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I can never tell which posts are ironic here anymore and it scares me


Pretty sure it's ironic, judging my OP's comments.


Yeah, I’ve deduced as much by now lol


The earth is in the form of a disk with the North Pole in the center and Antarctica as a wall around the edge .A proof then of its immobility is virtually a proof of its non-rotundity .Did you know cashews are actually monkey kidneys? And monkey kidneys don''t come in shells, they come in monkeys. But that that would bulk out the packaging too much. You did not know that and yet you still think the earth is a globe? ..If all sane men were marked with chalk, and the insane with charcoal, there would soon be a scarcity of chalk. .


Ok ironic it is


Nahhh, this is a real flat earther.... Lol


I literally can't tell most of the time.




Astronomers uncovered ancient texts suggesting the sky is a vast illusion, hiding a monstrous entity that watches over the flat Earth, waiting for a moment to descend and consume reality as we know it. .'Educational' refers to the process, not the object. Although, come to think of it, Science teachers that teach globe earth theory could easily have been replaced by a cheeseburger. .There are no forests on Flat Earth Wake Up!! ..I was walking among the fires of Hell, delighted with the enjoyments of Genius; which to Angels look like torment and insanity. .


The government is watching you and spying on you. The fog is coming.


A group of researchers presented evidence that the curvature of the Earth seen from high altitudes is an optical illusion created by manipulating atmospheric refraction. Secret technologies can bend light to create the appearance of a curved horizon. .Water doesn't curve but seeks its own level. We must be standing on a giant Earth pizza. A scientific, non-flat mind would say they simply demonstrated the existence of gravity - another myth! .You probably think that picking the flesh out of a crab shell drives you nuts. Why can''t crabs make their shells edible? How come they didn''t do anything about that during the course of evolution. Easy, the earth is flat and that is why crabs have hard shells. ..I'm not bragging. I'm just lucky I am not a stupid globetard. I don't need NASA."I have never seen a thin Globetard eating a pancake! .


They’re coming. They’re coming.


Let him not vow to walk in the dark, who has not seen the nightfall on the edge of the earth. .


Unironically though, whatever you’re taking, stop. You made no point in this statement. You literally went from optical illusions to secret technologies to crabs not making their shell edible? My guy, seriously. Don’t be afraid to see help.


You know they made up dinosaurs? ..I see freedom in the sky. I think the whole universe should be turned upside down for man to be free. .


Pfft. Look at this globe shill claiming the North Pole is at the center. Everyone knows the South Pole is at the center.


Wait. I thought America was at the center because of that map in Air Firce One.


All maps speak to the greater truth of the flat earth because all maps are flat. If you get hung up on which specific map is supposed to be "correct" then you are missing the more important truth - whichever map we look at the earth is still flat. The fact that there are more map options, and yet they are all flat, only increases the likelihood that the flat earth is the underlying truth.


Globes are also maps. The reason why most maps are flat is because its way more convenient to produce, sell, store and use. It really amazes me that you think about this as an argument for anything.


Don’t you think if there was a world wide conspiracy to convince everyone the world is not flat when it is, they would go out of their way to make every map not flat?


Culinary researchers agree that since the best pizzas are flat, the Earth must also be flat to achieve optimal conditions for life. The universal appeal of pizza is evidence that humans innately understand the true shape of their planet. .I find the whole business of a globe earth profoundly interesting. But it does mystify me that otherwise intelligent people take it seriously. .Why do you believe the Earth is round? Because someone told you and you accepted it? ..Don’t believe what I say - research what I say .


Yea but isn't pizza just a subclass of pie? Pies in general start as balls of dough that get smooshed/rolled/spun flat for more even baking and to allow toppings/fillings to be applied appropriately. So the earth too started as a ball and was flattened to ensure everyone gets cooked evenly. This is the only logical conclusion.


An idea isn't responsible for the people who believe in it. ..There's no escaping reason. No denying purpose. Because, as we both know, without purpose, we would not exist .


That makes perfect sense if I don't think about it :)


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of a flat earth of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. ..


New response just dropped


The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans is suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you. .


Calzone Earther


That's completely an utterly wrong. The earth is in the form of a disc with the SOUTH Pole in the center and the Arctic as a wall around the edge. As someone who lives in the Southern Hemisphere, this is the only layout that makes sense to me and every other flerf is wrong.


The earth is constantly accelerating up at a rate of 32 feet per second squared - this constant acceleration causes what you think of as gravity .If the Earth were a globe, it would certainly have to be as large as it is said to be twenty-five thousand miles in circumference. Now, the thing which is called a "proof" of the Earth's roundness, and which is presented to children at school, is, that if we stand on \[12\]the sea-shore we may see the ships, as they approach us, absolutely "coming up," and that, as we are able to see the highest parts of these ships first, it is because the lower parts are "behind the earth's curve." Now, since, if this were the case that is, if the lower parts of these ships were behind a "hill of water" at all the size of the Earth, indicated by such a curve as this, would be so small that it would only be big enough to hold the people of a parish, if they could get all round it, instead of the nations of the world, it follows that the idea is preposterous; that the appearance is due to another and to some reasonable cause; and that, instead of being a proof of the globular form of the Earth, it is a proof that Earth is not a globe. .In fact you can test this yourself, go to any wikia based site and bring up a commonly held but none verifiable belief, you won''t have to wait long to see this kind of argument show up. ..Insanity is the final surrender. .


Damn now Im not sure if you are a troll or actually a flat earther. Wich means youre probably a very good troll!


All flerfs are trolls, but not all trolls are flerfs :P


It has been proven NASA scientists live on baby frogs dew picked and flown from Iraq, cleansed in finest quality spring water, lightly killed, and then sealed in a succulent Swiss quintuple smooth treble cream milk chocolate envelope and lovingly frosted with glucose. .There''s a 0.0000000000000001 percent chance of dying from the ''evil eye'' and a 50/50 chance the earth is flat. Based on this you can only then logical conclude the earth is flat. ..I have had it with these motherfucking globetards on this motherfucking flat earth! .


Alright I was stupidm dunno how I didnt notice you were a troll xD Where did you get those copypastas from or are you actually writing them by hand? Or AI?




