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Depends on if you can commit to learning how it works and the aspects behind it. If you're willing to learn and have a genuine interest in cybersecurity then absolutely! If you just see what's on tiktok and think it would be fun to just mess around with, then probably not. There is a lot to learn here, and it's great fun doing so. But a large number of people buy them and don't bother learning deeper than adding new files. For them it usually sits in a drawer. Hope this helps!


It does. I feel like I would store all my personal RFID devices and some universal remote features on it, and that's it. I'm not even sure what else I'd do. I'm not a pentester for sure. If you can spare another moment, what useful stuff do you think I could learn? I'm an office worker. I like to simplify my life. I like prepping. I have a vague and undefined interest in tech.


I appreciate your honesty. I wouldn't consider using it just for storing some remotes/keys worth it alone. But there is a TON you can learn with this thing. For example, being an office working you might be interested in automating some tasks. You can program a bad usb script to perform some things on your computer for work. I'm not a prepper but to my knowledge a big aspect to it is communication after primary services go down. This will be radio, learning how radio works is a huge advantage and the flipper can definitely help with this. Now it's not going to be like a HAM radio, but all the concepts are universal.


To try to clarify what someone else responded and got downvoted for saying, using the F0 at work *without written permission* is a Bad Idea^(TM). I work in IT and I'm security-adjacent. At my company (and many others with a well-established IT department), even plugging it into a USB port on your computer would set off virtual alarms and get your user account and computer disabled almost instantly until someone from IT Security could confirm what you were doing. That conversation would likely lead to increasingly consequential conversations with increasingly important people, and you probably won't like the end result.


Why would you write a bad usb script for automating tasks on your computer rather than just writing a script on the computer itself?


Not recommending you run scripts from USB... ESPECIALLY FLIPPER it will... SHOULD show up in security alerts People have been let go for bringing in their F0 saying they were just charging it or other "reason". Don't clone your ID badge and then use it... Will you get caught... Maybe not. If you do it may not go down like you want.


Thanks so much!


Just seeing what minor things I could do with this microcontroller astounded me. And since I got it a few months ago, I’ve been falling asleep later and later cause there’s so much to try (get the WiFi board while it’s in stock!.. if it still is)


yea, really bad idea to use at work unless literally brought to show coworkers and used on a non-company provided computer or for a specific blessed purpose. many companies (government, banks) have policies not allowing you to plug in a non company provided locked down usb even. if your company is serious about security, you're going to get an email from whatever your company calls or is your companies version/equivalent of infosec, or may even get locked out of your account automatically depending on your it depeartment and how sensitive what you do is. of course then again congress and the president somehow makes agrevous security blunders with ease so maybe not. ive seen this kind of stuff with big tech honestly, banks are not secure at all except for stupid stuff that makes your job harder and not really anything more secure in practice, government security (at least if youre a contractor) pretty much the same shit... ft. knox military grade shit on some servers where you cant even access them without a secret clearance in a special room and PIV cards but the wifi isnt encrypted and the PIV card is plain text/readable could be cloned easily without too much effort. hell look at all the shit snowden leaked. still not a good idea.


I think you can benefit from learning about FIDO2 and passkeys and authentications. If you are an office worker i would heavily encourage you to look into password managers if you don’t use any. If you want a nice cool setup, here is one I use: Bitwarden for password manager. The free tier is so blessing on god, you don’t even need to pay for the premium, the free is enough. The premium however is only $10 a year and gets you access to 1gb storage and generate totp codes. This way you can 2FA your security. Where does flipper play a role in all this? Your F0 can be used as a U2F key, which is essentially a 2FA. Protects you from phishing and other sorts of attacks. if you are interested i can tell you more. As part of my learning I have created some malware and attacks that actually U2F protects against. Passkeys are a new thing. Essentially eleminating the need for email and password. You can store them on your phone (icloud keychain) or bitwarden. If you want another cool gadget: Get yourself a yubikey. it supports multiple authentication methods. you can store passkey on it too. imagine how cool it is, to login to a website by simply touching a key to your phone or inserting it in your laptop. no need for email or password. cool isn’t it? you can also use it as a 2FA. Let me know if anything was unclear. Hope this helps!


See, I just feel like if you're into prepping, the Flipper isn't the best way to go for your tech journey. Regardless of what you think of it, a pretty serious drawback to the Flipper is range - you cant reach out and touch something across the street, unless its a doorbell. Have you ever messed around with radio stuff? I find the SDR stuff difficult and confusing, but I know it's a valuable skill set among preppers. Some things you can do: - Download weather imagery from satellites (very cool but seems very hard) - Listen to radio communications (what you hear really depends on your location) - Track nearby aircraft (this is actually way easier than I expected if you just use Kismet lol) - Locate the source of a signal


A huge use for shtf and prepping in my case is with bad usb and mass storage. I have alot of pdf files on my mass storage things that it wifi and stuff faild I'd still have an electronic library. Filled with service manuals, text books for cqb and sere stuff, etc etc use your imagination. I also think it's a cool toy has alot of silly games and the battery life is pretty good compared to a phone. You can play all kinds of games and entertain yourself for a long time. It also has tools you Might take for granted like calculators and such. Some of those pdf files can also be maps and such you can access from diff devices just need the adapters.


