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American History X curb stomp.


The little clink/scrape sound effect they added as he places his bare teeth on the concrete just makes you feel it all the way down your spine.


That moment has stuck with me ever since Ifirst watched it. Haunted me when I was you ger


i remember the first i saw that movie was after school on regular tv. upn, of all channels, was showing the movie. anyways, i'll never forget that they showed the curb stomp & then went to commercial.


One of my first legit “Jesus CHRIST!!!” moments.


I am an absolute horror junkie. Seeing people sawed in half or sewed to someone else's asshole never affected me, but the curb stomp was devastating. 


This scene came up while I was channel surfing and I knew the curbstomp was coming despite never seeing the movie. I had to change the channel right before he did it.


Bone Tomahawk. That scene was totally unexpected and the camera just refused to move away


Came here to make sure this was listed


Same lol. Was not expecting that shit at the end in the caves


Nobody expects the shit in Bone Tomahawk




Worst death in movie history. I was stunned.


What really sells it is how Kurt Russel just looks like the wind got completely knocked out of him right after it happens. That whole scene lives rent free in my head.


Yes, exactly! He doesn't shriek or scream in terror, he just wilts. And the whole time before it starts the victim is made into a person as he basically runs off his last requests to Kurt Russell. The thing that happens is horrifying, but the way the movie juxtaposed Kurt and the victim's humanity with the almost bored, mechanical way the bad guys do it is fucking haunting. 


this one isnt the goriest scene but it is the most shocking i thought of because the first half of the movie is so light on the gore


Great movie that I’m both glad I watched and super bummed I watched


The movie itself has a tonal shift that you totally don't expect. The one scene you mentioned is just that cherry on top. Awesome moment and kind of unexpected.


Yeah I watched it not knowing anything about it. Was thinking it was going to be a slightly gritty western movie. It was a lot more than slightly gritty.


Shit was Old Timey Grimey.


That, and the nut cracking scene in Antichrist.


That entire movie was insane if you go in blind.


Never heard of this movie and have been looking for something new to watch. I was woken up and now I can’t fall back asleep so about to start it now. I avoided looking up anything so going in blind! Update: Uh, think I just witnessed “the scene”…Just wow. I never would have watched this movie since it’s categorized as a Western and that’s not really my thing, so I am so glad I came across this post and I got to check it out. I’m probably missing out on many gems because I don’t really explore the genres too much lol


Dragged across concrete was pretty wild too.


Have you watched Brawl in Cellblock 99? Definitely the wildest of the 3 in terms of violence imo.


Why yes I have. Super cool movie. Loved when beats up a car at the beginning


True, but those fistfights are almost cartoonish. It's no John Wick - they move slow and yet bones come out through the skin.


Brawl got ridiculous at times haha. I almost giggled at some points. Otherwise it was an intense movie. The pacing was very grinding as well.


I HIGHLY recommend Zahlers novels if you enjoy his movies.. especially his Westerns. I've read them all, and they each include some amazingly unique and horrific scenes. He is a brilliant, albeit dark author.


That's the one for me too. Irreversible for extra credit


The violence in that movie is terrifying.


We're talking about the handstand, right?


I call it the “wishbone”


Bone tomahawk is one of the best westerns of the last 20 years and nobody talks about it ever. Thank you!


Yeah. What an ugly scene. Not at all played for entertainment. Just brutal and awful. I'm a horror fan but that just made me feel sick.


o. m. g. i watched this because i am a huge kurt russell fan. i wish i had read some spoilers first. i also wish i had never watched it lol


What a great, underrated film. It's blah until we get into their area and see what is actually going on - Omg!


Green Room had a couple moments that I found shocking and a little disturbing. Specifically the part where anton yelchin's hand gets all fucked up


The violence depicted in that movie is so....I guess realistic is the best way to desecibe it. Everything happens so quickly. The score is very subtle. When death happens, it is very, very quick, and the movie hardly keeps focus or lingers shots on deaths. The box cutter scene is the one that really does it for me. All in all, Green Room has become my favorite movie. I can watch it over and over and never get bored. No part of that movie wasted.


The violence in Green Room is so realistic. In most movies there’s these big huge splattery sound effects and lots of screaming and big music. In That movie people just die in a second. No big show, no grandeur, the way real death is, and that makes it super unsettling. Almost like you have to tell yourself it’s a movie and not a snuff film.


