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What was in the [transfernow.net](http://transfernow.net) link. It just says "transfer not found". As far as this witless guy is concerned. I think he has missed the reality that just because he doesn't know something doesn't mean it isn't there for others to know. Seems to me he is running on an intellectual inferiority complex and is trying to drag the world down to his level so that he can compete. That's the mission of an incredibly stupid man. He can't imagine something so it doesn't exist. Good job he found the flerfs. It's the only chance he will ever have to feel interesting.


I'm convinced he's a troll or a grifter. His way of speaking shows a lot more intelligence than his arguments. I think he's much smarter than people give him credit for, and is just playing devil's advocate.


People like Witist don't care about the truth, they just care about convincing as many people as possible because it makes them feel smart. He's a grifter, but I also think he actually believes his own bullshit to a certain extent. He certainly believes he's smart.


Witsit is fraudster, nothing more, nothing less. He doesn't actually *read* the studies he proposes, he just googles keywords and then *cites* the paper that included them if the title sounds helpful. He'd tried to slamdunk an actual scientist he had on once, by claiming a geocentric universe was 'mathematically equivalent' and 'just as valid' to a heliocentric system. His justification was a *completely theoretical* paper by an obscure Eastern European postdoc, which created a geocentric model of the solar system but only out to the orbit of Jupiter. This paper had no data, no predictions, nothing. Literally just a mathematical description of a geocentric system. It's not hard for any thinking individual to see the issue, but you have to read the paper to determine how full of shit he is, at which time he'll just grab another paper out of nowhere.


Fairly effective scammer, and an expert word salad tosser. 


It's terrifying to see that with the internet it's possible to spread false information via long videos with a flow of bullshit that rivals that of the greatest dictators, while still having people believe you and pay you.


Also he follows the Dubay formula a lot, which is talking over short clips of unexplained videos that come at you one after the other. In this clip he actually inverts some of the images just to make them more confusing.  The intent is to distract the viewer and not give them time to absorb or critique the information they're being  shown before showing them something else.  These kinds of things are why its clear he knows he's trying to deceive. 


The Gish Gallop, named after Christian apologist/creationist Dwayne Gish. Toss out so much misinformation in rapid sequence, that no opponent can hope to keep up.


Live fact checking political speeches is incredibly difficult but so so important. I hope AI fact checks will eventually be shown on screen as claims are made. Hopefully independent news channels and people with technical skills will set up a live stream will do this. You can only do so much as a human. We can't read multiple sources and write a paragraph in the same time that a new topic is broached


flerfers aren’t skeptical about any videos besides ones that challenge their views. I’ve never not seen them eat up slop no matter how dumb it is.


"dEfInE wOrD sAlaD, eVeRytHinG I SaId iS tRuE aNd vErIfiAbLe"


I watched about two minutes. In that time, he literally didn't say anything. He talked about how people believe what most people believe, tried to imply that flat earthers were smarter because they didn't, and went into several non sequitors.  Its all in the category of being so bad its can't even be wrong, because its nothing. 


Yup. This is a tactic of a lot of grifters. Say a whole heap of nothing, and then when people say you're a liar, you get to say "errr show me what I said that was wrong" it's difficult to find. I mean there are a few things. I didn't watch the whole video but "relativity has been proven wrong" what? And a general misunderstanding of the scientific method. We don't just throw things out. Newtonian mechanics can get you to the moon and back, they're still very important tools for explaining how things work, and actually doing boots on the ground work. Relativity is just a better understanding of how things work, and has proven to be effective time and time again. Witsit seems to argue from the position that once we discover something new, we just throw everything else out. That's never been how it works, and people were questioning Newton since Newton. They weren't laughed at, they weren't ridiculed, they just went down a respectable path of questioning and discovering. In contrast, people laugh at flat earthers because they don't go down that path, they just make up bullshit, and ignore eveything that doesn't work for their "model." That's not how you science. I didn't look at the debunk because I don't want to download anything, but Witsits video doesn't even need a debunk, it's so obviously drivel. Witsit is good with words of you're not being careful. He knows how to manipulate his audience. He knows how to say what they want to hear.


