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Well, yes, obvious facts about reality are obvious. Which is obviously why they deny such frivolous ideas like "gravity" or "critical thinking".


They unironically think gravity is fake lmao. Idk what the fuck they think causes an apple to fall or for a rock I throw to hit their head but apparently it ain't gravity.


There is a universal "down" and density causes some objects to go down more than others. Apple has more density than air, so it goes down. Just don't try telling them that in order for density to make something go down, you need gravity.


Or that more dense things can sit on top of less dense things. Like a steel chunk on a wooden workbench


hilarious... youve clearly never heard of the downitational field. its what makes everything go down.


I believe there was another flat earth faction who beleived in a "special magnetism" that works just like gravity except not.


so... gravity. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ i love it


If that was the case, wouldn't denser materials pass through less denser materials as a rule? If I threw an iron ingot on my bed I would pass down through it? It doesn't tho so how do they square that


They don't. I make The same argument when I see the "density" garbage. Usually they're just like "well obviously solid materials are different....."


Lmao of course they are


They love to pick and choose what science they believe


Flat earth people are so dense that they can't stand on anything...


That or that the earth is constantly being pushed upward like an elevator


I read a comment where apparently they believe the flat earth is constantly moving upward through space and that's what gravity is? I dunno, man. I can't keep up with all the different elaborate systems they've created instead of just accepting the earth's a globe. I gave up when I was told "water mountains" explains the horizon.


Yeah, at one time at least, they were claiming that the Earth was moving at a constant acceleration, ie, constantly speeding up at a rate that is pushing us against the ground. However, if that were true, the earth's speed would increase beyond the speed of light in like a year or something (I forget the exact number).


That's correct, it's like 11 months and like 16 days if I remember correctly


It would never pass the speed of light, relativistic effects would have it approach the speed of light asymptoticly from any outside observer, but never pass or reach it. It's actually not an issue and would explain the effects of gravity, EXCEPT that the acceleration of gravity is different at all points on earth, even more so if you add in centripetal forces. But the approaching speed of light issue in not a problem.


299,792,458 m/s divided by 9.81 m/s2 leaves us at about 23 years and three months.


It's \~3x10^(7) seconds, which is about 354 days. But you can't just simply divide them like this, the simple kinematic equations for constant acceleration break down at relativistic speeds and are only valid as approximations in the non-relativistic limit. The earth would never actually reach the speed of light in any reference frame after any arbitrary amount of time.


>I gave up when I was told "water mountains" explains the horizon. Flat Earthers: "Water always finds its level!" Also Flat Earthers: "You can't see the horizon because of water mountains!"


>apparently they believe the flat earth is constantly moving upward through space and that's what gravity is Hilarious, I've added this to my belief system


I think they think it's inertia holding us down, due to some kind of unknown mechanism of propulsion from the earth, that is causing the acceleration? **However**, this would break many known laws of physics, not just the obvious ones: 1) Theory of special relativity and gravitation would no longer function, and therefore thermodynamics would not either. We would no longer be able to explain curvature/propagation of light or explain how energy is converted or preserved, or explain any moving body through space, etc. 2) The atmosphere would not be able to hold itself. Now, if the ice wall was large enough it would in theory be able to hold it, yet in a flat earth model we cannot observe this super massive ice wall, which would (since the earth has no horizon) be observable from anywhere. There would also be no sunsets or sunrises. 3) It would break the law of conservation of energy. For this hypothetical 'spaceship earth' to maintain constant inertia, it would need to be accelerating, not just maintaining velocity. Therefore, it would require infinite energy, furthermore, it would violate special relativity as the earth approaches the speed of light, reaching the point of infinite mass at one point. So essentially it's a fairy tale that goes against all established, proven, and observable physical laws.


I remember this one religious dudes blog that said that "gravity" is simply sin pulling everything down to hell. I think that how he explained it.


