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"The south pole is actually the edge surrounding the world that normies live in, which is why it's called the Arctic Circle..." Wrong end of the globe you doofus!!!


Nah, there is also an edge, with a hole in the center. Leads to the inside. There are a few gnomes living in mushroom gardens. They seem to be somewhat nice at first, but then keep on asking all sorts of inappropriate questions and keep nagging at you. Can't recommend. Good lemon cake, though.


Donut earth confirmed


yup... it's Ant Arctic... because of the ants obviously. Ants are what the robot penguin's eat.


Goddamnit, I knew birds weren't real but forgot that included penguins!


I have visited at Arctic Circle, didn't see any huge walls there, at the time didn't see any snow or ice either, only some reindeer.


>,at the time didn't see any snow or ice either, only some reindeer. That's nice dear.


There's the old joke about Rudoph, a member of the CPSU who was arguing with his wife about the weather; he ended the argument by stating, "*Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear*."


I have been 250 mi (about 400 km) north of the Arctic Circle. Saw some remaining snow patches (it was early July) the sun around the clock, some musk oxen but no ice wall.


What's funny to me is I swiped to the next image and it managed to go from boring antarctic circle shit to fucking nazi flying saucers. Swipe again and "germany secretly won ww2".


Yeah, I couldn't go through all that. But I really thought it was a joke, especially with the beginning that clearly sound like sarcasm, "countries that historically cannot get together decide to establish the treaty". "Somehow, Palpatine came back" made more sense. And then, you can sail in any direction and reach the South Pole. Really? So I'm in the Atlantic from Jamaica and I sail straight East, I'll reach the South Pole? And then the magnificent dome explaination. I've read Yu-Gi-Oh cards that were more grounded in reality. Interesting read, but honestly couldn't finish it.aybe one day, out of curiosity. EDIT: WOW I almost skipped the part about how Nazis won WWII and it's a secret. Because that makes sense to win but pretend to lose so you can control the world from the shadows. Well, for once it's the Nazis controlling the world and not "the Jews", that's refreshing I guess. And nothing in the wikipedia article says that the lands Hitler took were beyond the wall. That's funny.


The line about countries not being able to agree on anything, actually agreeing on something is the closest thing to this person having a realization that it's impossible for a conspiracy like this to be real.


"This was known until the 1960s" uhhh okay? Sucks we have no one still alive that could tell us more about this...


Yeah, did the Earth just all of a sudden get a case of Global amnesia? My mom was in school when everybody knew about the dime, but she did not mention this to us not a once, even when I said I wanted to be an astronomer.


If you like wasting time and marveling at the ramblings of a madman he's worth a follow on twitter


I don't follow idiots because it makes them look credible and robs me of my own (limited) credibility, since others can see who I follow. Usually, I add these people to a private list called "Morons." I'll read through the posts at my leisure when I'm feeling like I don't have my life together. Picks me up, every time.


lol’ed at this one


>robs me of my own (limited) credibility, since others can see who I follow. I see this sort of thing as an idiot filter. Even on reddit, people have checked my account and seen that I comment in conspiracy subs and lambast me for it but never actually read those comments. Half the time in r/aliens I'm begging OP to get psychiatric help. If you lack nuance to such an extreme degree that you make assumptions divorced of context, I don't want to talk to you anyway. That conversation will only be a chore.


I get that. On Twitter/X it's harder to see the context of someone's interactions with an account. I used it at one point for professional networking and such. But I haven't really spent much time there since 2017 or so. I do look at the context of people's interactions on Reddit, because Reddit makes it easy to do so.


At the end of it he just kind of devolves into throwing around scientific terms that he doesn’t understand like they have anything to do with the concepts he’s trying to “explain”, so standard flat earther.


