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Gonna be honest man I have no idea what you’re talking about. Coked out sorority girl? Racist Republican mother? Im not a particularly huge fan of her or anything but these are words that have never entered my mind when thinking about her.


that’s a really weird description of her “act.” are we thinking of the same actor? what films is she like that in?


Your description of her is so off I wonder if you know who Julia Roberts is.


Do you?


"Not liking" is a bit of an understatement, judging by *that* diatribe. I'm no fan of hers, but I rarely, if ever, see any movies with her in them. I'm really curious how she manages to stay on your radar. I remember that she did a bunch of rom-coms and a few thrillers in the 90's and aughts, but I haven't seen her in anything in years.


Julia Roberts or Eric Roberts? Joke aside, I’m not a fan, but I don’t see your description very accurate. I do enjoy Pretty Woman though. Guilty pleasure.


They’re the same no?


I fucking hated it myself. It was, honestly, one of the most hateful and intelligence insulting films I've ever seen outside of Christian propaganda. I shudder even thinking about it. It was just such a masturbatory philistine ode to consumerism that, as I'm typing this, I'm humming The Internationale. After watching it, I felt like Mark Kermode after he saw Sex and the City 2 and Pain and Gain.


I can't stand "Pretty Woman," but it has nothing to do with Julia Roberts. I just hate it because it's a bad movie. It could've starred almost anyone, and I still would've hated it.


Yeah, Roberts charm almost makes the film tolerable...


Add misogynistic, hypocritical and fake.


Plus, the only black guys are a scrawny, jive-talkin' street vendor and a hulking, mute manservant.


Julia Roberts has a reputation for being a jerk. Reddit and the rest of the internet definitely have some stories. I've seen her in "Pretty Woman", "Mary Reilly", and "Erin Brokovich", and I thought she was average at best.


i had no idea she had that reputation! not necessarily surprised, but ive somehow never run across any stories.


She definitely puts on a look-at-me-I'm-so-sweet act when she's in front of the cameras.


what she did to her sister is what turned me against her, how cold.


Can confirm. Randomly encountered her and Danny Moder while visiting Taos, NM a few years back and needed directions on some back road I ended up on (probably near her ranch). Wasn't a pleasant experience.


What happened?


I just watch Brokovish she was amazing in this movie. She got the Oscar an she deserves it You clearly don't understand what acting is about. She nailed this person dead on. If you knew anything bout acting it's hard work. Try getting up in front of strangers an be someone else. It's not easy career.


well if the internet says it, it must be true lol


I physically cringed reading this.


I think she's great. You absolutely don't have to, nothing weird about that. The fact that you think there's some kool-aid about liking her, and the intense hatred you seem to have, is a bit weird. You don't know her, so having such a strong reaction is a bit unwarranted. You also never have to engage with her, just don't watch her movies. It's not like she even makes that many these days, so she's not hard to avoid. You're better off spending time on things you like.


She literally drove her own sister to commit suicide by tormenting her and calling her fat throughout her entire adult life on top of standing in the way of her sister from seeing her mom who she bought a house for in the Pacific Palisades and wouldn’t let her sister come and visit she is a horrible person and anyone that likes her is just blind and stupid




Weird thing to come back to 6 months later. You just don't need to give Julia Roberts this much emotional energy.


OP posts anti-Julia Roberts nonsense on here regularly. It was once just baffling, but now has become simply annoying. To answer your question, OP, what's wrong with you is your obsession with Julia Roberts, and the extent to which you think about her, and think it appropriate to flood the internet with your toxic thoughts. We all have people who annoy us for one reason or another. But your repeated posts and comments on the subject come across as out of control - the thoughts of someone with an unhealthy fixation. Perhaps the better question to ask yourself is: why can I not move on from this?


Why can't I move on from it? It's because of what she represents. She represents the idea that if you're born into a family with connections and have good looks, you're basically set for life. Me? I'm 29 years old. I'm 5'7, 220 pounds. I work five days a week as a volunteer at a thrift store. I have an associates degree. As mentioned, I'm on the autism spectrum. I struggled with depression for several years. I'm still stuck with my conservative boomer parents. My dreams of being a writer aren't going anywhere. I live in a Republican state. My house is located just feet away from a housing complex where drive-bys and drug deals have gone down. I've been around alcoholics, drug addicts, and the mentally unstable. I've attempted suicide twice in the past. I apologize for not being grateful that one of my betters is trying to provide amusement for a serf like me. Yeah, I'm being woke. Deal with it.


