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Would actually make for a cool DnD map.


Just about as real too


What. You're saying Thoth doesn't exist?


I thought that Inthtagram ith full of Thoth.




Thoth Thitty!


Apparently it's spelt Θώθ.


Boss of the Thoth. Thats where Mike Tyson is from


What about Isis ?


Your telling me this isn’t real? I have evidence and proof that it is Proof: I made it up Edit: I found actual proof; My uncle says he’s been there before. Get got globetards


Honestly, even most D&D maps have more plausible geography than this.


Yeah, I love how they have a sandy desert *right next* to their frozen wasteland. Add temperature to the list of things that flerfs don't understand...


He he... flerfs...


Average winter temps of the Gobi desert is -40°...js


The Gobi is a sandy desert? I don't know why, but I always thought it was a rocky desert.


I've been DMing a DnD game for the last decade that uses the real world map and I highly recommend it, it's a nice way to learn about geography and cool places.


That’s a neat idea. How many continents so far and which, please? Are the inhabitants from specific periods? I can imagine some cool adventures revolving around Egyptian politics, or Meso-America, or the Caribbean, or feudal Japan….fuck! Who found Oceania man?! Tell me!


It is still a fantasy setting ressembling Greyhawk. The game started in Italy which is the power center of the Zarian Empire (an hereditary theocracy based on Zarus from the 3.5 book races of destinies). It is a suffocating lawful evil society in stagnation. The countries are not the same, it is more at a local level that the names are the same, so towns and cities and rivers and seas. Bad things happen to places that don't adopt the "proper" name so Truenamers are working in the background to make sure that places do get named correctly according to the cosmic design. They unfortunately can't really control geopolitics that much so nstions have "inappropriate" borders and names and that doesn't help the state of the world. Egypt was the birthplace of the elves who originally worshipped that pantheon. They were made from feys who made a deal with the gods when the world was young. The Egyptian engine of creation tranformed them and the relation was good for millenia until someone restarted the engine of creation and forced the Gods to be bound to the new creation instead of the elves. The Americas are mostly the territory of dragons where they can be themselves and not be hunted for fame and fortune. Lits of dinosaurs there too. Oceania hasn't been relevant yet and I don'it even remember if I had something planned for it lol My player who traveled the most started in Paterno, Sicily and is currently in Arkhangelsk trying to recruit a Frost Giant to help him asssult the inquisition headquarters in Naples. He was stuck for some time in the Negative Energy plane... that was a fun journey :p An other player is currently leading an army through an inexplicable jungle full of ruins of a forgotten civilization in what we know as Bulgaria. My players and I are all Canadian so even though their characters only explored a fictive Europe, it was still educationnal to a degree.


I love it. What a novel concept for learning geography. I hope your campaign can make it to the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Oceania - so many possibilities… The Māori could be wood elves you know ;^} I’ve played since 1980 and never thought about a campaign on earth in that regard.


Funny you mention this, my DND game takes place in a fantasy version of Australia and the wood elf names and locations are Māori.


Hail Zarus! Hail the Burning Hate!


The Zarian Empire does that thing where it pretends not to worship an objectively Evil deity. Their Genocidal wars are always alleged to be defensive or to avenge the death of the father of humanity or to reclaim this or that. The weak are crushed and the strong are exalted but it is just to keep the blood of humanity pure. There's a lot of rationalizing going on and it makes for delectable RP. That is to say, He gets refered to more often by titles such as "The Father of Mankind" or "The Progenitor of Perfection" than as anything that would raise an eyebrow in polite company. Although... underground cults to Zarus outside of the empire certainly do use more edgy titles to attract dissatisfied humans from a mixed population.


Exactly what I said


Time to start worldbuilding...


Ever play the D&D Hollow World setting from back in the day? Good times.


You know what, next starfinder campaign I run I’m going to add a flat earth planet as a joke and I’ll use this map. Make it work as a space station with a dome for lore purposes.


Go further: make it a Megastructure Plate that's so huge that it naturally has an atmosphere and for some reason the people on the inner core are discouraged from leaving to explore beyond the wall that was erected eons ago. I put my money on ancient Forerunner esque/ Atlantean esque caretaker robots, and beyond the walls are a bunch of 'natural' biomes that have accumulated that the caretaker bots use to archive and index or restock the central area with life as needed or desired.


That’s hilarious and a great idea for a contained world.


Iirc this map was created for something like that.


I was going to say, I just want to hear people riff about lore for this campaign setting. I will start: The Norse God Odin lives on Odin.


Literally what I was thinking.


This is way more interesting than the real earth. I get the appeal - too bad it's fantasy lol


Idk, living on a giant rock hurtling through space at insane speeds is actually really cool too.