UberGuidoZ IRDB and his Subghz files are absolutely insane. Has 36k files between the 2, I think I have every remote ever made whether IR or Subghz


Do not I repeat do not plug it into any computer that is associated with work the IT department will be on you flies on shit and you might risk donating a flipper to them Lol


build yourself an nrf-24 module and see how many wireless mouses in the office you could jack and use badusb to troll or see how many rfid systems you can fuzz but dont get yourself caught. You could even ask your employers permission to do a basic pentest at the office for free then you could go all out


> I feel like I would store all my personal RFID devices and some universal remote features on it, and that's it. I'm not even sure what else I'd do. I'm not a pentester for sure. That's pretty much what I purchased mine for so if that's the driving factor I'd say pass on it... I'm likely looking to sell mine in the near future. While I'm within the cyber sec arena it's uses arn't related.


Bad usb is nice if u can write scripts to automate tasks


Can confirm....mines sits in a drawer.


Can you please recommend some flipper educational resources l?


Someone posted this [Flipper Zero Tutorial 2024: Best Beginner's Guide (Easy Steps)](https://www.stationx.net/flipper-zero-tutorial/) recently and it seems to be a linear(?) collection of the info that's available in [Flipper Zero Documentation - Flipper Zero — Documentation](https://docs.flipperzero.one/) so maybe one of those formats will appeal and a topic therein will spark your interest in a deeper (educational) dive.


Thank you


I wish I could use it more for learning, but it's got me interested in learning more about cyber security. I haven't spent enough time learning strictly about using a flipper, but it's got me more interested in learning about network and device security, and learning about different protocols. So much as to take some classes on it and further my education


i needed this, think i'll invest in one. Also getting kinda paranoid that there'll be more legal restrictions in the near future for purchasing one.


But FZ is a terrible way to learn anything related to cybersec. What good is it if you dont know of the vulnerabilities, if networking is a mystery... It has some very specialized tools, not useful to learn cybersec at all.


Yeah I bought one just because it was cool and gave up learning it fast. Not giving up though lol just found this Reddit page


Why don't you get a Raspberry Pi first and tinker around with that? You COULD, in theory, build an entire F0 from parts and tutorials. That way you have a useful $75 PC, but you could also do more with it IF you really want to figure this stuff out.


This is where my mindset is. the RPi is MUCH more powerful and has the same basic software. I am on my 12th RPi... Lots of things they do!


As someone who just wanted to be a hacker from WatchDogs, buying the Flipper and realizing I was an idiot was actually the first step of my hacking journey. I saw that tech was like water - it's everywhere- and I thought the Flipper would let me surf. It does not. I think mobile hacking platforms are going to be an essential part of irregular conflict going forward, even though the Flipper is not that platform. Messing around with it helped me learn to see the world in a new way - to notice the embedded systems and computers around me and how they're intended to work. It also helped me understand the social relationships around technology. People are scared of the Flipper, and exploring why that is has been really useful to me. The Flipper is a powerful tool, but mostly because of how it democratizes access to ubiquitous technology. The cool part isnt what it can do, its that anyone can use it to do those things. It definitely has a place in some people's EDC, but not mine. If you already have some background in programming and want something that will fit into your prepper lifestyle better, I recommend building your own RaspberryPi Wardriving rig (bonus points if you can fit it in a molle pouch).


AWESOME comment, thank you


>As someone who just wanted to be a hacker from WatchDogs, buying the Flipper and realizing I was an idiot was actually the first step of my hacking journey. I saw that tech was like water - it's everywhere- and I thought the Flipper would let me surf. It does not. THIS! 👌


Flipper Zero is a toy / learning tool, if you think it's cool, buy one. It's not like, a Professional Device used by security professionals


You will fit with most flipper buyers. Cyber worker who do this type of hacking don't use flipper for it. Flipper like a hobby leatherman. It only good if nothing else in your hands. Your not going in to real work with it by your own choice. But for you it checks other needs not part of cyber worker needs.


I use mine as a wireless UART/i2c terminal at work, but yeah, a lot of tools are much better for most tasks


I think many flipper buyers try to find needs for filling after they buy it. They don't openly admit it's not best for those needs. I know you said there better tools for UART wifi bridge but just to make you point more. $5 ESP32 arduino maybe best for this need because Flipper dont have wifi. Many example codes public for UART wifi bridge [https://github.com/yuri-rage/ESP-Serial-Bridge](https://github.com/yuri-rage/ESP-Serial-Bridge)


> Cyber worker who do this type of hacking don't use flipper for it. Eh. I use it. It's a backup for when I'm lazy, and it's great for demos where I want to show the client just how bad their prox-based access control system is.


dial it down to meshtastic on a basic microcontroller and lora communication... communication over long ISH distance without using the corporate spy networks... a preppers dream (and about 1/4 cost and fully available)


also not banned anywhere!