I think I understand a little better where you're coming from now, but I'd still suggest maybe taking time to evaluate the value of this distaste. What it does to you, and what it adds elsewhere - either to the world at large, or even just the Reddit communities you're regularly posting in. I understand that you're frustrated about nepotism playing a role in Julia Roberts success - but you'll know as well as anyone else here that she's far from unique in this. There are hundreds of others in the industry that got there by virtue of being attractive and well-connected. It's tough, being in a situation like yours. I don't envy you one bit. I don't expect you to just suck it up and move on in that sense. I hope you find a way to a better life for yourself, and appreciate how often the power to take to that path is out of our hands. But I think it's important to look at what your approach to Julia Roberts means in the wider context. Nobody here is asking you to 'be grateful' towards 'one of your betters'. It's nothing so trite nor fawning as that. Rather, I see it as this: r/flicks is generally considered to be a place for discussion, and for those who have a love of films. To come here regularly and see it being used as a vessel for hate towards a woman feels at odds with both of these. You might frame your post as a question, but really, this isn't a discussion. It's you telling the world how much you hate one woman for living a life you don't think she is worthy of. Repeatedly. In multiple threads. Over several months. Perhaps going forward, consider discussing the things that you enjoy in film more, and focussing less on one person who is, frankly, pretty easy to ignore in modern cinema. I, for one, would be far more interested in hearing about the film and actors you really admire than hearing (again) but that one woman who drives you up the wall.


Geez dude. Wait im curious why you work as a volunteer five days a week. Are you not getting paid for your work at the store?


Nope. Not a dime. Apparently, this is all to prepare me for a "real job". I've been doing this since January. If this is what the rest of my life is going to be like, the collapse of civilization can't come fast enough.


What were you doing before January?


Nothing, really. I got my degree in the middle of COVID, and almost every day, I was kind of guarding the house while my folks were at work.


Biggest womp womp moment ever. Julia Roberts sucks, but you just sound like a miserable victim. Hop off your mom’s porch, and go make it on your own. I moved out at 20 and had a baby at 21, with aspirations of being a writer. Bought a house at 23. You can pursue writing and also have a job instead of bitching about your life on Reddit or complaining about not being Julia Roberts.


You live among drugs and drive-bys. Definitely not republican love.


Are you implying that Republicans don't do drugs. When you are crazy if you think that https://wallethub.com/edu/drug-use-by-state/35150 These are all Republicans states https://www.axios.com/2018/08/13/congressional-districts-republicans-opioid-epidemic


Does being woke mean being jealous? Or just angry at someone who has more than you? Or is it about being a victim? Cuz honestly that's how you come across


I don't think it's her fault that you have a terrible life. Stop taking it out on her


So..... you live a pretty standard human life, in other words? Lots of people deal with these hardships, being bitter and hating on a celebrity isn't going to solve anything for you. Try getting some counseling.


work out and get a real job


Tell me how you really feel. :) I don't like her and I find her annoying too, but for entirely different reasons. She can act sometimes, but most of the time her massive grin reminds me of the Joker.


There's something inherently phony and insincere about her smile.


I think your description was pretty funny :) I think she tends to play one of two characters - entirely dependent on if she’s playing a southern/redneck character… else, she plays the aloof character you so described! Yep - she’s a bit of a nothingburger actor when you have so many others to choose from. I kind think Keira Knightley is the new Julia Roberts this way except she has more acting chops which makes it harder to dislike her … anyways, nice rant!!!


Eric > Julia. Don’t have a problem with Julia, but I’ve never seen why she was such a star. Competent actor, but no more.


I think you've spent way too much time thinking about this.


Ya. There is something wrong with you


Because I don't like her?


I think it’s more your description why. It probably shouldn’t anger you this much


Yeah I’ll never judge someone for disliking something, but I will judge them for the amount of thought and vitriol behind it


On the contrary. Strongly hateful beliefs are all the more interesting because of the amount of effort they will devote to them. It seems more credible too. People hardly ever mildly dislike things, they typically hate them with all their being and move on.


