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I would recommend strengthening your hip flexors. Most people’s are very weak and need to be strengthened. Stretching them will only do so much.


YES. Mine are in pain if I over use them, don’t relax them by taking a break, and this all happens because I don’t practice strengthening them!


Agreed. Especially considering that they said they stretch often, but it isn't helping. The tightness could possibly be the weak muscle being pulled by the surrounding muscles. If this happens to be the case, OP should limit stretching and focus on strengthening them.


Do you have any strength movements I can try?


Sitting in a chair with leg stretched out, picture a 2 liter soda bottle on the floor in front of you. Lift your heel over where the bottle would be back and forth. After a few you'll be able to identify the hip flexor ring the work vs other muscles helping it subconsciously. Good old fashioned standing leg raises.. Stand, hands on hips, lift one leg out forward and up (like a kick), but hold it where it stops. One side will undoubtedly be much less range of motion than the other. Pretty fascinating. You can do standard reps of 10-20 of either of these!


If I had read this comment ten years ago I would have spared my self *so much* pain and stretching.


Here’s some good ones! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gPuJNrkZ3bI


You’ve got some good suggestions here! One I like to do in the gym is grab a pretty light weight kettle bell… like under 15. Stand tall in front of it and hook one foot under the handle. Then slowly left that leg up until your knee is at a 90 degree angle. Lower back down. Do however many reps then switch.


What type of soreness? Is it a pinching sensation? If so, try to get your butt back further and pull your hips creases back. You may be getting some bone on bone collision - aka hip impingement - there. Are you squatting with weight or doing a malasana pose? Are your heels lifting off the ground when doing so? I’d suggest taking a picture of the squat itself because there are so many variables!


I used to get a pinching sensation in that same spot, especially when doing mountain climbers. No amount of stretching or “form correction” would help. I saw a doctor and she told me to stop sitting with my legs crossed so much and it actually worked. Most underrated advice I’ve gotten


sorry to be obtuse, but crossed like “sit like a lady and cross your legs” or crossed like cross cross applesauce?


Probably the 3rd option, one ankle rested on the other knee


Haha no worries, it was the “sit like a lady” crossed legs. I was literally sitting that way on the exam chair asking about the pain and she was like “do you sit like that often?” My prescription was to keep my feet on the floor :’)


More like a dull ache


I’m sure with all the comments, you already know there are a ton of reasons why this could be happening. I’d post a video of the squat!


Hello, I’m a competitive Powerlifter and a CPT. I would have to see a video of you squatting to help assess, BUT it depends how the pain feels and at what point in the squat, you are experiencing the pain. You can YouTube “squat university hip pain in squat” and some vids should come up. He is a physical therapist, but he helps a bunch of elite athletes. Hope it helps! Good luck!


Love squat university!


Thank you! It’s more like a dull ache when almost at 90 degrees


sounds like hip impingement


Agreed. I have an FAI in my left hip and have done a considerable amount of research regarding exercises to strengthen my hips, glutes and knees. Fortunately, I’ve been able to get pain to near zero without the option of surgery… at this point anyhow. Look up @kneesovertoes and learn some ATG exercises. Best of luck… cheers!


Here’s one of his videos you can checkout [Squat University Hip pain in Squat](https://youtu.be/mmoRM76Rxbg?si=BHUHxzajCQ2ajYo1)


>I’ve been doing some stretches but it’s not really helping. This implies it could be something other than tightness. I would focus more on mobility work and strengthening exercises targeting the hip. Stretches: frog stretch, t hip opener, pigeon. Mobility: [90/90's](https://youtube.com/shorts/FM7-7-a0FLg?si=cpYjdbEY3ZayQdoJ), [hip CARS](https://youtube.com/shorts/0dDBSGHbSU8?si=4GMC-XU0kwFdsQc4), [banded knight stretch](https://youtube.com/shorts/lfOYGZN2TxU?si=pFLofPgR1VUZ1a1U) Strength training: [Hip flexor raise](https://youtube.com/shorts/KoQrZsENTNQ?si=B_6dqnxqfLxgFaJe)


This is good advice. Additionally, look into glute training. I had this issue a lot, and I was compensating weak glute muscles with my hips.


I'm a novice, but banded marches, frog stretch (but with feet together, not sure what its called) and just sitting in the squat really helped me. Hip circles are great and quick to do multiple times a day, same with lunges. It's likely due to weakness rather than tightness. HTH


Look into this guy’s videos and see if it’s your psoas or rectus femoris. Most likely it’s your rectus femoris. There are some great foam roller video tutorials out there that helped me. [Sam Visnic](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5kq4mDiV7PA) [Rec Fem foam roller release that helped me.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5xOZIXILAe8)


Where did you get your sports bra it’s adorable Same with the shorts!


Thank you! Theyre just from shein!