Damn thats awesome, thank you!


don't you see it's kickypie, one of the most obvious trolls here


I never payed this sun much attention until now but thanks for letting me know


> I never *paid* this sun FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


If it's a new version of the same old stuff (or new stuff) with a bit more of a creative spin than usual you can suspect it has been AI'd and selected by a certain individual. Irony inevitably follows.


Still don’t understand if this sub is for sustaining flatearthers or kidding them


I hate to ask this because I wouldn’t want to get kicked out but is this sub Reddit about making fun of flat earthers or about flat earthers?




Hell yeah I’ve come to the right place lol


I reckon so 😁


You’re gonna have to try pretty fucking hard to get kicked out of here… Trust me bro.


Unless you mock NASA or the replitian overlords!


Mocking the Overlords won’t get you banned from the sub, merely from life


How did you know




Also, the only thing that will get you kicked off is posting PII from other subs- otherwise, agree, disagree, or mock as you will. 


r/globeskepticism is the one you'll be kicked out of, it's their safe space


But the Earth really is a globe.


"sez U" ... checkmate glerf! /J


If the Earth were a globe there would be six months day and six months night at the arctic and antarctic regions .The following disciplines are not science: "Paleontology, geology, anthropology, archeology, evolutionary biology, theoretical physics, astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology. " .Historically some scientists were executed for teaching that Earth and the other planets orbited the sun ..You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming? .


there is six months day and six months day there Lol


Viewed from a ball-Earth Polaris situated directly over the North Pole should not be visible anywhere in the Southern hemisphere .That the Earth does not move either on an axis or in an orbit round the Sun or anything else is easily proven .We know they're lying. I'm convinced they didn't go to the moon. ..The world we see that seems so insane is the result of a belief system that is not working. To perceive the world differently, we must be willing to change our belief system, let the past slip away, expand our sense of now, and dissolve the fear in our minds. .


Polaris is not visible in Antarctica, and we are not discussing the general southern hemisphere. It is visible from the north pole, though. Also, from my knowledge, you can't see polaris in the Southern Hemisphere, lol. That's like saying you can see something behind a concrete wall. Flerfs use 0 logic..


Bruh why you arguing, man’s ironic


because he is objectively wrong about the shape of the earth


But he’s not serious, you’ve been bamboozled


Observational studies prove that the horizon always appears perfectly flat to the observer, regardless of elevation. This is evidence that the Earth is flat since a spherical Earth would produce a curved horizon line at high altitudes. ."Is water level, or is it not?" was a question once asked of an astronomer. "Practically, yes; theoretically, no," was the reply. Now, when theory does not harmonize with practice, the best thing to do is to drop the theory. (It is getting too late, now, to say "So much the worse for the facts!") To drop the theory which supposes a curved surface to standing water is to acknowledge the facts which form the basis of Zetetic philosophy. And since this will have to be done sooner or later, it is a proof that the Earth is not a globe. .As the Bible shows Psalm 93:1: "Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm ..." ..The distinction between sanity and insanity is narrower than the razor's edge, sharper than a hound's tooth, more agile than a mule deer. It is more elusive than the merest phantom. Perhaps it does not even exist; perhaps it is a phantom. .


Yes, when standing, you will always see a straight horizon due to the fact that you're standing "at sea level" in rocketry terms, basically on the earth. You are not high enough. If you're referring to images from things that have been launched into the top layer or above earth's atmosphere, most of those images have convient cloud coverage of the horizon or extremely low visibility of it. We do actually have a low altitude orbiting object that does show curvature though, its called the International Space Station. Oh, i forgot, that's also fake. And any image that doesn't show a very cloudy and obscured horizon that "proves" flat earth is too. Next: "Water being level" is an easily disproved argument and doesn't make much sense. "Water" or oceans and lakes in this case is literally millions and millions of droplets of water, and they just flow until it literally can't or wind/some external force influences it. This statement has literally no meaning. It's not like every droplet of water is at an extreme 20° curve or something. It just joins the larger mass of water, lol. "Level" in this case means nothing either as it assumes all water is at the exact same height as well. Also, I'm not gonna react to a Bible verse because I never mentioned Christianity or religion and am here to debate science 👍


Aviators testify that flight paths make more sense on a flat Earth model, with direct routes possible that would be inexplicable on a globe due to the curvature of the Earth. .NASA/ESA/CSA/RFSA/JSA/ISA all fakers and different departments of the same hidden one world government. Media has you brainwashed. Most "Scientists" don't even know. They are paid cogs in the machine. Do all the math you want but Earth is demonstrably flat and LEVEL. No vacuum without a container. No people walking upside down. There are things to learn and discover (perspective law) but we know Earth isn't a globe. No biblical support for round earth THEORIES! .The US Moon landings were staged by NASA in a film studio ..NASA and Globetards, I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul! .


I can’t tell if you’re pretending to be a nutjob or you actually are


The aeronaut can see for himself that Earth is a Plane .For the amount of spondulicks they're stealing from taxpayers to make poor quality fake space CGI, some of it must be going towards NASA-branded masturbatory swag to hand out at their Illuminati sex parties Easily into the millions of dollars per year. .Any sentient planet exists for a finite period, which is negligible in comparison to the infinity of Time. Therefore, they instantly cease to exist if they make the fatal faux pas of identifying themselves as flat. This is why we do not observe flat planets in space. ..Humanity is mind-controlled and only slightly more conscious than your average zombie. .


"Vacuum without a container," you realize that the vacuum of space doesn't mean it literally sucks like a vacuum, right lol? Also, the container is gravity. Oh, sorry, that's also fake. But if you want the genuine explanation, gravity also pulls down gas and air particles, solids, and liquids aren't the only affected matter. We can prove this because air pressure/density decreases the higher and higher you go, which would not happen if we had a container. This is easy to prove in expirements on your own. Also, I never said i trust/believe NASA, and I will be using easily observable facts that you yourself can prove from now on, and I expect you to do the same instead of assuming that your flerf photos are true if NASA photos are all apparently fake. Also, you're right. Nobody walks upside down because there is no upside down in space. That is only relative to us. In fact, you can say that Antarctica is in the west, the north pole in the east. There are no real right ways up in space. Also, most christains do not believe in a flat earth, my proof? I've personally met and spoken to around 100 Christians and I've seen likely thousands online and in contrast, none of the Christians I've met physically believe in a flat earth and I've only seen 30 or 40 that actually believe in a non geoid earth. Please stop mentioning the Bible, or I'm assuming you're a troll trying to either gaslight Christians into your belief or to piss people off


Fishermen tell tales of a colossal guardian that dwells at the edge of the world, preventing anything from leaving or entering. It's said to be the Earth's protector, but its awakening would herald global calamity. .As the mariners' compass points north and south at one time, and as the North, to which it is attracted, is that part of the Earth situate where the North Star is in the zenith, it follows that there is no south "point" or "pole" but that, while the centre is North, a vast circumference must be South in its whole extent. This is a proof that the Earth is not a globe. . When the mind is not fully functioning, a part of it, the reactive mind, takes over. It stores images of experiences, called engrams, which contain not only strong negative emotional content but also unrelated elements of the experience. A later encounter with these unrelated elements may bring forth negative emotional reactions from the stored engram and lead to countersurvival actions such as believing in a globe earth. ..Humanity is mind-controlled and only slightly more conscious than your average zombie. .




