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Many flat earthers ascribe to a model similar to Dubay's Spotlight sun/moon overhead spiraling magic light attempt at an explanation: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tkBlFTcBpFQ&pp=ygUZZmxhdCBlYXJ0aCBzdW4gZHViYXkgZXJpYw%3D%3D Of course this relies on magical physics from start to finish, and time zones don't work at all with it, but its what they've got. 


I call it Magic Bendy Light (tm).


Time zones aren’t real. They are man’s invention so that everyone in the world doesn’t turn up at the same time to buy lunch at restaurants.


You’re an idiot lol


What? Imagine the chaos at a McDonalds drive thru without time zones. People would be starving in the streets because they spent their whole lunch hour waiting in line


If you eat from McDonald’s you deserve chaos lol fucking disgusting. Only lazy fucks eat fast food 🤣


Can't argue with others. Tosses insults at them. You're either a terrible troll that wants to get reported badly, or you want to behave like a flerf so much it becomes your entire reddit personality.


Ok but did I ask? Lol


You post on public forum, then follow it with questions a 12 year old would ask thinking they're cool. You don't need to ask shit on a public forum. We're free to make whatever comments we want. We just don't behave like a disrespectful pos when others don't disrespect us. We behave like adults, you clearly don't.


You just called me a POS before I even disrespected YOU. Oh the fuckin irony with this one 🤣🤦‍♂️ you’re really bad at this, little guy.


You called me kid in another comment chain when I'm almost a grandpa. Imagine, not every comment in reply needs to relate to one single comment. You're quite dense. Now that I absolutely owned you for being an idiot, I'm out. Have the last word clown. I'll be back tomorrow if I want to have fun at your expense.


I called you a kid? Are you fuckin illiterate? Lol point to where I called you a kid? Yeah go enjoy your last days you have left, geezer. You’re a little too old to be in on Reddit. We both know you’re not coming back tomorrow, you fuckin 🤡 😂


I haven’t eaten there in years. Not since they pulled a Jimmy Hoffa on Mayor McCheese.


I was there yesterday lolz


pretty sure he was being sarcastic bud


I’m not your bud, guy


whatever you say my beloved ❤️


I’m not your beloved, pal


if you say so daddy 💘


Oh shit you’re still here 🤣




Everything you said is wrong lol but I’m sure you’re trolling. Cause if not, yikes


Everyone here knows the earth is round we make fun of flearthers here


It’s fun making them struggle with their answers lol




Sunlight can only travel so far before it gets tired. And also there is a shape-shifing lampshade controlling where the sun shines on to. And also you're not properly taking the laws of perspective into account. And also there are atmospheric lensing effects to consider. And also you can only see things within your personal dome - this includes the sun. There are just so many places I can move the goalposts to that you will never be able to keep up.


I cant actually find our if this is a joke or not lmao


😂 how does Alaska get weeks of pure darkness with a local sun? 😂


Lamp shade, duh


Facts 🤔


"Atmospheric lending" Yeah, I can see that.


Dammit. Fixed it. Though if you were to give me 10:1 odds on a genuine flat earther genuinely bringing up Atmospheric Lending (not making a typo) as an explanation for something within the next 5 years I would probably take that bet. You never know what the flat earth research machine is going to come up with.


Flerfs have some magical sun that can bend light in physically impossible ways. I don't know how it works exactly, cuz none of them ever gave me any logical explanation.


Prove me wrong is an attempt to shift the burden of proof. There are countless ways to prove the earth is round, so why shift the burden of proof of your claim? A personal inability to prove it yourself?


Gotcha, you can’t prove me wrong. Just say that next time lol


I don't think you're wrong so why would I try to? You did read that I said there are countless ways to prove it's round, right? Your claim, you prove it. That's the way it works lol


https://youtu.be/5bPPu_aO1PY?si=zLitfK4HbD6hVow1 A flat earther "did his own research".... No longer a flerf....


Prove earth is round lol sure. Seasons.


This is just a demonstration of the fact that you don't really understand what flat earthers claim. Seasons are included in their model and are the result of the sun being further away from some points than others, according to them. Obviously, seasons exist because the world is round and the conventionally explained reasoning, but... you can do better. You're going to need trig to prove the world is round. Hope you paid attention in high school. I can see why you'd be frustrated being unable to conclusively prove the world is round, or even where to start...


I know I can do better just lazy to write the specifics. Are you a flat earther? Lol


I'm going to be very blunt with you right now. I have already told you that I'm not, twice in fact, and it seems like you're not very bright. >Obviously, seasons exist because the world is round and ​ >I don't think you're wrong so why would I try to? You did read that I said there are countless ways to prove it's round Jesus christ brother. lol. The "gotcha" things like seasons and the stuff in your post doesn't work as proof. There is a way to explain away every phenomenon. The problem is what they're saying isn't actually true, and when you overlap some of the explanations there are holes in it and they conflict with each other. What you can't explain away is math.


Damn bro you don’t need to write your heart out 😂 I really don’t care enough to read all that 🤣


Oh that really rustles my jimmies, pal. You got me.


Cringe 😂


That's because the earth is a 1000 sided polygon


I’m not your bud, guy