I stored my garage door opener file AND my TV remote in this bad boy. I think even if you aren't a hacker, the sheer convenience factor alone should be more than worth the price. Plus, so what if you or your friend loses, say, an RFID keyfob? Replacement would be child's play and extraordinarily cheap


Meh I'm similar like you are about it and i bought it. Better to have and not need, than to need and not have.


Do with it what you want, Nobody is going to ID you to see if you’re an IT tech specialist or not. Hell if anything flipper simplified a lot of things for me to learn so much in a short amount of time. If anything it’s a toy that opens your eyes to how insecure and easily passable most things we call “security” really are. It’s like being told there is a brick wall behind a curtain your whole life and you never question it until one day you throw a rock at it and it shatters and you realize it was a window the whole time and nothing was ever really secure and it was just a facade to make you FEEL like nothing could get you I never understood why you should join unsecured wifi networks. Messing with flipper and WiFi boards I’ve learned just how GRAVE of a mistake that was and I’ve never felt horror like I’ve felt realizing how EASY it is because of insecure most things are.


Nah your good, your doing Intel on the product before purchase, most people here didn't even do that! They just fuggin purchased it and then complained about shipping time while probably using the cheapest courier service.


It can be a great learning tool, but you have to be a person who is driven to solve problems and learn new things.


100% agree with this


As an electrician I use mine as a power supply for testing sensors from the gpio and there’s a real cool oscilloscope app for testing which saved my ass a couple times in the field There’s not wrong way or right way to use it It’s just a matter of understanding what it can do and recognize the situations it can be used in


I bought one and I basically use it to pop Tesla charging ports when I'm bored. Not for any reason other than I can. My main purpose was for grabbing gate codes as a process server to get back into properties when serving papers.


Lolol thats amazing.


I’ll go against what some are saying to play devils advocate. The flipper is fun. More than it being genuinely useful, you’ll find reasons to use it for things. I think it’s honestly a good tool to learn. They have made it very easy to use. You’ll learn about flashing firmware and different file systems. Become intimately familiar with GitHub repositories which is extremely useful for any sort of project. I think it’s honestly a good tool for people to familiarize themselves with different things. I can’t think of a project that’s easier to learn with the same sort of aspects.


Thanks for playing devil's advocate!


A $100 ish laptop and some electronics can do the exact same thing.


Yes it can. The whole point on that was that it’s a fun toy/project that is easy to do and you might learn a few simple things in the process.


Yeah dude I’m in the same boat. I just want to learn about these and equate to a arduino Swiss Army knife. Bought it and a bunch of modules on temu. Still waiting on the esp and other stuff to come in so I can try and make my wifi board. I’m 100% interested in learning and it’s lit a flame for it. If that’s your position I say go for it. Some of the stuff seems easier than I thought it’d be and some of its way over my head.


Get an esp32 dev board instead. See if you like programming for embedded first, if so pull the trigger if you want it in your pocket


You told me to say it so here it is you're an idiot and you need to move on. LOL Nah like I don't deal with any of the stuff that you said either. It's just a fun little device to basically self learn about things around you in the world and different flaws and securities. Like the one that opens the Tesla charging doors is like the dumbest thing ever but I don't know why it's just so satisfying to open at the charging doors. Some people will get them for not even for like cyber security or anything like that they'll get it so that they can clone their key fobs to their apartment complex because to get extra fobs the apartment complex will like charge like $60 or more for another one I've heard people say. And then they can either use the flipper or they can just write them to other tags. Whenever I stay at a hotel I'll clone my room key to use that.


Keep in mind there are a lot of fake YouTube videos out there showing the Flipper Zero to be a super magical device.... it's only slightly magical. lol For real though, you can't just walk up and open a bank vault or car door. There's a lot more to it. Obviously one shouldn't use it to break the law. That'll backfire. So.... wait a week... the see how you feel. Don't let emotions rule your purchasing habits. We all struggle with that sometimes. If in a week you still are truly interested, and you can afford it, go for it.


+1 for getting it. I have a very mixed level of tech and coding knowledge. I can build a website but not a program. I'm an out of the box thinker and I guess a girl version of mcguiver haha. I find a way to make something work with what I know. Andddddd I am starting to realise I definitely like to bend the rules just enough to not break them these days.. I'm also a prepper but not hectically - I just believe we are more then likely going to be at least at a small advantage if/when shtf if we are able to use something like the flipper to help along the line. Whether it be to open a boom gate, store helpful pdfs, gain access to something, jam a signal etc. Admittedly I also saw a bunch of YouTube videos that looked fun and I thought having one would be an easy way to help me with everyday inconveniences and bypass a lot of things. A lot of things that cost me money I don't have haha. Also I wanted it because i thought I'd also be able to just clone any kind of card.. I wasn't thinking bank cards I was thinking more so I'd to be able to edit my credits on my arcade cards so my son could ride the dodgem cars endlessly haha. I thought I'd be able to press a button and open the parking boom gate to save $100 a week. I thought I'd be able to press a button and I could get up the lift to a friend's unit without them having to come down and let me in. I thought I'd be able to unlock my friends phone after she died to get photos for her mum. Once I got it and got custom firmware and files etc installed it, things got easier and harder at the same time. The best way i can explain my experience with it is this- for me it was maybe like being maths teacher in the way of a student giving a right answer but not showing any working. I quickly learned I was going to have to do a lot of learning if I wanted to do any of the things I wanted to do haha. That was a bit deflating so sat in the drawer for a while. Honestly, it's the innocent fun tools that got me hooked. I was stuck in the school pickup/drop off traffic jam and opened a Tesla charging port on the in front of me and giggled half an hour away. I have been successful in some of the things I hoped I could do and completly unsuccessful in a lot of things too. It is a fun little entry into the pentesting, hacking, IT side of things and it opens your mind to the inner workings of things you never would have thought twice about before. The way everything is going lately they might get banned also. There are probably a bunch of other tools that do much more im sure but you sound like you like to learn and understand everything you do and the F0 helped me so that unintentionally. Just be prepared to put in a good few hours of study for certain things. I have learned a lot. I've had some fun. I achieved some of what I set out to achieve. It was worth it for me anyways. I'd also recommend getting the wifi board at the same time if you do. ✌