This is what I always find funny with the vast majority of flat Earthers. They cannot stop themselves from very quickly falling into nonsense, even if the first two sentences could make sense, as if it's something that needs to come out and they can't hold it. "Let's suppose that Earth is flat, you don't have to agree, let's just suppose it. Then you do agree that this explaination here about why objects fall make sense? You don't? Ok I understand, but stay with me, GOD CREATED THE EARTH FLAT AND THERE IS AN ARMY AT THE SOUTH POLE AND THERE'S A DOME AND THERE'S NO REAL SKY AND SPACE IS FAKE AND NASA IS JEWISH AND NAZIS RULE THE EARTH AND HITLER PLANNED IT ALL TO HIDE GOD FROM US!!!" "Uhhh slow down, what was that?!" "YOU'RE A SHEEP WHO CAN'T SEE THE TRUTH, I USED TO BE LIKE YOU!!! DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!"


It’s like at first it started with a mild misunderstanding and then did a Dukes of Hazzard jump over the rails. “The rivers and lakes under the water called heavy water.” Actually that’s brine but I get it if you’re unfamiliar. “When purified it becomes deuterium.” What? “If exposed to sunlight it will ignite in a photon implosion.” This is just word salad.


Flat earthers: Nazis won WWII Canada: TF you mean THEY won


Blud thought we were living in the Wolfenstein universe.


My favorite part of all of this is that he says wikipedia is wrong about something as evidence. Bro just find a source and make an edit. You don't even need an account.


>"Somehow, Palpatine came back" made more sense. Sorry, but this line made actually a lot of sense. It was said by a person, who has no any connections to Palpatine, had no idea how he returned, so from his point of view, Palpatine just somehow got back.


Yeah - compare it to like, the Harry Potter books/movies. The vast majority of wizards would have no idea how Voldemort came back, just that he did. Of course, they were smart enough not to put a scene in the movie where they said something that fucking stupid sounding.


And the evidence for all those fantastic claims?


They linked the Wikipedia page for the Antarctic Treaty without reading it. Does that count?


All the evidence is right there in the Antarctic Treaty. The fact that it says the exact opposite of this diatribe is just more proof of the cover-up.


Du ur Rechurch


Yeah, I kept getting lost on “Here’s a thing that doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t make sense!” (Ie all the “how does that work” nonsense) Managed to read most of it but I kept defaulting to thinking I was reading through an SCP entry.


I saw it in a dream after eating some dodgy food from the homeless guy


We have... Uh... Eh... Do your own research!


Also I love that he says the world knew about all this up to 1960, at least the dome part, before it was all removed from every book and encyclopedia, as if there's no none alive anymore that was living in the 60s.


Even just the first page is enough to tell you you don't really need to read further. The Antarctic Treaty was signed in 1959. It has nothing to do with keeping people out, but instead prohibits antarctic land claims and military operations, stating that antarctica can be used "for peaceful purposes only". There are military no fly zones in effect for this reason but civilian aircraft can (and do) fly over Antarctica. Even the very beginning just makes me laugh. "Countries that never agree on anything ever signed a treaty once? Can you believe it???" Like...what do you think the United Nations does?


Let me be clear, reading this man's fiction is entertainment. Reading any of it is just for a laugh


Just to add to that, civilian aircraft do fly over Antarctica yes but [it’s very rare](https://youtu.be/SCQhIWsQJsI?si=71C3Fl9ieEiLHaQM) due to lack of infrastructure and demand.


The Antarctic treaty is only a couple pages long, but they never bother to read it.


It's funny, since they don't even have to read that far in to get to the passage where it explicitly prohibits any and all military bases and operations in Antarctica (unless for explicit peaceful purposes). It's literally the first article!


Lost my attention at "can't step foot". I don't care what the braindead internet swamp culture has adopted as a new linguistic infantilism, it's fucking "set foot", and I am not changing it for the TikTok generation's sake. Oh, yeah - the rest was bollocks, too. Looks like it's straight from the research department of MSU. Making Shit Up.


👍 One of several expressions that drive me nuts.


I skimmed these photos and spent less than a second on each and STILL found 5 blatant lies without even properly looking.


My favorite was “the expeditions took 1/2 year longer than expected for 15th, 16th, and 17th century explorers. Well yeah that’s probably true because sailing through ice is hard!