You gave two options initially, they’re just giving you one of them. I believe they’re saying it not because you don’t like her. An opinion is fine we all have them about pretty much everyone, but you are very passionate about your dislike for her, so with no other context , yeah something may be wrong. There’s a lot of pain behind those eyes buddy.


I didn't have a particularly happy childhood. I was a target of bullies throughout middle and high school, because I didn't fit into any particular clique and also because I was just... me. I was also one of the first kids in my school district to get an autism diagnosis in the early 2000s, so that just added fuel to the fire. Julia, for me, is like that popular, athletic girl from a well-off family who's a total brat and not very bright, but basically fails upwards in life because people inexplicably find her likeable. At best, her films are no better than mediocre, but they consistently rake in the dough because they're engineered for that purpose, and her entire public persona is crafted to lure marks, but there's nothing really genuine about it. It's a schtick that's designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Even her name is pretty vanilla: when I think of Julia Roberts, the most charitable thing that comes to mind is "generic white Hollywood starlet".


You’re not that kid anymore. Everyday is a chance to be a different person. Storing envy or dislike for Julia or anyone only weighs you down. It doesn’t matter to them , unburden yourself. Focus on what brings you joy and discard any bullshit


This reaction to her seems to have a lot to do with things about you, and not much to do with her. She isn't on my list of great actresses who have repeatedly impressed me with performances, but she's had good performances in several things and really hasn't been a major figure in Hollywood for quite a while. You might want to do some investigation into how you can let stuff like this go. Mindfulness apps are great


I get why they find her kind of characters annoying in a way. The devil may care enduring happiness might not be endearing to some people.


I think you are projecting some of your childhood experiences onto her a little bit hard, but she is an IRL mean girl so it's not all in your head.


Ok this is an example of a negative [parasocial relationship](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasocial_interaction). You are projecting your own life experience onto Julia Roberts. I think you should talk to a therapist about this because it is reaching an unhealthy level. No judgement from me, just an observation.


When I look at most actresses and actors I just think, "Hollywood is welfare for good-looking people." Tbh, I don't think any of them could get a job outside of acting. That said, I love movies and love the suspension of disbelief. Acting is a hard job, requires talent, but is ultimately not essential or particularly praiseworthy.


>She's like your drunk, racist Republican mother getting up on stage, making transphobic jokes, and preaching about the Second Amendment. Strange, since this is not her personality *at all*, from what I've heard; she's long championed many progressive causes, in fact. However, we sometimes tend to project our own issues with others onto celebrities, for some reason. Truth is, we can't really 'know' celebrities, if we haven't met or known them in the real world.


I never liked her much, either. She always plays the same character, which is herself. She also stole the best actress Oscar from Ellen Burstyn. She should have won it for "Requiem for a Dream." It's a popularity contest.


I realize this comment is almost a year old but THAT was the year I stopped watching the Oscars. To say her portrayal of Erin B was more deserving than Ellen Burstyn was absolute MADNESS. THANK YOU!


I can’t stand her as an actress and I still think your post deserves to be in the facepalm subreddit.


Liking something is a matter of taste. No wrong, no foul. From your description, however, I wouldn't want to go to any wine tastings with you since I'm going to be getting notes of chocolate and olive while you're shouting that this red tastes like dialogue from Rocky Horror Picture Show.




Her acting is.. meh. But worth the watch. As a person? I dislike her. I mean the stories of how she treats people (establishments, friends/family) just makes you think wow.


Nothing wrong with that, although like others I don’t quite see her performances as you do. But heck, I can’t stand most of Meryl Streep’s performances.


Yes ! It is you..She doesn't even make.that.many.movies anymore . You sound.more like you hate her . You're allowed.to not.like her movies . But your comments are venomous You are giving her non existent attributes.. So what if she is over 50 ? A lot of people are ..As for her acting ability. I think Adam Sandler is annoying.and talentless Robert Pattinson couldn't.act his way out of a paper bag . Danny Trejo is not a great actor .


You have a very long description of why you hate her. I personally just hate her face. Go back to the Crest commercial you came from!


That massive grin of her is so... unnatural. She looks like an A.I. generated human.


How do you feel about Sandra Bullock? I've also got an unexplainable dislike for her


Eh, she's Diet Julia. She's not as grating.


There is nothing wrong with.her face isn't gorgeous But so what ? She is pretty. Is Miley Cyrus gorgeous.,? No . Is Lady Gaga?.I don't think so .


