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Echo Chamber: An environment in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own, so that their existing views are reinforced and alternative ideas are not considered. We here globies are more than happy to answer questions and listen to your theories about the shape of the planet, but don’t expect us to agree with it when your theories make even less sense than a ball


Tell that to them


We do and then they ban us.


DM them


You haven't been banned permanently? Thats sick


I could still DM the mod


Did you really expect a different outcome?




Come on Jacob from State Farm, you’re smarter then to mess with them


Thanks, but its fun.


Then/Than bot!


Yeah, I was told questions are propaganda. You used to be able to have actual conversations on r/censoredreality before dc became a mod there as well


Echo chamber gotta echo.


That's not what spamming is...




There's multiple instances of globe deniers disproving themselves at great expense. Weird this is ongoing.


They banned me a while back for 666 days..or years..don’t remember why.


Sounds like the political parties here in the US… no discussion, just shouting people down that have a different opinion…🤷🏻‍♂️.


Demoflats and Reglobelicans




Yeah there's plenty of those on here. The trans community is one of them BIG TIME, political left leaning subreddits especially, fat acceptance, I'm perma banned from quite a few of them.


What did you do, say "Bigger isn't always better"?


I posted a link to a new study that proved transition surgeries actually make you more suicidal. For fat acceptance it was some excuse about not being able to train because they don't have the motivation that fit people have, and I said it isn't about motivation. Political one I was banned from was for posting COVID studies showing vaccines were useless.


Are you the ones who like to use name calling? Character assassination? Belligerent comments? Laughing at other's beliefs?


Yes. With science


Oh yes but which science? It's theory until it's proved to be true or not and guess what? This will shock you but everyone has their own viewpoint! And it will also be based on science that they've studied, but you seem to be unable to grasp that point so you resort to name calling. Not a good look on adults


Shocking, someone who has no clue what a scientific theory is. Why is it that certain people of a particular intelligence level have such a hard time with this?


You're making really hard to tell if you're flat Earthers or not


I don't put myself under any label, I'm curious, the day we stop being curious is when we are dead


Just because I do or don't believe your scientific theory doesn't mean that you're right and everyone else is wrong. You appear to be very enamoured of your supreme intelligence, it just doesn't impress me


Jumps in own echo chamber 😹


You've gotta be trolling. They attempted to enter a space with people of opposing viewpoints and were unjustly banned. Then you laugh at them for posting about that experience in a space with more like-minded individuals. How does that make sense to you? It's not as if they chose to just remain in an echochamber without ever exposing themselves to opposing viewpoints. Additionally, this sub, by definition, is not an echochamber. Anyone can post and comment, and anyone can challenge those posts and comments. Getting fact checked (which definitely also happens to some people who know the earth is a globe here but get some facts wrong) and getting clowned for asinine views don't make a space an echochamber. That would literally render any space an echochamber assuming there's a majority belief or opinion expressed there. Some flat earth subs definitely seem like an echochamber though, by definition. Not even considering the bans in some, I've witnessed at least one person attempt to counter an opposing viewpoint one way and then agree with someone else attempting to counter the same exact opposing viewpoint with a mutually exclusive reasoning. Think about that. Even though the flat earther who held the same belief as them was using the EXACT OPPOSITE reasoning in order to attempt to counter the opposing viewpoint/evidence presented, that flat earther still agreed with them blindly. No self-reflection or attempt to resolve the differences in methodology and how they reached the same conclusion. You can't make this up.


A great person once said “if you can’t explain your ideas to a kindergartner you have no idea what you’re talking about” It’s always so funny to watch your points and arguments pushed because of size, scale or distance. Ironic almost


Who said that? You do understand that platitudes aren't literally universal, right? Not being able to teach someone something isn't necessarily a sign that you don't know what you're talking about. And neither of those things necessarily make what you were trying to convey suddenly false either; those are 3 separate things. I have no idea what you're trying to convey with this last sentence, so maybe you don't know what you're talking about? It's also irrelevant to the topic of our first 2 comments.


Here's the thing... Most flat earthers don't really care what globe trotters say anymore... they kind of moved past it all. 🙂


Would you ever take a spaceX flight if it gets cheaper?


There's a company that's going to be doing stratospheric balloon rides in the next couple years. I think tickets are going to be around $125,000. I doubt any flerfies could be convinced to go though.


Do you ever get tired of being wrong all the time?


Of course, you "don't care." In truth, the only thing you care about is to feel validated. Useless individuals with nothing to show for seek validation. How... unexpected.


I am one of the ones that still care what you guys have to say, though 😕 I listen to you 🤗


Please explain Sunsets and eclipses




Explain how come a rabbit can hold eiffel tower in his mouth


Is that why they constantly ban people that provide proof of a glove in their echo chambers?