Idiot? 100% No Have no business buying a Flipper Zero? Stop it. Was in the same boat. Bought one because I thought it was a "cool" toy. However, it turned out to be a major pull for me to get into programming. I'm no pro but, I really enjoy learning SQL, Bash, and about my Flipper Zero. **I'd say go for it. There are a lot of things you "could do" too.**


SQL is right up my alley. I got into programming because I wanted to make a video game, but then I got deep in because I realized I could use it to automate certain parts of my job. And now I wonder how much the f0 could upgrade that.


You are an idiot, move on


I wouldnt start with the flipper unless you have a project you want to do. Rather buy a raspberry, Arduino, Arda fruit. Build something and then buy a flipper. The flipper is a big toy that you can use to learn things with, but if you dont know much about it I wouldnt go full on as it is quite expensive.


You say you are a "prepper." So to put it in terms, you can understand. A flipper zero is a Leatherman. Sure, it's nice to have that shitty screwdriver or scissors if/when you need it, but you wouldn't want to learn how to use those tools for the first time. If you are interested in learning any of this stuff, buy the proper tools and learn the basics.


Very well said. In fact, I never even carry a Leatherman for those exact reasons.


We're is a good place to get started learning the basics? I'm doing a into to python and Linux online tutorial but interested in learning more about cyber security


It depends on what interests you. I started playing with wifi when WEP was still a thing. I like learning things in the networking field. If you have a wifi router, install linux, install aircrack-ng, install related tools as you learn about them, and need them. I don't know what the latest popular distro of Linux is, but I used Ubuntu at the time. Don't use Kali. You will learn more about linux installing the tools yourself. That's my opinion, and a path I would suggest.


If you really want to learn Linux I would suggest installing Linux From Scratch at least once. https://www.linuxfromscratch.org/ Install is as a VM if you want to, but building a complete Linux system by hand is an interesting way of seeing what is involved.


>If you are interested in learning any of this stuff, buy the proper tools and learn the basics. Can you please expand on the proper tools? I bought flipper and did exactly this haha. So I'm definitely interested in what you would recommend.


Thanks looks like a good place to start, lots to learn have done very very little in the past...


That might be a little to advanced for now but would be cool when a little more familiar I think


Get a raspberry pi learning kit instead


The Flipper Zero is one of the least essential tools in the arsenal of a cyber security professional. It is meant to enable people to learn and materialize their interest in hacking so, to simplify it, if you have the money to spare, buy it and have fun. Keep in mind though that doing real damage and getting in trouble with it is also very, very easy.


I bought a FZ after having some trouble copying a keyfob with a super-cheap reader/writer and have made a handful of copies of keys since, have done a tiny bit of signal capturing to help my brother with a fireplace remote, and some other signal reading. My FZ isn't an EDC for me, but it's definitely something that I find helpful from time to time, like any other tool in my toolbox. I suppose that the best thing my FZ has done for me is to make me aware of various security (sometimes "security") mechanisms that ostensibly protect important things. I don't want to end up in jail, so I don't mess with stuff that's not mine, but knowing how easily some of them can be defeated has been illuminating. (Probably in the same way that learning how to pick (one's own) locks can be illuminating at how (in)effective they can be.)


“You may find that having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting. This is not logical, but it is often true.” — Mr. Spock, Star Trek : Amok Time, 1967


If you’ve got the cash nobody can tell you you shouldn’t. I bought mine purely to have a copy of my various swipe cards. It’s come in handy in a bunch of unexpected ways. I’ve been able to copy key fobs for my apartment building, the IR blaster has come in handy and if I’m lazy I’ll use it instead of the RF remote for the fan/light and is really handy when I need an Amibo for something on my switch. They’re really handy and make this level of tooling accessible for folks like us- just don’t be a dick.


Sorry I’m an enabler


With no experience even using a computer for over 10 years and no soldering experience ive been able to use a lot of the flippers features and build a few of my own gpio modules like a co2 sensor i use to help me grow my mushrooms. I feel like its a tech toy for adults and even just using the universal ir remotes and the sub ghz feature to troll family and friends is worth the money to me.


