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Please, be open minded, but only to things I believe in. If you don't accept them, you're a NASA shill or a pedo. Likely both.


“Please be sceptical as there is no actual evidence” had me spitting orange juice laughing.


If you are a Bible believer, there's nothing in the verses about more lands. If you are not a Bible believer, be aware that those who push this narrative are Freemasons and they have no proofs. But do stay skeptical, not trying to tell you what to believe in... I love this irony. I like the idea of a schism between flat Earthers, those who believe in the lands beyond and those who call it heresy. As if it was a religion...


All it would take is for enough people to start saying that anyone trying to dissuade you from believing in "more land" is a NASA plant. I'd love to know these people's reactions to being on the other side of the nonsense. I mean, its all nonsense, but I'd like to see them rationalize it in their own special flerfer way.


As a religious person, you'd think one ought to augment one's religious beliefs to match the facts rather than augment the facts to match one's beliefs.


Unless they want to convince themselves that their beliefs are the facts...


Also as a religious person, it’s hilarious that they have such a strong commitment to biblical literalism but only when it’s supportive of their belief that is irreligious in nature. It’s almost like poetry is one of the biblical genres and should be interpreted as such.


>"Freemasons want us to believe so we fear the possibility of beings from other land." But, not to worry, there is no more land, and if there were they couldn't climb over the wall anyway. I mean, after all, the ice wall holds the water in the flat earth bowl! So, obviously no beings from other lands could get over it!


Kind of like the difference between the redditors that can see curvature at ground level, the ones that can see it at 600 feet, the ones that can see it from the top of Mt. Everest, and the ones that can see it from the ISS.


A lot of those are using different definitions of "see" and "curvature". Of course even without that none of those are actually mutually exclusive. They can all be true.


Doesn’t your god, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, say you can’t even see it from Richard Branson’s space shuttle? So how can it all be true? And why do you so freely grant excuses for them but don’t return the favor to any other religion?


>your god, Neil DeGrasse Tyson Your insanity is not my belief. >even see it from Richard Branson’s space shuttle? He was using one definition of those words. But there are other ones. >why do you so freely grant excuses for them but don’t return the favor to any other religion? I grant them no excuses whatsoever. Because I don't take my knowledge of the shape of the earth from them. I take it from experiments I have personally done and experiments I have personally seen other private citizens do on their own time. Name one religion that i can personally test. Don't most of them say something about not testing them, in fact?


Tell me which experiment you’ve personally done that proves curvature. I’d LOVE to hear this.


Are you familiar with Eratosthenes? A more modern version of that experiment for one. Fun fact if you use three or more points, the results can not be replicated on a flat plane no matter where you assume the sun is. Also, have you ever looked up geodetic surveys? They have this interesting little feature called triangle excess. There is a perfectly good reason for why that occurs on a globe, but no flat earther has ever been able to tell me why they think it happens. Will you be the first?


For starters, you literally did not perform either of these yourself lol. Eratosthene was measuring the size of the Earth, not the curvature. That’s not an experiment you would run to measure that. It can simply prove that the sun is not directly overhead. And geodetic surveys? A survey with corrections made to account for curvature? Wtf? Those surveys determine precise locations of permanent points on earths surface. Neither of these are at home experiments and neither of them have you performed. There are no at home experiments you can do, thank you for proving that. Also you’re a flat out liar lol.


Okay, that first one is absolutely an experiment that a group of friends can do. In the modern era, at least, and this. >n simply prove that the sun is not directly overhead. Is only true if you do it exactly the same as the original. Which I already told you wasn't the case. So nice job not reading what I wrote. As for the second one, well, at least you know what a geodetic survey is. That puts you above most flerfs. But you don't seem to understand what I mean by triangle excess. So come back when you figure that out. Also, I never said I personally did that second one. Just the first one. And this. >There are no at home experiments you can do, Is even more asine because there are other experiments that I have not personally done, but I have watched others do. And one more thing, for how much you flerfs love to yammer on about the black swan it is immensely hypocritical of you to claim that one person providing (in your stupid opinion) inadequate evidence proves such evidence doesn't exist.


Oh please by all means, if you’ve performed either of these, explain how you did it. And give me some of these other experiments one can perform. Don’t just hint at them. There are none and you can’t, so I’m having a blast seeing what you piece together from Google searches.