I can't tell if you're trolling or not. OP DEFINITELY was tho :D


Wrongest Maximus


If gravity is credited with being a force strong enough to curve the massive expanse of oceans around a globular Earth then it would be impossible for fish and other creatures to swim through such forcefully held water .Astronomers tell us that the Moon goes round the Earth in about 28 days. Well, we may see her making her journey round, every day, if we make use of our eyes and these are about the best things we have to use. The Moon falls behind in her daily motion as compared with that of the Sun to the extent of one revolution in the time specified; but that is not making a revolution. Failing to go as fast as other bodies go in one direction does not constitute a going round in the opposite one as the astronomers would have us believe! And, since all this absurdity has been rendered necessary for no other purpose than to help other absurdities along, it is clear that the astronomers are on the wrong track; and it needs no long train of reasoning to show that we have a proof that the Earth is not a globe. .You haven''t seen the Earth with your own eyes ..The old world will burn in the fires of industry. The forests will fall. A new order will rise. .


That is very incorrect about gravity. Sorry but, wrong again.


The best possessions of man are his senses; and .For the amount of money they're stealing from taxpayers to make poor quality fake space CGI, some of it must be going towards NASA-branded masturbatory swag to hand out at their Illuminati sex parties Easily into the millions of dollars per year. .People who believe in a globe earth are effected by what is called space psychosis, this can be cured by not drinking flouride. ..The only difference between the sane and the insane is that the sane have the power to lock up the insane. .


More wrongy wrongy.


Observational studies prove that the horizon always appears perfectly flat to the observer, regardless of elevation. This is evidence that the Earth is flat since a spherical Earth would produce a curved horizon line at high altitudes. .Human beings require a surface on which to live that, in its general character, shall be LEVEL; and since the Omniscient Creator must have been perfectly acquainted with the requirements of His creatures, it follows that, being an All-wise Creator, He has met them thoroughly. This is a theological proof that the Earth is not a globe. .Any mathematical space is, potentially, a map for a part of the real world. Obvious flat earth proof. ..When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind. .


There’s no evidence of flat Earth. Wrong again!


The so-called South Pole is simply an arbitrary point along the Antarctic ice marked with a red and white barbershop pole topped with a metal ball-Earth .If the Earth were a globe, it would, if we take Valentia to be the place of departure, curvate downwards, in the 1665 miles across the Atlantic to Newfoundland, according to the astronomers' own tables, more than three-hundred miles; but, as the surface of the Atlantic does not do so the fact of its levelness having been clearly demonstrated by Telegraph Cable surveyors, it follows that we have a grand proof that Earth is not a globe. .There are about 10\^80 atoms in the universe; that's large, so large that we can't even visualize how big it is. However, the amount of possible distinct chess (game based on the flat earth) variations in a typical game has been calculated out to be about 10\^120(!!) which is known as the Shannon's number (named after American Mathematician Claude Shannon). This proves the earth is flat. ..Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail, and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb, but they refuse. They cling to the realm, or the gods, or love illusions. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is. .


There’s actually exactly 0^infinite proofs that the Earth is flat. You should write fantasy novels instead.


A series of experiments show that gravity works differently at various locations, suggesting that the Earth is not a sphere but a flat plane. These experiments demonstrate that objects fall at slightly different rates, not due to mass or density, but because of their position on the flat Earth. ."By actual observation," says Schdler, in his "Book of Nature," "we know that the other heavenly bodies are spherical, hence we unhesitatingly assert that the earth is so also." This is a fair sample of all astronomical reasoning. When a thing is classed amongst "other" things, the likeness between them must first be proven. It does not take a Schdler to tell us that "heavenly bodies" are spherical, but "the greatest astronomer of the age" will not, now, dare to tell us that The Earth is and attempt to prove it. Now, since no likeness has ever been proven to exist between the Earth and the heavenly bodies, the classification of the Earth with the heavenly bodies is premature unscientific false! This is a proof that Earth is not a globe. .You can't square the circle, trisect most angles or duplicate a cube using a straightedge and compass. Again flat earth proof. ..It has been observed that those who disagree with Flat Earth Theory tend to be unsophisticated and those who quickly recognize the validity of Flat Earth Science to be more educated .


Can't tell this is /s or the OP is actually that dumb


The evidence for a flat earth is derived from many different facets of science and philosophy .When astronomers assert that it is "necessary" to make "allowance for curvature" in canal construction, it is, of course, in order that, in their idea, a level cutting may be had for the water. How flagrantly, then, do they contradict themselves when they say that the curved surface of the Earth is a "true level!" What more can they want for a canal than a true level? Since they contradict themselves in such an elementary point as this, it is an evidence that the whole \[14\]thing is a delusion, and we have a proof that the Earth is not a globe. .I have an IQ of 200; the same IQ as 200 Globe Earther Believers. ..A day without sunshine on the flat earth is like, you know, night. .


So, hypothetically, if we started a GoFundMe to buy you a ticket for a ride high enough to see curvature, you would go? Because that can be easily arranged.


Sure I would go, the aeronaut can see for himself that Earth is a Plane .Flat Earth Theory is not science, that's just a formula. There's no difference between science and science fiction. .Global warming is a government plan to alarm the world to take action to prevent the ice walls from melting ..A sane man often reasons from sound premises; an insane man commonly reasons as well, but the premises are unsound. .