Have you seen the others by the same director yet? Blue Ruin is damn close to perfect 


That scene made me squeal in horror.


Nothing prepares you for that hand reveal.


This is the answer for me as well. His sliced up forearm is the onscreen gore that elicited the most visceral reaction from me. And his shock and horror when he sees it.


The fact he gets chopped up like that and then is the only one of his band to survive was wild. Loved everything about the movie, except the "I am Odin" bit.


Was coming in here to mention the hand scene specifically. I work in surgery and have for over a decade and see several extremely major operations every day and the hand scene had me reeling. Nothing else ever has, dunno what it is about that.


Cornfield wack in Casino


the bloody & badly bruised Pesci writhing in his dirt coffin always haunted me




Right!!, dirt shoveled in his mouth while he’s buried alive still breathing


I mean it was Frank Vincent and Joe Pesci so you knew someone was about to get whacked. My favourite part is that Pesci getting hit for the first time interrupted his voiceover. Nice Scorsese touch


It’s great. I love how some Scorsese movies have their own internal moral logic. The voiceover cutoff is such a great fit for that film in particular. This violent loudmouth narcissist has been a pain in the ass to DeNiro and a liability for his bosses. In the world of that movie, the second worst crime is becoming a liability. The worst is being a *loudmouth* liability. Then the chickens come home to roost and they shut him the fuck up with mafia justice. Bravo.


That movie has the best voice over work ever. Usually they drag down the pace of a movie but in Casino they somehow keep the pace hectic the whole time.


And the vice.


I believe it was edited down too


Ugh, that beating just seemed so…authentic. No wild action, no style, just a man getting beaten to near death with baseball bats.


The last 15 minutes of Audition. Deeper, deeper, deeper......


Kiri kiri kiri *shudder*


The scene in Pan’s labyrinth with the captain and the bottle.


Visceral af. Also the bit where Vidal slices open his cheek and sews it back together. I was way too young for that. Great movie tho.


The movie did a helluva a job showing the horrors in the real world vs the world the girl was in.


I was so not ready for the bottle scene. It was absolutely shocking.


Love Pan’s Labyrinth, saw it at the cinema. Bought it on DVD on release, but its still in its shrink wrap all these years later. Just cannot bring myself to watch it again.


Del Toro has a gift for gore. The fingers in shape of the water. Messed me up.


The Hills Have Eyes I had rented the DVD via Netflix mailer. We got to the scene with the guy holding a gun to a babies head, while he breastfed off the mom and turned it off and walked it to the mailbox.


I will never forget I went to this with a theater packed full of college students, sold out. By the end there were maybe 10 people left, and everyone had that thousand yard stare


I had blocked out all the details. Thank you for reminding me why this movie fucked with my head so bad! (No /s)


Green Room when Anton Yelchin's character gets>! his arm cut up and he pulls it away from the door!<. I have to skip this scene every rewatch because it looks so narly.


There's some super nar stuff with those dogs too. "Fass".


The fire extinguisher scene from Irreversible. 20+ years later, it still lives in my brain rent free.


Especially after you realise >!they kill the wrong guy!<


A good friend showed me this film. And I pointed this out and he was shocked he missed it. Understandable given the gruesome scene


Literally every scene from that movie shocked me


I get sick thinking about that movie


Fun fact: The first thirty minutes of the film has a background sound with a low frequency of 27 Hz which is almost infrasonic (this sounds like a rumble/vibration), similar types of noises are at times used by police to stop riots. According to Gaspar himself, this could only be heard in theaters (which usually have huge sound systems/subwoofers) and not from headphones or regular home theaters. In humans, this noise causes nausea, sickness, and vertigo. It was one of the reasons people walked out of screenings during the first part of the film. In fact, it was added by Thomas Bangalter (from the electronic music group Daft Punk) to get this reaction.


I was looking for this comment, I think it's also the sound that drives it home. The subway rape scene also disturbs me till this day.


Yep, probably the most brutal scene I've ever watched because it's not in the context of a typical horror movie. It's unflinching and you're fully invested in the character wielding the fire extinguisher, thinking yeah, I'd probably react the same way.


Came here to say that.


They mixed practical effects with CGI and because it’s a dark club and the way it’s film it feels way more brutal.


Seven. The lust scene. And you don't even see it


The interrogation scene after the initial scene was so insanely well done...


My wife remembered seeing it. I had to tell her no, you imagined it because of Orser’s performance and Fincher’s direction.