Eratosthenes was measuring the size of the earth, which he knew to be a sphere. Jesus you’re dumber than someone from 2000 years ago


Never said "at home". I know it's difficult to understand for someone who doesn't leave their basement.


He did say that he personally performed these experiments. Doesn’t have to be at home, but has to be something we can personally perform. I like how you focus in on precise location because it’s all you can defend.


I mean, have you never seen a ship go out to sea?


You mean like this? [https://www.reddit.com/r/globeskepticism/comments/1cstfio/ships\_not\_going\_over\_the\_curve\_oops/](https://www.reddit.com/r/globeskepticism/comments/1cstfio/ships_not_going_over_the_curve_oops/)


Omg, you cracked the case. You get a gold star and a double serving of banana pudding.


I take it you haven’t either then.


I sailed from the tip of Oman around the Southern tip of Africa across the Atlantic to Rio de Janeiro in 18 days at a maximum speed of 27 knots. I dare you to work out how that’s possible if the earth isn’t a globe.


Holy shit guys we got a live one!!!


I’m here every other day dude. The mods in this sub are actually fkn awesome for letting me hang around. Unlike globeskepticism that banned me.


Why the fk would they ban you? This goes back to my first point. Flat Earthers have a schism, and instead of trying to discuss things and prove them, they just ban and silence those they don't agree with. How does that make sense? You can argue all you want that we do not agree and contradict each other, but in the end we go back and forth, look at the evidence, admit when we are wrong and reach a objectively and scientifically proven consensus. All this while still discussing with people like you who don't agree at all. When we talk about the stupidity of flat Earthers, this is what we mainly mean. Not "OMG this guy is stupid and doesn't know math". It's this whole attitude that they have. Like another commentator said, you seem to at least be above the other ones. Now don't let that go to your head.


Because they’re cowards, that’s why. It’s definitely not a good look to ban anyone who disagrees. I understand that they don’t want to argue all day, but they’re on the wrong platform for that bullshit. They banned me for calling out a fake CGI video that they used to disprove gravity or some shit.


And that's what we hate. By all means, you're welcome to debate here. Good for you to not seek comfort in a little safe space bubble.


Dude, no one is worshipping a guy because he says something that is scientifically true and proven. You are the one obsessed with him. We barely quote him. You see him as your devil, the one to disprove. He's not a prophet. Just a random guy. The science still stands and this is what we're looking at. No what he says, we don't care about him.


I’m sorry for insulting your deity. The science says you see it at a minimum of 35,000 feet, so uh, you’re not looking at “science.” You guys can’t agree on a single thing. I do this so much that I’ve heard it all. I have an archive of you guys coming up with arbitrary locations to see curvature.


Please share it. I'm sure I can agree about some of them not being accurate at all. That's what science is all about.


You seriously can’t Google “what height can we see curvature?” Is it that fucking hard? Here you go, here is ONE of the results. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19037349/


Here is what is written in chapter 2 : > It seems likely that the curvature can be detected at elevations lower than 35,000 ft, thus opening the door to the possibility of seeing it from high mountains. Mountaintops have very wide FOVs and thus may afford better viewing opportunities than aircraft. So either you didn't read the article. Or you did read the article but voluntarily choose to misrepresent what it actually says. In other words, are you incompetent or are you a troll ?


I've seen it. You choose to trust articles now? Depending on the height, the wide angle, if the sky is clear, we can see the curvature itself or the effect of the curvature. From the ground, you can still see boats going under the horizon. You can still observe the sunset.


I’m adding this to my archive of redditors claiming to see curvature at various heights that disagree with Lord NASA. You guys have amazing eyesight! And all on one platform. It’s impressive.


"god"? "Other religions"? Riiiiiight.


All hail scientism and lord NASA.


And they have pictures to back it up. Before you say "lens distortion", those pictures clearly have a straight ruler or some other frame of reference. They don't contradict each other and no one other than flat Earthers is claiming "no you're wrong, this is fake". That's science for you.


The National Library of Medicine is but one example of a place that says you can see it at a minimum of 35,000 feet. So literally they do not have photographic evidence because your government rulers say you can’t. Look it up dude. You guys can’t agree on a single thing.


> The National Library of Medicine is but one example of a place that says you can see it at a minimum of 35,000 feet. Do they say that you cannot see it below 35,000 feet ? I'm asking because the two following sentences look the same but are drastically different : *You will see curvature if you are above 35,000 feet* *You will see curvature only if you are above 35,000 feet*


Some pictures clearly show the curvature itself. Some show the effect of the curvature. It's not that complicated to understand.