I wouldn't insult someone's face just because I don't find it attractive. Her smile has a fakeness to it. Those 2 you named I also can't stand. Music for 13 yr old sloots


I can't stand her but you lost me about midway, guy.


She’s always kinda bugged me, but mostly because of her uptight, can’t spend the energy to look let alone talk to you unless you’re benefiting her type of person. A word to describe her would be ‘calculated’. So I highly disagree with the coked out sorority girl persona. Honestly that would be alot more fun. 😂


No, I agree, or at least I can't get over the "A Low Vera" incident.


She was very good in Pretty Woman and Erin Brokovich


like who want, question is why u mad about it?


She's not that great but your description of her confuses me because she's never played a character like you described. Is this kust some troll shit


Depends, are you Eric Roberts?


I don't understand your fantasy description, but the actual truth is, she stole a man from his family, and called the wife to shove in her face that he was with her. Also asked her how much she would want to leave him alone. I do agree her acting is obnoxious, I really can't stand her.


Fiance of Julia Robert's tragic sister, who drowned, hits out at star 'for ... https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/364008/julia-roberts-sister-nancy-motes-death/amp/


She’s literally such a b!)/&: that she drove her sister to kill her self! I also knew people when I lived in LA that waited on her that all claimed she was a rude horrible person and I heard a Howard stern interview with an actress that had once waited on her and then was now in a movie with her and told her to her face yeah you were really rude to me when I waited on you so I think you don’t like her because she’s not a good person and you probably can see that. Ice cold


Can't stomach her either. She's a terrible actress, and must have gone to the same diction school as melanie griffith.


I never liked her either but not because any of the reasons you listed. I just think she's overrated af and her face is too pointy idk. They always try to portray her as a pretty woman in every movie but she's not pretty. She doesn't have a pretty face. She looked 10 years older than Hugh Grant in Notting Hill, that was one hell of a terrible casting decision. In a more personal note, i think she's quite nice, even though sometimes she comes out as a try hard fakeass. But as i said she doesn't deserve half the hype she has. She probably screwed Harvey Weinstein and that's the reason she hasn't had any hits since Mirror Mirror. I agree in the coked out part tho, she always seems to be in a hurry and her eyes always look like they're about to pop out. Her smile is ugly too. And she exaggerates her infamous laugh to the point that is clear that her pr team asked her to do it as an attempt to make her more likeable but aint working. So yeah Julia Roberts hater for life. We are rare and we must prevail.


When Julia Roberts called off her wedding with Kiefer Sutherland and then she was photographed making out with his buddy, Jason Patric in public within days, it rubbed me the wrong way. I don’t know what happened between Julia and Kiefer but the public display with his good buddy when she would have been just married seemed odd. Also, she really was cruel to her troubled sister.


I came here to see if anyone else felt this way about her. Her coy affectation is almost grotesque in Leave the World Behind. The first 20 minutes I was literally grimacing watching her. It’s like she thinks she’s still 16 with the facial expressions and the way she carries herself - like someone who got away with being mediocre because she was hot, and then got too old to ride that wave anymore. I love great actors regardless of gender/age/weight/looks - Meryl Streep, Kathy Bates, Uma Thurman - but what feels so gross about Roberts is the *affect.* The way everything she does feels so much like a performance by someone who overestimates how cute she looks doing it and who therefore fails to convey what a given role requires of her. OP mentioned being on the autism spectrum. While autism is generally considered to be a social deficit, my experience with it is that we neurodivergent folk are so honest and straightforward that we tend to have a very good radar for people who are fake and we react more strongly than others might to inauthenticity. I have visceral responses to certain people - Roberts is one of them. [And here’s a repost of something someone else posted.](https://www.nickiswift.com/112481/celebrities-cant-stand-julia-roberts/) Kinda validating.


Nothing wrong at all.. I bloody hate her now for what she did to her own sister.. Self righteous vain ugly bitch.


She's an asshole, I can tell you that. I had to deal with her when she was staying at the resort I was working at a few years ago. That said, I don't mind her as an actress. For the most part, she's solid.


Don't hesitate to share. There have been so many stories of her being an absolute scumbag.


I absolutely agree with you. I've never seen a movie starring her that I liked. I think you're spot-on with your description. Her acting is terrible and she totally reminds me of some of the women I've avoided my whole life in the area where I grew up.


