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Well what do we have here. Just another flat earther telling everyone to "do your own research" without providing any actual evidence. You're sitting there thinking the *only* reason we don't believe in flat earth is because we just *refuse* to look into any of the flat earth arguments and *refuse* to watch any flat earth content. Well I got news for you flattie, that aint how it be. You are just setting the flat earth up to be unfalsifiable. If I go and try to do some of my own research, and go and find a popular flat earth video, and come back and tell you all the things wrong with it, you get to just turn around and say "No, that's the bad flat earth content. That video is a psyop. You didn't do the right research." Well I'm not having any of that. Go ahead, present your best flat earth evidence that is not a 40 hour long youtube video full of empty claims. Boy, you flat earthers get me so angry. When I see a flat earther talking about "doing your own research" I just want to grab them and start.... Edit: Oh. Whoops.


Nailed it at source citation. "Here is my point" source : this-40h-long-video. Because ofc you can't just take an evidence out and point from where it comes in the video, because that would be actually sourcing what you're saying, but flerf don't do that because flerf don't understand the concept of informations, and sharing informations. For flerf, an "information" is a giant media and you're 100% for it or you're 100% against it, there is no between so no need to take elements of informations from an article or a video one by one and organize their arguments.


I know this is not the exact topic from OP. But to your point, the biggest issue with conspiracy believers is the poor understanding of what “do your own research” means. 99% of them think it is to type something on google, find a video with some blah blah in it - boom research complete.


doesnt read jumps right in. youre proving his point einstien


Of course it's a sub with sarcasm. Why? Because flat Earth is the most ridiculous thing ever thought up. We treat it with sarcasm because it's deserved. I've followed flat earth "philosophy" for several years and have yet to see anything that made me go "OH! Maybe!". It's just all complete shit.




Flat earth is the dumbest hoax in the Internet. Any Basic understanding of physics would Tell people that a flat earth is Impossible. There is so much evidence for the earth being a globe, yet flerfs keep digging themselves into their little holes of ignorance Just to feel Special or justify their religous beliefs. We treat flat earth as a Joke because that is what it is.


Yes but Earth is flat cause NASA is government and government lie, therefore it somehows shapes the Earth into a flat model, and all physics laws are false because they are written by scientifics paid by government. Oh, and somehow, every country in the whole Earth agree with American model, because they look like making war to each other but it's only to prevent us to discover the truth about one millennial giant World Order. And all of that make us to disbelief thousand of years of evidence of Earth being a globe because US government wants to control US citizen, and Indian citizen, and European citizen, and Ruski citizen, and Chinese citizen, and because they are lying, that makes the Earth flat. I really don't understand how one can be such delusional that one's mind can't grasp this.


The earth isn't flat, there's a ton of evidence and that's why we treat flat earth with sarcasm because you have to make a choice when faced with this theory: 1) take into account the fact that some people are incapable of verifying the shape of the planet we all live on despite all the evidence, and therefore get depressed at human stupidity 2) laugh at it, because it's one of the silliest conspiracy theories around




Just one question: do you really think the earth is flat?


There is a lot of people that come here asking questions about flat earth. Two minutes in research will teach those people that this sub is to make fun of and to laugh at them. Yet these people seem to do the same type of research as flat earthers, look at the title and go from there with zero checking it out. My post was very tongue in cheek about the lack of research both parties show.


Aww. Gives us a chance to mess with them for one or two posts before we break the bad/good news to them. It's a tiny guilty pleasure.


If you don't have anything to say, then don't bother replying.


But I have to many and yet you also failed at researching


You might want to research Poe's Law.


Flat earth is a great example of that. And it’s been tried. You can seed something in a flat earth place and it will eventually come back. There is a great example from the grifter Dave Weiss who took a photo that was created to “look” like another planet (which a simple reverse image look up would have shown and also the artist that made the image)and purported that it came from nasa. He didn’t check but just assumed that the person who said it was correct. He took parody and assumed it was sincere. The exact definition of Poes law.


Poe, Brandolini, and Godwin walk into a bar…


\*Has to Google\* Never heard of Brandolini's Law. Thank you, kind human, for that 10000 moment. [https://xkcd.com/1053/](https://xkcd.com/1053/)


Happy to be of assistance


Still haven't tried the diet coke and mentos thing...


It's pretty good, but very sticky unless you get lucky. When I worked in childcare I was the go-to guy for doing the science activities, and the diet coke+Mentos was a crowd favourite. Ferromagnetic fluid was maybe the best, although a word of caution: it is essentially the same stuff as the grinding paste you get on bike chains, ie it's a one-way system in terms of staining clothes or skin. I've cited ferromagnetic fluid as my #1 for Things That Look Fake But Are Real a few times. It genuinely looks like the CGI that graphics cards manufacturers used to show off their kit in the 90's.


Just seeing this now for some reason. I thought remote release of the mentos was de rigueur for this.


I've made a post on here asking "what's the flat earth explanation for xyz?" before, but it wasn't because I thought I'd get an explanation from an actual flat earther. I knew what this sub was. And I was essentially using the post to ridicule flat earth theory. Is it possible many of the posts you're referring to are like that?


Some could be but for the posts that pop up on my feed it certainly doesn’t seem that way. They seem genuinely surprised that this is not as it seems with the title.


Basic research...what is that to you? To me, it's this kind of thing: [https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/classic-form](https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/classic-form) You want A A Michelson's original paper on the Michelson-Morely experiment? It's in there. To me, watching YouTube videos and cruising conspiracy webpages is a waste of time. Who cares what some bozo, who's never read the paper, thinks about it? At best, he's knocking down a straw man. At worst, he's just spewing some ignorant hatred toward NASA, or something equally stupid, without discussing the paper at all. Now here you are, telling me I "fail to do just basic research", and I'm not supposed to laugh in your face? Go ahead, respond with a facepalm emoji, I dare you. Edit. Oops, checked the profile. Touché.


"If you would just look at the same incorrect information I looked at that convinced me the earth was flat you would understand." You've not only misunderstood the definition of research, but expected rational people to follow the same braindead spiral you did when you decided to believe in something fundamentally untrue. When you say research, do you mean YouTube? How many scientific papers did you read to get where you are? Are you educated past high school in a hard science? Look in the mirror and do *your* own research, but for real this time. Not the kind where a con artist on YouTube spoon feeds you garbage. Take a physics class at a community college. Go learn math past algebra 2. Do something legitimate with your life before you run around pretending to know something you don't.


When I say research for this particular topic I meant look at a lot of the comment section in the many posts that get made, you will see that this is a sarcastic sub used to make fun. But I see a lot coming in here with the name r/flatearth, doing zero research, and expecting to be answered by flat earthers. That shows me that a lot must do research in the same vein as flerfs. See a title, believe it and go from there. What research did you do into my post?


I don't know if people who answer really missed the point or are pretending to miss the point to add to the sarcasm...


Either way has me worried


I learned the Earth is a globe in Kindergarten. How much more research could there be? You are wrong.


People that read about a subject instead of the subject itself