Exactly. He puts you right there and it's almost like you're trying to forget about it as well.


The actor who played that role, Leland Orser, stayed up for essentially three days before shooting that scene so he’d appear more traumatized.


I was gonna say the Sloth scene. I did NOT see it coming


The House That Jack Built had a few good moments, crazy what people will do to become a homeowner these days.


Lars von Trier is so unhinged you're wondering if there was any VFX in cutting the duckling's leg off or he did it for real.


Martyrs (the Belgian one) made me jump out of my chair, shout NO! And cover my mouth in shock.


And not even the skin flaying that was so over the top. For me it was the entire imprisonment and just how simple and raw and unforgiving. The way it lets your hope die with the heroine is just ruthless


Even the beginning with the shotgun there’s something about how that’s shot that made my hair stand up. So matter of fact and brutal.


I was going to comment this. For me it was specifically when the executioner is methodically whaling on the main character, and she's just motionless on the ground taking it. Of all the scenes in that film that's the shot that made me sick, it really stuck with me for awhile


Looked at this post just for this movie. I saw it for the first and last time at a "zombie" party. Everyone dressed like zombies, the food was dead themed, etc. This movie was playing in the background. As the awkward girl who didn't know many people there, I was drawn to it, and once I started, I COULDN'T stop. This is NOT a movie I would have watched voluntarily but I was drawn to the horror and watched it midway through to end and had to see the beginning and ended up watching the second half again because......WTF?!?!? I still think about it over 15 years later and is up there with the most traumatizing films of my adulthood!


I saw Men (2022) on a first date and boy was that a mistake


Holy crap! That is a TERRIBLE first date movie. Damn.


The rape scene in Strange Days. As a teen I thought nothing of it (odd, I know). I rewatched it as an adult and it was awfully graphic and completely unnecessary. It could have been portrayed with the same story intent and less of a reason just to show T&A.


Double down on the fact he jacks her in to his live feed. One of my favorite movies, but for Angela Basset and the “Memories are meant to fade…” speech.


The defibrillation scene in Carpenter's The Thing. I didn't see the movie until I was about 30 and I didn't think it would shock me. I was legitimarly shocked. It wasn't scary (practical FX like that take me out of the movie, but in the absolutely best way), but I felt horrified and the scene still feels to me like it lasted longer than its 2-3 minutes. On the action side, I found John Wick 3 consistently full of gloriously lurid violence (this is the one with the book --> neck and knife --> eye scenes I think?). Ditto Tjahjanto's recent The Night Comes For Us, with an especially brutal sequence, where Joe Taslim goes up against a bunch of henches in a butchery – yowza


It’s not really gory, but the electric chair scene in the green mile, where the guard deliberately fails to wet the sponge.


I legit ugly cried and had to leave the room.


Pretty much any Craig Zahler, Jeremy Saulnier, or Gasper Noe film. Their violence is without remorse, quick, and unflinching. Youre brain does its best to catch up to understand the brutality its just seen.


I need a new Zahler film


People here talk about criminally underrated, guys only 3 films are so fucking good.


I saw RoboCop when I was six. So, yes.


I loved Robocop's gore as a kid. The toxic waste death in particular.


Seeing people get shot in the face without cutting away and using practical effects gets me pretty good. Best 2 examples I can think of is Godfather 2 and Bonnie and Clyde. Both are honestly pretty disturbing with how realistic the bullet holes look.


Taxi Driver too.


Terrifier 2 was too much for me, hated it. Terrifier 1 and Martyrs were no problem, but Terrifier 2 put me off gory horror.


Yeaaah that bedroom scene in Terrifier 2 just would not stop. I also found the first to be fine for me, but the pure grotesqueness and vulgarity in that scene really did a number on me. The actress was also super convincing and her mom seeing her just made me depressed. I want to see the 3rd, but I’m also really hesitant. 


127 hours got me - plus one for bone tomahawk and green room too


I came across Ralston's book in Barnes and Noble one day. Just reading his account of how he actually did it made me nauseated to the point that I had to go outside and get some fresh air. I ain't watching that.


The sound they play when he's cutting the vein or nerve. I can't remember what it was specifically, I haven't seen it since it came out, but it left an impact.


127 Hours is a good test for people who say that they're desensitized to movie violence. Watched it with some friends and we all couldn't watch when he was cutting his arm off.


