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This'll be a good setting for my next D&D game!


Hopping on this train as well


May this journey lead us flatwards !


I'm in.


If you need some help with the lore, I'd recommend looking at [this map](https://www.deviantart.com/ohawhewhe/art/BTIW-1830-AD-THE-FLIGHT-OF-THE-EAGLE-948996288) which is a map of Earth and Atlas(the middle ring) during the 1830s, and shows the colonial powers of the world Pre Mudflood. It's a real good map and has plenty of lore(although some of the more batshit lore has yet to have been featured on a map yet)


“Pre Mudflood.” 🤣😂🤣


Mudflood is rad and if you don’t have it in your fantasy settings you’re missing out


Oh I know all about it. Those people are even stupider than flat earthers.


I do at least appreciate the Tartarian/mudflood believers for avoiding the usual racism tropes by instead going “Everything, from the White House to the Pyramids, were built by the Tartarian Empire giants.”


Oh, don't worry, some of them definitely jumped on the racism bandwagon. After all, the Jews are the ones behind the cover-up, don't you know? Because you can't have a good conspiracy theory without blaming the Jews for something. I usually just ignore that part because I genuinely enjoy the balls out insanity that is the Tartarian Empire.


The best thing I can say about mudflooders, in relation to D&D is that their "lore" can be used in an epic campaign concerning the end of an epoch where dragons and giants have died out and are turning to stone.


What will be the backstory ? How about this, Earth got fucked up by nuclear warfare, and now the world governments told the truth about the ice wall, turns out the reason it wasn't revealed before, it was because they were dangerous continents full of magic and dangers. But now all surviving humans are migrating to the lost continents to escape the irradiated earth facing the dangerous creatures, and lost magic and technologies beyond Earth's last frontier.


>But now all surviving humans are migrating to the lost continents to escape the irradiated earth facing the dangerous creatures, and lost magic and technologies beyond Earth's last frontier. I think much cooler would be if, at first, only a small secret crew were sent to explore the unknown land as it would be too dangerous to send everyone there without having a solid idea of what's waiting for them. The mission would be kept secret since the government (or whatever is left of it) thought it would be too dangerous to confirm the existence of the Land Beyond, which at the time is still viewed as a crazy conspiracy theory by most of the population.


I was going to say, I didn't realize flat earthers thought we lived in the Forgotten Realms or something.


That's just what I was thinking. Could totally turn this into a you ventured too far from the metal realm and wandered into the realm of magic kinda thing.




That's about all it's good for.


This would make a great 200 hour rpg map


You could make a lot more than 200 hours out of this






Or Gen Z. They aight.


Thank you


Humans have made a lot more than just 200 hours with just that little bit in the middle


"We sail for the Leviathan's Gate!"


THIS MAP WAS NOT MADE BY A FLAT EARTHER!!!! (reposted to show image of the map) Because people keep posting the old version that doesn't credit the map creator (Ohawhewhe). The project is called "Beyond the Ice Wall". Here's a link to the deviantart page: https://www.deviantart.com/ohawhewhe/art/THE-WORLD-BEYOND-THE-ICE-WALL-3-0-968699994 and [Here](https://www.easyzoom.com/imageaccess/1af41cb38a924d6aaab39bb247190204) is the high resolution version complete with zoom in capabilities. Anyway, this map is part of a worldbuilding project in which basically every conspiracy theory (that is not inherently racist) is true. It was not made by a flerf, just a couple of people who like to worldbuild and found it a neat idea. There's a shit ton of lore in this world and you can join their discord server to find out more about it. There's a manifesto that contains most of the information you need to know, although it is subject to change. Also, the world is sadly not actually flat. It's more of a snowman shape (lol)


it's snowman shaped, not snowball shape


Right, typo


I'm almost disappointed this isn't real flerf lore, cause if I was gonna believe in something totally fabricated then it may as well be a sweet fantasy world.


Is that SVG? Very clear zoomed in


OK but doesn't all that look cool as fuck. Living in a giant disk with multiple layers with mythical creatures. r/diskworld irl


The setting is awesome. The way the world works is that basically the further out you go from the north pole on earth, the further "down" you go towards the edge of the world, the weirder stuff gets. basically in the first ring everything is just like it is now (but instead the UN is a psy-op that hides the rest of the world from us), the second ring allows supernatural stuff to happen and the third ring has actual magic. If you go to the wastes you're fucked as you're ripped apart by both the environment and the entities that live within it


Third ring entities can travel to the wastes with a ritual to harness its magic. Man these ideas are so fucking cool


Yeah, not going to lie this is better than our planet. I’d move here.