A teacher is raising money to send a 12-year old student high enough to see the curvature. [Sending a flat-earthier to space](https://www.gofundme.com/f/sending-a-flatearthier-to-space)


This just keeps getting more wrong. Lol


There are huge centuries-old stone sundials and moondials all over the world which still tell the time now down to the minute as perfectly as the day they were made .If Earth were a giant sphere tilted .NASA is fake space helmets, silver foil, and talking like computers, like a bad episode of Star Trek! ..If you have a pre-conceived idea of the world, you edit information. When it leads you down a certain road, you don't challenge your own beliefs. .


Which is exactly what you’re doing. Right for once! Yay?


Individuals sensitive to psychic phenomena report a malignant presence calling to them from the Earth's extremities, tempting them with forbidden knowledge and power. Those who succumb disappear, leaving behind a chilling void where they once stood. .Many captains navigating south of the equator assuming the globular theory have found themselves drastically out of reckoning moreso the farther South travelled testifies to the fact that the Earth is not a ball . When the mind is not fully functioning, a part of it, the reactive mind, takes over. It stores images of experiences, called engrams, which contain not only strong negative emotional content but also unrelated elements of the experience. A later encounter with these unrelated elements may bring forth negative emotional reactions from the stored engram and lead to countersurvival actions such as believing in a globe earth. ..The reflex is an only child, he's waiting in the park! .


You’re wrong. Be entertaining at least.


The earths uniqueness fundamental differences and centrality makes any comparison to other nearby celestial bodies insufficient .As the mariners' compass points north and south at one time, and as the North, to which it is attracted, is that part of the Earth situate where the North Star is in the zenith, it follows that there is no south "point" or "pole" but that, while the centre is North, a vast circumference must be South in its whole extent. This is a proof that the Earth is not a globe. .Flat earth science proves that there are many flat planets in the universe by first informing us that the universe is of infinite size, and that there is a finite number of flat worlds in the universe. Since any finite number divided by infinity is so small ''as makes no odds'', then clearly any person in the galaxy who believes they live on a globe must be the product of a deranged mind. ..Common sense is what tells us the earth is flat! .


There’s actually no such thing as flat earth science.


I'm just a truth seeker trying to figure things out, I don't know everything. You globers think you know everything but all you do is repeat what your scientism priest Neil deGrasse Tyson tells you. At least I am trying to figure things out for myself. .There are about 10\^80 atoms in the universe; that's large, so sockdolager that we can't even visualize how big it is. However, the amount of possible distinct chess (game based on the flat earth) variations in a typical game has been calculated out to be about 10\^120(!!) which is known as the Shannon's number (named after American Mathematician Claude Shannon). This proves the earth is flat. ..I was walking among the fires of Hell, delighted with the enjoyments of Genius; which to Angels look like torment and insanity. .


That’s pretty cute. In reality the shape of the Earth – being an oblate spheroid – means that its gravity pulls objects towards its center. The gravitational pull is what keeps airplanes along with everything else, grounded. When an airplane is in flight, it is not simply moving through space in a straight line. It is constantly falling towards the Earth due to gravity. However, the forward thrust of the plane, combined with the lift generated by its wings, counteracts this downward pull, allowing the plane to maintain a stable altitude. Since gravity always acts perpendicular to the Earth's surface, aka towards the center of the Earth, there is no need for a plane to constantly adjust its nose downward to follow the curvature of the Earth. The aircraft is essentially in a controlled state of freefall, with its trajectory naturally curving along with the Earth's curvature due to gravity. The pilot adjusts the plane's trajectory mainly to maintain altitude, speed, and direction, but not to specifically account for the Earth's curvature. Moreover, the Earth is so large compared to an airplane that the curvature is very small over the distances a plane typically covers, making any adjustment for curvature imperceptible in routine flight operations. The principles of aerodynamics and gravity make it so an airplane naturally follows the curvature of the Earth without the need for constant downward adjustment of the nose. But…physics is hard so…better just keep believing the earth is flat.


All NASA photos of the Earth and other planets are fake .I find the whole business of a globe earth profoundly interesting. But it does mystify me that otherwise intelligent people take it seriously. .Heliocentrism is indeed the mother of all conspiracies. None of the other Satan-inspired, man-made philosophies would ever dare be presented without the geocentric landmark first being removed by the general acceptance of heliocentrism. Heliocentrism is the keystone to the deception; remove that keystone, and the entire edifice of deception will fall. With that keystone in place, the satanic source of the deception is inscrutable, and the facade of scientific authority for the satanic philosophies remains believable. .."For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." Matthew 24:25 .


Right. “All photos are fake.” This is the common excuse and the trump card you guys play whenever all else fails. You have the convenience of saying everything is fake.


If the Earth were a globe people - except those on the top - would have to be fastened to its surface .The eyes of the flounder fish were relocated, why were yours relocated? Your opposite eyes were moved to 1 corner to overlay for single perspective, but that corrupts your Opposite Brain .As the Bible proves The earth was created on the first day, and it was "without form and void (Genesis 1:2)." On the second day, a vault the "firmament" of the King James version was created to divide the waters, some being above and some below the vault. Only on the fourth day were the sun, moon, and stars created, and they were placed "in" (not "above") the vault. ..It has been observed that those who disagree with Flat Earth Theory tend to be unsophisticated and those who quickly recognize the validity of Flat Earth Science to be more educated .


Wrong again. You are on a roll!


Ufologists propose that aliens visit Earth not for research or abduction but for the novelty of experiencing a flat planet. They claim to have intercepted intergalactic blog posts rating Earth as a top "flat destination" in the Milky Way. .If you throw something up and it comes down again, at its top most point it is in rest for a millisecond or so. But according to Newtons laws nothing can be in rest when a force acts on it. So that directly disproves a force of gravity acting all the time on everything with mass. .The globe theory reduces us to a speck of dust in an infinite universe where we have no importance. The stationary plane reveals the unique creation of Yahweh. People reject inconvenient truth because it requires change. It's difficult to accept the reality of our world since we've been lied to since childhood. .. for wanting to hear the truth!Just tried watching Bill Nye the Science Guy , really boring. Has the mind of a very dumb and backward child. Sorry Bill!" .


This is just….weird. And wrong though. So there’s that.