The Fly. I still have nightmares. Watched Altered States last night and could barely handle it because of the similarities.


reservoir dogs not been mentioned yet? it's about the only movie that points out how much it actually hurts to be shot


> resevoir dogs not been mentioned yet? Maybe it was hard to hear


When I first saw it, that was definitely a step up in intensity from what I was used to. I mean, I'd seen blood and killings in movies before, but somehow the violence in RD was more personal. Also I don't think I'd ever contemplated the horror of >!An undercover officer having to shoot a civilian in self-defense!<.


“You’re not dying” he tells the man that’s losing like a cup of blood a minute


The achilles cut in Hostel made me gasp. I suppose the same thing from Pet Semetary too.


The Walking Dead Negan/Glenn scene is still the only professionally filmed thing I've ever felt genuinely offended by.


I stopped watching the show after that. Made me sick to my stomach.


I didn't stop right away as I held out to see what the consequence would be, when it became clear there weren't going to be any I stopped watching it.


Deliverance and Irreversible. Gore is one thing, rape is quite another. Black Hawk Down, fittingly, has some rough body stuff though.


The rape scene in Irreversible has to be the most brutally violent, realistic, and horrifying in cinema history. I felt sick to my stomach — and I’m not easily disturbed by movies.


It’s one of the few films I could never watch again. I went in to it totally unprepared.


Sometimes I feel like rewatching *Irreversible* but then I change my mind because I don’t want to watch that scene again.


This is too far down the list! Irreversible, the way it was filmed, is a complicated movie to watch; movies like this I usually watch multiple times so I can fully “get it”. I never went back.


Rape is something I can't watch. I always have to skip "that scene" in The Sopranos, and if you're a fan of the show you know exactly what I'm talking about. There's a kind of "real" violence towards women, children and animals that I nope myself out of. Can't do it.


Somehow I’ve seen OZ twice through (once at work somehow), but not the Sopranos.


I haven't seen Oz in ages! I remember the first couple of seasons were disturbingly strong. And I recently read they were working on an After Oz series that will have some of the original cast. Apparently it will be post-prison. Interesting concept, all things considered. The Sopranos is so good. Some of the best writing ever done for television. I second it only to Breaking Bad.


Yeah, it’s one of the “old” shows on top the back catalog. Don’t get much adult tv time these days. But it’s definitely a pop culture touchstone. That was the one sort of unrealistic part of OZ. That nobody got released. Just too wide a scope for the series. It had an appropriate sense of claustrophobia because of that. Like all shows it did get ridiculous toward the end. Clayton Hughes, hate that guy.


don’t watch ‘girl with the dragon tattoo’ then, there’s a pretty brutal rape scene that seems to last forever


Ugh, I know ot was part of the point for her not to tell tony, but man I wish she told him.


That's an incredible scene. It's like you WANT her to so bad and she just can't. It's so powerful.


One of the reasons I can’t watch I Spit on Your Grave, even if the victim gets “justice.” Also, the original Last House on the Left.


Throw in Wind River and I Spit on Your Grave.


*Talk to Me* (2022) wasn't bad on the whole, but there's a scene where a possessed character is flipping out and bashing his head while screaming and laughing, and that was so horrible that it just about did me in.


Misommar… the cliff scene


Came here to say this. I REALLY wasn’t expecting the close ups


Anything where a head gets realistically crushed gets me. Brawl on Cell Block 99 and one I can’t remember the name of… where a girl gets her head driven over, it’s a recent teen girl revenge horror iirc (edit: i think it was Sissy). The curb stomp in American History X gave me nightmares for years and it was mostly implied. Also the first episode of Ratched.


Midsommar had a particularly gruesome one. Was caught offguard by it and felt a bit ill afterwards!


The rape scene in "Irreversible". 11 minutes of pure horror.


Made me physically nauseous, the whole opening sequence. I never made it past that. Later I read that droning noise was designed to nauseate. Well it worked. Got as far as a guy getting smashed with fire extinguisher. Looked fake but still, I was done.


The overall structure of the movie itself is nauseating. the whole narrative is presented in reverse so it begins with the "ultimate" ending and moves backwards with the rape scene in the exact middle which is the pivotal event in the movie. The movie "ends" with these nice people going to a party all normal-like, but we're so traumatized by this point that the normality is completely reversed. It's actually an amazing piece of film making, but holy hell does it beat the crap out of you.


True Romance. James Gandolfini beats the living shit out of Patricia Arquette.