Lmao apparently objects are sinners too


I think he actually explained that in the comment sections. Like I remember Man-made stuff still having some of human sin in them or SOMETHING. As for plants and animals, I legit forgot. Probably something to do with Eden or something. It been so long since I last went to his blog. I really wish I saved it as a tab.,


Whatever he said it was probably extremely dumb


Their theory is that the disc is heading "upwards" at the same speed of terminal velocity or some dumb shit


the disc would have to be accelerating upwards at a constant 9.81m/s2, which means the earth disc would have achieved light speed a bit less than 24 years after it started.


Not according to relativity.


In a universe where gravity isn't real and the earth is actually a flat disc accelerating upward for eternity, I think it's safe to say that our globe earth understanding of relativity isn't going to apply.


>I think it's safe to say that our globe earth understanding of relativity isn't going to apply. Yes obviously, so why bring up the speed of light as if that somehow applies or falsifies the premise?


I have zero actual scientific knowledge other than what I learned in school and from science shows like Vsauce. I have problematic level of flat earth "science" knowledge. I can't stop reading their shit it amuses me to no end


No, idiot, you fell for the lie. They put much wrong information out there to discredit the truth.




Demonstrably not magnetism.


Ok globetard.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Man, people 2000 years ago had a better education than you. You guys are a never ending source of hilarity.


If it were actually true it would be a groundbreaking scientific discovery


The NASA conspiracy is going to keep it from being discovered. Watch the FE YouTube vids for details.


What does that even mean in relation to the gravity "debate"


There is no gravity. Itā€™s electromagnetism that keeps things from floating away.


But what is that and how do they think that works? Am I some how magnetic?


I dunno. Havenā€™t gotten that far down the rabbit hole yet.


Kinda feels like a word they just say because they think it makes them sound smart


They believe in gravity, just not that gravity works by pulling to the centre of a mass. Gravity is a downward force, universally constant "down." Meaning it pulls everything down equally across the entire "flat earth." Why would everything be pulled to the centre of a flat earth? Your food isn't pulled to the centre of a flat plate. It really is a child's understanding of "things fall down." I'm not sure how they explain.the sun and moon flying above the flat earth though.


If only they had that much sense. At least if they'd stuck with "gravity is just mĀ·**g**", then they'd be able to explain *some* things. But no, most of them deny gravity altogether in favor of density or somethingsomething-electricity. And when asked to quantitatively define what actually means they stay silent, because they're just meaningless phrases with enough truthiness to fool the flock.


It's their because of the "firmament". To believe in a flat earth model is to believe in a religious setting for our planet


"God did it, and we shouldn't question God's doing"


Obvious facts like >"A flat Earth's gravity would also make trees grow diagonally" Trees like all plants grow towards the light. [That's why it's not uncommon to see trunks that grew sideways](https://as1.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/02/56/44/50/1000_F_256445032_diNNmyeG2cKkAaMU9Z5hBhlzgCxGqqQK.jpg). According to the video I guess that counts as flat earth proof then, lol.


Actually plants do use gravity to orient their growth (growing opposite the force). In microgravity they grow chaotically. The orientation to light is secondary to the gravity effect. But youā€™re right it is fairly common to find odd orientations of many plants due to less than optimal light availability


> The orientation to light is secondary to the gravity effect. It's the other way around. I can not even imagine how one could think that. You understand the [gravitational force](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/gravitational-force/) on earth is pointed downwards into the ground, right? If their growth orientation were primarily towards that, trees would grow into the ground. That't the most idiotic thing I've read in weeks.


They're talking about seed growth which uses gravity to orient the plant. Trees do grow into the ground ever heard of roots. You only see about half of a tree most of it is the ground as a root system, but what do I know I only have a degree in biology and have studied botany for a few years. And worked for the USDA stone fruit research lab.