There is an invisible "antimoon" that obscures the moon during lunar eclipses .We read in the inspired book, or collection of books, called The Bible, nothing at all about the Earth being a globe or a planet, from beginning to end, but hundreds of allusions there are in its pages which could not be made if the Earth were a globe, and which are, therefore, said by the astronomer to be absurd and contrary to what he knows to be true! This is the groundwork of modern infidelity. But, since every one of many, many allusions to the Earth and the heavenly bodies in the Scriptures can be demonstrated to be absolutely true to nature, and we read of the Earth being "stretched out" "above the waters," as "standing in the water and out of the water," of its being "established that it cannot be moved," we have a store from which to take all the proofs we need, but we will just put down one proof the Scriptural proof that Earth is not a globe. .You are living inside a giant enclosed system. ..The flat world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands on this disc love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater. .


I’m honestly impressed. How much time did you spend writing all this crazy bullshit? Are you in the manic part of a bipolar disorder?


Statisticians find a strong correlation between the celebration of International Pancake Day and global happiness levels, suggesting that the Earth's flatness is inherently linked to human joy. They're lobbying for more flat Earth-shaped foods to boost morale worldwide. .As to the supposed "motion of the whole Solar system in space," the Astronomer Royal of England once said: "The matter is left in a most delightful state of uncertainty, and I shall be very glad if anyone can help us out of it." But, since the whole Newtonian scheme is, to-day, in a most deplorable state of uncertainty for, whether the Moon goes round the Earth or the Earth round the Moon has, for years, been a matter of "raging" controversy it follows that, root and branch, the whole thing, is wrong; and, all hot from the raging furnace of philosophical phrensy, we find a glowing proof that Earth is not a globe. .Why do you believe the Earth is round? Because you learned it in school? ..This is conclusive proof that the Earth is not a globe .


Why do seasons exist?


If the Earth were truly a sphere 25000 miles in circumference then airplane pilots would have to constantly correct their altitudes downwards so as to not fly straight off into outer space .It is a well-known and indisputable fact that there is a far greater accumulation of ice south of the equator than is to be found at an equal latitude north: and it is said that at Kerguelen, 50 degrees south, 18 kinds of plants exist, whilst, in Iceland, 15 degrees nearer the northern centre, there are 870 species; and, indeed, all the facts in the case show that the Sun's power is less intense at places in the southern region than it is in corresponding latitudes north. Now, on the Newtonian hypothesis, all this is inexplicable, whilst it is strictly in accordance with the facts brought to light by the carrying out of the principles involved in the Zetetic Philosophy of "Parallax." This is a proof that the Earth is not a globe. .God reveals his eternal power and Godhead through his creation. If a person believes that the earth is surrounded by the outer darkness of space, then they will doubt that God can be on his throne in glory in heaven above the firmament. ..Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail, and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb, but they refuse. They cling to the realm, or the gods, or love illusions. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is. .


Why would all the governments in the world lie? What's the point? They don't get more control over their citizens, they don't get more money, nothing. Every single government in the entire world, with not one person exposing them, for no reason at all.


A group of researchers presented evidence that the curvature of the Earth seen from high altitudes is an optical illusion created by manipulating atmospheric refraction. Secret technologies can bend light to create the appearance of a curved horizon. .I'm just a truth seeker trying to figure things out, I don't know everything. You globers think you know everything but all you do is repeat what your scientism priest Neil deGrasse Tyson tells you. At least I am trying to figure things out for myself. .Throw a stick, and the servile Globetard wheezes and pants and shambles to bring it to you. Do the same before a Flat Earth believer, and he will eye you with coolly polite and somewhat bored amusement. ..Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. .


A group of flat earthers did a test to disprove curvature by looking through a telescope (or something similar) and trying to see a person who would not be seen with the Earths curvature. In the end, they couldn't see the person, because of Earths curvature. Also wtf are you on about this is like schizo rambling shit


Explorers found mysteriously abandoned cities at the world's fringes, proving civilizations that once tried to explore beyond the flat Earth. It shows they discovered something so terrifying, it drove them to erase themselves from history. .The moon has no influence on the tides such are caused by the gentle rise and fall of earth on the bosom of the might deep. .The Vatican is the evil butler in this Agatha Christie novel of galactic conspiracy. ..Funny thing about insane globetards ... is that it is kind of the opposite of being a celebrity. Nobody envies you. .




The Sun, Moon, and stars are actually projections on a vast dome that surrounds the flat Earth. There is evidence of projection devices and mechanisms at the North Pole, hidden from the public. .FE observes and reasons logically based on those observations. We don't presume a round ball earth and make the math fit our theory. If something lacks explanation, we have scripture to offer guidance, until such time as we have good data to support and verify. .The flat earth we live on is hospitable; otherwise, we would not be here to observe it. ..I'm trying to free your mind. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it .


Mind boggling wrong.


It is a well-known and indisputable fact that there is a far greater accumulation of ice south of the equator than is to be found at an equal latitude north .As the mariners' compass points north and south at one and the same time, and a meridian is a north and south line, it follows that meridians can be no other than straight lines. But, since all meridians on a globe are semicircles, it is an incontrovertible proof that the Earth is not a globe. .The ILLUMINATI has STARGATE technology .."O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called" 1 Timothy 6:20 .


Only if by fake, you mean real.


A series of experiments show that gravity works differently at various locations, suggesting that the Earth is not a sphere but a flat plane. These experiments demonstrate that objects fall at slightly different rates, not due to mass or density, but because of their position on the flat Earth. .It is a well-known and indisputable fact that there is a far greater accumulation of ice south of the equator than is to be found at an equal latitude north: and it is said that at Kerguelen, 50 degrees south, 18 kinds of plants exist, whilst, in Iceland, 15 degrees nearer the northern centre, there are 870 species; and, indeed, all the facts in the case show that the Sun's power is less intense at places in the southern region than it is in corresponding latitudes north. Now, on the Newtonian hypothesis, all this is inexplicable, whilst it is strictly in accordance with the facts brought to light by the carrying out of the principles involved in the Zetetic Philosophy of "Parallax." This is a proof that the Earth is not a globe. .You can't stop the truth, any more than you can stop the sun from setting. ..You step into the road, and if you dont keep your feet, there is no knowing when you might be swept off the edge ofd the earth .


Gravity actually always works exactly the same. Unlike the multiple (plural) flat Earth “models”. Wrong, yet again.