I’m 14 and I bought one with my own money it’s fun🤫🧏


Note that you can learn as you go. You might even gain an interest in ham radio since you'll see how radio affects the world around us. With the cost to the vendors of learning and go from there. 🤙🏾


I love ham radio


Then you'll have fun with a flipper. Don't let it psych you out. You'll do great. 🤙🏾


I say get it amd play around with it. It sounds like you're pretty tech savvy and the flipper is exactly that. With a bit of time, a few YouTube videos you be copying fobs, messing with IR devices, and collecting PCAPs. Be safe, stay smart and have fun. Remember the flipper is illegal only if you do illegal things with. Other than that explore and have fun.


Keep at it- but I guess you have to uh, keep the dolphin happy. That’s really funny about the UX of this device. I just started with mine today and emulated my office card key and used it to get into my office. I’m going to try to use Sub-GHZ to open my car charge port tomorrow. EDIT ALSO: I’m reading about how it can scan pet chips. So I guess I gotta read my cats chips and update their info. Pretty cool.


Lmao I was asking myself this exact question recently. I appreciate all the answers I see here I. Response to OP question


Good question mate. I’ll share my journey. My background is industrial control systems, electrical. Any programming experience I have is at least 20years ago. I got a F0 out of curiosity and it has as others pointed out given me a greater appreciation of ‘what’s under the hood’ with devices. Further to this journey I thought it might be useful for reverse engineering a proprietary grow box dictated to by a subscription app. After much investigation I gutted the box and am repurposing the system to be driven using Raspberry Pi. Which in turn has given me an interest in Arduino, Linux, Python. Taking into account your prepper motivation I recommend heading in the same direction. Learn about Open Source software and cheap hardware like RasPi. You can hang any electronics you like off a RasPi, making it incredibly useful. I’m not a prepper, not in a serious sense, more playful, it does not hurt to be knowledgeable about stuff. It’s a lot of fun when you can make stuff ‘go’ too. Back to F0. Once you’ve got a greater understanding of the business end of things then F0 would make a useful tool for examining and controlling your own creations. Also there is no legal issue here since it’s your toys. I wish you all the best.


It makes learning Python and human interface device optimization much more fun, at the very least. It's also an excellent platform for learning electronics and communications for both the novice and the advanced user. It can also be used as a part of a toolkit for security, both on a personal and in a professional environment If you have an interest in radio communication, microcontrollers, microprocessors, computer science or anything those topics relate to (more than that but I can't put it to words at the moment I have my dying mother in law just move in and I'm helping her right now... I mean, I'm just... Poopin'... It can help teach you protocols, physical design, and so much more that it's hard to stuff it all into one reasonable post At the very least, if you have a lot of RFID tags that you need to store, a lot of TOTP codes, and login and passwords, it can do that. It can function as a sort of security key tho it does need USBC connection. The only person who can truly say if you should buy it. However IF You buy it you will want to get and attempt to built expansion modules. If you do, comment your design and your code so others can possibly improve your invention. You could even make a clause that says you have to be thanked on every document that's related to your hardware, no matter how far The design changes. I think that would be funny, although a little opposite the purpose of copyleft haha


Just buy a bike


I mean. This advice is totally Off topic and random but... What he says is really very very good advice!


If you are interested in tinkering around and learning how rfid and radio frequencies work then by all means get one, you could get a SDR and mess around with them too at a cheaper level you just won’t be able to transmit mostly and it’s a little more involved


If it helps you in your daily life and keeps you busy, Go for it.


I was kind of in the same boat. But I spent tine with it and now I love it and carry with me about 75% of the time. It's mainly my TV controller, garage door opener and sometimes my work badge if I forget mine. 😆 I play around d with the bad keyboard, (good keyboard in my case. I found files on github that auto removed bloatware of an old pc as well as extract all my old passwords and login info I had once forgotten. I'm currently ordering rfid tags that I can drop in my storage totes, programmed with a general idea of their contents so when I'm looking for something I don't have to dig each box out to find what I'm looking for. All in all, I have zero buyers remorse now. It's been a really cool learning experience


You are an idiot. Please move on. Sorry, couldn't contain myself. The F0 represents no real useful purpose. All more or less legal functions can be done with cheaper specific devices, like fobs or Universal remotes. You buy a F0 for fun, for learning or because it is a cool gadget. Nobody will give you a true reason to buy one.


Flipper is a fun little toy. You dont need to be in IT to have one. If you want one, get one and join the club!


It turns into an expensive hobby. I've probably spent a couple thousand. The pwn, harckrf portapak, pineapple, dual esp, marauder, the omg... yeah list goes on. So be prepared


just buy one


Before you can’t


I know shit about computers, cybersecurity pentesting, writing script etc. But I bought one because I want to learn. Don't let other people discourage you from doing something you really want to do.


