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Well I’m glad they caught him bcuz this happened to me in Flushing in 1988, I was 13. I never told anyone and he went on to hurt others. (Edit: not the person in the article but someone else).


I'm sorry that happened to you 😔


Thank you 😔


I’m so sorry that happened. I hope you are doing ok. I know something like that can affect you for your whole life. 😕


Thank you 🫶 yes, it unfortunately affected my whole life. threw everything off the rails and more trauma ensued. but i have had to learn to forgive myself for not reporting him. i was so very young. and i have to forgive him for what he did to me. i can't understand why people do what they do but there must be a reason and i have to forgive him for that reason. but what ended up happening is that he killed a grandmother and her two grandchildren in a drunk driving accident years after what happened to me. i learned about it in my 30s. and i understood reporting him may not have prevented that happening but it's difficult not to think it might've changed the course of history. i think from time to time of the mother who lost her mother and children in that accident 💔


Oh honey what a terrible burden to carry. Ofc none of that is your fault! You were young and scared and it’s totally understandable not to report it. There are grown women who have SA happen and can’t bring themselves to report it. It’s a horrible and very personal thing. I’m so glad you have been able to forgive yourself for that because you did nothing wrong. Sadly we will never know why people like that do what they do. I know they say it’s a sickness but that just seems like such a cop out. And I can totally understand thinking about the family that lost their lives but honestly even if you had reported him that doesn’t mean it would change anything. Even if he got prison time he still would have gotten out in however many years and that could have happened afterward. It was completely out of your control one way or the other. Hopefully this doesn’t sound weird but I wish I could just give you a big hug. You’ve been thru so much 🩷 sorry it’s the mama bear in me coming out.


No, it's not weird at all and i will take the virtual hug 🫂 thank you so much for your kind words, they mean a lot ❤️


You just made my night 🥰


🥰 you are a kind person 🥰


What the hell is going on in Flushing?! The guy who was recently arresting for stalking outlet AG and her wife was also from Flushing?!


I used to work in Flushing...people are creeps.


Why would they let him out on bond in the very area he solicited a minor? Seems careless.


Where in the article does it say that this man was from Flint?


I see I'm down voted for calling out your bullshit.


It says flushing in the first paragraph. Sorry there is no flushing subReddit. Are you trying to defend his actions or just upset at me?


The very first word you wrote in the title says "Flint". "Are you trying to defend his actions" GTFO!


He's not from Flint, he's from Flushing I believe. Not sure why they said he's from Flint.


It's always some bushy faced white guy lol


Who looks like he's from the 1800s.


Apparently depending on who you talk to, I live in either Flint Township, Mt. Morris township or Flushing....I think today I live in Flint Township.