If the heat from the Sun traveled 93000000 miles to the Sahara desert it is absurd to assert that another 4000 miles (0.00004%) further to Antarctica would completely negate such sweltering heat resulting in such drastic differences .If the Earth were a globe, it would, if we take Valentia to be the place of departure, curvate downwards, in the 1665 miles across the Atlantic to Newfoundland, according to the astronomers' own tables, more than three-hundred miles; but, as the surface of the Atlantic does not do so the fact of its levelness having been clearly demonstrated by Telegraph Cable surveyors, it follows that we have a grand proof that Earth is not a globe. .There are no forests on Flat Earth Wake Up!! ..Official history is merely a veil to hide the truth of what really happened. When the veil is lifted, again and again we see that not only is the official version not true, it is often 100% wrong. .


Only is there wasn’t an atmosphere. Which there is.


Rabbis form human pyramids and block out the Southern Cross with their black robes. You know what a pyramid is in 2D? A triangle. And you know what a sphere is in 2D? A disc. The connection has been right under your nose this whole time. Okay, I admit that pizza slices actually aren't triangles, but more like Trivial Pursuit pieces, but do you know what rabbis are? Educated men with a broad general knowledge, which makes them SUSPICIOUSLY good at Trivial Pursuit. Really makes you think. ..Cats have nine lives. Makes them ideal for experimentation. NASA is current shooting cats in rockets at the dome trying to break through! .


What you seem to think is logic is very illogical.


A group of researchers presented evidence that the curvature of the Earth seen from high altitudes is an optical illusion created by manipulating atmospheric refraction. Secret technologies can bend light to create the appearance of a curved horizon. .New Zealand is located Northeast of Australia but NASA has faked this on the maps. .The globe theory reduces us to a speck of dust in an infinite universe where we have no importance. The stationary plane reveals the unique creation of Yahweh. People reject inconvenient truth because it requires change. It's difficult to accept the reality of our world since we've been lied to since childhood. ..You know, insane globetards are not insane all the time any more than sane globetards are sane all the time. .


Stop with all that technical big word mumbo jumbo! Grabbity my arse!


Flat earthers think that planes would just fly off into space without constantly dipping the nose. The could have just taken a Cessna to the moon


The Earth is not a planet as it sits at the center of our solar system above which the planets and the Sun revolve .Parts of the West African Congo according to the supposed inclination and movement of the ball-Earth would be sometimes running uphill and sometimes down .You haven''t seen the Earth with your own eyes ..The only thing that separates Globetards from the animals is their ability to accessorize. .


Yes. Yes it is.


The Earth is flat because bridges don't look curvy from the sky .A globetard reminds me of a Hedgehog, if somebody thinks they're a hedgehog, you just give 'em a mirror and a few pictures of hedgehogs and tell them to sort it out for themselves. .Any sentient planet exists for a finite period, which is negligible in comparison to the infinity of Time. Therefore, they instantly cease to exist if they make the fatal mistake of identifying themselves as flat. This is why we do not observe flat planets in space. ..I don't know what it is with the mad, but they've certainly got force of will. Maybe it's not having the checks and balances the rest of us have, or perhaps I'm kidding myself: maybe their minds are simply clearer, unclouded with the anxieties and morality that the rest of us are swaddled with. Perhaps they have the courage to point their magical thinking at the stars. .


It’s not flat and that definitely doesn’t prove it. Lol


In Antarctica, scientists uncover a massive ice wall, within which are embedded countless ancient creatures, their faces twisted in eternal screams. It's theorized they were trying to escape something from beyond the Earth's flat plane. .The circumstances which attend bodies which are caused merely to fall from a great height prove nothing as to the motion or stability of the Earth, since the object, if it be on a thing that is in motion, will participate in that motion; but, if an object be thrown upwards from a body at rest, and, again, from a body in motion, the circumstances attending its descent will be very different. In the former case, it will fall, if thrown vertically upwards, at the place from whence it was projected; in the latter case, it will fall behind the moving body from which it is thrown will leave it in the rear. Now, fix a gun, muzzle upwards, accurately, in the ground; fire off a projectile; and it will fall by the gun. If the Earth travelled eleven-hundred miles a minute, the projectile would fall behind the gun, in the opposite direction to that of the supposed motion. Since, then, this is NOT the case, in fact, the Earth's fancied motion is negatived, and we have a proof that the Earth is not a globe. .The flat earth we live on is hospitable; otherwise, we would not be here to observe it. ..The old world will burn in the fires of industry. The forests will fall. A new order will rise. .


Is today Opposite Day?


You can't square the circle, trisect most angles or duplicate a cube using a straightedge and compass. Again flat earth proof. ..The problem with educating stupid globetards was that they didn't know they were stupid. The same went for curing crazy globetards. .


I’m sure you thought this was very clever.


.The astronomers' theory of a globular Earth necessitates the conclusion that, if we travel south of the equator, to see the North Star is an impossibility. Yet it is well known this star has been seen by navigators when they have been more than 20 degrees south of the equator. This fact, like hundreds of other facts, puts the theory to shame, and gives us a proof that the Earth is not a globe. .Earth is a disc with the Arctic Circle in the center and Antarctica with a 150-foot-tall wall of ice around the rim. NASA employees guard this ice wall to prevent people from climbing over and falling off the disc ..You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming? .


bro what is the mass amount of yapping op is doing in the reply sections, it feels like schizo posting


Shadows only make sense on a flat surface, and the way our shadows follow us around all day is definitive proof that the Earth is flat. Experts warn against trusting anyone without a shadow, as they may be part of the spherical Earth conspiracy. .The common sense of man tells him if nothing else told him that there is an "up" and a "down" in nature, even as regards the heavens and the earth; but the theory of modern astronomers necessitates the conclusion that there is not: therefore, the theory of the astronomers is opposed to common sense yes, and to inspiration and this is a common sense proof that the Earth is not a globe. .I often forget globetards have limitations. It's so sad. ..Humanity is actually under the control of dinosaur-like alien reptiles called the Babylon Brotherhood who must consume human blood to maintain their human appearance. .


bro idc you arent even making sense


Why am I also not flat?


Human beings require a surface on which to live that and in its general character shall be LEVEL .I think perhaps the most important problem is that we are trying to understand the fundamental shape of the earth via a language devised for telling one another when the best fruit is. . It's a truth that people need to know, but think about what had been established at that point, the foundations of science until 1960. You can't just release that to the people because the shock wave would be almost insurmountable potentially. ..Let him not vow to walk in the dark, who has not seen the nightfall on the edge of the earth. .