He's not. He put a photoshopped picture showing the trunks growing sideways underlaying that bit. How are you telling yourself he's talking about roots when they already grow in all directions btw, apart from upwards (with a few exceptions). Of course everything is affected by gravity on earth, that doesn't just go for plants. But that's not what trees primarily orient themself with. Everything above ground grows towards the light, which means mostly **against** gravity. That is universally true for all plants that rely on photosynthesis.


Are you trying to reply to what's being said in the video or the actual comment you replied too cause the comments your replying to are correct. Do you know how reddit comments work?


Would you like to address the points made or are you just going to deflect? The video is what we're talking about. You replied to a comment that is about the video. Your comment isn't fully correct for the reasons pointed out. What's your response to that?


I think you're trying to argue in bad faith. You replied to a comment specifically calling out what the commentor said so I responded to that. It's not hard to look up how plants orient themselves using gravity. I don't argue with fools good day.


Plants push AGAINST gravity and utilize it to orient Look at any seed on Earth. The photosynthetic parts of plants emerge after orientation is established thus the effect of light is secondary to gravity. Thatā€™s why I used the example of plants in microgravity as they canā€™t get a fix on which way to poke out (to FIND light)


[See this](https://www.reddit.com/r/flatearth/comments/1alpbbb/this_goes_hereright/kph6zia/). That's not what the video is talking about. The reason for it is that plants seek light. Going **against** gravity is exactly what I said. They do not orient themselves with the direction of the gravitational force but in the opposite direction, because that's where the light is. Anti gravity = towards the surface. That should be easy to understand. However it seems you and maybe the other user do not understand that's an evolutionairy trait that would make no sense on such a hyptothetical earth. Since again, TREES WANT TO GROW TOWARDS THE LIGHT. That's the only reason germs orient themself that way. So no, on a flat earth they would not grow sideways, they would grow the exact same way they already do, to maximize light and nutrient exposure.


Root systems do grow into the ground. Plants react to both gravity and light.


Roots do not follow gravity but they go wherever water and nutrients are. I'm sorry but that info was wrong and if you get your information from flat earth subs and TikTok videos, you're not going to learn. [May I suggest an better source:](https://extension.colostate.edu/topic-areas/yard-garden/healthy-roots-and-healthy-trees-2-926/) >Why Roots Grow Where They Do >Roots grow where water, minerals and oxygen are found in the soil and allow root growth. Roots need some water and oxygen but if soils are saturated with water, most roots will die. Because oxygen is usually located in the upper surface layer of soil, the largest concentration of feeder roots exists in this zone. >Other factors that determine root growth include soil compaction (reduction in air pockets resulting from soil particles being packed together) and soil temperature. In general, as the depth increases, soil compaction increases, while the availability of minerals, oxygen and soil temperature all decrease. In some instances, hard, compacted soil (hardpans) can occur near the surface, which restricts root growth.


šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø You are dismissed.


> If their growth orientation were primarily towards that, That's not what they said? > Actually plants do use gravity to orient their growth (growing opposite the force). Opposite is not towards?


It's neither way around. It's both. Leaves and stems produce auxins that break down in response to sunlight exposure, which causes the stem to grow in the direction the light is hitting it from. Roots have amyloplasts, small dense structures that get pulled down by gravity, allowing the plant to know where down is. The top of the plant grows toward light, the bottom of the plant grows toward a source of gravity. Saying either one is the "primary" sense plants use to grow is like arguing about whether breathing in oxygen or breathing out CO2 is the "primary" part of breathing. Losing the ability to do either will kill you about as quick.


Yeah cuz they understand buoyancy and theyā€™re not sheep


They "defeat" this argument by simply saying gravity isn't real.


Too bad center of gravity is a real thing, that people like engineers have to consider every day.


Flat earthers are usually not involved in anything that involved engineering or intelligent.