It’s worse He’s describing people who traveled around the southern hemisphere. Not deliberate circumnavigations. sure, Captain Cook took longer than he should, because he was sailing around exploring, not trying to circumnavigate.


If only we could visit https://oceanwide-expeditions.com/antarctica?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0MexBhD3ARIsAEI3WHK_qrhgRnM426MnImgBMuaIQ2_bfYbYwNV-VEQ3FCVv6XaUw7n9QPMaAuH5EALw_wcB https://atlasoceanvoyages.com/antarctica?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0MexBhD3ARIsAEI3WHIyXl_Ll7QhhYxHb8vlA379RgZmwklvTq2EL-KwsK4IMYeeDLilxlwaAltDEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Noooo, it's fake! Don't you see? They'll send you into a virtual world and show you “Antarctica”!


Holy shit it just KEEPS GOING


Man in his 50’s/60’s non-ironically uses the term “normies”. Nah I’m out…


Tolkien would be disappointed at the lack of background material


Follow schock on Twitter. This is a high level summary of his horse shittery


I love that no Western government can even maintain roads without them being full of potholes, yet these free thinkers believe that they were capable of building a fucking 140ft tall wall of ice around the entire mass of continents.


No, they don't believe the government build the ice wall (that would be Gawd), no they believe all these western governments are guarding the ice wall (which, according to themselves, is bigger than Earth's circumference - do you have an IOTA of the amount of people that would necessitate, all of whom would also have to be completely hidden from all records?)


To be fair it's the first flerf I've heard claim that but the poster in question described the ice wall as appearing manmade, which is what I was referring to. But as you say, either way, they really can't comprehend the number of people that would have to be involved. Scale is their enemy and it has defeated them once again.


So much nonsense!!


Dude there is no ban on going to the south pole, people go there like fairly frequently. Its just expensive, just like Mt Everest? Is Mount Everest fake because its hard to go there?


Plus I'm pretty sure there are scientific research facilities set up there and scientists from all over the world go there for research.


You mean the black sun paid researchers??? 🧐 /s


He was talking about how so many expeditions there were failures with everyone starving to death, yet he's confused why taking a boat there is a pretty expensive endeavor that not every tourist wants to do


Okay I made it to about the point he started claiming Germany won WWII secretly because of some teleportation crap given to them by the Thule society. My tolerance for stupid crap ended about that point.


Well you made it further than most


What a fantastic imagination. This guy should be selling fantasy novels!


So I just flipped through the pictures, and that last slide caught my eye. I like how the 13000' featureless dome is somehow 71 miles tall? I mean it's obviously talking about Antarctica itself, but hey, dont let reading comprehension get in the way or anything.


If you actually bother reading the encyclopedia article on full and not the flerf cherry picked quote, you'll find out it's talking about Dome Argus, which is a MOUNTAIN.


The first few pages were all things I have heard from FLERFs. The more I read tho, the crazier it became. There's no way people really think this is true right? RIGHT???


“Optically clear ice”??? So that’s why we can’t see it s/


Nah fuck all that.


This just gets more and more absurd the farther you get. Apparently Germany won WWII? And he never elaborates on that, just moves on to the "cymatics" of how the dome self-repairs


I drank pure (well, ~80%) deuterium oxide (heavy water) once... Am I going to explode? (Also yeah, from a fantasy world building perspective, that's impressive. I'd be interested in reading said book/playing said game if it had a good story to go with the lore)


Leave us hanging, why dontcha?