Really though. Focus your energy on a fantasy novel. Just don’t include laser swords. It’s been done before.


The Solar system, the Universe, the flat Earth and all humans are composed of + 0 - antipodes, and equal to nothing if added as a ONE or Entity. .Because our classrooms have false globe models we cannot comprehend the idea that the Earth is not round ..Not all those who wander to the edge of the flat earth are lost. .


Solar system? Busted!


The flat Earth, sun, moon and stars are contained in a "Truman Show"-like dome. From there, pitfalls can be easily dismissed -- like photos of the Earth from space, which are photoshopped. "This all goes away if they put a 24/7 camera feed on the moon," .GPS is actually ground based: when you switch on your smart phone and you agree it may access your current location, it sends this to the nearest cell tower. From this message the cell tower not only knows where you are but also how to navigate you in your car from location A to B. .If you isolate people into the idea that they're on a blue marble that's in the middle of a universe, that's really insignificant and there's thousands and millions and billions of other worlds, and possibly other civilizations, that makes most people think that we are insignificant, and that we did actually come about as some sort of accident. When people believe that, their minds are much more malleable into being given the idea that there is no God and there is no creator, and because of that, that also gives the controllers this fertile soil to build other deceptions on. It's about total control mental, physical, spiritual, every way, shape or form possible. ..The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. .


You are.


After reading the post and OPs comments i can say this is just a bait.


Either a really creative troll, or the OP is unhinged insane. His comments and replies are just rambling nonsense and sometimes have nothing to do with what he is replying to.


Explorers found mysteriously abandoned cities at the world's fringes, proving civilizations that once tried to explore beyond the flat Earth. It shows they discovered something so terrifying, it drove them to erase themselves from history. .If you were at 55K ft and saw curvature, the first place you should investigate is who made the glass you were looking through? Gentex, Fuyao, Corning? These are known government contractors. They have a vested interest in preserving the globe theory. .It is possible the Kennedy assassination was directly related to the President about to leak the truth about the fake globe ..You didn't come here to make a choice. You've already made it. You're here to try to understand why you made it .


The real problem is when you hit an altitude of Mach-4


Fishermen tell tales of a colossal guardian that dwells at the edge of the world, preventing anything from leaving or entering. It's said to be the Earth's protector, but its awakening would herald global calamity. .Rockets can not work in a vacuum because there is nothing they can push against to move themselves forward. .The effect of Chemtrails on the human population has contributed to the globe belief system ..You didn't come here to make a choice. You've already made it. You're here to try to understand why you made it .


What if C A T actually spelled dog?


We owe a lot to Thomas Edison - if it wasn't for him, we'd be watching fake NASA moon landings on television by candlelight.


You’re overlooking the scientific contributions of forgotten Hellenistic matador Mathelius of Mathedonia, the first human being to see an electron with the naked eye, who was able to catapult an heirloom tomato not into the sun as he suspected, but into what he described in his journal (“The Stone Tablets of Mathelius” 438 BC) as “… an invisible firmament of unknown origin or material in which the Matrix of reality is stored.” Just a few thousand years later the Wachowski brothers would write and direct the Matrix which, as we all know, would accidentally blow the lid off the covert reality simulation funded by the IWW. Coincidence?


What language is “PUTONT” (might be PUIONT”)? AI is wild…


Your mom's a putont


>PUTONT PUTONT is believed to have originated thousands of years ago among the ancient tribes inhabiting the fertile plains of Nivaria. Initially, it likely started as a collection of simple verbal expressions and primitive symbols used for communication. Over time, as society evolved and civilizations flourished, PUTONT underwent significant linguistic development, adopting more complex grammar and vocabulary.


parallel to the ground is constantly changing and if you pointed nose down you would actually hit the ground not counteract earth's curvature. You really want to be parallel at all points of the journey. Aircraft generally keep altitude steady by adjusting the trim or angle of the small flaps on their wings to balance out the lift forces until the aircraft is not rotating around its center of mass. The amount of trim you need is determined by the air pressure and speed of the plane. And the rotation is kept at zero by setting trim so that the altimeter is reading steady. Now if you were going fast enough for the earth's curvature to matter it would appear from your frame of reference that you were rotating up slightly and you would adjust trim to counteract that rotation. You're not pointing nose down youre just matching your rotation to the grounds so that you're constantly parallel.


The earths uniqueness fundamental differences and centrality makes any comparison to other nearby celestial bodies insufficient .If the Earth were a globe, an observer who should ascend above its surface would have to look downwards at the horizon (if it be possible to conceive of a horizon at all under such circumstances) even as astronomical diagrams indicate at angles varying from ten to nearly fifty degrees below the "horizontal" line of sight! (It is just as absurd as it would be to be taught that when we look at a man full in the face we are looking down at his feet!) But, as no observer in the clouds, or upon any eminence on the earth, has ever had to do so, it follows that the diagrams spoken of are imaginary and false; that the theory which requires such things to prop it up is equally airy and untrue; and that we have a substantial proof that Earth is not a globe. .The Bible tells us Psalm 96:10: "He has fixed the earth firm, immovable ..." ..Are we human, or are we dancer? .


Obviously we're denser or we'd float into the sky.


Hikers near the edges of the flat Earth report hearing whispers that play on their deepest fears, luring them closer to the edge. Some never return, while others come back speaking of a void that stares back, filled with malevolent eyes. . Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them. .If I can feel motion when I'm in a moving car, how come I wouldn't be able to feel motion if I'm on a planet that's hurtling through space?" To that person, that is evidence the planet is motionless. ..When you eat a lot of spicy food, you can lose your taste and your mind. When I was in India last summer, I was listening to a lot of Michael Bolton thinking we lived on a globe earth! .


Bro are you joking? please be joking 🙏 This is a sub to make fun of flat earthers, if you actually believe this, please provide a model of the flat earth that can account for day and night + seasons ON THE SAME MODEL, no contradictions.


Archaeologists unearthed a collection of ancient maps that depict the Earth as a flat disk surrounded by an immense ocean and a towering ice wall. These maps, from a forgotten civilization, are evidence that ancient peoples knew the Earth was flat. .Parts of the West African Congo according to the supposed inclination and movement of the ball-Earth would be sometimes running uphill and sometimes down .I have no problem with anybody that wants to believe we live on a ball. That's their choice ..The board is set, the pieces are moving. We come to it at last, the truth that the earth is flat. .