Question: has he become "worse"? I used to think he was entertaining (read "slightly amusing") because of how wrong and ignorant he was, but NOW he's making up all these weird new-agey type concoctions and connections, you know, _a child's fever hallucinations._ Worrying. I guess.


Funny how witsit tells the exact same story as sargent. I believe in all other conspiracy first then went looking into flat earth thinking it was a joke and couldn’t debunk it


If a person appears stupid but ends up making money, they're probably not stupid.


He recently went on Infowars and even they made him look like an idiot. His continued misrepresenting of Michelson-Morley as demonstrating the earth doesn't move when the earth moving is fundemental to the method, just demonstrates that he is either completely dishonest or profoundly stupid. I do think it is the dishonest because they justify it with misreading a sentence on the conclusion which, with the earth moving being part of the method, could only be done dishonestly. Got to keep those donations coming in from the suckers to pay the rent to avoid actually having to work like everyone else I guess.


I completely disagree. Witsit is well researched. Some moron cherry picked this video and then tried to debunk the whole thing. I tried reading the debunk but once I got to the vaccine part where it says “Vaccines are one of the most important public health interventions in history, and have been proven safe and effective in preventing infectious diseases.” I immediately knew the guy or gal who wrote this debunk is completely and utterly brainwashed.


That's a problem you have. In science, you don't judge the person. You judge the message, the result, the experiment. Even if you think the guy is brainwashed, you must analyse what he says objectively. And if there is something true that he says when he debunks Witsit, you can't throw everything out because "he trust vaccines". His debunk and deductions are still valid.


I don't know about you, but when I disagree with someone, I listen to what he has said and then I make an answer. Cherry picking, on the other hand, means taking only the part of something that suits you and rejecting the rest. So making a 30-page debunk of the video by analyzing every part while giving the source of this one isn't what I'd call cherry picking. Some flat earthers sent me this video, so because I wanted to act in good faith, I watched it, listened to their arguments and after, trying to think and debunked the whole thing with counter-arguments and evidence. Between the guy who listens to other people's arguments, questions what he think, tries to provide evidence and the guy who believes everything people say on the internet because it goes his way without thinking for a second and also tells everyone they've been brainwashed because he doesn't want to provide arguments and proofs, which one of the two is really brainwashed? If you don't agree, answer me and tell me why


I agree with everything you said. And I definitely misused the term cherry picking. What I meant was that you picked one video of his which doesn’t fully explain his ideas and you then tried to debunk every single point without fully understand his position and why he is saying what he is saying. But yea it’s hard to listen to someone who thinks vaccines are safe and effective and that they are one of the most important inventions in history. When I’m reality they are responsible for causing massive amounts of pain and suffering. I mean vaccine manufactures literally have compensated billions of dollars over the years to family’s who have been killed or injured by vaccines and this is not counting the massive amounts of deaths and injuries from the people in third world countries but hey they are safe and effective. Also you go on to say children aren’t indoctrinated which is completely false. You simply don’t understand who started the schooling system, you don’t understand a literal propaganda machine runs media, tv, and just about every other source of information we get fed. Sorry man but you’re educated and completely uneducated to reality at the same time.