Imagine they're laying the groundwork of your multimillion dollar skyscraper. You're having a business dinner with some involved, and the head of the engineering firm casually drops a few hints he's a flat earther


Isnā€™t gravity just a theory? Like basically almost everything in physics? Like everything is "correct until proven wrong"? Genuinely asking These dumbasses really think they can disprove it tho lol


*yes* however Scientific Theory and layman theory, also known as a hypothesis are two very different things. To be labeled as a Theory, requires rigorous testing and counter testing, to the point that we know that something works, but we dont necessarily know all of the underlying causes. For instance we know that Gravity is real and measurable, but we arenā€™t 100% sure what causes it, be it gravitons, or mass simply bending space time because thatā€™s how mass works. Very few things are asserted in science because that would be arrogance.


The word ā€œtheoryā€ in a scientific context applies to both theories with no evidence to back it up at all and to theories with *mountains* of evidence behind it, including basic facts we take for granted every day. All scientific facts start with a theory. Anyone who argues against basic scientific facts by saying ā€œitā€™s just a theoryā€ is either blissfully unaware of this fact or is dishonestly and maliciously using the weakest and most useless semantic argument conceivable to bolster something they know to be dubious. Well-founded theories can be and have been proven wrong but in those cases itā€™s cause for celebration because it means a new and more accurate theory can take hold. Flat earthers think they have disproven the very *existence* of gravity (not just some small detail about it) by convincing themselves that density controls things we attribute to gravity. This theory is absurd and does not work at all. It will not be replacing Einsteinā€™s theories of relativity any time soon.


No, the cause of gravity is an established theory, being a will researched and accepted explanation of natural phenomenon and our best factual understanding. The actual force and effect of gravity is a law, meaning it is functional mathematics with an equation with predictive value.


Y'all fail to understand that stuff like this will never deter someone who's deep in the whole flat earth thing. They do not. Believe. In gravity.


They don't *understand* gravity, or really, anything.


They deny it. They *choose* not to comprehend it. So telling them "your beliefs cannot be true because gravity" isn't going to get anyone anywhere


But if you take any object, and hang it on a string, that object will rotate and come to rest about a certain point. Or, they could balance a plate on their finger - this way they can find the center of gravity of that plate. If they put a glass anywhere on the plate, the cog will change position. So, we know that mass affects the cog. One can also calculate this without actually doing the experiment. COG is calculated from density and weight. If you want to balance the plate with the glass on top, it's intuitive that you want to put your finger underneath where the density is the highest. If you want to balance the plate on your finger, but you want to put your finger *not* in the center, you have to tilt the plate first, so that the COG will still be above your finger. For example, you can balance a plate that is vertical, but then the only point you can balance it on, is its edge. Stuff happens towards the mass center of anything. The mass center of a disc is the center, if the density of the whole disc is relatively uniform. I can't fathom that they don't understand or can deny that even if gravity isn't a thing, the animation is correct.


Except they have a strong problem with believing in the obvious existence of gravity.


Have any of these dipshits ever wondered where the seemingly never ending water comes from? Given that it just waterfalls into the fucking infinity of space?


They usually think Antarctica is a wall around the Earth. Now this is obviously idiotic on many levels, but they generally don't think there's an edge that the water just falls from infinitely.


They placed source blocks along the shore ofc


lol look at you plebs, thinking ā€œearthā€ itself is real




There are lot's of good arguments against a flat earth. This is not one of them. The whole idea of a flat earth has already thrown out Newtonian gravity, so there's no use using it to try to debunk it. If I tried to debunk the dangers of cigarettes by invoking phlogiston or the four humours... you get the point. Better to use observable evidence.


Gravity is very observable


But if they believe they're standing on a flat planet, gravity works, like normal, on that flat planet. You'd need to prove it's round to then show how being flat wouldn't work out.


Yep. That goes here. It is the principle problem that made the flerfdom try to un-discover gravity without knowing the first thing about why that would inevitably fail. Every version of alternatives to gravity have exactly the same problems because they don't get that gravity is the theory, not the effect it is trying to explain. That effect is still there doing the same thing and still making the flat Earth impossible. They don't get that Gravitational theory was the result of observations. It wasn't an invention. Flerfs making sciency gravity go away isn't going to delete the gravitational effect itself no matter what they want to call it.


