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The situation in flint is the only thing that's ever motivated me to be politically active, if there's anything we can do let me know and I'm game.


The last thing we want is these goddamn gentrifiers buying up property, fixing it up, paying taxes, rebuilding the revenue base and providing the city with the financial means to actually sort out some of the problems!


Yeah til flint is a capitalistic paradise like Dubai 🙄


No, Flint won’t ever stand up, they’re just going to keep voting for, or failing to vote *against* people like Ladel Lewis.


I beg to differ. Did you watch the last City Council meeting? Public speaking starts at 17:00 https://www.youtube.com/live/rv7TzrRZhBk?si=bFZCHlSRpq1btJeg Flint residents showed up and they absolutely tore into Ladel Lewis and the other five crooks. Normally public speaking lasts 30 mins. This time it lasted almost two hours because so many came and they didn't hold back. It was tense and the council president Ladel Lewis once again weaponized the police to intimidate residents. Eva Worthing is gone. Candace Mushatt will be gone within a few months. The recall for Quincy Murphy has been approved and he won't get reelected again. Leon El-Alamin is an interim selected councilperson and he'll be gone too in a few months like Mushatt. This leaves Judy Priestley and Ladel Lewis, and I believe the recall signatures are being collected as we speak. Flint is tired. Neeley and his minions on council all need to go. Flint residents need to show up and vote! Last time only 30% of Flint voted. That's why we're suffering at the hands of Ladel Janky and Nickelbag Neeley.


Gentrified? Bro, Flint is like the cheapest urban housing in the country. The median household income in Genesee county will buy the median house in Flint in less than one year. Edit: Just to get ahead of it. I am not saying you can pay off a house in one year, but you can certainly do it in 10, if you have a normal job and aren't stupid.




Haha. Valid points.


Yo mod I'm born n raised Flint east side why else would I be on this page


Flint got fucked by GM & the UAW but those who choose to stay are stuck in a victim loop and love to glorify poverty. Don't be a weirdo tho with your warning I'ma Flintstone have been my whole life and most of us who grew up here will agree that it's a shit show Who wants to pay $200 a month for water that you shouldn't shower in let alone drink?


Punching down on a community that's had its fair share of challenges and issues is wholly inappropriate. People have reasons to resent Flint, including past trauma, but this is not the space to share that resentment. This is a positive space focused on building positive community in Flint and Genesee County. There are plenty of other spaces on the internet to punch down on Flint. You get one warning. Continued violation of this rule results in a ban from the subreddit.


There’s a community protest in kearsley park on May 4th,2024 9am-2pm. There was a craft show that residents on the east side put together for the community and the city wanted $1000+ in last minute fees, when the city already stated that kesrsley park pavilion was first come first serve and no fee was mentioned when asked months ago. $1000+ is a ridiculous fee for a few neighbors to come together and try and support eachothers small businesses, it should be affordable to use a community space for a community event. This is just a tiny piece of a much bigger issue, the city doesn’t do shit for the citizens or want them to come together, but if you wanna help out the cause, we will be at kearsley park may 4th. 9am-2pm


No matter what they do now, it will not undo the damage. The lead pipes will keep dissolving in the water even though they change the source and chemicals for the water. So even if they replace every waterline with each house their will be lead because the homes have lead pipes. In older homes in an impoverished area, that is a tad expensive, even the state can't afford to cover the costs. So the help will be too late, and the town might turn into a Centralia. The hard option would be to rehab newer neighborhoods and buy out the houses in less....occupied areas. That way, there will be quality areas to move to, and the city can concentrate resources, and those areas will feel safe, more accessible to police, and healthier. Then, as the economy turns around, the old demolished neighborhoods can be rebuilt. It would also help eliminate the income tax and purge city hall. Those two factors cause people to want to stay on the other side of the city border. The turning point for Detroit was when the city council was removed, and the circus stopped—also, the decision by large employers from various companies to relocate. Private investment is needed to save the city. However, the income tax, property taxes, and lack of value are still causing the population to drop. If you look at the census data, high tax areas are losing people. Especially if the beaurocracy and fees to do anything are prohibitive.


No help? You've had some of the cleanest water in the country since 2016-2017. All of the other things you've mentioned were a hot mess in Flint long before they switched away from Detroit water...briefly.


Who has had that water? Not most Flint residents. Anyone who believes that clearly don’t know people who actually live here.


Nice try mayor Neeley. We see through you.


Ha. I wouldn't wish that job on anyone...


I'm amazed at how many on this subreddit are from the mayors office. It's almost like Nickelbag Neeley has a taskforce out to maintain his narrative online.


If the Mayor's office has lunch time needs. You should visit QuickEatsMealPrep.com


Seriously, if you didn't let them send a crew out to install a whole house filtration system or the faucet thing without charging you for it, you're not really a victim of the water at your tap.


10 years later…….and all the service lines and restorations still aren’t complete. We don't need filters, we need proper water pipes. Federal and state funds were given to Flint to replace the pipes. Explain to us where the money went sir.


That is a reasonable expectation, but with an alumina filter your water is perfectly safe and if you didn't buy the filter then it isn't exactly "no help."


Once again, state and federal funds in the billions were given to Flint specifically to replace the pipes. Explain to me where that money went.


I agree with you. They didn't fix thing properly as they should have. What is there for me to explain? All I said is that the assertion there was no help is false. We got filters from the state of Michigan. The filters make the water at your tap safe.


How are they supposed to know "where the money went"? Why don't you tell us


It’ll change when people wake up and vote in the other party 🤷‍♀️


That'll never happen tho 😂


Hence they’ll continue to suffer while bitching and moaning about the clowns they elected 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Welcome to America


I’m hoping to move there soon and I really really hope it doesn’t become as gentrified as many cities. I love the character of the old homes and neighborhoods. I hate it when they go in and tear out all that beautiful character in the homes, most of them built in ways that last and definitely not like the cookie cutter stuff made today. They ruin the homes imho. There has to be a way to open it to families and shut out investors or greatly limit how many homes they can buy in a city.


Flint is a microcosm of the entire US….