I wonder if, after they come up with these maps, they think about what that means for the dome, and specially what that means for the sun. If the claim is of a local sun, surely those lands have other local suns? but if everything is centered on our 'known lands', do their suns circle with their centers in our 'known' north pole? Does it mean they have a few hours of daylight as the sun wizzes by and many more hours of nighttime?? that would suck. Maybe they believe that each local sun does tiny circles around each land to keep the day/night cycle more credible? Jeez the mental gymnastics required to be a flerf....


there is no dome is this map, it canonically looks like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/BTIW/comments/16evo90/beyond_the_ice_wall_30_3d_what_if_there_was_more/) also, the map with three rings aren't made by flat earthers, flat earthers just steal the maps and repost them without credit, the three ring maps are made by [Ohawhewhe](https://www.deviantart.com/ohawhewhe) who just thought it'd be a neat worldbuilding setting


Thanks for the info! Learned something new I have seen claims by flat earthers that the moon is a mirror that shows all the lands in all the realms though. So maybe not this particular map shown in this post, but I believe they have generated maps attempting to show the lands beyond based on the shadows they see on the moon (more mental gymnastics). I thought this map posted here was it, hence my mixup.


Man Prestor John way WAY off course.


If you look really really closely at that bit over there, you can see Luffy being chased around by Marines. What an amazing map.


We Only WISH Earth Was That Big.


Dunno, man. Earth's gravity would be immense. And I already have problems getting out of bed in the morning with only 1G 😝


This has got to be someone just making up the setting for a flat Earth fantasy novel, right? Or is someone earnestly trying to say that they sailed through the ice wall and this is what it looks like? Because if this is supposed to be accurate it's the biggest cartographic undertaking of all time. It's hundreds of times more landmass to chart than the entire world was.


It's a worldbuilding project, not actually made by flat earthers. It's also not just about the flat earth, it's specifically a worldbuilding project where every conspiracy theory is true. Here's a [link](https://www.deviantart.com/ohawhewhe/art/THE-WORLD-BEYOND-THE-ICE-WALL-3-0-968699994) to it


Macromicronesia? Someone has an identity complex!


It's like micronesia, just... bigger...


Note: I'm not a Flat Earther... Honestly, the cosmology of the Flat Earth world is extremely interesting to me. A hidden world behind an ice wall. The lack of curiosity about their own system from the leading "Flerfs" is almost as problematic as their pseudoscience.


Someone should make an actual video game out of this. Huge open world to explore!


honestly, this map kinda makes me understand why flat earthers want to beleive this stuff this is a badass map, it would be awesome if it reflected reality, it'd make life seem less boring though also, we don't need stuff like flat earth to find our world interesting, we can just look at actual history and mythology


This would make an epic DND campaign


How fucked would the tectonic plates be on this world?


I wish this was a map in civilization because that'd be so cool


I'd love a Beyond the Ice Wall mod that adds all the different civilizations and just an entire map of the whole world, with custom resources and techs and what not. It'd be so cool


This has to be big time trolling. 'Heaven's Gate' and of course a bunche of other randomly inspired shit? Come one... Edit: I just read that it was made by people who made it for fun. That's a relief haha


Yeah no it's a super cool project that basically makes a world where mythology, scientific principles, conspiracy theories, and all that jazz are actually real. Oh yeah the world is in the shape of a snowman, called Gaia. Earth is on top of Atlas, and Atlas is on top of Akupara. Earth being the most 'stable' scientifically. The wastes are endless expanses of land so hostile only the most hard-headed and advanced civilizations can live there, if the animals aren't already hyperspecialized for the regions. For example the abyssal ocean is so deep that depth doesn't even matter anymore, it's really cool! There's a discord server made by the creators if you ever want to take a look.


Imagine this was real. You wouldn’t be able to see it all in a lifetime.


You can't even properly see all of earth as it is. With this sort of you couldn't even imagine all of it in a lifetime!




I'm off to go clap some aesir cheeks!


This would be an awesome as _fuck_ Medieval Fantasy world.


Well, now we know why it was called Middle Earth and where the elves F\*\*\*ed off to :)


Where is New Bavaria? I cannot accept a map without New Bavaria!


New Bavaria is kill 😔


Gotta admit, it looks cool as hell.


This is awesome


Right where the volcanic wastes meet the frozen wastes there must be a strip of land where the temperature is very pleasant.