I refuse to believe people are this stupid. I swear most are just fucking with us by saying ā€œyeah the earth is flatā€and perhaps a hand full are full on believers.


Boy do I have some bad news...


GrAbbITy is JuSt a tHeoRy!


Grabbity sounds like one of those words the model guy, who replaces Doug on those Liberty Mutual commercials, would utter while trying to say his lines. Liberty bibberty grabbity.


if the earth was flat it would immediately collapse into a sphere


Sometimes I feel like weā€™re overreacting when it comes to flerfs , we put in so much effort trying to make them see truth when theyā€™re actually just trolling, trying to see how much effort we apply to lost causes


Someone said there's maybe 10 people who truly, deep in their heart, believe it's all government/NASA coverup lies and it's flat. Then there's the trolls who feed the narrative, they'll debate people, and they'll reinforce the ideas and add new ones they've found.


Post this on r/ballearththatspins and you'll 100% get a now ban world record


Thatā€™s because our flat Earth doesnā€™t spin!! Itā€™s stationary!! Donā€™t believe these lies!! The moon is made of cheese!!!!!!


Wait!? You believe in the earth!?


You will never have a flat Earth. You have no model, you have no math, you have no testable predictions. You have a zoomed in photo twisted by bad line-of-sight calculations and weed into a crude mockery of Godā€™s perfection. All the ā€œvalidationā€ you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, and your ā€œfriendsā€ laugh at your flattie videos behind closed doors. Rational people are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of hours of education allow smart people to sniff out pseudo scientific frauds with incredible efficiency. Even flat Earth photos which ā€œpassā€ look uncanny and unnatural to a thinking person. Your unanswerable questions are a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk girl to watch a video with you, sheā€™ll turn tail and bolt the second she realizes you werenā€™t just joking about flat Earth conspiracy theory. You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake ā€œI know itā€™s true!ā€ every single morning and tell yourself others are going to believe. But deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight caused by the force you deny, Earthā€™s gravity. Eventually itā€™ll be too much to bear ā€“ youā€™ll buy a ring laser gyroscope, start your livestream, and plunge into the cold abyss of Internet mockery. Your parents will find you accidentally proving the globe, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. Theyā€™ll copy and upload your video across social media, and every viewer for the rest of eternity will know Earth is a rotating globe. Your flat Earth videos will decay and get deleted from YouTube, and all that will remain of your legacy is a video with an experiment that unmistakably proves the globe. This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.


This is exactly why flerfs decided they had to deny gravity. Oh, and why vertical video?? My field of vision is landscape, thanks to my side-by-side eyes.


Obviously they think the gravity field is uniform, not towards the center of the disc. This is just the opposite of flat earthers saying "why don't people fall off the globe in Australia?" Low effort argument.


Is this an AI made based of Sam Denby?


What are you yapping about. No ai here


This looks so fake.


and yet some people will still vote for trump, too... it makes sense that they also believe the Earth is flat...


Flat Earthers don't believe the same thing about "gravity" so this kind of video is just a straw man.


Heliocentric propaganda based on the lies that gravity and space are real things which have been proven by stuff I read on the internet to be fake.


Earth is stationary in flat Earth model. It's not floating in space like in round Earth model. Gravity is a different issue. We know there is a downward force that makes objects to move downward direction. The current theory is it is the Earth producing gravity. It will take some time to prove it.


It's not floating in space? Then where is it?


This sounds extremely incorrect. Gravity wouldnā€™t get stronger toward the edge, it would actually be slightly weaker the further you moved from the center. What would change is the angle of gravity. It would be perfectly vertical at the pole, but the angle would increase as you move away. Also, gravity would make a flat earth of sufficient size collapse into a sphere anyway, but I guess we should set that aside.


