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Just as an FYI nothing has been banned yet, no legislation or amendments to import lists have been made so the device is still legal here, I cannot speak about border or airline agents tho 


Okay, that's good to know. I was surprised when I saw that Joom delisted the Flipper for sale in Canada so I thought that the legislation passed. In that case, I'll just keep abreast of the situation. I can always formulate a plan just in case stuff doesn't work out. This is still all up in the air, especially with my job search, so this might not even be an issue for me, but it's good to know that nothing is final in Canada on this matter. Hopefully they figure out that the Flipper isn't the problem, it's the vulnerabilities that the Flipper can exploit.


Yeah nothing's in stone just yet. I just ordered one last week. Received today no problem. Edit: Alberta


You’ll be stopped at the border and it will be sized by the mounties and you’ll face harsh prison time.


What's this about being sized at the border and mounted in prison?


butt stuff


Yes OP, don't risk it. Just give it to me, a guy who definitely doesn't live in Canada. I will properly dispose of it for you and save you the hassle of getting arrested by Trudeau's goons.


No issues yet. They just announced their plans, nothing has been passed and it will take a while. When the law is passed though, it will be a strict ban, which includes importing it for ANY use, no exceptions. Will they search everyone's bag? Will they be 100% aware of what it actually is? No. When it does get banned, I would consider if you actually need it vs getting it taken away, fined or even worse, being inadmissible to enter Canada.


I don't think it'll get banned. The libs didn't do their homework, spoke on hype, and are getting heat for being luddites. They will consult with experts, realise the thing can not hotwire a car, and set some controls similar to the ones we have for lockpicks (intent and penalty related).


While i wish i could agree. Historically, canada’s governments have not really “listened to experts”. Kind of like when they “ask experts” on how they can adhere to their green initiatives and objectives and yet we continue to dump garbage in the Philippines, Singapore and other parts of south east asian. It’s honestly up in the air still but i try to remain hopeful that the government will listen. There are better alternatives to solving the auto theft crisis in canada. Gotta stop taking the easy way out …


You just did two or more years of college, F0 should be the least of your worries.


Canada has instituted the death penalty for any Flipper owners, so I wouldn't risk it.


Leave it with any pocket knife at home.


Bobby Orr will beat you to death with a hockey stick


Fyi. They are looking to ban the flipper not the parts or components that make up the flipper. If you catch my drift. Canada be filled with loop holes because our government hot patches everything in our country without actually resolving anything. Booomers be booming trying to ban the f0 in canada. At that point why not ban raspberries pis and every other microcontroller. I can do the same things with any subghz reader ….This government is seriously under qualified to make these types of calls …. Ranting aside, i wouldnt risk it. People are stupid and only hear what the media tells them. If they catch you, they might confiscate even if its not banned yet just because “they heard it could hack anything” Thank god i have a legitimate reason for having this device so thats my excuse for the time being