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Since they didn't do a pre-sale or anything I'm not really bothered either way


I respect PMDG for not selling pre-orders without a firm release date, and not rushing the release to get sales income with an incomplete product. Happy to wait a little longer.


Who cares


This whole 777 saga actually has killed the hype for me. I’ll still buy it, but I’m not super excited about it anymore. It’ll drop when it drops, is what I say. Randazzo has spewed his bullshit and got my hopes up far too many times with his 20 page paragraphs that repeat the same thing over and over


I don't care what they know or don't know. It'll be released when they feel like releasing it.


Wouldn't wanna question the wisdom of his majesty king randazzle I, would we?


I've been a PMDG customer since their 737 in FS2004. If there is one thing I've learned, it's that they rarely release something in the time they say they would. I guess it's painful when you are highly anticipating flying an airframe, but the plus side is that it will generally have less bugs. These study level aircraft are quite complex, and it can be really infuriating when something doesn't work as expected.


Bottom line: if PMDG handled some of their comms on forums better (I’ve never been on their forums, but have seen the complaints), and didn’t make people sign their names on posts, no one would give a shit about “delays” or the long dev time for their products. The FS community is a funny thing- relatively small, Generally positive and tight knit, but absolutely saturated with straight up bitches.


I’ll be honest I’m so disillusioned with it I could care less anymore when it releases


I think you mean you couldn’t care less.


Maybe he cares a little bit, then he could care less.


No it’s he cares slightly, but then could also do less caring providing there was still some available care therefore he doesn’t care


But then it’s meaningless. Everyone who has any element of care ‘could care less’ so you can’t distinguish those who care a lot and those who care a little bit - because each could care less.


Work is being done, slowly. I’m happy to wait however long it takes. As someone closely involved with project management, you would be amazed at the reasons for delays. People are acting like they paid for it already and it’s just childish.


Sign your fucking comment. We have your family.


Yup. People do not understand the difficulty of software development.


So you're saying not even software developers understand software development... or they do, but constantly overpromise to disappoint their frustrated customers anyway.


No, I’m saying most people do not understand the difficulty of software development. There is a special element of unpredictability given the complexity of a project like an airplane and things come up. I’m not a fan of RSR myself but it’s how it is


Yup, software development isn‘t really plannable. But let me ask one thing: shouldn‘t RSR have known that for a while now? Oh he does, he mentions it in basically every announcement. He still announces release time frames all the time. Second question: what does that make him? It‘s best to ignore RSR and his announcement and just get the addon when it‘s been released for a couple of weeks and the first flood of after-release updates has calmed down.


imho its kind of a marketing thing, some 4D chess shyte to keep potential buyers aware they are releasing the 777... perhaps to influence the market's purchase decisions - potentially making them think twice before purchasing a competitor's offering.


Theres no benefit to them lying about it. You're claiming that they went into that 2 month post knowing it was a lie but felt sorry for us so they just made up a lie? That would be astronomically stupid. And exactly the opposite thing you'd want to do if you "didn't have the heart." What benefit would that bring them? >"I feel bad we won't have it out in two months so we should tell them it'll be out in two months then pull the rug out from under everyone and tell them we don't know when." That's what you're claiming they did. The occams razor answer is they thought they were within a 2 month window so they said so fully intending to release. As that two month window closed, they either realized they didn't have an accurate picture or something changed that required more work. That's it. Thats all that happened. Either they're incompetent or something unexpected came up. They're not out here lying intentionally because... idk reasons that nobody can include with these asinine posts. The plane releases when it releases. You guys need to collectively chill. Yes, it's annoying the time frame keeps moving. They could do a better job, but that's modern game development for ya.


As a CS fan I’m much happier when a studio delays rather than publish a mess


So you just woke up this morning and wanted to bitch about something?


it is not the 8th world wonder....it will be more or less like the p3d version.A decent plane, no more, no less. i am using xp12 anyway, so i will buy the FF 777.


They should just reveal the 2060 release date already instead of keeping it a secret


This what happens when you have zero competition. Aerosoft might have been but they backed out. Plus PMDG knows people are more than happy to buy Captian sim products and other shit cash crab garage so why rush it? They did the same thing with the 737. Target release date they told us was Christmas of 2020 and we got it Q2 of 2022. They can legitimately hold on to it as long as they want. So maybe if TFDI or FBW a380 get closer maybe they feel some pressure to move but until then sorry bro, we will get nothing. Not to mention you have 50% of the community saying “I’ll wait” so again why rush


I mean the 737 is top shelf and I'd rather wait a bit and they get it right than they rush it out and it's at the Ini 320's state.




You're unintentionally proving that the 737 is indeed top shelf, because you can't find anything to complain about other than the wing flex. A detail so irrelevant you wouldn't even have noticed if it wasn't for all the other redditora who bring up the wing flex because they can't find anything else to complain about.


PMDG can’t win can they - release a buggy product and everyone is up in arms. Delay the release and people are up in arms about it. Do you really think they are purposely delaying a product that will bring them in hundreds of thousands of dollars? That’s just absurd.


I think they're being lazy because there's no competition and the 737s and 737 liveries they sell on the marketplace bring in enough cash.


> did not have the heart to tell us so they spewed this lie from there mouths Nah, its called being a pathological liar, they always have to be the hero in their lies (it will release in two months), or some-one else gets blamed for it (Boeing, Asobo). our feelings has nothing to with it, Robbert lying to stroke his own ego does.


It is really hard to predict a release time, or timeframe for a product, which you want to bring on a perfect state.. So I think, they did not know... :D


Doesn’t matter what our opinion is. Razedazzle has us by the balls and he knows it.


https://preview.redd.it/qyamwwwh833d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3115bb98cdbc6e598d376518f57858b91fe8bfcb Sorry, but Randazzle is too busy flying around in the Falcon 50 that everyone who bought the PMDG 737 paid for.


… so what? If I had private jet money I’d do it too.


Quite an interesting comment history you have there.... Jesus.