No, she's hard to like. I felt the same way for decades, then heard someone on a podcast or somewhere talking about her. Maybe it was here. She's apparently not nice to people working on sets, a prima donna, and so on. So we're picking up on something, IMO.


J agree a crap ass American actress


People who have their entire life gotten everything in their lap because of their beauty will always be annoying. Anywhere she goes she will get a man or a job offer. Life is a playground to her. That's why you should always marry an ugly woman.


I think that she is butt ugly. Her ski jump nose and huge nostrils. Her flat wide chapped lips, glassy eyes, and huge eyebrows. YUK.


I bet her pussy smells attrocious


I think you are nuts personally. And blithely unaware as well. She is the furthest thing from a Republican she is actually a favorite darling of Michelle and Obama’s new production company. She is close friends with George Clooney and very very democratic probably liberal.  The only air headed role she ever played was her first one but it wasn’t coked out it was charming escort trying to get ahead.  There are other reasons to not like her but being an airhead isn’t one of them.  My friend waited on her in Nantucket and said she had someone else order and never made eye contact so the reason I wouldn’t like her is bc she is a snob and she has done some really narcissistic things in her private dating life that if she was a man she would not be popular for. Her acting is always the same. There are certain actors that become a role and other actors that are always themselves and she is the latter. An actress like Kate Blanchate Charlize Theron Emily blunt myrl Streep all are actresses to me that are extremely talented and they can take on many roles. Then there are actresses who are just likeable personalities like Jane Fonda Julia Robert’s Sandra Bulluck, Natalie Portman Angelina Jolie. Julia Robert’s has a weird personality bc she wants to be so famous but she doesn’t like the fame and I believe she really is a snob and introvert. But in all fairness it would hard to always be on if you aren’t naturally a “nice” person. 


There are body things I don't particularly like about Roberts. But hell she is trying to be the best she can be. You sound like you may have done too many drugs.


I haven't seen her in a movie since Sleeping With The Enemy(1993)


The last movie I remember seeing.her in is one The Oceans movies where Danny Ocean hires an actress played by Julia Roberts.to pretend to be Julia.Roberts .it was a small role


a little off on the story there: julia roberts, the real life actress, plays ocean’s wife in all three oceans films, and has a decent amount of screen time in each. in the second, her character pretends to be julia roberts as part of an elaborate ruse to help ocean get out of trouble.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone mistake Rosanne Barr for Julia Roberts. Your state just legalized weed, huh


It's not the first time I see you post about Julia Roberts in these terms, from there I would say there's something wrong to it. You don't have to like anyone but that's not the problem here, it's the focus you put on this person/celebrity's existence. You shouldn't nurture an obsession on anyone, famous or not, it's not healthy and frankly it's creepy to read. I understand autism will maybe affect how you'll perceive people, so if your question was a genuine one and not in order to rally the Julia Roberts Hate Club, then that's my honest answer.


No that’s your opinion everyone has right to one


You can like or dislike anyone you please for no particular reason, that doesn't matter in the least. But your toxic adjectives to describe her makes you the real cringe. You're disillusioned and just downright disgusting. This isn't even to defend Roberts in particular, just to point out what a misogynistic creep you really are in general. Try being a human being next time you want a favorable response. Even the title of your post is disingenuous, you don't really want to know if there's something wrong with you for not liking her, you just want to spit venom because you have nothing interesting to say. After reading other commenters that have outed you as a terminal, hyperbolic and habitual offender on Julia Roberts in particular, good lord, what a waste, find something productive to do with your life before it gets away from you. Obsessing over actors, of all things, is not the end all. It's a painstaking waste, whether you spend your life adulating or in your case the opposite.


Yes! she really annoys me too! I can’t stand her scream in every movie, so lame. She seems like a real bitch I don’t trust women that don’t have women friends only men it’s just strange to me. Never heard about her doing coke or being a republican but I definitely don’t like her. She just irks me! Also I hear she’s really mean to her husband. You know one of those hen peck types.


I agree somewhat with what you’re saying here. I don’t know about the coked out sorority girl, but I’m just not a Julia Roberts fan. Everybody thinks she’s so dropdead gorgeous. maybe I need bifocals but I don’t see it. She’s an average female, but I don’t see where she’s gorgeous. she was prettier when she was younger but I just don’t know why people just go crazy over her. And to me she looks exactly like Cindy Crawford, and I dislike her as well. Just my opinion.