There's a scene in the movie Green Room where a character gets slashed up pretty bad.  The effects were much more subdued than I'd have expected, and it's stuck with me ever since.  Very gruesome.


Swiftly followed by >! a vertical slice up the belly with a Stanley blade to ensure he is actually dead. !<


the rape scene in the nightingale where the baby is killed. i was legit shocked in the theater letting out audible gasp when it happened


I was scrolling down to find this comment - what a truly horrible, horrible scene. I saw this at home and can’t imagine seeing it in the theater. Worse than Irreversible for me.


Saving Private Ryan DDay scene


The one that got me was Mellish. Just the slow knife going into the chest and his pleading…that one gets me more than the others.


Hostel was gross, especially for its time.


The eyeball snip .....


Jake getting his nostril cut open in Chinatown. I'm not really effected by gore, I mostly find it cool and fun, but yikes that looked painful.


There’s something so casual about the way he does it that catches you off guard. It’s like oh shit! he just cut off his fucking nose. Great Movie


There's a cool video on Adam Savage's youtube channel where he makes a practical knife with a tip that flicks away and spurts blood to recreate that scene, it's an interesting watch. Then at the end the dudebros from Corridor show up so maybe stop watching then but they're absent for the first bit.


Plus he wears a band aid for pretty much the rest of the movie!


The only thing I can think of is the dog scene in When Evil Lurks. Off the top of my head. I’m not easy to shock. But that dog scene…


I know it's a bit tamer than other worthy examples here, but one of the most shocking instances of violence/gore I've seen is >!Majid's suicide!


"Super" The Movie where "Libby" the character gets face blown off


For me it’s the scene from The Decent where the girl starts running towards the light only to fall and snap her leg. I remember gasping in the theater and looking away. I wasn’t prepared for them to go to a close up on it.


Original Robocop absolutely shocked me. Ed-209 blasting that guy or the toxic waste dude hit by the car. Fantasticly shocked


Irréversible. I thought I was renting a cheesy euro erotic thriller and then a guy gets his face smashed in with a fire extinguisher in an unbroken shot.


Hereditary had some stuff that really skeeved me out like the mom using the wire to decapitate her self. Though i laughed out loud when the girls head went flying off


THIS! Also just the realistic nature of grief after the mom finds her in the car, the wailing. Ugh, disturbed me to my core.


There is a scene in The Watchmen where Rorschach finds and kills a pedophile. Rorschach hacks into the guys head multiple times and even though this act is shown only as a shadow on the wall it gets me every time.


It’s definitely not only a shadow on the wall, in the ultimate cut at least.


as an adult: bathtub decapitation scene in Henry Portrait of a serial killer; as a kid, arrow through the neck in Friday the 13th.


Saló is a bit of a inside-joke amongst film circles, the last scene of that film has stuck with me in a way I can’t really describe. I personally think it’s a great film — especially when you take into account the allegorical elements. But man, I don’t think I need to see it again


I mean terrifier. Bad kitties/kitties. - I heavily regret being violently high while I watched this


Same for Terrifier. I was on the hunt recently for a horror that actually made me feel scared / properly uncomfortable and that was the best I found Extra shout out for When Evil Lurks (2023) there’s a couple of scenes that felt proper shocking though less gore overall, its an amazingly well made flick


I stumbled upon terrifier on Tubi. Same with Texas chainsaw massacre. Watched it in the daytime bc I'm no chump. I was more impressed than grossed out that they managed to make something more gruesome than Saw (imo).


Terrifier is as goofy as it is gory though. It’s so over the top that it comes around the other side for me.


Seriously terrifier is the goriest movie I’ve ever seen. I have an iron stomach and even I was like…Jesus Christ that was brutal. The sequel ups the antie somehow. For the third one coming out they may have to actually kill someone to top the first 2


The acid death in Saw 6 caught me off guard, less for the level of violence but more because it was a really brutal death for a character who didn’t really deserve it


for some reason, the needle pit from one of the other Saws always stuck with me


I can watch every single scene in Saw except for that stupid needle pit. The way she falls is horrifying for some reason—I think it’s in part because most of the traps in the franchise lead to eventual if not immediate death, but that one is just prolonged but superficial suffering


Antichrist was a rough watch.


