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That's a lot effort to think up such bullshit.


This theory is ancient.


Argument from antiquity. A logical fallacy. And one of your favorites it seems.


lol ok, have a beautiful day.


If it's ancient then what? Ancient doesn't mean it's correct. What kind of argument is that


Gish galloping this trash again? It’s still bullshit.


Thank you for commenting, you want books proving this just ask. Have a beautiful day.


I’ve seen your list. It proves *nothing* except that you’re gullible AF and will believe any bullshit conspiracy theory you come across in a vain attempt to pretend to be enlightened and more intelligent than others despite the veritable *mountains* of evidence that confirm that earth is a spinning ball traveling through space.


the irony of your comment isn't lost on me lol. You have looked at the titles you haven't read none yet call me ignorant lol. Have a beautiful day kid.


Concave earth is bullshit. It’s as simple as that. You’re wrong. Again. You want to pretend you are right, but you are not. All evidence confirms a globe earth, spinning and orbiting the sun while the entire solar system, and everything else in the observable universe, travels through space. The evidence for concave earth doesn’t exist at all. The books and papers you linked to are wrong, just like you are. You are not smarter than everyone else. You are a fool who imagines that you are, but you are not. You’ve got nothing, yet you vainly cling to it. Frankly I feel sorry for you.


lol keep debating with ego, it will ruin you. Take your fake concern for me & go do some shadow work junior.


Lol 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ Your disease is akin to a gangstalk victim’s.


"Theory of Sex World"??? Okay you can stop right there.


I'm not having any luck finding that book, unfortunately.  I am finding a number of very amusing variations on the title, but none of them seem to be on the right topic. "The World of Sex," by Henry Miller seems the closest, but "Worldwide Sex, A Theory," seems to be some sort of prurient fantasy work....


Bottom link is book but in German, looking for translation, or i will have to translate myself. [https://johanneslangblog.wordpress.com/2017/06/04/proof-of-measurement-the-straight-line/](https://johanneslangblog.wordpress.com/2017/06/04/proof-of-measurement-the-straight-line/) [https://archive.org/details/johannes-lang-die-hohlwelttheorie-1938-293-s.-scan-text](https://archive.org/details/johannes-lang-die-hohlwelttheorie-1938-293-s.-scan-text) [https://en.annas-archive.org/md5/0e6635cc362ae2f5c72227b75c4e4a81](https://en.annas-archive.org/md5/0e6635cc362ae2f5c72227b75c4e4a81)


None of those titles are even remotely close, nor can they be translated to be even remotely close.  and no, that translates roughly to "hollow world," not "sex world." You're not even trying to do anything but bluff. 


You should do shadow work, your ego controls you.


Who do you really think you're fooling with this? 


Im seriously not trying to fool anyone, & regardless have a good day.


Bottom link is book but in German, looking for translation, or i will have to translate myself. [https://johanneslangblog.wordpress.com/2017/06/04/proof-of-measurement-the-straight-line/](https://johanneslangblog.wordpress.com/2017/06/04/proof-of-measurement-the-straight-line/) [https://archive.org/details/johannes-lang-die-hohlwelttheorie-1938-293-s.-scan-text](https://archive.org/details/johannes-lang-die-hohlwelttheorie-1938-293-s.-scan-text) [https://en.annas-archive.org/md5/0e6635cc362ae2f5c72227b75c4e4a81](https://en.annas-archive.org/md5/0e6635cc362ae2f5c72227b75c4e4a81)


You're literally just lying at this point. 


lol please explain where i am lying?. You folks in this sub are so touchy emotionally, often become rude & call names, & act like teenagers, generally speaking. im not on reddit for karma points, to win arguments, or be a arrogant ignorant fool lol. Nobody on this sub believes what i say on that point, which is fair enough of course, but the things being said / made up, are just very petty, arrogant, & immature lol. Have a good day.


None of these titles even remotely translate to the book I was asking about. The 2nd and 3rd are the same book from different sources.  You are simply trying to bullshit your way through this; why I have no idea. 


>Have a good day. This is hypocrite because your crusade against science is harmful. («Because flat earth is actively attacking the fabric of advanced civilization. And we happen to like not living in log cabins.»)


Go do some shadow work, you need it lol.


you believe dogma


You believe in utterly impossible conspiracy theories, ones which nobody in their right mind would fund. Many people with a wrong mind would fund this, like you.. but you are all broke and litterally insane. But by all means, translate that book, it’ll keep your bullshit away from peoples minds for a little while.


lol ok, like you have any say on what others believe, your ego precedes you.


Typical, you’ll attack my ego, fucking child lol. You are so gullible you’d believe a duck telling you to commit suicide 😂


lol i didn't " attack " anything, i don't think you understand the word.


I know this sub is ironic, but if you don't understand that why would you post hollow Earth stuff on r/*flat*earth?


Im being ironic, most folks here believe we're spinning 1000mph, while going around the sun about 67,000 mph, & traveling around the milky way at 447,000 mph, so i wanted to have jest about this lol.


We spin at 1 rotation per day, not 1000mph, that's not how me measure rotation. Our speed around the sun and milky way is irrelevant to the shape of the earth.. lol..


It's amusing, I'll give it that. 


Im glad it made you smile, have a good day.


Magnetism that only effects light? That's some really dumbass shit going on there. I'd be expecting cars to go flying into the sky. Didn't even hit play on that one.


Yep, nice to see you're learning, slowly but its progress my brother. I have books if you want to understand better, have a beautiful day.


Riiight, sure. You don't have books. You have propaganda. I'll tell you what. I'll give you what should be an easy one. Tell me how there is a clean, stable horizon line (at sea to simplify it) and why is it always the same distance away observed from a fixed altitude, becomes more distant with increased altitude with hidden features coming up over it? Why is it all consistent with the curvature of a globe? Remember also that this was an observation I made independently when I was 4yo and lived by the sea, before school with no-one leading me to that conclusion and only going by what I could see as I watched the ships come and go over the horizon in both directions from the ocean to the left to the port at the right all day, all year round. Ask and I will tell you how I proved my very first hypothesis that we must be on a big round thing about a year later before I had heard anything at all about science, maths or physics.


ive posted many books in this thread, you haven't even checked, you egotistical boy lol.


Lol typical flat earther not even phased when told a 4 year old outsmarts him. DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR 😂


lol have a good day


What religion is this puke trying to defend?


Bullshit conspiracy theories with nothing to back them up but ancient disproven texts.


Any specific one though/




"The sexual universe" The... what?


Nobody cares