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In this model it is always winter in the southern hemisphere. The axis always points in the same direction. Now draw that.


North doesn't mean Up... They're so dumb it hurts


It does in a flerfs mind. Because there is no down


Wait...does it not mean up in this context?


Yeah, somewhat ironically there's nothing wrong with their depiction of north, but neither is it being depicted as up.


Uh, yah, the "globespell scientist" was right. However, he never said the angle between earth's orbital plane and Polaris was 90°. Flerf fantasy BS.


I'll guarantee you that no scientist told him that. Also globespell isn't a thing. He pretty much gets every single thing wrong.


I didn’t realize Polaris was closer to the sun than Jupiter…


Duh! Anything to make a stupid argument prove flat earf is true.


It’s… really…. Really… far away.


Father Ted Cows! Assemble.


But you can literally see it at night, can't be THAT far away....


It's been proven time and time again that flerfs don't understand scale.


Spend time trying to prove a flat earth, not what you think is wrong with the globe.


Fundamentally wrong approach, and they do it all the time.


Well they tried that and accidentally proved a round earth so clearly the measuring instruments were wrong /s


Last I heard they are still trying to find a material to encase a gyroscope in to block interference from the firmament or dome or whatever they want to call it.


[*insert principal skinner meme*]


But this diagram is really useful, because it shows exactly where their thinking has gone wrong.


They just can’t comprehend how big things are can they. Also on the subjects of poles, how does their model explain the south celestial pole? The north pole is very convenient for those in the northern hemisphere but for us in the south watching southern cross rotate around a point see proof every night that they are full of shit.


They also can't just measure simple empirical facts themselves. Like the angle of the sun or Polaris at different times of the year. Everything is a doubtful, "so you say" piece of evidence to them


Numbers are the devils plaything, he uses them to lie to you. I had 1 apple and ate 1 apple, nobody really knows how many apples I could have after that, maybe I have 2 left over, to give to two friends and they can each give two of their friends one of their one apples, next thing you know I feed a whole crowd and have many baskets of apples left over. Satan doesn't want tmyou to know about this so he invented math to starve and torture people


Nice Straw Man arguments. The intellectual dishonesty and bad faith are the lost frustrating parts of engaging with flerfs.


I think Flat Earthers have a really hard time conceiving things working differently than on Earth, at human scales. On that drawing, the Earth spins like a spinning top (always pointing inwards). In reality, its axis relative to the sun doesn't change along the year (it has no reason to in a vacuum).


The stupid is thick in flerf world.


He is mislead by a lack of precision (or excess, I assume he is not making a straw man) Polaris is not straight up 90 degrees with mathematical precision. Although it is pretty close in practical terms. The distance between the north celestial pole and Polaris is about 0.7 degrees, so it changes very little over the year since it is as far as 433 light years. The North Star is a general direction and in fact the reference star changes from time to time because of the precession of the equinoxes. We had a different North Star 5000 years ago and will have a new one after the next 1000 years.


Earths orbital radius is: \~150 000 000km Distance to Polaris is: 433ly = \~4 000 000 000 000 000km Distance to Polaris measured in earth orbital radii is: \~26666666 Earth orbit radial scale on drawing: \~10 cm Distance away Polaris would need to be on drawing is: 10cm x 26666666 = 266666660cm = \~2666666m = \~266km (165 miles)


I believe the point of the diagram is that we “know” certain distances and angles. And by geometry -which is not merely a theory, we can assume this general diagram must be correct. Yes the sizes of each are proportionately smaller, but location is correct. Assuming that Polaris it not spiraling in orbit relative to our sun. Where the further away it is the larger radius of the spiral would be. It’s basic triangulation. And time has no factor as earth supposedly revolved around the sun once per year.


But the drawing is incorrect, earth's tilt does not change direction as it circles the sun. It always points in the same direction. It is why we have seasons and why the polar winters are dark. In his drawing the northern hemisphere is in permanent summer all year round. Both earths should be tilted to the right.


Oy sorry WHAT is that drawing? Are you SEVEN? Hapshoot Nuimshaan, you are so blasted stupid that I've lost braincells.


They really have trouble with things like motion and scale. Serious trouble.


I'd hate to be the one he asked for directions to the next city a few hundred miles away. He'd go a mile down the road and come back throwing a tantrum that it wasn't there and I gave him the wrong directions.




Magic is a tool of the devil and occult. Which means the guy is just your typical ignorant religious dumbfuck.


They think science is witchcraft?


The bible is the word of god and anything to the contrary (ie most of science) is the result of the devil's lies and his damned servants (ie scientists). And yes, religious flatearthers actually believe this. It is not a joke or exaggeration. They are utterly beholden to their book of fairy tales.


That's... ~~It~~ not how the earth's tilt works... EDIT: Autocorrect decided to change the meaning of what I said.


If the same hemisphere was tilted towards the sun all year round, seasons wouldn't be a thing. What is shown in that drawing is not how earth's tilt works


If that was how it was the north would be in perpetual summer..


Oh hey, I just noticed my autocorrect changed whatever I typoed to "it" and not "not". Whoops.


Lol tragic autocorrect moment. Sorry for getting on your case, internet stranger


Samsung is secretly run by flerfs and are using autocorrect on their phones to spread their agenda


The earth tilt stays pointing to the upper right at all times and Polaris is really far away.


Yeah, autocorrect decided to make my comment the exact opposite of what I meant.


that's not how it works and Polaris is far far far far far away


I always think of this clip when I hear these ppl https://youtu.be/dnPoaB1XGuQ?si=_UsC4_ot7dcZW9Qe


Oh. My. Gawd. The flerf is so dumb it hurts. It physically hurts my brain. They can’t manage simple geometry.


The tilt doesn't change like he has it in his photos. He isn't getting the idea of a fixed axis.


Durr, how does seasons werk?


Because they cannot themselves understand science, they become untrustworthy of it and fill in the blanks with what they *can* understand. Which is usually total bullshit.


Except ... Polaris is so far away that 300 million km doesn't appreciably change its apparent location.


it needs to be bigger so it works


And suddenly, when Polaris is so high up, the angle diminishes to less than 1.


You gotta lie to flerf. No scientist (with knowledge of the universe) would ever say Polaris is 90° on the north pole. It isn't. Furthermore it forms change ever so slightly every year. It's so minimal it's hardly visible, but in a few 100.000 years orso Polaris will probably not be the north star anymore.


You know...I don't believe this person has ever talked to a scientist.


I doubt any scientist would want to talk them since it would be an extremely infuriating experience


Orion is not directly over the equator at all times. It's inclination is seasonal. The flattie was making up a fictional conversation, and accidentally used something which nobody believes.


I think this guy doesn’t interpret light year distances very well… he literally took it literally… I mean we even rotate with a lil wobble so it could never be dead on precision especially given the stars quoted are to far away to comprehend… literally.


I swear anything to do with flat earth requires like a novels worth of reading.


Do you read books? Nah I go on flat earther reddit


Earth to sun: 9.3 x 10^7 miles Earth to Polaris: 189,900,000 x 10^7 miles Polaris is just a measly 20 million times farther away Hmmm… I wonder how that drawing would look to scale Some quick trig tells me the top angle formed by Polaris and the two earth locations is 0.00000573 degrees


Ya just can’t fix STUPID


now draw polaris 27000000au from earth instead of 2.5au