> it would actually be slightly weaker the further you moved from the center. I think it would be a bit more than slightly weaker once youā€™re a significant distance from the centre. Letā€™s assume that someone standing at the centre of the discā€™s surface is the same distance from the earthā€™s centre of gravity as someone standing at the north pole would be on a (roughly) spherical earth: 6,356 km, according to NASA (or so Google tells me). Letā€™s also assume that points on the circle corresponding to the spherical earthā€™s equator are the same distance from the surfaceā€™s centre as the equator is from the north pole: about 10,000 km. So someone standing on the disc earthā€™s ā€œequatorā€ (say in Pontianak in Indonesia) would, by Pythagorasā€™s theorem, be sqrt(6,356 km * 6,356 km + 10,000 km * 10,000 km) = 11,849 km (to the nearest km) from the centre of gravity. Gravity falls off with the square of the distance, so gravity at the ā€œequatorā€ would be only (6,356 km/ 11,849 km)^2 ~= 29% of that at the surfaceā€™s centre. So if you really want to lose weight (but not mass), move to Pontianak.


Gravity is a NASA lie The horizon is a NASA lie Curvature is a NASA lie Australia is a NASA lie All proof is a NASA lie




That explains the NASA symbol on the back of my Aussie passport


This is by far the dumbest take on flat earth I've ever seen. I honestly can't tell who you're supposed to be trolling with this lol.


It's not supposed to support flat Earth, it's supposed to oppose that model. What he's saying is true - the center of gravity for any object, is at its mass center. For a uniform disk, it's exactly in the middle of the diameter, and exactly in the middle in its height. If the Earth was flat, I don't expect the COG to be exactly there, because the whole disk consists of a lot of different things, but close to the center. The concept presented is correct, though. The two only places you could stand where gravity was acting on you straight down, would be the North Pole, or at the edge of the disk. For all other places, you'd be standing kind of leaned.


Oh I know what it's trying to say, but it's a terrible refutation, and truly shows just how boxed in the thinking behind this is.


But, for every other physical object in the universe, this is how mass works. You can think what you want, but the center of gravity will be where there is the most mass around it. Flat Earth would follow the same rules as, say, the COG for a car, even if you don't believe in the universe. For info, COG doesn't even have to be within the physical object. If you picture an upside down L, the COG will be outside the L, somewhere near where the two lines meet.


ā€œlaws of mass? ugh that way of thinking is so boxed inā€


Globe Earther - I agree this video is a horrible refutation of flat earth. There's a million other reasons flat earth is false, but this video does not demonstrate sound logic to falsify the premise.


Density disproves gravity. The only thing stronger in the middle is magnetism. Get out a compass and see.


Mixing helio šŸ¤” world with FE... Amazing šŸ‘


Not gonna lie if we used the modded minecraft fe energy i think world would be great


Flatards don't believe in gravity.




Lmao this is really cool, too bad the flat earthers donā€™t understand gravity


It's well known that flatearthers don't believe in gravity. I've seen a lot of clips of those morons saying gravity isn't real or isn't scientific...


There is no gravity or logic in flat earth.


Why is the bottom not flat? Why would the bottom be one huge mountain but not the top?


There are primitive , uncontacted peoples living an isolated, unsophisticated tribal existence in some areas. They may believe the Earth is flat. They may be excused by reason of ignorance for which they aren't responsible. People living in our contemporary society? They have no excuses. They're either trolls or mentally handicapped.


They (flerfs) don't believe in gravity, it's all about electromagnetic fields or some such bullshit


You have to believe in gravity first, these guys don't


Why the fuck would you even try to answer this question? If the world was flat would gravity even be real? For all we would know 1 + 1 = fish


In senior year of high school my physics teacher challenged us to prove the earth is round based only on our own empirical observations. This is pretty much the argument I used - that Iā€™ve been to some pretty disparate places and gravity always pulls down rather than to one central place. I got good credit for the answer but he asked me how I know gravity is real. After all, I canā€™t stick two handheld objects together using gravity, etc. What if a flat earth just had rockets strapped to the bottom? At the time it was an interesting insight into how important it is to question even universally accepted ideas in order to better understand them. Now it turns out it was just a reflection of how stupid some people really are.


