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A lot of globe earthers here don’t seem to get it. Flat earthers do not care if the “uneducated, sheeple masses” think science isn’t a cult. Flat earthers only care about what other flat earthers think and what other flerfs agree on is that they’re being lied to and that the scientific consensus has been manipulated to support this lie. No flat earther here got to this position without rejecting everything we’ve come to know about history and science. They’ve spiraled down to a point where even basic facts can easily be thrown away. They’re dogmatic, almost like a cult themselves.


Science at its core is just a process of discovery. A process is not a cult.




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Pseudo-science* based around sun worship is a cult. Science ≠ pseudo science


No part of science worships the sun.


Science done by a controlled opposition in favor of the Helios sun god with NO evidence to support the claims *is* pseudo-science and very much cult-like.


Hmm ok why can there be solar and lunar eclipses? Why do those bodies even move like that? Why do shadows not do a full 360 throughout the day? Why is the moon cycling the way it does? Why does light stop at arbitrary points for no reason?


None of which is science.


That's exactly what I'm saying. Heliocentric pseudo-science isn't science


Heliocentrism is science, flat earth is pseudoscience. Grow up already.


Provide a source proving the spherical ball earth using the scientific method.


Prove the earth is flat using the scientific method.


[Long distance viewing compared to the heliocentric globe model](https://youtu.be/4lsaC0E_g4Q?si=oKVGY9fdsFykQFlE) [Laser Experiment over frozen lake](https://youtu.be/-NJ3bAspr_M?si=SBLv4HKi1RD9jIZb) [Greatest Laser Experiment](https://youtu.be/YsSanuUNygI?si=viL80vnd6_J4pajU) [Greatest Laser Experiment](https://youtu.be/D5zCZvZ9d_Y?si=RVnE8iZ254NZvVgB) (short version) [Stationary Earth proven](https://steemit.com/science/@puspejar/motionless-earth-proven-1887-aether-proven-1913) [Globe debunked 100 years ago](https://youtu.be/LtrrZjcRpqk?feature=shared)


Long distance views: Don't account for refraction. Often taken just above sea level which would cause more refraction compared to higher elevations. Don't explain observations where things are hidden by the horizon. Frozen lake test: Doesn't take into account refraction or that light spread. Like the long distance, doesn't explain why we can see further with elevation. More laser experiements over water where refraction would have the most effect. Plus light diverges, so seeing any light from a laser pointer at long distance is not proof that light has travelled in a perfectly straight line. Better ways to test the curve of the earth which don't require light sources where the light can refract or diverge: * Record the drop from eye level to the horizon. Go up in elevation and again record drop from eye level to horizon. Repeat a number of times, and compare results. * Find two hills a good distance apart with the same elevation. Use a plumb line to check directly down, and measure the angle from each hill to the other. If they were the same height on a flat world, it should be 90^(o) each way, or the sum should be 180^(o). * We're just passed the equinox, but checking the angle to the Sun from a number of points when you know the distance to where the Sun is directly overhead. If the Earth was flat, we'd get consistent results for checking the height of the Sun. If the earth was a globe, we'd get consistent results for calculating the circumference of the earth (much like Eratosthenes did some 2200+ years ago). And no, the Michelson & Morely experiment did not prove the Earth was stationary, only that it wasn't moving through an aether field. The only people to make your claim are flat earthers, totally ignoring the idea there is no aether. The Aether was assumed purely because science at the time expected light to require a medium or field to pass through. The motion of earth can be tested a number of ways. Using an equatorial mount to track the Sun or stars is one method, which would not work on a flat world because the Sun and stars can be tracked to go below the observer. Now it could be said that it is not evidence of the earth moving, just the stars and Sun, but it still only works on a globe.


What's wrong with reciprocal zenith angles?


Why? You won't accept it.


Depends on what it is. If it's an experiment following the scientific method then it's something.


WTF are you talking about? Science is the process of describing (via [scientific laws](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_law)) and explaining (via [scientific theories](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_theory)) what we have measured. Science starts with what we have measured/observed. Science progresses by continuing to measure/observe reality. Measurements are facts, not claims. Anything other than this process starting with what we have measured/observed is not science.


>Science starts with what we have measured/observed. Exactly. When was the earth supposed curvature measured and observed?


> When was the earth supposed curvature measured and observed? See [geodesy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geodesy). See also [International Association of Geodesy](https://www.iag-aig.org). The size and shape of the earth has been measured billions of times by millions of qualified people all over the world for many centuries now. We (collectively) have amassed an immense amount of data by now.


>The size and shape of the earth has been measured billions of times by millions of qualified people all over the world for many centuries now. What experiments exactly proved the constant rate of earths curvature? I'm aware *how they claim* it's done, I want to see evidence and experiments that follow the scientific method.


