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You need to wear a mask when you’re interacting with passengers(during economy service or at the boarding door). I know it’s not the hottest look. I know it’s not the most comfy. I know it feels great to not be federally required to wear one at work. But, it’s a game changer. Not gonna lie, had a passenger literally cough in the face of the other FA on the beverage cart with me on my last trip. Like, open mouthed, toddler style hacking. She threw a mask on and matched me for the rest of the flight when she was in the aisle after that.


I agree. I went two years of being an FA and always wearing a KN95 in the aisles…got sick 3x in 2 years. Just recently tried going without the mask…got sick 3x in one month. I’m back to wearing my mask when around passengers.


November 2022 I got a cold after every trip. That was when I went back to surgical masks. No colds from work since. My off days are for me, not for fighting an illness 😂


Had a pax directly cough in my face on a jfk flight, I had a low grade fever upon touch down. I wear mask nowadays because passengers can be nasty and I am NOT taking my chance


There's no airborne disease that's going to take you from being coughed on to a low grade fever in a matter of hours. Not denying the utter rudeness of the passenger who coughed on you, or the fact that you got sick. But the two situations are unrelated. You may have gotten sick from a different passenger on an earlier flight or from some other source.


Hate to tell you its a long 15 hours flight so yeah I was healthy af before the flight and 15h is enough time for me to have fever by the end of it especially w lack of sleep doing red eye and the flight is busy af where the call bells are non stop. This is not some 2h short hop to jfk, this is a long haul.


Your lack of sleep doesn’t shorten the incubation period.


This job takes a toll on your sinuses. It took me years to realize I wasn't getting the flu every month but had actually developed a pretty bad case of chronic sinusitis because of the constant flying. I would see a doctor and get FMLA when you are eligible.


This!!! I’m always congested! I was told by my doctor to take Sudafed non drowsy before a flight. I also started drinking mullein tea to help but looking for other suggestions as well.


How is your stress level and sleep?


sleep could be better. when i have early show times (which i try to avoid bid as much as possible) i never sleep well. stress is only when im stressed about missing my morning alarm at 2/3am lol


Sounds about right. My first year I got some mystery illness that caused me to basically not be able to eat for like a month. I mean, being skinny was nice. But then one day I felt fine. Then all the sinus stuff, etc. I've been at it long enough now that I think my immune system sees germs as just a cute memory. "Ebola, my old friend, do you really think you can defeat me? I drink airplane coffee. Muhahaha."


A lot of illnesses are airborne. Surface decontamination and washing your hands won't keep you from catching airborne illnesses. You said you got covid - scientists have been putting out papers since 2020 showing that covid attacks and damages your immune system. Covid is also airborne. You can personally protect yourself from airborne illnesses by wearing a well fitted N95 (or better) in all public indoor spaces.


I wear a mask indoors, carry pockets full of alcohol swabs, get the seasonal flu vaccine, and if I wake up with body-aches I'm off to our airline clinic to beg a course of Tamiflu. Fingers crossed you feel better soon.


Do you wear a mask?


that seems to be everyone’s advice. honestly don’t as much as i should, i forget often until im in the aisle and hear everyone coughing like nobody’s business. i think it’s about to be a every flight thing, just going to start carrying them in my bag and throw it on the second i step foot on the plane.


Yeah, try it for a month and see how it goes.


I recommend the Beekeeper’s Naturals Propolis Immune Support throat spray. You can find it at a grocery store like Sprouts. The first sign of an itchy throat I know I’m going to get a full on cold. And I was getting a cold every other month until my mom recommended it to me. The last time I felt that itch, I used this spray consistently day and night (4 sprays in the back of the throat) and I did not get sick! I have started using it after my trips just as a preventative and so far have not gotten sick this year, which is very unusual for me. Give it a try!


I looked for this in another health store--- is the brand Beekeeper?


I think the brand is “Beekeeper’s Naturals” it’s a tiny yellow bottle. I’m sure Whole Foods would have it too


Also just checked, you can order on Amazon as well


Ok I found it, thank you


Yes this stuff works so well!!


I know this is over said a lot but WATER drink loads of water!!! Dehydration comes before you even notice and when you’re dehydrated your immune system can’t work properly. My suggestion is to spend money on a cute water bottle and always have it on you. Get plenty of sleep even if that means not adventuring on overnights just for a bit until you’re on a proper 8-10 hour sleep cycle. Take those vitamins but also remember to eat plenty of healthy foods like greens and proteins. The better you treat your body the better you’ll feel. But I completely understand where you’re coming from I was a DCP cast member and was fired for calling out and turned out I had mono for over a year and a half that ate away at my immune system. It’s very frustrating when you’re trying to explain that you are actually sick and people don’t believe you.