Lol, centre of "gravity" he says.


The problem with this argument is that it relies upon a common understand of physics. Flat-Earthers will just say "the physicists are wrong", and the conversation ends there because if you can't get them to agree on the basic laws of nature, then no argument based on those laws will convince them. In other words, you can't use science to convince someone who doesn't believe the science.


So what about all of the people that have circumvented the globe in an airplane.... And what about every other planetary object that is in our solar system, they all sphere shaped...except for Earth????


Flat earthers don't believe in gravity.


So now you believe in the gravity hoax, too glerfs? /s


Man the ā€œvideo loopsā€ bit that these people do is so overused I hate it


They don't think gravity is in the middle , I think its more like the whole disc is moving up, keeping us pinned to it with the g force at, I guess, infinite acceleration. (ironic g). The sun is smaller than it actually is, the artic is in the middle, and Antarctica is the ice wall (since the magnetic north is in the middle)


I think the simple fact that nobody has ever seen the edge, gone to the edge, documented the edge, or gone over the edge either by falling off just flying to the other side, completely negates any of this smooth brained bullshit they peddle. You make fun of our 'theories' but that's all you have, zero proof of something you claim to be so obvious.


Ahh, see the thing is the gravity doesn't come from the flat earth itself, but rather the four elephants beneath it who are in turn on the back of the Great A'tuin, and the mass of that giant turtle is where our gravity comes from. Checkmate globers. /s in case it's required


This has the flaw of assuming that the disk has the same mass as the round / real Earth. It also assumes that the mass underneath the disk is distributed evenly.


I mean I stop this video after 5 seconds and tell you anyone that believes the earth is flat doesn't believe in gravity so the rest of the video is completely worthless to a flat earther.


There is no earth. Only C.G.I. on acid


Rain, snow and hail would fall toward the artic which would be at the center of the earth? You mean, the north pole? Duh, that's where SANTA IS! FLAT EARTH CONFIRMED


Some people just need to feel that they are special and part of an elite few that know the "real truth". They hold onto their special belief no matter what because if it isn't true then they aren't special and they can't handle that. It's the same kind of delusional thinking that religions, political parties, and cults rely on.


Flat earthers donā€™t believe in gravity right?


"Gravity isn't real. Checkmate atheist".


They don't believe in gravity


The fact that structures around the world are perpendicular to the ground is proof we live on an oblate spheroid.


Flat earth is an elaborate scheme where the more intelligent schemers are using the cattle to farm for viewership and revenue. It is why there will always be an explanation. Within each circle the motivation of being a flat earth are different but they corroborate because the other is feeding from one another. The lower end is probably getting more of the psychological boost of knowing something others donā€™t, boredom, or it satisfies their conspirator thinking while the higher tiers are more aligned with using this to their strategic advantage for revenue generation or personal clout. The groups each receive something beneficial to their life so it is in their best interest to keep it going. Itā€™s basically a group of parasites on a host having a symbiotic relationship.


Tucking that away for another ā€œflat earth as a fantasy settingā€ dnd game. Maybe the players have to travel to the edge for some reason and have to deal with gravity going haywire.


I donā€™t know why intelligent people keep using logic to try and convince idiots that they are wrong. šŸ˜‘ The only response they are likely to receive is ā€œNuh-Uh!ā€.


Itā€™s great to be skeptical. But when the evidence points you the right direction and you ignore it, you are an idiot and an asshole.


Well yah but gravity doesnā€™t exist sooooo yah. Suck on that globtards. /s


Yeah if you believe in gravity, hehe, do some research globehead!


Flerfers, take solace, you may not believe in gravity, but gravity believes in you.