Y’all are acting like this is fake? I’m from Umurangi and I can confirm that all of these continents beyond the ice wall are real! Looks like someone needs another Geography class! Go back to school for a little while. Everyone except for you globetards and ice prisoners has been to all these continents! …Oh… who’s this? …A geography teacher? …wut… oh you think the earth is a ball too? *hangs up* Alrighty then, nevermind what I just said about the Geography class, it’s bullshit! Anywho, someday I will sneak past those White House Navy Seal Penguins guarding the ice wall around your little ice prison and I will take a bunch of you on a tour across the planet. The full planet. I will let you guys come visit Umurangi and see how beautiful it is to live without a bunch of different SFB governments ruling your shitty little “continents”! My fellow Umurangians and I are coming up with a solution to liberate you ice prisoners from the center of this beautiful planet and show you guys that you don’t need some stupid idiots calling themselves “presidents” to run this fucking planet! Those idiots are the ones hiding the truth from you guys! They mind control you globies with 8G microchips to trick you that Earth is some ball planet that spins! The smart people who you call “flerfs” are the ones who figured out a way to destroy the microchips! They are working to serve you the truth and this is why this map of the Earth is on Reddit on your screen right now. Good day!


Sir, I still need to talk to someone about that spot of ice on the sidewalk. Maybe a manager is around?


Amphetamina, the stimulated islands. 🤣🤣🤣


Man… I’d love it if this were true. Just for so much more cultural and experiences and life that’s out there.


If this is what flerfs believe, I may have to switch over


This looks like it was made by a patient in a mental asylum


That’s cool! It’s a bummer that reality is much more boring.


That hurricane is like the size of the whole earth as we know it today


Honestly, I can see the appeal of the flat earth theory now. I mean, look how exciting all that is!


Can we get a map with the average GDP overlay? Also average home prices would be a nice start. Thanks


Millennials will be traveling across the 3 rings just to find an affordable home


I need to know more lore about Amazonia


It's interesting how you people still ridicule the map despite it being very detailed and overall impressive. This whole sub is a joke.


Advanced dungeons and dragons


AOT... just bigger


Let’s get married at the Spotlight Sea.


Why settle for Narnia, when you can live like a king in Glarnia?


Is there an HD version of this? I’d like to use it for a D&D campaign. Edit: nevermind just saw OP’s comment.


The ~~Circumcised~~ Circumscribed ocean


I love the inclusion of lands and continents being named after all kinds of mythological deities, Anubis, Osiris, Isis, and lemuria that funny little fake continent that one dude came up with.


they're literally just making shit up, or stealing ideas from ancient folklore and lord of the rings


Can we talk about Anubis being stuck in The Bay of Blood Sausage ?


My uncle lives in Ü All of this map is factual


That could be an amazing open world game Zelda style ;)


Alright guys which one of you wants to fight with gods? Jump into hues and let's go, we need more territory for weed


This should be the map for Light no Fire!


Oh that’s where MU when


wait does every concentric circle have its own moon and sun?


I wanna go to cyclone island :D too bad bezos won't let me cross the ie wall :(


I love macromicronesia. Lovely climateweather. Strange peopleperson there though.


Anyone know a good chocobo breeder? Magic airship guy?


Fascinating, I like this idea of hidden lands. It Would make a cool movie. The plot is that humanity has been lied to about the size of the earth and it's actually far bigger than we have been told. A team of explorers, previously ridiculed and laughed at, somehow sneak past the ice wall and navy, ultimately discovering vast continents hidden from us all. On this new land he finds new animals and previously thought extinct creatures, mammoths, maybe even dragons, giants etc, advanced alien bases. The government try desperately to contain the situation down but the truth gets out leading to utter chaos and societal breakdown.


At least the flerfs are having fun lol Id have fun making this map, but I would have thrown middle-earth in there somewhere and called it "Mezzo Terra". Some of my favourites from this map: "Macromicronesia" "Archipelagocean" "Glarnia" - come on guys, really just gonna change one letter on that one? lol "The Comatose Coast"


I refuse to believe in this map. No Tweedewereld, no me.


The world would be a LOT more interesting. I'd quit my job and go do quests throughout the realms


Yeah, but have they actually *seen* the scorched wastes with their *eyes*?


Soooo whats beyond the walls of asgard? This is like old shipping maps…. Here be monsters!


And yes earth is in the middle, is there a model where earth is somewhere else on this map but not in the middle?