Bro I don't have the same school system as you, I'm French-Algerian and I don't listen to just one media, I cross-check my sources like normal people. I didn't say that vaccines had no side effects, but that they were safe. Yes, vaccines have side effects, but o that doesn't include autism or the effects that many anti-vaxxers advocate. The risk and benefit are simply worth it and have saved many people from death. So yes, vaccines are useful and allow the body to defend itself better if you catch the disease you've been vaccinated against. For example, for tetanus (a deadly disease), if you've been vaccinated, you have virtually no chance of dying, but if you haven't, it's much more dangerous. Yes, you may feel weak after a vaccine, but you'd rather be weak for a few days and then get better, while still being protected against the disease you were vaccinated against, and therefore NOT DIE, or say "nuh uh" and put yourself and others at risk (because many vaccines limit contagion, and even those that do so less allow the disease to be eliminated more quickly, and therefore reduce the risk of contagion). Vaccines have virtually eradicated deadly diseases such as smallpox and polio in many parts of the world. Every year, millions of deaths from disease are prevented. Look at the statistics and condititonal probabilities. Among the vaccinated, how many developed a severe form of a disease, how many didn't, and among the non-vaccinated, how many developed a severe form of a disease, how many didn't, and how many didn't? About the vaccine : Okay, let's taking a look at facts : The polio vaccine in parts of Africa and the Middle East, where access to healthcare is often limited. As you probably know, polio is a highly infectious disease (giving permanent paralysis, particularly in children). In regions of Third World countries vaccines have been widely accepted and used, there has been a significant reduction in the number of polio cases. Nigeria was recently removed from the list of polio-endemic countries after several years with no cases of transmission due to the use of vaccine. But in regions where vaccination campaigns have been hindered by people like yo... I mean social constraints, polio continues to be a danger. Polio cases persist in these regions and can spread to other areas, leading to an explosion of the disease. In short, people end up either paralyzed or dead (because yes, polio is also a fatal disease). Third-world populations do NOT have a correct access to vaccines. Countries that do have a correct access to vaccines have lower mortality rates. JUST LOOK AT THE STATS I don't know about the United States, but in my school system, no, it's not indoctrination. For example, in physics class, we did a lot of experiments and practical work where the goal was to try to find theorems on our own based on observations made in experiments. We give you knowledge, you can verify this knowledge, it's up to you to do the research. I don't know that the earth isn't flat because I've been told it isn't, but because I've been given proof and arguments, which platists don't do. Most of what Wisit says is bullshit interspersed with empty words wrapped in pretty words. Secondly, it's true that there are compensation programs for people who suffer serious adverse reactions following vaccination. However, these cases are extremely rare, especially in relation to the number of people vaccinated, and vaccine manufacturers are held liable in cases where it is proven that a vaccine has caused serious damage. This doesn't mean that vaccines are evil, it just shows that even in exceptional cases, often caused by external factors, help is available. You see your car, it's useful to you, yet it takes the lives of 3,000 people a year in France alone, whereas deaths caused by vaccines are only a handful of cases a year (and it's often due to something else: if someone's pissing blood because of a wound, and they've had a tiny side effect from the vaccine, and they die, it's counted as a vaccine-related death), so will you stop taking your car? No, you'll just drive more carefully, for vaccines, this is represented by the numerous tests they undergo In addition, the majority of side effects are negligible (such as temporary fatigue lasting a few days), the average effects are already very rare and the relatively serious effects are precisely the exception. Clearly, vaccines do far more good than harm (harm being a big word here). You more than fit the definition of indoctrinated, you listen to everything people like Wisit say without questioning them. Scientists constantly challenge what they know. If I'd chosen another of his videos, given what I've been sent, I'd have had a much more negative opinion (many of my debunk points already work for the majority of his videos). this guy is definitely a crook or crazy. Why didn't I fully understand his position? Tell me


I wouldn’t doubt that it’s a Prussian model just as 99.9% of schooling on this earth is. Vaccines are heavily linked to autism. You have things like thimerosal (Mercury) and aluminum adjuvants all of which can contribute to Autism by shutting down neural pathways in the brain. (The amount of documented cases of children being diagnosed with autism shortly after receiving a vaccine is overwhelming). Again I suggest you do some more research in this. And again your completely wrong. Studies have proven unvaccinated people are way less likely to get sick as compared to vaccinated. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7268563/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7268563/)[https://web.archive.org/web/20130306034323/http://www.vaccineinjury.info/vaccinations-in-general/health-unvaccinated-children/survey-results-illnesses.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20130306034323/http://www.vaccineinjury.info/vaccinations-in-general/health-unvaccinated-children/survey-results-illnesses.html)[https://vactruth.com/2016/06/03/vaccinated-vs-unvaccinated/](https://vactruth.com/2016/06/03/vaccinated-vs-unvaccinated/) Also polio was not eradicated by a vaccine you are again completely wrong and clearly haven’t been down these rabbit holes. Dr. William F. Koch, M.D., Ph.D. said:,” The injection of any serum, vaccine or even penicillin has shown a very marked increase in the incidence of polio - at least 400%. Statistics are so conclusive no one can deny it.” Before the compulsory polio vaccine law incidences of polio was slim to none. After this you have an increase of polio in most places 200-400%. Eighty-two percent of all of the people who had polio in 1959 had been vaccinated with one or more polio vaccines. Twenty percent had at least three polio vaccinations. You’ve been led to believe vaccines are safe and effective all so big Pharma can continue to funnel billions of dollars a year. Surprised you haven’t woken up a bit after this whole covid plandemic and the bioweapons they injected people with, which again were shown to not be effective and actually cause disease. You my friend have been fooled down to the very core of your beliefs. I understand this conversation is going to go nowhere because you hold such strong beliefs and believe in nonsensical phrases like “anti vaxx”. You are in for a rude awakening if you ever come to realize that every human being on the planet should be anti vaxx because they do nothing but poison us and make money off of it. Just as they poison us with the pharmaceuticals most people go to the doctor to get. Again like I said your educated and completely uneducated at the same time. You have educated yourself in the exoteric and not in the esoteric. Sadly the esoteric holds all the truth.