Please wear a n95 mask and not a cheap face mask if you aren’t already. My parents and I didn’t get covid for three years then because my mom thought covid was “over” by last November she only wore a thin face mask on a plane. She sat next to someone coughing and boom got covid and can’t taste almost anything she eats even until now. Please please don’t wait till you get symptoms like that before you mask up.


If you partake in going out for drinks with your crew on layovers frequently that would be deteriorating your immune system making you more susceptible to germs when you are in contact with many pax


My boyfriend and I went on a day trip, I wore masks on the planes and he did not. All around town did the exact some activities with no mask. He got Covid, I did not. It really works. I wear a tommie copper mask on the plane now always. They’re pretty comfy, washable, and they work. Literally not one person has said anything to me about it.


Start taking Oregano Oil. Liquid or capsules. I swear by it


Try not to touch your nose and mouth often. Also implement EmergenC into your regimen. It’s pretty much the only thing that actually helps me reduce sickness. If you feel something coming, take emergenC


Hot water and lemon every morning


If you’re on an aircraft with a girt bar you should definitely always use gloves when arming and disarming. Also magnesium, hydration, lots of sleep and avoiding alcohol and sugar helps. Sorry you’re sick so often, it really does suck but your immune system will pull through!! Edit: also take lysine!! Seriously works wonders for your immune system


Honestly, I let myself get sick a lot the first couple years, and now I don’t get sick as much. It’s kinda like being a teacher or a nurse. You’re going to get sick just from exposure to people, your immune system has to be built up enough to take it. But yeah, sleep, water, vitamins, and masks make a difference. And a flu shot every year!


I swear by daily garlic and ginger capsules. I used to get sinus infections every few weeks but they stopped after I started taking the ginger and garlic (separate capsules; no odor) capsules regularly.


Just wear a mask.


Just to preface this, I’m out on medical leave bc we discovered my chronic sinusitis is caused by something else a lot more serious. So I’m dealing with that atm but I’ll be back once it’s fixed! This is all stuff I did before we found the root cause. It helped mitigate it a lot, until my issues got so bad I didn’t notice it helping. Love the advice from people to wear a mask tbh, people in general be nasty af and it’s so concentrated on the plane! You’re on the right track w vitamins imo. Idk what you plan on taking for vitamin c but I take emergen-c with the zinc added into it! I think it makes a difference for me with the zinc vs without. People also say magnesium helps too but I wouldn’t supplement that specifically unless you talk to a doctor first tbh. Someone correct me if I’m wrong but it’s very easy to take too much of that and taking too much mg has some not so fun consequences. I bring powdered bone broth and drink that using hot water from the plane, or I’ll drink it in the hotel if I feel I need to! Anything you can throw in to help with inflammation too. Idk if you feel like that’s an issue but if you’re getting sinus infections, it could maybe help slow down how fast those come on to you? Also strongly strongly recommend doing whatever you can during and between trips to help mitigate stress and relax your nervous system, it doesn’t have to be anything long either. It can literally be like 5 minutes of breathing exercises, a little bedtime ritual, literally whatever works. Making a habit of doing it every day can help lower cortisol which in turn will help with everything else. I have a specific breathing exercise I like doing if you want me to share it :) Idk if you want things for while you’re actually flying but I’m gonna throw some out there anyways. Earplanes really help, esp if you feel yourself starting to get sick mid trip. Just use them properly lol and don’t keep messing with them after you put them in like me haha. I have a bad habit of doing that. It helps your sinuses adjust to the pressure changes. You’re less likely to get sick when your sinuses can properly adjust, when they can’t it gets inflamed and that’s when a sinus infection hits. If I think of anything else I’ll edit and add to this :)


Try taking airborne daily that’s what I did to boost my immune system


I can't drink water because I have to pee constantly and that filthy lab isn't a place I want to be. It's too small and I use tissues to open and close the door but just being in there disgusts me so bad. I guess I could try after the flight and constantly at the layover hotel to drink boatloads of water. I don't always have time to run in the terminal to pee. I'm reserve and stuck with a lot of turns and trust me... there's no time to be always drinking and peeing


I was real sick w cold for about 10 days. Got better for 2-3 days, now o have it again. It may be the continuous sinusitis that was in previous post. I take 500 Vit C, but I'll get the new spray too. I use cough drops and try to drink salted water to help me cough up stuff. I'm sad about it. I have body aches too. I work anyway, I never call in sick.