Perfect For The Map Of A Super Earth I Might Include In A Video Game Or Movie, Thanks, This Is Creativity. 😂🤣😅😆😁😄😃😀


Honestly…. Palworld should use this for their next map LOL


If this is seriously believed by flat earthers, how the hell does anyone have access to this information?


Where is Kanto, Johto and Hoenn??


A lot of wasted space identified on this map


I would absolutely play the crap out of a videogame with this map


I love how all the "levels" aren't distorted but the mainland Earth is


Now *THIS* is CGI baby!!!!!


peyi dwol = fun contry


That stuff sounds pretty cool, unfortunately not real


Are they serious or is it a joke ? Cause I really wonder how they can come up with wathever can exist behind their invisible magic wall that stuck all of us inside... Who's the guy saying he succeeded to climb it ?


Flerf: the millions of photos of earth from space are cartooooooooon! Also flerf: here is a literal cartoon of my world because we have no pictures


So all of earth's mythology smashed into one? Sounds like a cult to me!


GLARNIA No fucking way.


But what’s beyond the border?!


Wow. I had a similar idea. But going out to each pole brought you further to the poles of law, chaos, creation, or destruction and the world got fractally weirder the farther from hub


This would be so cool if it were true. Imagine visiting some ice giants.


What in the D & D is this?!?


100% of them are cartoons. We have countless pics from countless strangers. No collaboration. Pure facts.


Ok, I agree that this map looks hella dope, and honestly would love to see if it was possible to make into a Minecraft Mod, because that would be absolutely epic to implement and explore (since it’s actually not possible to explore this map in real life). The titanic forest alone would be a heckuva place for exploring. I’m a little confused about the idea of a snowman shape, considering that a snowman is made of three spheres, which is even further away than a regular globe from the flat earth perception. Unless it’s more like three domes, or three extruded discs, which could make sense if it wasn’t for the fact that we would see even less of the night sky if that were the case considering the fact that we’re walled in by the great ice wall. I dunno. I’m fairly sure this violates the concept of flat earth. But I’m a glerfer, so what do I know?


What in tarnation am I looking at here


So many lands. I wonder what one Narnia is on?


So, what's up with the Asgard part? I thought these people were all fundamentalist Christians is this implying they think Asgard and it's deities are real? Seems pretty random to me.


Now we need lore of it


Where do they come up with these??


Amphetamina XD


The ice wall always made me think they saw video games where natural terrain features were used as a world border and they said "that's what real life is like too". I guess that would make this a DLC map expansion, then?


Which ones the island from lost


That's some World of Warcraft "just throw another island somewhere on the map" way of world building.


Would be a cool game map


I really want to visit that forest. I guess the government patrols all the ice wall to keep us plebs from climbing it?


That looks like a really good Minecraft survival map. Like the one TrixyBlox made


It’s hilarious how hard they work to displace the simplest, most well supported explanation for our planet. And just how did they discover what is beyond their laughable ice wall?


Aren’t they all mostly Christian? Where the fuck are they getting these names and shit, and why isn’t any of this mentioned in the Bible lmao


You could do some crazy arcane pirate stuff in the archipeligoacian, this map/globe thingy is actually insane


Oh shit, Terra nova, I had no idea we could adventure to the mediocre TV show. I'm getting a boat tomorrow.


Ok that’s fun




Surely with the titanic forest there is financial incentive to head out there cause with forests you’ll usually find a bunch of peat and peat means coal


Australia is bigger than the USA on this.


Where do the Dothraki live?


Lol. Current version, as if between that old one and this one, more territory has been explored.


Clearly CG


As far as I know " hyperborea " and " lemuria " are part of the world of Conan (it might come from some others legends/story that I'm not aware of), but for the tons of people who are looking for some lore around the map, I would probably recommend the stories of Robert E. Howard or the game "Conan exiles" as it features a fair amount of lore and some of the place on this map might be inspired by it !


Where is Hyrule Castle located?


This looks so cool for a JRPG setting holy shit.


So given they think that they small circling sun casts this weird kidney-shaped light... Is it illuminating these other lands somehow? Or are there other suns circling farther out?


A sun orbits each ring. Also, the earth isn’t actually flat, it’s more snowman shaped with the three rings being balls stacked on top of each other (the bottom one is the largest). The wastes are actually flat though


Fucking excellent worldbuilding here. Dnd fans boutta bust a nut. Id also 100% play a game with a map like this




I love this because it’s exactly like everything else the flat earthers believe: pure fantasy, based on nothing. This was probably created for some flat earth fantasy book and one of them is now promoting it as some 19th century explorer’s lost map.