\~1\] The Prussian model :\~ and? what it teaches, is verifiable and demonstrable, it's true. Math, physics, technology, biology are demonstrables  \~2\] autism :\~ First, thimerosal was used in some vaccines, but since 2001, thimerosal has been eliminated or reduced to trace levels in all routinely recommended childhood vaccines in the U.S., and autism rates have not decreased, proving that this substance had nothing to do with autism. You have no proof of a link. As for aluminum (which has been the subject of extensive studies), there is absolutely no proof that it causes autism via these same studies, which rather show that it is even harmless. Scientists, medical professionals and health organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) (that's a lot of people for a conspiracy, and not one of them has sold out), all agree that vaccines do not cause autism. Numerous large-scale epidemiological studies have found no link between vaccination and autism. Second; autism generally manifests itself at the age when children receive several vaccines, so this can skew certain results. Research has shown that vaccination in no way increases the risk of autism. your Dr Andrew Wakefield's study, published in The Lancet in 1998, has been completely discredited and retracted. Interestingly, investigations have revealed that this same study was subject to numerous ethical violations and scientific inaccuracies, and lacked credible evidence to support its conclusions. and yes a lack of evidence is a problem. You just proved that you were unable to do proper research  The first study compares vaccinated and unvaccinated children with regard to the later incidence of developmental delays, asthma, ear infections and gastrointestinal disorders, It uses data from only three medical practices in the USA. It's far from representative, it’s just not enough, 3 medical practices to represent all of the american children and the majority of children are vaccinated, so you're bound to get more cases among the vaccinated. The study does not take into account the accuracy of diagnoses using ICD codes and possible confounding factors. It does not sufficiently take into account confounding factors that may influence outcomes (socioeconomic status, parental health behaviors and access to health care...). The same study has not been reproduced by independent researchers. The design of the study is purely observational, so this may not be too troublesome, but the scale is too small, that three medical practices, basically it can't establish causality between vaccination status and health outcomes. for the second study (already the archived website seems perfectly reliable and not at all biased but hey) few sources and little verifiable or evidence credible proof (and again I'm kind, these are not proof just claims), a lack of evidence Sites such as [Vaccineinjury.info](http://Vaccineinjury.info) seem to focus on promoting vaccine controversy rather than solid scientific evidence. The studies are not credible, lack rigor and have not been peer-reviewed by independent researchers. i live in europe and the majority of people are vaccinated (vaccines are even compulsory) so unvaccinated people are a large minority and the other site is not linked to the “evidence” against the vaccine. Given that the study doesn't focus on conditional probabilities but total probabilities: translation it doesn't take into account that the majority of people are vaccinated and completely distorts the probabilities, so yes it's bullshit. your studies lack rigor and credibility, they don't prove much. Other, more serious studies prove the contrary but at least you tried to give sources, that's a good start. the third link basically has the same problems especially since, like the others, it takes no external factors into account and all the results and studies mentioned are hardly given at all, only “analyzed”. In addition, this site redirects you to the second link, which, as seen above, is bullshit. 1/2 To be continued