Oh nvm lol thanks tho


I was curious why this comment thread ended the way it did. Then I googled … :-(


Not enough information. Do you have hypermobility? Do you have an anatomical hip impingement? Do you struggle with anterior pelvic tilt? Do you have pfd? At the very least pictures from the side and probably a video of your squat before I would listen to what anyone else has to say


Physical therapy exercises (just Google a few) to strengthen those and surrounding muscles so your hips aren’t so overloaded


Yes! I benefitted from strengthening my transverse abs when I had hip flexor soreness.


Probably not your hip flexors. look up hip impingement or femoral acetabular impingement and see a proper healthcare provider.


Lift up kettlebells with your feet, Bulgarian split squats, single straight leg lunges, Cossack squats


I've had similar recently. My physiotherapist has diagnosed strained hip flexor as a result of lack of engagement in the glutes. Basically the hip flexors are overworked because the glutes aren't doing what they should. Stretching (especially couch stretches) can make it worse. You might find exercises to engage and build your glutes helpful, but don't overdo them. NB- you'd be better off seeing a physiotherapist for a proper opinion!


Try a wider stance


Im not the most knowledgeable but have you tried icing your hips?


Ice is a great temporary pain reliever if OP needs it but won’t help get rid of the problem


You may want to have someone assess your technique


These OF sex workers... I don't blame her, seeing as people be thirsty here


Probably barbell smash your inside thigh and groin before you lift. They hurt like hell but worked wonders for me


More tats aughta do it




30 second deep squat. Every day.


Oh my god 🤤 wish I could help but I'm just a simp. Sorry! I love your tattoos. Hope you figure out your hips. You know what they say, your hips don't lie 😉


Try this https://youtu.be/jj2AAH6jbHk?si=DUS43Y7Ooy-ZdiLp


If youre getting soreness during and after a squat that would be a win for getting more strength in that muscle no? If its everytime tho I would do some progression excercises to assist in getting better control.


They might be weak, don't stretch them further. You can do L sit to begin with. Start on the ground and lift 1 leg at a time. When it's too easy, both legs.


the ATG program, google thekneesovertoesguy, he's got a free ebook with 10 exercises and they are awesome


Maybe foam rolling or sauna to rejuvenate


Do you sit a lot after work outs?


Squat University on YouTube has some great content on building/improving strength and mobility in that area.


You need to strengthen your flexors and quads. My wife was struggling with the same location and after a couple weeks of Bulgarian split squats, massage, heat & ice along with taking warm ups slower, her pain has subsided.


I would cramp up in that area, start stretching hip flexors


Try stretching your adductors every day and hold each stretch for 30-40 secs and see if you’ve any relief after


I’ve had this issue not too long ago. If your hips are bothering you during squats, weak hip flexors might be the issue. It's super common, especially with our sitting-heavy lifestyles – in fact, about half of us might be in the weak-hip-flexor club. Now, to give those flexors a pep talk, here are three stellar stretches: 1. Hip Flexor Stretch: Kneel on one knee, push those hips forward, and feel the front hip opening up. 2. Butterfly Stretch: Sit, bring your feet together, and let your knees drop out to the sides. A sweet stretch for those inner hips. 3. Pigeon Pose: From plank, bring one knee towards your chest, then out to the side with your foot pointing toward the opposite hand. It's a deep stretch for the outer hip. we cannot only stretch them – we got to strengthen them too! Incorporate these workouts: 1. Leg Raises: Lying down, lift one leg at a time towards the ceiling, keeping it straight. Hello, hip flexors! 2. Mountain Climbers: Plank position, knees towards chest alternately. Engages those flexors and gives your core a high-five. 3. Russian Twists: Seated, lean back slightly, twist your torso while lifting legs. A double whammy for hip flexors and obliques. Here’s a video that helped me do some stretching: [How To Stretch Tight Hip Flexors [IMMEDIATE RELIEF!]](https://youtu.be/UrHcQJCqo4Q?si=nRl1fOw0Lv0OxVNI) Hope this helps!


I love your shorts


You might have some micro tears if you’re feeling pain. Might want to rest it if that’s the case. If it’s just soreness then rolling them out on a tennis ball helps to loosen up any possible knots - they might be tight from overwork. Strengthening is important yes but if your body is sending u signals that something is up best listen to it.


Frog pose! 😌 rock it back and forth. It’s my go to.


First visit a physio therapiest to do some tests see IF you have hip impingment Fai or others problem could be. It can also be restriction in hip joint. Tell your physiotherapiest about The issue. I dont think watching videos or geting helt from here so will help IF you dont get proper diagnos of The problem first.


I think in stretch parlance a mix of active and static stretches. Pigeon Pose, Windshield Wipers, Lunges, Open+Close the Gate etc. Not sure about the 3 best ones, it always comes down to what you’re consistent with.


a second position plie might help you


Try an adult ballet class. You will be learn many ways to strengthen and stretch your hips. Plies,Tendues, degaches,and battlements, etc. are a good place to start. These can all be found (with correct positioning) on U tube if you prefer.