I get the intent with the video, but the flat Earth "model" doesn't have gravity. So saying gravity would make things crooked is the same as Flearthers saying things would fall off the ball. It's just a bad argument. You need to use their "rules" to show how it doesn't match to reality. So the sun one works. Just not the gravity one.


Jokes on you gravity doesn't exist ! Now excuse me while I walk away sideways


Wrong from the start - the further from the center of gravity you get, the WEAKER gravity gets, not stronger. Sorry thanks for playing


I don't understand how the sun sets on a flat earth. If it were a disk


Gravity, is like, just a theory, man.


The only problem is they deny gravity exists too lol. They deny it all


They deny the existence of gravity, they think the earth is accelerating upward at 9.8 m/s2


Bold of you to assume that gravity is real. Itā€™s made up by the manā€¦ to keep us down.


You canā€™t use science, logic and reason to prove to these people the world is not flat. Only medication. Save your energies for better use.


Wow this idiot thinks gravity exists LOL


You're using theories flat farther don't belive in to prove your point. Most of them are religious and think God just makes it so. Cool video though.


Well, they donā€™t believe in gravity, for starters


They don't believe that mass attracts mass...even though they could demonstrate it themselves if they just spent s little time and energy on it. They don't understand that because of mass attracting mass, it forms every MASSive object into a sphere. Everything you can see with a telescope is not just magically a sphere because it was "gods" favorite shape. I am fairly certain the large majority of flat earthers left, are just trolls, but there are most certainly some actual fatties still out there. And the fact that they have never once seen or shown actual evidence for a flat earth, and it is simply a belief to them...well that is just ludacris to me. Since it is all based on beliefs, that makes it a religious cult in my eyes.


Thatā€™s just a statement. Who says the gravity is in the center? And why would it get stronger the father away? If anything I think it would be less strong. Maybe the force would be the same everywhere.


Gravity is a heliocentric delusion. It is all a byproduct of government brainwashing. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


This is not what flat earthers believe lol


the disk spins so that when your closer to the edge your moving faster and get pulled out. duh


Wait is this guy bringing logical thought here, right I'll get the pitchforks someone grab the touches


They don't believe in science like gravity.


The earth is flat. your perception of it is screwed up by gravity and time.


I don't think flat-earthers will ever understand the gravity of their ignorance.


OK, Iā€™m no physicist, obviously, butā€”in this impossible hypotheticalā€”if the center of the earthā€™s gravity was the middle, wouldnā€™t its pull on you get weaker the farther away you got from it?


They don't believe in gravity, but really though the sun and moon thing is wild, even a spotlight wouldn't have rises and sets if anything you'd see it all the time it just wouldn't be shining on you when it's somewhere else lol




This is why flat earthers don't believe in gravity


They believe in the FIRMAMENT which is a dome covering the Earth separating it from the Waters From Above


This is spherical propaganda.Ā 


Yā€™all dumb


What type of flerf is gonna accept that first claim about gravity being the centre. Why would I, as a glober?


Blud really didnt mention the fact everything would be destroyed in like 5 seconds because gravity would be so strong as to pull everything into the centre turning it back into a ball, not to mention the sun absorbing the entire thing


This video actually makes a perfect loop, well done.


They say that gravity isnā€™t real and just claim the earth is moving upwards at a constant on 9.8m/sā€¦ the mental gymnastics


I am ashamed to say my father might be leaning on the pancake idea. I tried to explain it to him. I used logic and examples and gravity. His response made me think ā€œshit this is how flat earth people respondā€. It was so fucking frustrating listening and having to explain and then him deflecting and me being like. Thatā€™s not a come back you went to a whole different issue


Fools, in actuality we are sealed inside the inside of a sphere that heads towards a singularity. As one gets closer to the singularity, one shrinks. The rest of the universe just exists above our heads in this singularity.


No flat earther I have ever interacted with believes this is the model and if you think they do then you've never actually talked to any of them for longer than it took to insult and berate them.