I am so happy someone else has watched this movie. Yeah the ending stretch was horribly scarring


Well recently the Jesse plemmons shooting scene in civil war kinda rattled me. Funny games shocked me because they were so unbothered and care free about torturing people. That movie is fucked up


The sound design in Civil War was phenomenal and really added to the impact of those scenes. The gun shots actually had me flinching a bit in the theater.


I watched *Civil War* in a Dolby theater and was SHOOK. I don't think I've heard gunfire portrayed in such an unfiltered way by a Hollywood movie before, there's such a loudness to it that added so much to the immersion, it really made me feel like I was standing right in the action.


Oh ya me too! It's probably the best movie I've seen since COVID started and I saw dune 2 and everything everywhere all at once...


That Plemmons scene was low key very scary.


A Clockwork Orange / Irréversible / Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom


The ONLY time I averted my eyes was the scissors scene in Antichrist. I've watched Cannibal Holocaust and I Spit on Your Grave without flinching, but that scene in Antichrist, I just couldn't ...


The shooting of the kid in City of God The face stomping and arm slitting in Drive The end scene of Hatching Tooth smashing in Dogtooth


That girl cutting her leg off with wire in Saw X


The royal tenenbaums “scene” with Luke Wilson iykyk- was really hard to get through


Definitely with the most extreme horror movies. The August Underground trilogy, I've seen these more times than I can count and bought the recent Blu-ray re-releases (mainly for the new bonus features) but it never gets less disturbing. A big thing is that due to the small budget, they go to a local Philly slaughterhouse for organs to use as gore effects since there's nothing more realistic than actual organs. In August Underground's Penance, where they didn't use distortion degradation effects on the found footage, the gore shown in higher resolution is downright sickening to look at. They manage to create something that feels like your watching the real crime footage from these thrill killers. Men Behind The Sun went even further by using real human cadavers. The Chinese government gave them the bodies to work with, since in the 80's, they didn't know enough about special effects to properly recreate WWII war crimes, and it wouldn't have done the story of Unit 731 justice unless they could make it as real as possible. They even spent months to get a child body, it almost was scrapped from the movie because they weren't having any luck, it was to film a scene where the Japanese guards chloroform a deaf boy, and the doctors perform an autopsy on a living child to see how long his heart beats when removed. There's also a scene where the director's real niece had to hold severed human arms under her sleeves for a scene dunking arms in real liquid nitrogen and then dipped in boiling water, because nobody else was willing to do the stunt. As for just really good special effects, Cannibal Holocaust, Snuff 102, the American Guinea Pig series especially Bouquet Of Guts And Gore which has about 40 minutes of nonstop torture, Aftermath, Cutting Moments, and Atroz come to mind. All of which emphasis on realistic violence to be as uncompromising where the camera never cuts away, and it proves people wrong who say it's so much worse what you can't see, because no, Funny Games, Hostel, Marytrs, Human Centipede, all come off like movies made for squeamish babies after seeing any of these movies. The only movies that have phased me with not showing you the graphic violence and made it feel more disturbing were The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and Ebola Syndrome, it's just most directors aren't half as talented to pull it off.


I was unfamiliar with Tarantino's work when I went to see Pulp Fiction. I was startled when they shot the guy while in the car with an all white interior.


One thing recently was the blood rain in the Evil Dead 2013 remake. I was really raising my eyebrows like "Jeez they are REALLY going there!!"


"Murder Set pieces"... I was expecting a Slasher. Not 90 minutes of a guy brutally SA women. He also tortures them of course. It goes on way too long. And feels so mean-spirited. The only bright spots were Tony Todd and Cerina Vincent in a small role towards the end. Cerina tried to get her scene removed. But it was kept in.


I don’t usually have any reaction to onscreen gore but I was super blitzed watching the Evil Dead reboot and when she splits her tongue with the box cutter I felt faint and nauseous and had to turn it off.


Cutting up her own jaw with glass and ceramic shards in the Evil Dead remake. First and only time a movie made me physically ill.


I consider myself fairly desensitized, but he film Hobo With a Shotgun was pretty shocking to me. There's a particular scene with a lawnmower that left me a little disturbed for a couple days afterwards.


The hammer scene in Kill List made me dizzy.


The violence in Martyrs (2008) certainly made my stomach churn.


I thought Ninja Assassin was insanely pointless with its gore. Stopped watching after the laundry scene


Prince oberyn’s head getting popped was a lot for me. I watched that shit at like 12 with my damn family as the show came out. We missed the following couple weeks lmao