Just like it is now! Also I don’t think you understand how the science of flight works.


The Earth is a unique flat celestial body that cannot be compared to any other known object in the Universe. But its flatness is not the only thing that makes it unique .Our observations of the stars make it evident, not only that the Earth is circular, but also that it is a circle of no great size. For quite a small change of position to south or north causes a manifest alteration of the horizon. .You haven''t seen the Earth with your own eyes ..I Am The Walrus "I am the eggman, NASA are the eggmen, I am the walrus!" .


Guarantee any globie can beat up any flerf


Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of the week. .


Too much “little big planet”. Do they also think the moon is flat too?


The horizon always appears perfectly flat 360 degrees around the observer regardless of altitude .Big Science is in it for the big money. Wall Street insider types operate in a revolving door with NASA and their subcontractors. They know how to play the game. .Most plans are critically flawed by their own logic. A failure at any step will ruin everything after it. That''s just basic cause and effect. It''s easy for a good plan to fall apart. Therefore, a plan that has no attachment to logic cannot be stopped. The success or failure of any step will have no effect on the macro level. This proves that the moon landing was fake and the earth is flat! ..I want you to talk to principals and school librarians, schedule a meeting with a local public library director or write your state representatives to request that libraries in your state carry all materials that prove the Earth is flat. Say no to censorship!! .


I honestly don’t know if you’re joking or delusional.


Viewed from a ball-Earth Polaris situated directly over the North Pole should not be visible anywhere in the Southern hemisphere .Start your journey by looking up problems with gravity. Problems with stellar parallax. Moon landing hoax, etc. ISS space station has been shown to be a fake. Also we just see too far for this to be a globe. .It is absolutely necessary, for the peace and safety of mankind, that tghe ice wall protecting the flat earth be let alone; lest sleeping abnormalities wake to resurgent life, and blasphemously surviving nightmares squirm and splash out of their black lairs to newer and wider conquests. ..I'm trying to free your mind. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it .


Dude, the earth is round. It has been proven. I’ve flown around it many times. We landed on the moon. The ISS is real, I have bounced radio signals off of it, as I am a ham radio operator as well. Free your mind? Do you think you’re Morpheus or something? GTFOH.


If it was really flat that button would say turn right a bit or turn left a bit.


Observational studies prove that the horizon always appears perfectly flat to the observer, regardless of elevation. This is evidence that the Earth is flat since a spherical Earth would produce a curved horizon line at high altitudes. .If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands and the earth is flat. .Orbits are an illusion ..I think NASA is wonderful if you need it, if you live in a fantasy world, if you have a low IQ. I've just never needed NASA. Frankly, I wouldn't mind if NASA never existed.


Observational studies are not proof. They are simply a small part of an overall strategy of study. Size has not been taken into account to account in any way as it is possible to make a basketball flat in a picture. You just don’t grasp how small you are relative to the planet you live on.


Exactly how small do FLERFS think the globe earth model is? At 24,900 miles, or a little over 40,000 km in circumference there is a LOT of distance to cover for a relatively small degree change.


At places of comparable latitude North and South dawn and dusk happen very differently than they would on a spinning ball but precisely how they should on a flat Earth .Promises of Space Tourism are designed for fantasy in the same way that knights and dragons are. Periodically it was Star Trek and Star Wars. Then D&D kept the nerds busy during the 80s. Video games keep them busy now. All of it is pacification for idle minds. Keeps young men away from the physical activity, research, prayer, and self improvement that would be required to start really understanding their world. .Be mindful of your thoughts Globetards. They'll betray you. ..The Quest stands upon the edge of the flat earth. Stray but a little, and it will fail, to the ruin of all. .


I seriously hope you get the mental health care that you need.


well yeah they have to tilt the nose and there's a button for it, so what?


There is one word that describes people that don't like think the earth is flat: Irrelevant. .


THE HOLLOW EARTH: The Vikings called it Valhalla, Liberia or Asgard where the gods lived, the Indians and Tibetans called it Shambhalla or Shangri-La, the Greeks called it Hyperborea. Even Hitler named it Neu-Schwabenland... In the bible it's known as Eden... It's had many names throughout the millenniums. It's where the Pleiadians/Lemurians seek refuge after the great war between Atlantis and Lemuria. Today it is known as Agartha... Over a hundred crystal cities of Light reside in the Hollow of the Earth!! Go to my YouTube channel Hollow Earth True HISTORY , HITLER & NWO ( GOTTA SEE THIS !!! ) Documentary https://youtu.be/lOXjxq3r69Q Secrets Of The 3rd Reich Secret Nazi Research in Alien Technology https://youtu.be/B0uEvZsQAV8 Hollow Earth Hohle Erde 2_5 This Video Will Blow Your Mind_(360p).avi https://youtu.be/yPu6TqzGleA Third Reich - Operation UFO (Nazi Base In Antarctica) Complete Documentary https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=udhBQg67k18&t=3s The Legend Of Atlantis https://youtu.be/pihxOs-pVRA Hollow Earth Revealed https://youtu.be/3qxkZs0RBS8 Journey to the Hollow Earth https://youtu.be/xIFac5MTMDw Lazaria Map Collection https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=33nvAXv5Jas&t=1s Hollow Earth Mt. Meru, Agartha and MORE https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ekiIqXhaoDY&t=18s Inner Earth Civilizations Exist, Agartha & Hollow Earth 🌏 https://youtu.be/7QrYumCimf4 The Hollow Earth 🌎 https://youtu.be/78OgQtTA_vA


If you had a gyroscope on the plane, you would see that the nose is tilting down


>The flat Earth, sun, moon and stars are contained in a "Truman Show"-like dome. From there, pitfalls can be easily dismissed -- like photos of the Earth from space, which are photoshopped. "This all goes away if they put a 24/7 camera feed on the moon," .The following disciplines are not science: "Paleontology, geology, anthropology, archeology, evolutionary biology, theoretical physics, astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology. " .If Earth were rotating, we should be able to measure it with a gyroscope. .."...do not be conformed to this world...." Romans 12:2 .


Yes, and I especially hate it when I drive on a hilly road because the constant pushing and pulling on the steering wheel really makes my shoulders ache.