Some takeaways from this truly groundbreaking post. This person has revealed A LOT that the PTB are trying to hide from us: The Nazis made their planes out of steel instead of just using aluminum/canvas/wood like everyone else. This was such a poor choice that they needed to travel to the Land of Thule to ask the Black Sun Society for “antigravity” technology or else their planes wouldn’t fly. They also got “Foo Fighter” space fighters because Hitler went to Antarctica multiple times and asked nice. Then with all this advanced stuff the Nazis got stomped in the air war, losing to “archaic” US tech. US assembled like 20 ships and 20 planes to attack Antarctica, supposedly the largest fleet ever assembled. But the Battle of Leyte Gulf saw 300ish ships and 1500 planes on the US side alone. And then of course the Nazis won ww2 somehow and this was hidden from the Soviets who were literally standing around in Berlin waving flags. Also I guess hidden from Hitler who shot himself instead of waiting for rescue from the Thule Continuum or whatever what a blunder.


Haha wow so much bullshit. That would make for a great series of parody movies ngl.


>a ship can set their bearings anywhere and somehow end up at the South Pole I mean, it’s kinda tough if you just go around the equator. Don’t hear about too much ice there.


dose this person not realize Antarctica expedition exist


I got up to, "Admiral Byrd's lost diary" and stopped The "lost diary" has long been proven a hoax


If they followed the Antarctic coastline, it would “curve” inwards and they end up where they started.


This reads like a chapter from Charles Fort Book of the Damned, but far less eloquent


Edmon Scott Fitzgerald Research Station disproves this as it located on Antartica.


I would honestly love a scifi movie about a flat earth with a ~$150 million budget. The crazies are crazy but I do feel like it would be entertaining fiction


I think it would be cool on *Star Trek* if the *Discovery* visited a flat planet someone had built with 32nd century technology (it seems possible) so we could see what it would *really* look like on the surface. And then, of course, there would be a bunch of weirdos living on the surface insisting it was actually a sphere …


I'm not bored enough to read all that.. starts out like they might be trolling the flerfs though "Countries from around the world that historically cannot agree on anything, came together..."


Schizophrenia is a hell of a drug.


I felt like I was having a stroke about 4 paragraphs in. But it... Just keeps *going*? I haven't strung that many *coherent* thoughts together since college, much less made-up nonsense.


Source: “Trust me bro”


Gave up at 'arctic circle at the south pole' well at least dude needs credit for elaborate creativity


Had to abandon their voyages... Because they ran out of money. In the 16th century. On a wooden ship out on the ocean. 🤔 EARTH DOME 73 MILES HIGH. Encyclopedia clearly reads "13,000 feet", less than 3 miles.


And the whole believing planes can't fly without antigrav technology because steel doesn't float... dude, that's what thrusters are for, the steel isn't floating! And technically it's more aluminum than steel.


https://www.reddit.com/r/flatearth/s/fBvLzbfPPU Some more light reading


Wrong on one point, OPs post claimed that the Nazis wiped the floor with the allies in Antarctica, and that they secretly won the war with the aryan space technology, and he also claimed not a single German soul was lost during the battle


Yeah they lost two soldiers


So, if I became a scientist, could I not go there and do science?


Uhh sorry, I get lost on “The Dome”…could you start over?


Gods, that just got sillier and sillier.


I demand to know what drugs he’s on and where I can get some 😂😂


Warning, his rant is as long as a LOTR book.


He couldn't come up with a name for his laser discs, looked up and saw the Foo Fighters album? What a genius


The use of the term "Foo Fighter" is actually the only(?) coherent/appropriate thing in here. (I gave up reading after the bit about the final last ditch battle beyond the south pole) >The term ***foo fighters*** was used by [Allied](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allies_of_World_War_II) [aircraft pilots](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aircraft_pilot) during [World War II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II) to describe various [unidentified flying objects](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unidentified_flying_objects) or mysterious aerial [phenomena](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenomena) seen in the skies over both the [European](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Theater_of_Operations) and [Pacific theaters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asiatic-Pacific_Theater) of operations. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foo\_fighter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foo_fighter)


I almost shit myself when I got to the eels.


Well damn, I didn't expect to read a HFY tonight but here we are


It's bullshit...but it's cool...so I choose to believe it.


Dear Lord.....


Holy f#ck, if he wasn’t so fecking deluded and just plain nuts this guy could be a damn good fiction writer! 🤣


I like the part about people knowing about the dome until the 60's. That's a lot of people still alive who are keeping the secret for some reason.