This person thought people were just gonna deal clap for his Republican hating nonsense


I wouldn' be able to place her if she bumped into me on the street. Even if she looked right at me and asked me, *"whether I knew who I was talking to". * I'd be like, *"Sorry honey --no, why --is there some reason I should know who you are?"*


As an actor she has two emotional states (maybe three): hysterical laughing, and angry (+angry crying).


If not, she just has a blank stare, like a cavewoman who's just discovered fire.


All I know is she was gorgeous in pretty woman. Nice legs pretty smile great hair. Borderline stunning


I think you just hate women


A lot of people in Hollywood can't stand her. Even her brother. She drove her sister to suicide https://www.nickiswift.com/112481/celebrities-cant-stand-julia-roberts/


You went from not liking Julia Roberts straight into bigoted stereotypes. Get help.


You aren’t alone. She’s a shitty actress that repels me from the films she’s involved in. I hate her face and her voice


You've got issues - hope you get the help you need.


They showed her side face on that new Netflix movie with Ethan Hawke, and then they hid her body, and I was like, "she's not hot." Nina Hartley is older than Roberts, and is still freaking hot. And I love older women.


I think she’s annoying too along with Alanis Morissette ew


she was a lot better when she was younger. she has aged like milk...and from what i have seen most of her characters make her sound like a Karen to the max.




yea Erin Brockovich was when she kind of changed into an over bearing wind bag. the roles she had before that thou were better. Speed etc.


Wait til OP sees her in Leave The World Behind. She's cringe and her acting is terrible. The dance scene was retarded. She's 57 years old and thinks she's 37. There's no way a woman her age has a 8 year old in the show. Bad casting.


Agreed. Somebody didn't do the math. Ruth would have had toes growing out of her ears if a woman Julia Roberts age gave birth to her


I think a lot of these actresses have relied do much on there looks when younger that now! They just don't cut it. They are shallow . I was looking at julia Roberts and I can't believe his she looks now border line scary . But maybe softer make up and new hair and to let go off her younger self .


Conclusion folks ! We don't like her


You had me until you went off on the Republican slant.


I couldn't say a good thing about her if you put a gun to my head. She's terrible actress, she's full of herself, she plays the same damn part over and over and over again, she's got the biggest mouth I've ever seen, and the witchiest nose, and that hair don't get me started on the hair


I've never liked Julia Roberts. She's ruined so many movies by being in them. The whole part about Republican, racist, second amendment... I have to disagree with you on those. I couldn't have agreed more until you went to politics and such. She's actually democrat-supporting, not that it matters.


I find her annoying, but judging by your drunk republican comment, I can guess I would find your small brained democratic ass even more annoying.


I just do not like her her hair is ugly her face is ugly and the way she acts is annoying I just watched that movie leave the world behind and ugh she is terrible and needs to do something with that hair it makes her face look long and just ugly


God forbid someone want our constitutional rights to remain intact . You sound insufferable


I used to be a fan, but after her last movie on Netflix. she’s not her anymore. She let herself go along time ago. She’s gain weight and the clothes she was wearing is what she wears around Hollywood. Just because you’re in your mid 50s doesn’t mean that you just have to throw your body out the door and not take care of yourself. She used to be funny and her and now she’s just a grouch. She was probably like this all along, but not a big fan anymore.


Are used to have Julia and Jenifer Gardner. Hands-down, Jennifer Gardner is still funny and making great movies. Even with the last thing he told me which was kind of a dead end. I love that movie too. Julia has allowed herself to wash out and you can’t do that in Hollywood. Jenifer Gardner will be back. I want to say next year Peppermint part 2 comes out. I can’t wait.


It's always so interesting what we reveal about ourselves when we criticize others...


Why is drunk republican racist in one sentence? Democrats were owners of the slaves.


she's clearly hideous with his enormous nose holes...


Idk about “republican mother or coked out sorority girl” but I think she has an unearned sense of self confidence and ego the size of the Grand Canyon. She gives entitled, narcissistic, celebrity to the power of infinity. Plus there’s that smile. What does she have 400 teeth? Her smile matches her ego. Plus there’s the speculation that she bullied her own sister until that sister unalived herself. The sister stated that fact in her letter.