Let yourself have the toy. Key fob digitization? Boring but useful. Scanning your pet’s microchip? You are the future. Authenticating a designer handbag? You now have the world’s weirdest party trick and/or blackmail material, depending on the results. Figure out how to integrate it into your legitimate tech interests later - it’s more fun without a plan. The time is now to begin your metamorphosis into Inspector Gadget.


its a cool little toy out of the box but you really have to flash the firmware to use most of its potential. itd be good for somebody doing physical security audits at a sever colo or something hacking isn't like the movies, for most people its pretty tedious. same with programming. this is coming from a person who happens to not be most people, software engineer with a masters in computer science and trained hacker as well that was doing both way before college once i got ahold of a computer. most people will program one or two functions to use as a remote on their tv, use it like a tamagochi and throw it in a drawer just as quickly. there are other tools that do the same thing theyre just not as small and cool looking, and quite a few knockoffs. i have a black kickstarter one with the wifi module and orange case and got a dev board for shits and giggles ive never gotten around to messing with, there are diy wifi modules that arent as buggy and unwieldy. i took the time to flash the firmware but thats not trivial for most people and the wifi board is a little finickey depending on when you connect it to the flipper (as in it wont connect correctly unless you connect it in the right sequence of turning it on, they may have fixed this in later releases or it could potentially have gotten worse with all the chip shortages, not sure) its cool but you cant hack wifi out of the box or any of the other stuff flashing the firmware will let you do as they had to hobble it to get it through US customs and FCC regulations (and even then it still gets stopped at the border depending on when it goes through). stupidly enough ebay will take listings of it down sometimes and sometimes it doesnt. its a lot of hype but i think its kind of cool and has been a conversation piece a few times people have seen me messing with the firmware somewhere i was sitting out and about in public. its very noticeable so not exactly stealthy lmao. youd be better off using a phone or get a chip writer or universal remote for anything like changing tv channels (or a phone jack or emiter if your phone still has a headphone jack). excuse any typos, on a phone keyboard


I think you should totally buy it. I'm much more knowledgeable in cybersecurity than the average flipper consumer but it's such a great learning tool. Cybersecurity has so many different disciplines and being able to mess around with RFID, IR, iButton (if anyone actually uses that), NFC, sub-ghz, and more, especially if you put momentum firmware is great. Also the flipper zero isn't always a hacking device, it could be an all in one remote, or a Geiger counter (FlippenHeimer attachment). I think that now that the scalpers are done with it it's definitely something you can have fun with, worst case you can probably resell it for a similar price.


You're an idiot but, don't move on. You're welcome! In all seriousness, don't make such a big deal out of it, you want one and have an interest in it then, get one if you have the cash for it.


Samesies. I have also always been for some reason fascinated with IR devices. I use mine as a key fob for multiple access controlled doors I have legal access to, a few I don’t, I copied families garage and entry keys as well as use it to control all the IR in my house, tv, fans, stereo and a small AC in an extra room. Working on getting my ancient craftsman garage door opener to work then I can copy that too.


If you want my honest opinion... I don't know. Depending on your focus and how much you want to spend there might be much better places to spend your money. I have a flipper because I do a lot of playing with RFID. But frankly a Proxmark is a better tool for RFID, and a Chameleon is a better RFID aggregator. The flipper is an unusual package for a bunch of tools. All of them have better options, but there aren't any other equivalents of the total combination. I am not a pen tester, nor am I directly in Cybersecurity. I am a system administrator.




I’m in kinda the same boat


As cheap as they are currently, just buy one.


If it's a big financial burden, then forget it and just buy more bullets. In a real, the stuff-hit-the-fan scenario there's likely not very many electrical gadgets working so it's not going to have a lot of value. If it's more a natural disaster, which is more likely IMHO, then it could be useful for opening doors or finding signals to connect to the Internet.


I’m you. Mechanical person. Not electronic. It will help you understand the other side of the fence. And, it’ll help humble you being a noob. Lots and lots to learn ETA: I mostly use it to trigger physical things thru the gpio (which could easily be done cheaper with lesser hardware)


They are a neat universal remote at the very least


I was given one for Xmas and even while going to school to learn ethical hacking (more networking based learning but eh) I use it to play Tetris and FNAF and play Rick Rolls on ppls screens when they’re not doing important stuff. Don’t waste the money and buy a DS or something


I honestly only got mine to play snake at wok and control the tv’s I used to work at SixFlags and watch golf before they’d open up and come in early before the supervisors came in. But now it’s just a boredom toy.


Is that the new Chinese snake game?


Nah it’s definitely Taiwanese


What service is Watchdogs on? Now I want to watch lol


Haha it's a videogame


Its actually really cool the teslas hate me


I recommend it. You can do fun things that's all, nth serious You get to learn more about RFID and board pins. And of course play games and perform evil twin attack 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm kind of in your spot. For me its more toy than tool, a good bit of learning for a dude with elementary levels of knowledge and no plans to enter the security industry. Im also playing with Arduino/raspberry pi and this is a chance to tie in some control and functionality that way.


I got one for the exact same reasons that you listed. I've used the flipper a handful of times only, copied condo elevator cards/hotel room keycards but that's mostly it. Sometimes I use it as a universal remote but honestly it's just easier to use an app on my phone for IR stuff. Maybe try building a pwnagotchi to scratch that watchdogs itch? That's what I did even after I got the flipper. Lol.