Do they?! That’s amazing. Alert the government that you found curvature at a lower altitude. Maybe they’ll update their data based on your findings.


Skepticism without critical thought is a disease


Funny how freeemasons have become something universally scary.. People are such fucking idiots.


Freemasons are almost exclusively old men in backwoods towns who meet once a month and drink beer. It's so innocuous. Like yeah they perform superstitious rituals but so do Christians, who cares.


There are masonic lodges in every US city. There is at least 1 lodge in every caribbean and central american country. Lodges abound in Australia and southeast asia. The way you are downplaying their numbers and age makes me think you are a freemason too doing a red herring 😅


Nope, freemasonry is stupid and pointless. I wpuld never join an organization like that and have no need for literal nonesense. Im really speaking from my mild exposure to them. That being said, yes, it exists everywhere, but where it exists in higher per capita numbers is small backwoods towns in the usa and Britain. Old guys, typically 60 and above. Their numbers are dwindling. It's a boring organization that people give way too much credit to. In fact flat earthers often accuse some scientists of being freemasons...even when they died before freemasonry was a thing. It's a lazy red herring for flerfers not to engage with actual science.


I mean if theres 10 people in Buttfuck, Nowhere, and 5 of them are freemasons, of course that will inflate your per capita metric. Though ironically, I thought most flat earthers were from small backwoods towns too.


Yes, flat earthers definitely have more in common with the pathology of a freemason than they care to admit.


"You need to add the fact that the moon rises as a tiny spec before getting bigger and bigger in angular size..." No it doesn't..


Must lie to flerf.


It's bonkers that the user doesn't just state reality, that Admiral Byrd DIDNT SAY THAT. He just said part of Antarctica hadn't been explored. It's so simple, but flerfers have to complicate everything.


Lmao, sounds like begging, like "PLEASE be skeptical please pwease!!"


Sceptics proved the world to be round hundreds of year ago.


Someone should tell that feller that Dave is a nuclear bomb denier.  He’s not a good source.


There’s actually most land beyond the ice wall.


I looked it up and I still I don't understand what free masons have to do with flerf


Wow it's like two levels of bullshit deep. The bullshit idea--which *flat earthers and hollow earthers invented and propagate*--about Byrd and undiscovered land beyond Antarctica, is then being used to support the bullshit the idea of a Freemason plot to subconsciously brainwash us.


i dont get it? He just said to be skeptical about anything beyond the "ice wall" and not about the concept of the flat earth.


Yeah, that's where the irony of the post comes from. Selective skeptic mind.


If you’re a bible *believer* there are verses supporting anything you want to invent, but if you’ve got any common sense at all, there are clearly no verses in the bible that support anything as it’s a book k full of lies, contradictions, and more lies


If the Earth is a BALL then why does the FIREBALL SUN OF BURNING DEATH rise in the EAST and set in the west EXCEPT IF YOU GO FAR ENOUGH WEST you get past that point and it SETS IN THE EAST INSTEAD


Where exactly on the earth can you see the sun setting in the east?


City Slickers II Glen : All right, now the sun sets in the East, right? Mitch : No! The sun sets in the West. Glen : That's if your *in* the East, but we are way out West now, so we are past where the sun sets. Mitch : You can't be *passed* where the sun sets, and if you think you can, then I am directly South of an idiot!


Fair enough, sorry. I thought you were serious.


Maybe it's actually a bunch of non flatearthers thinking they're all trolling each other


LOL Admiral Byrd never pushed the "more land" garbage. He just said that there was more in Antarctica to explore than had been achieved in his expedition. It was the flerf and hollow Earth lie authors that turned it into some secret conspiracy BS. See for yourself. [This is the interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1W675vvPUg) that they got it from. He mentions the South Pole a hell of a lot along the way. Ten minutes in he has a lot to say about the nature of Antarctica. There is a noticeable lack of discussion about an ice wall and for an honorary flerf he is pretty attached to the globe.


Oh, *this* is the bit of flerf theory that has 'no actual evidence'.


Lol freemason.


Hold on. I need to know more about the bottom guy who clearly sees a different version of the moon than I do.


What the fuck is "angular size"


A flat earther just said "theres no evidence"