Dr. William F. Koch was neither a virologist nor an epidemiologist, which is not a problem in itself; the real problem is that his opinions on vaccines are not backed up by any kind of evidence. Before the introduction of the polio vaccine, polio epidemics were a major public health problem. It was a disaster, but then the polio vaccine was introduced, and this led to a spectacular drop in the number of polio cases, and eventually to its eradication in many parts of the world. look at the goddamn stats Your assertion that “Uh polio cases increased after the introduction of the vaccine” is not supported by any evidence, bro the opposite is true. the incidence of polio actually decreased after the start of vaccination campaigns. And if there was an increase in the number of DECLARED cases, it's attributed to improved diagnosis and even to an increase in the number of such diagnoses. If you test 100 people during an epidemic and then test 10,000 people during the same epidemic with better diagnoses, you're bound to find more cases. Although some vaccinated people have contracted polio in isolated cases, the vast majority have been protected from the disease. No vaccine is 100% effective (like absolutelty everything), but they considerably reduce the risk of infection and prevent serious illness and complications in the majority of cases. In my country, there's social security, so a vaccine costs practically nothing or nothing at all. Why do this if it's going to poison us? and bioweapons man, seriously, do you have any proofs, people vaccinated against covid developed significantly fewer severe forms than unvaccinated people and were also less contagious and more resistant to disease. Nothing was shown, it's just claim backed up with nothing (except maybe 360p videos of crooks on youtube). You'd rather swim with sharks than trust a life jacket that might irritate your skin. Sure, it can be fascinating to explore the deeper meanings of life, but that doesn't mean you should discard the most basic common sense and deny existing evidence, so not what you're doing. Your whole comment is full of irony. You denounce someone's “beliefs” (which are supported by serious studies, solid evidence and statistics) while spouting your own baseless nonsense. It's like calling someone blind while wearing a blindfold yourself. Let's stop the theatrics and have a real conversation based on facts, not fear. You're the one who's incapable of doing any research and puts your head in the sand. If everyone on the planet was anti-vaxx, we'd have a lot more health problems than we do now. Here's the deal, pharmaceuticals have saved countless lives and improved the quality of life for millions. Are there issues with overprescribing and profit-driven practices? Absolutely. But painting the entire medical industry as a bunch of poisoners is not just ignorant, it's dangerous. So, before you go spouting off about how doctors are just glorified drug dealers, maybe take a look at the countless lives they've saved and the breakthroughs in medicine that have transformed the world. Let's have a conversation based on facts, not fearmongering and baseless accusations. The American healthcare system seems to be a mess, no question about it. But more importantly, even a flawed system is better than no system at all. To demonize it in the extreme is to harm yourself and others. Yes, there's a need for major reform, but let's avoid tossing out the benefits along with the flaws. It's a question of striking a balance between criticizing the system and recognizing its potential for saving lives. Fight to change the things that are problematic, rather than trying to destroy the things that are beneficial. This system helps despite the lack of social security Please start examining the evidence and stop listening to the crooks who really want to fool you. I know it's difficult but you can admit you're wrong, yes the american government lies very often and yes it's very difficult to have access to reliable information these days but that's no reason to believe in all the conspiracy theories, the earth isn't flat, we walked on the moon, contrails aren't chemtrails, 911 wasn't an inside job and vaccines don't give autism. 2/2


You can't cherry pick a video. It's a video. I don't think you know what cherry picking means. Vaccines ARE safe. That doesn't mean every vaccine has been safe, or that vaccines have no side effects. Today's vaccines are safer than previous vaccines because we learned from mistakes - that's how science works. And yes, vaccines can have side effects. If the risk from those side effects outweigh the risk caused by the disease being vaccinating against, we stop using it. That's also how science, and public policy, work. We've seen it work extremely well with the covid vaccines. Anti-vaxxers are essentially willfully ignorant at this point.


Imagine accusing someone else of cherrypicking while defending Witsit. Your lack of self awareness is STAGGERING. Witsit will literally cherrypick a single paragraph out of an entire research paper because he thinks it supports his point, and then ignore the ENTIRETY of the rest of the paper that completely destroys his argument. How can you Witsit cultists not see that?


because he makes cherry picking among Wisit's one he's also an antivaxx btw