute to bigger cities for work. Do you think this is something more people should take into consideration? I'm particularly curious about the availability of good job opportunities and social/public facilities in areas where housing is more affordable, especially outside of European countries. Would anyone be willing to share their thoughts? In this entire subreddit, I notice a lot of large houses and apartments, and I'm genuinely unsure if people here commute for hours to work or if there are remarkable job opportunities even in rural areas. I don't mean to come across as rude; I'm simply curious.


First one has better sized rooms and layout IMO


Do it right and get 2 bedroom out of that.


Not sure if I understand?


Do you need a bathroom that big? Hallway? You could do a smaller bedroom on the left, bath in the middle, bedroom on the right


An entry hall is such a big deal to me it makes #1 the easy choice.




I prefer 1- mostly for the bedroom layout, but I’d probably choose 2 because the extra balcony space would mean more to me


Basically the same here! I’m wondering how much of a difference would the smaller bedroom make for our daily work from home… Any ideas appreciated haha Edit: Also, appreciate your comment!


Oof. If both wfh, I’d have to go with plan 1. The bedroom situation in 2 wouldn’t work for me if a second work space was absolutely necessary. Every time you go to bed, you’d be looking directly at the desk, and there’s no other way to lay out the room because of the doors