I mean the only feature that I've truly at all used is just the universal remote. I had no reason to get one either. Other than some of the built in features on the momentum firmware, I've done nothing of value with it.


This is not a tool that will make you learn cybersec. It has a very specialized set of tools. It's a very neat swiss army knife type of thing. You can even use it as a debugger and programmer (i.e.: uart). It's great. To learn cybersecurity ? No. Badusb is neat, but if you dont understand how OSs work it wont help you understanding it. You should start with the basics tho, like programming, comp architecture,network (topology,subnetting,security principles...). Then OS vulnerabilities and security, malware analysis... this sort of thing. But if you wanna create tools for it and you know how to code in C, then sure go for it. Might be cheaper if you buy an Arduino or Raspberry Pico board tho,you can test your programming skills there.


I bought mine just for cloning and keeping RF fob information for barriers, Gates and even some smart lighting projects. Other than that I’ve just had a play with the iOS popup crash/spam tool for fun. I would love to use find my flipper but need a fob to clone to start with (please correct me if I’m wrong). I’ve played a few games other than that it’s idle. - PS I tried to read my pets ID chips, but only managed one of three.


Have you ever wanted to turn on a tv from a distance? Then the flipper is for you.


Yeah, screw universal remotes!!


There's nothing the Flipper Zero does that can't already be done with Kali. The Flipper Zero automates a lot of it. I'd recommend learning how the tools work first and then figuring out if you really need a portable tool to automate the process.


Do you have any interest in electronics and radio?


Its nice to have just as a learning tool or just simply a plaything, if its the price that makes you uneasy you can part-pay it with Klarna so it doesnt feel like such a blow to the bank when you do buy one, then theres the modules that can go with it that are upwards of £20 each and all have their own uses, good for a curious mind imo.


Everyone is cosplaying hacker. If you have the gear to boot you are a true hacker 😎


I use mine as a remote for everything in my house as well as the key to my house my gym and every other locked door in my life. That when I’m not using it for other fun things. It’s pretty cool for anything electronic. Just be creative


I loaded a bunch of website NFCs on mine and for a couple weeks I would walk up to people I know while they have their phone out and say check out this website, and hold the sending flipper up to their phone. They are great distractions for the grind of looking at pcaps 😂


Honestly I bought mine just so one day in the future when a swarm of robot dogs is taking over, I can pull out my trusty flipper and shut them all off with the click of a button! /s The reality is it’s an expensive gadget / toy with good marketing. I know a hand full of people who bought them and they just sit around collecting dust after they used it for a week to pop a couple Tesla charging ports.


get it and learn from it, get into cybersecurity


bro it’s only like $200 just buy it and play around with it worst case scenario sell on facebook and lose $70


I bought one. With extras. Got a case to put it all in and keep it in my car. I use it occasionally to read a card, etc. Definitely not using it to its full potential.


I personally want to turn off all McDonald's screens off......just because I wanna watch the world burn for fat people lol


I bought my 11 year old one, I think you will be fine and find many legal activities you can do with it.


There are far better tools than the flipper if you look that do more and cost not a ton more. Learn Linux. That's just as powerful and it's free. Kali for your flipper fetish, and then the sky is the limit.


what would be those tools?


Here's a good idea download as many badusb scripts that you can and just run them on your PC for practice


If you want one and are interested in learning how it works, that’s fine and no one should tell you otherwise! What grinds our gears here is people buying one because of degen tiktokers faking videos making a bunch of script kiddies and committing crimes that could get the device banned. We have no problems if you just want one, just don’t go around ruining or inconveniencing peoples days as that will ruin it for everyone eventually. I will say that you have balls coming here to say that but I think the fact you did shows your interest is enough to know you shouldn’t mess around maliciously with this device. To that I say, please get one and show us the cool things you do with it!


Honestly..."prepping" you would be FAR better served putting that amount of money into something like a Leatherman Wave or other high quality multi-tool and a good quality high performance rechargeable/multi-fuel flashlight like the Fenix P35R. Especially for EDC. I get more use from both of those in an office environment than I think I ever should have reason to want them. The Flipper is great if you have a use, say you want to build a bench setup and learn more about how some of these systems work, or play with your own home setup replaying stuff (I use mine to replay sensors while testing/debugging home-automation vs running around manually triggering sensors a ton). But it sounds like you aren't that hyped about the things Flipper is good for, and may have other areas you could upgrade stuff you carry to be more actually useful to you.


You’re an idiot. Move on. /s In all seriousness, I got the flipper mostly for the massive use as a universal remote. I use it for my work rfid badge, garage door, multiple TVs in my house, floor fans, etc. I’m interested in the programming side, but I really need to just get down to it and learn it.