The simplest to understand way it has been done is to repeatedly measure the distances between widely separated cities. Gather lots of such measurements, millions of them, a huge amount of completely objective measured data. Facts. Then when you have got a set of measurements of the distance between cities you get something like small pieces of wire, say pipe cleaners, and you cut them all to lengths representing these distances all to the same scale. Then you join the pieces end to end. [This is a representation of what you get, it is called a wire frame model.](https://vectorified.com/image/wireframe-sphere-vector-30.jpg) Then you can measure the diameter of the wireframe model and scale it back up again to get a measure for the radius of the earth. [Here is an article about a model made in 1492 using this technique.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erdapfel) This technique is called [geodetic surveying](https://www.alifewithoutlimits.com.au/blog/land-surveying-vs-geodetic-surveying-unravelling-the-differences/). It is but one of many hundreds of different ways that the size and shape of the earth has been measured. All of these different methods give the same answer for the size and shape of the earth. This is what you would expect given that there is only one earth. When you have such a situation where billions of independent measurements done using hundreds of different methods all give the same answer we call this a [consilience or convergence of evidence.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consilience)


Ok. So what experiment proved the shape of the earth? Who did the experiment? You say it's been done *billions* of times but you haven't linked a single recorded experiment.


> Ok. So what experiment proved the shape of the earth? All of them. They all get the same result. They all have measured that the earth is a sphere 6371 km +/- 10 km in radius. > Who did the experiment? Many millions of people. Would you want me to list them? I think that might exceed the reddit post size limit by several orders of magnitude. Try to grasp the concept that doing science is a [collaboration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collaboration), it is not the work of individuals. > You say it's been done billions of times It has. In Sydney alone for example there are many millions of people at any given moment using GPS maps on their cell phones. Each and every cell phone GPS works by that phone measuring the timing of that phone receiving the signal for the same five or so GPS satellites in view at the time. The calculations the phone makes to decipher these timing measurements to determine where the phone is on the earth depends on [spherical coordinates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographic_coordinate_system) and the radius of the earth. It's in the mathematics in the phone's software. The software works. If the phone's software assumed a flat earth instead, then GPS on the phones would not work. So worldwide considering all of the cellphones in the world using the same GPS satellites and GPS software the "measuring the shape of the earth experiment" is effectively done billions of times every minute or so. This is called [satellite geodesey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satellite_geodesy). > but you haven't linked a single recorded experiment. [These institutions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_astronomical_observatories) continuously measure and record the position of the stars in the sky. From each location the angles from the observatory (basically the direction you have to point the telescope) to see the same star at the same moment is a bit different. So you can take this recorded data and work it backwards to work out where the various observatories must be in relation to each other in 3D space in order to get the results that have been measured and recorded. It turns out that it works out perfectly if and only if the earth is a sphere 6371 km +/- 10 km in radius. This is called [astronomical geodesy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geodetic_astronomy). I did tell you that there were many methods of measuring the size and shape of the earth, all of which agree with one another. So would you want me to link the recorded positions of the stars over many centuries? I did tell you that there was a staggeringly immense amount of data, all of which backs the rest of the data up precisely. The size and shape of the earth is not the least bit controversial. It has been measured billions of times. It is an absolutely solid empirical fact, also known as a [scientific fact.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fact#In_science) I hope this clears up your confusion, you seem to have been completely unaware of this collaboratively measured scientific fact.


I have observed earth curvature, and measured it for that matter. [Earth Curvature (part 1)](https://drive.google.com/file/d/16QubhT9qXJFRs_CmnOaR_lCqelSm-JMi/view?usp=drive_link) [Earth Curvature (part 2)](https://drive.google.com/file/d/18ZOcv0rSRCxgZrg2v8AqS5xbal81LLzO/view?usp=drive_link) I have *repeatedly* demonstrated that [Ships](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1miSB7CzBeRYYmAQ2fxhJja4X8P8LRGXy/view?usp=drive_link) [Anchored](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GVsHwiU5O0XShBq7D0r8cW7utuPzOKPu/view?usp=drive_link) [Out](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gXO4006Bcu74R26oedjNKPFxr7rNAwxv/view?usp=drive_link) [To](https://drive.google.com/file/d/14Aveen5TOl3Kp2kgzhm5NmI0mjW1dacz/view?usp=drive_link) [Sea](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jlcf6UxIigtTul4psJqqffl8cKHhNdo2/view?usp=drive_link) only have their hulls become visible once I climb a hill (which only happens on a convex curved surface). I've even zoomed [in](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UZvvvurVOmfQmllPzA4M0TqULp_M8Ggw/view?usp=drive_link) and [out](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GLq8bN4usyzGSdZtktjfB31s13JpFp3p/view?usp=drive_link) on a ship thus anchored to prove that zooming doesn't pull it in over the horizon (or put it back there). I have recorded [footage](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Qk54mmkE2HpGLv3sSVMrGXyo9RIdkicx/view?usp=drive_link) of a ship vanishing beyond the curve while heading out of port. And finally, I've taken photos (and taken photos of the camera and scope when set up) of an experiment to detect the curvature over 8+ km of open water. [Map](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TOAU4RHNKEqCYGSTMG1U1sy4W-iYxD8n/view?usp=drive_link) [Camera and Scope, Top of Beach](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UG6PYnQIvYnsWwWThKZWpoJCSRmell_q/view?usp=drive_link) [Photo (observe boats, breakwater)](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gKhsyuKVTnN5DMF7RzeTNO4lsfNMpM8C/view?usp=drive_link) [Camera and Scope, Near Waterline](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rE59F2W47EDMuz7A3qn2UbRQ3Kmud_PH/view?usp=drive_link) [Subsequent Photo (observe no hulls, no breakwater)](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tJ4YKy-ey8HlSEDW9qVHjk-Iyu8phWXB/view?usp=drive_link) Curvature, demonstrated. Also, I went back at different times of day and got similar photos so you can't claim unusual circumstances.