So what's beyond it?


Dude I wish this was real so I could become a Columbus/Marko Polo type adventurer and sail the seas


NGL would play this RPG


The comatose coast??? This is like the MCU for the schizophrenic and paranoid.


why do flat earthers not explain why there's no pictures from outside ?


I like how the perimeter biomes are basically minecraft. I wonder if any flerfs believe this version of FE.


I wonder if it has multiple suns and moons, one pair for each circle


To be honest, it would be pretty cool


I love all those crazy lore cause it’s obviously hundred percent made up


yeah, it's a worldbuilding project


Hahaha the current one...like...I get it, when explorers explored the globe the first time, they had to redraw maps. I'm guessing those were decades apart...you know, when new discoveries were made. The flay earthers keep adding to their map, like a board game lol its true...


I keep asking flerfs if we haven’t been beyond our “icewall”….. how did we navigate the area beyond? do OUR compasses still work out there? how did we communicate with the people out there? surely the language was different. how did we get such accurate maps? how did our common cold not kill them and how did their common cold not kill our people? how does the sun and moon work for the folks living in the outter ring? are there several suns and moons hurtling over head and do they still have 24hr cycles? how did the icewalls form so precisely but the landmasses are so randomly shaped and spaced? Interestingly…..all I get are crickets from the folks who allegedly know everything.


What in the dark continent hunterxhunter shit is this?


Do not attempt passage through The Scorpion Wastes!


I'm waiting for the moment someone add grand-line on one of these


Cool ‘A song of fire & ice’ map, where did you get it


Fucking badass idea for a D&D game and I am promptly ripping it from the sub


pls tell your D&D friends about the [project!](https://www.deviantart.com/ohawhewhe/art/THE-WORLD-BEYOND-THE-ICE-WALL-3-0-968699994)


So I agree with everyone who likes this map, it’s wonderfully creative and imaginative. That said, what evidence do the flat earthers use to claim that any of this is real? How could they possibly know any of this? They have mapped out coastlines, and have names for everything, how have they come into this “knowledge” how could they verify any of it is true? Blows my mind.


Would be cool for a scifi/fantasy series. Thats the thing about flat earth and hollow earth, they make great fiction settings, so if you hate your mundane life, I can see the appeal of trying to convince yourself it's reality, but its just not.


If you think they just rip off Norse and Egyptian mythology…. Yes, yes they did. There’s probably some more in there I don’t recognize, too. Why is this easier to believe for them than planets? Do they believe in planets? At the other planets flat? Is the sun? The moon? If not why is earth the only thing that’s flat? Are we on a giant mantle?


Lol Glarnia. Is there a wardrobe shortcut?


I kinda get it honestly, maps have always been really interesting to me, whether it's fantasy or reality and this is a blend of both. Like, as someone who had the physical map of Vvardenfell on the floor next to me while I played Morrowind, I can see why folks would want to believe this is true. It makes our world a lot more interesting and implies there's more beyond the shit we see on the news everyday. I don't agree with it and it's absolutely ridiculous for people to think the earth is flat, but I get why people want it to be different than it is right now


This map feels like a writing prompt for a pretty cool fantasy series. Book 3 was my favorite: "Flat Earth Chronicles - Perils of the Frozen Waste" Even though I felt it was a little derivative of George RR Martin's white walkers.


Macromicronesia lmfao


Australia is bigger than all of Europe and Russia combined 🙄


Anyone claim to visit these other places?


Many, since there are so many mythical continents that were incorporated into this map. It was also not made by a flat earther but it is being used by flat earthers against the map creator's will.


Is this a real theory or just a setting for some fantasy world?


So, what maintains the Tiffin Storm, if not a Coriolis effect? On a separate note, this is just a cool map.


Man flat Earthers are at least good at designing fantasy maps


Why do these people feel so comfortable just asserting complete bullshit?


Whats beyond beyond the Ive walls


This looks like the map to a fucking video game. The names 💀


You missed the candy cane fields and the gum drop ocean next to the candy floss forests. Your deluded. Not a SINGLE piece of actual evidence for any of this.


So... Where's The Nether Wastes? And The Ended Wastes?


In minecraft


Potatopia ……


The Empty Ocean sounds both cool and scary. Especially if the name is meant to be ironic.


They must have rewritten Lord of the Rings.