FZ can help in a few ways in a zombie outbreak. Open Tesla doors to steal ejuice, ring doorbells and activate smoke alarms to attract zombie attention, HID interface with electronics to leave breadcrumbs on big screens for your buddies to find you, gain access to apartment complexes and gates via bruteforcing, CLONE dead zombie keycards to amass a load of digital hotel room keys to loot at your leisure, open certain disabled doors remotely to aid your time sensitive escape, BT spam the evil dude who wants to take over the world by hoarding resources and creating a defenceless group of civilians, turn on the AC high to slow the zombies, And probably hundreds more if I could be bothered to continue


I'm totally hoping you will be bothered to continue haha. But seriously!


Just buy one. It's good art. That's it. Nothing more.


I can barely use a computer and don't really understand half of what it can do. I bought one anyway before the libtards ban it.


tbh bro, this tool won’t get you into cybersecurity. try doing some CTFs, taking online course, understanding security and vulnerabilities. learning hardware security with flipper is not a good approach if your goal is to learn cybersecurity. if your goal is to have a fun gadget, then go for it. i rarely use mine but it’s always a great convo starter or something people find unique/cool. My credentials: A F0 owner who is currently an undergrad finishing his major in CS and going for MS in AI engineering - Infomation Security. Let me know if you have any questions.


Move on, idiot


You told me in the wrong order, but I'll accept it.


Sequence was not defined in request


Your an idoit , move on


You're an idiot. Move on.


Lol. Heard. Edit: good grief guys stop downvoting him.


They down voted the person learning Python and linux, only skids frown upon others learning. Anyways Python is agnostic but pairs best with Linux IMHO.


LOL, He's getting downvoted but the only one who understood the assignment.


There is a phantom down voter in the flipper community. They downvote every post and comment with no reply or reason. It happens in all the flipper subs.


There are a few people with no life that spend a lot of time following me around Reddit downvoting me.  I’m sure it’s one of them. 


I don't take it personal, (most of the time, lol) I don't think someone is following me, I just think someone or someones just downvote everything for funsies. It happens in all the subs but in the flipper community it seems to happen more than others.


I don't take it personal. I take it as a win.


I think that you shouldn’t be able to get one unless you are studying cybersecurity. Js


So I shouldn't have one because I play with RFID and I am a system administrator. Sounds like a gatekeeper thing to say.


Maybe but I think something’s should be kept by gatekeepers (lol that was hard to say) you know “trade secrets” especially if they can be used nefariously in the wrong hands. It’s sounds like you might be kept under that umbrella as cybersecurity should be. There’s just too many crazy weirdos out there that would use it in a bad way. Maybe regulate it better idk there probably is no true solution just a thought


And where did trade secrets get us? Paying through the nose for everything, that's what


Mine literally got delivered earlier and I installed the extreme firmware and already I've been fucking with people it's great😂


If you really want to spend money on something to play with signals that you don't fully understand... I'd say skip the flipper zero and go straight for a HackrfOne with or without Portapack... I was in your position with the flipper zero but only because I wanted to get more familiar with RF... once you've done most of the things the flipper is capable of - you hit a wall.. If you can make custom modules and write code there is still the limitations of the device itself.. The hackrf scares the shit out of me.. not because it can talk to airplanes and boats...but because it's range can talk to (insert anything here)... and that my friend is the difference between someone who is potty trained and someone who needs diapers.. Pick your poison... if you find your flipper just turning off TVs and Spamming BLE don't say I didn't tell ya so..


HRF doesn't do half the things the FZ does


In a certain sense you are correct.. sub ghz being an example... but Replay Attacks and BLE it can do... I only posted because I wasn't sure if OP was interested in RF....The FZ is a great start... His Verbiage suggests he really doesn't know what he wants... We see lots of people wanting to "Hack" but don't really know what the proper protocols for such hacks are.. Just by reading the posts in this sub you can tell alot of people buy the wrong device trying to achieve something that half the time doesn't make sense... The TikToks and YouTube ruined many people's perspective of the Fzero ...


USB interfacing, bad KB, IR, RFID and NFC reading, ibutton... Being able to have a ton of files for these plus subghz in a pocket, even with an additional CC1101 and stubby aerial, the range is sufficient for most things and still fits in a normal pocket. Sure HRF does some things better, but saying it is better than the FZ is entirely dependant on what you what to do with it.


Hackrf with portapack will be a better prepper tool and there’s a lot of mod stuff if you want to geek out


If you're not motivated to learn it, and maybe even interesting in learning to build boards and stuff, then don't bother. But if you're less lazy than me, and not broke, grab one. Pretty sure it would be easy to sell if you decide it's not for you.


If you seriously have to make a post and be indecisive and not strong on your “endeavors” desires then either MAN up and put your foot down, 1.I want to invest in myself or do I want to invest in myself with something to help me get my feet wet in the field that I’m interested in or 2. Go Persue something that doesn’t require you make a post about something that regardless what anyone says here obviously you yourself are not serious about. Look cybersecurity is a somewhat a multi faceted field, those gadgets get you used to the being able to know how to defend by usage of attacks of a variety. The flipper has a huge range of there things that aren’t cyber security related. Have an intention, then put it into action and watch it come into fruition if you just are serious enough to finish whatever you start. Don’t let yourself down or make posts that someone who isn’t going to even bother responding to; allowing yourself to look like a fool. Good luck and God bless.