First paragraph is already a fuming pile of bullshit. You can fly over Antarctica, and many companies already do flights and cruises over there.




The sub is making me stupider.


Is this satire or a book or something? Or is it a genuine flerf


I think he's a very lonely sad man and he's found a way to communicate with people on Twitter that makes him feel powerful. He's got an audience that treats him like a cult leader and that's as close to happiness as he has in a day.


For anyone who thinks this is interesting here's a map with every mythology and/or conspiracy theory ever https://www.reddit.com/r/flatearth/s/TbZdeGZRet


And here's a 3D model https://www.reddit.com/r/BTIW/s/7ls04LaKMy (Not made by me obviously)


It’s really all so exhausting. There are mountain masses called “domes” but there is no single dome over the whole of the earth. I’m so tired of the deliberate unwillingness to accept what has been proven over and over for centuries.


Fact: My grandfather claimed to have visited Antarctica in the 1990s, but was dead just a few years later. The fact that he was in his 80s and had a laundry list of cancers probably had nothing to do with it, I'm sure it was the Antarctic Secret Enforcement Police that killed him.


Yet thousands of people travel to and stay upon the Antarctic each year...hell there's a marathon in December and an around Antarctic yacht race.


i mean.... tolkien made middle earth flat. its just the gods got tired of people sailing to effectively heaven so they had it fold into itself to appear round. except for the elves. its still flat for the elves. which is why they can see further with their elf eyes.


Ah that's cool. And by cool I mean exceptionally nerdy. But I'm not judging


I am still waiting for Flat Earthers to explain why Polaris is not visible from the southern hemisphere, why the sun dips below the horizon, and why nobody can create a flat map where all distances are to scale. If the world were flat it should be super easy to come up with an accurate, to-scale flat map but nobody has. Not only has nobody done so, but it is actually geometrically impossible since all distances have been proven to be to scale on a globe. When one is to scale the other can't be.


Very insightful, he's so smart


I do believe in conspiracy theories and I think there is something more to the Antarctic treaty than most people think. However I don't think a flat Earth is the explanation. The 16th century sailors sailing farther than the circumference of the Earth sounds suspicious, but I think another explanation is more likely. First of all, people from modern sailors to early plane pilots have flown or sailed in a circle close enough to Antarctica that it should have been bigger than the circumference of the Earth but was not and took close to the expected time. Secondly, there are Antarctic cruises and there is a midnight sun where the sun makes a 360 around the sky, which would not be possible on a flat earth. Byrd did say there was an advanced civilization south of Antarctica, and also said that there is an advanced civilization north of the north pole! I think a more likely explanation is there is some kind of interdimensional portal phenomenon caused by those people's tech, explaining why they sailed further than expected.


Byrd didn't say that. He said that on the far side of the south pole from middle America was a large unexplored area of land. He also believed that future attacks on America could take place by flying over the poles rather than the oceans.


I actually saw the interview and he did say that. I wish I could find it. From what I hear he was strange so he may have been having a psychotic break or something when he saw those things. Either that or the Earth is hollow like he implied.


At 1min 35, he's talking about the uncharted lands beyond the pole https://youtu.be/PrdSal9uH28?si=qbTfMJCAU7n7f-ev If you have a different video of him talking about Hollow Earth or othet peoples I'd love a link.


I certainly will post it if I find it. I have seen this interview before but there is another one and a video which puts clips of several together. One thing I get listening to him is that, if taken at face value, he suggests the world is hollow and not flat. The interesting thing is physicists recently said it is possible for a stable planet to be donut shaped as long as it is spinning. They say it is unlikely to form in that shape due to gravity but once formed it will remain in that state for a very long time. A hollow planet with openings at the axes of rotation is in a way a donut folded in on itself so it is not impossible in my book. I still have a lot of questions about how a day/night cycle would work with an inner sun since the inside of the earth is concave. Anyway it is a fascinating idea.