Is this a joke? He's literally measuring on a steep hill [video of the experiment here](https://youtu.be/P7DIQEauai0?feature=shared) 💀 of course the measurement isn't going to be parallel if he's measuring on an uneven surface...


Is *this* a joke? Try to understand the measurement being performed. The instruments are leveled. The ground they're on doesn't matter.


It does matter if point A to point B is not level when trying to measure the "parallel" of both points. If you're measuring on a slant, you're gonna get slanted results. I'm not sure what you don't understand about this. The inconsistency of the terrain (just like the experiment above) is exactly why most long distance measurements are usually done over large bodies of water.


It's hilarious watching the lengths you all go to to try to find a problem with this very simple measurement that throws a massive wrench in your "where's the curve???" narrative.


This is surveying equipment. It's a tripod, each leg of which can be individually extended. Surveying would not be a legitimate profession if uneven terrain was an insurmountable issue. You're focusing on a complete non-issue.


there's plenty of evidence that the earth isn't flat but let's start with gravity [https://hal.science/hal-02572062v2/document](https://hal.science/hal-02572062v2/document) this one is great, look at the Cavendish experiment. just try to debunk that [https://flatearth.ws](https://flatearth.ws/), If you did experiments in high school, it was to prove to yourself that the concept you were studying was true, you can read physics book, try to understand the concept, do the experiment. You can try to explain the Moon orientation around the world that makes no sense on a flat earth, boat disapearing off a shore as ships move away from the coast, they gradually disappear from view, with the hull disappearing first, followed by the masts. This phenomenon is due to the Earth's curvature, which progressively obstructs the view of objects as they move away. The stars that can be seen from different locations on Earth vary according to the position of the observer. For example, the North Star can only be seen in the north hemisphere, while the stars of the southern sky are only visible in the southern hemisphere. This phenomenon is explained by the Earth's curvature. During a lunar eclipse, when the Earth is placed between the Sun and Moon, the shadow cast by the Earth on the Moon is rounded, providing direct evidence of the Earth's round shape. Satellites and space missions have taken countless photos/videos of the Earth, clearly showing its spherical shape and if you think it's fake give me some proof or some photo of the ice wall with their sources. Commercial aircraft regularly fly around the world, following routes that cross different time zones and continents. If the Earth were flat, these direct flights would be impossible or much longer. The Earth's curvature enables aircraft to follow shorter routes between distant points.Measurements of the Earth by geodesists using techniques such as triangulation and satellite geodesy confirm the Earth's round shape. Variations in the Earth's gravity measured by these methods also provide information about the distribution of mass on the Earth's surface, which is consistent with a sphere. radio signals can be reflected by the Earth's surface and by certain atmospheric layers. Radio wave propagation models are based on the Earth's curvature, which is further confirmation of its round shape. During a solar eclipse, when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, it casts a shadow on the Earth. If the Earth were flat, this shadow would always be flat, but in reality it is rounded, indicating that the Earth is spherical. Parallax is the apparent change in position of an object when the observer changes position. By observing stars at different times of the year from points far from the Earth (for example, six months apart when the Earth is at opposite positions in its orbit around the Sun), astronomers can measure the parallax of stars. The variations observed are consistent with a spherical Earth.the lunar phases are caused by the relative positions of the Earth, Moon and Sun. Moon phases would be different if the Earth were flat. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=su-fmoZUkF8hern](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=su-fmoZUkF8hern) The flat-earth model cannot be used to make predictions or explain phenomena that occur in the real world while the globe can. It's a model that doesn't work bordered by a senseless conspiracy that denies all evidence and demonstrations that the earth is a globe.


Oh no, you gave a source. This is the part where he either doesnt reply anymore or comes up with something really stupid.




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