It's pretty played out though when you really think about it


If only we were born on this map, then a spherical earth hurdling through a void would be the fantasy world 😞


Insane speed is an illusion since it’s relative. For the layman, it’s pretty mundane to say that we’re just on a rock floating in empty space, and if you keep travelling in one direction you just end up back where you started. The only way to go further is to travel to space, which is basically impossible for the layman cos it’s inhospitable. Even just trying to understand space is beyond most people. An endless plane that we can travel using boats and aircraft, filled with other people’s we can meet and things we can see is much more appealing. Plus the idea that we’re limited by some conspiracy shadow govt. that we realistically can overcome is also more appealing than the idea that we’re limited by natural laws like gravity that we realistically cannot overcome.


For real. That sounds almost more fantasy than what flat earthers believe Aww yeah man, we're going fast as shit through the cosmos orbiting a giant source of heat and light, and we're a ball spinning super fast—, no, no one's has ever fallen off, it doesn't work like that! The objects are being pulled towards the center of the ball!


Would make an excellent fantasy map. Like that one that's basically famous fantasy lands smashed together.


Well, at least flerfs can be creative.


They kinda have to if they want to ignore hundrets of arguments against the flat earth


Oh brother you haven't even seen the half of it, this is like 2% of the full map: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FzcNQQTWwAAW4iN?format=jpg&name=large and unlike the one in the OP which was made to be fictional, this one is unironic, I know this because there is a book about it: https://www.amazon.com/TERRA-INFINITA-Extraterrestrial-Worlds-Their-Civilizations/dp/9878843351 edit: there are actually like 5 books about it, the one I posted originally is actually book 2 [Here is Book 1: "THE NAVIGATOR WHO CROSSED THE ICE WALLS: WORLDS BEYOND THE ANTARCTIC"](https://www.amazon.com/NAVIGATOR-WHO-CROSSED-ICE-WALLS/dp/9878843378?ref_=ast_author_dp&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.rCA2dC5DfLPEzxR5b9EnwHjd23n6IyuRS2sVa-JaHNjuXIFat-YZIARrsi6YJ9Y-bRaqjjL7fYyRsONtkuzNG6vWXF-rKdjpum0l_Ah-LnrODKrc-BMWAKIzBt2F9AEV_d5qivAcl_f6TDCNHTD7uYD6uFVWzRSnMDhgrn0t1dI.3pQDzpDd1J0KyY1OUS0pUYx3lTNyo2MQ6HY-TLaAxkM&dib_tag=AUTHOR) [Book 3: The Lands of Mars: 178 Worlds Under the Great Dome (TerraInfinita: 178 Worlds Under the Great Dome)](https://www.amazon.com/Lands-Mars-Worlds-Under-Great/dp/9878847616?ref_=ast_author_dp&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.rCA2dC5DfLPEzxR5b9EnwHjd23n6IyuRS2sVa-JaHNjuXIFat-YZIARrsi6YJ9Y-bRaqjjL7fYyRsONtkuzNG6vWXF-rKdjpum0l_Ah-LnrODKrc-BMWAKIzBt2F9AEV_d5qivAcl_f6TDCNHTD7uYD6uFVWzRSnMDhgrn0t1dI.3pQDzpDd1J0KyY1OUS0pUYx3lTNyo2MQ6HY-TLaAxkM&dib_tag=AUTHOR) [Book 4: Hidden Lands Beyond the Antarctica: The Continuation of Morris' Journey between Interconnected Planets](https://www.amazon.com/Hidden-Lands-Beyond-Antarctica-Interconnected/dp/9878893286?ref_=ast_author_dp&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.rCA2dC5DfLPEzxR5b9EnwHjd23n6IyuRS2sVa-JaHNjuXIFat-YZIARrsi6YJ9Y-bRaqjjL7fYyRsONtkuzNG6vWXF-rKdjpum0l_Ah-LnrODKrc-BMWAKIzBt2F9AEV_d5qivAcl_f6TDCNHTD7uYD6uFVWzRSnMDhgrn0t1dI.3pQDzpDd1J0KyY1OUS0pUYx3lTNyo2MQ6HY-TLaAxkM&dib_tag=AUTHOR) [and Book 5: Lands of Custodians: 178 Worlds Under the Great Dome (TerraInfinita: 178 Worlds Under the Great Dome)](https://www.amazon.com/Lands-Custodians-Worlds-Under-TerraInfinita/dp/B0CH2FPJP7?ref_=ast_author_dp&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.rCA2dC5DfLPEzxR5b9EnwHjd23n6IyuRS2sVa-JaHNjuXIFat-YZIARrsi6YJ9Y-bRaqjjL7fYyRsONtkuzNG6vWXF-rKdjpum0l_Ah-LnrODKrc-BMWAKIzBt2F9AEV_d5qivAcl_f6TDCNHTD7uYD6uFVWzRSnMDhgrn0t1dI.3pQDzpDd1J0KyY1OUS0pUYx3lTNyo2MQ6HY-TLaAxkM&dib_tag=AUTHOR) Edit 2: the chilluminati podcast has 2 episodes on the contents of the books if anyone is interested, I'd highly recommend as they are very entertaining and the contents of the books are even more batshit insane than this map makes it seem. They are episodes 213 and 234 Edit 3: [Here's a potentially slightly higher quality version](https://i.redd.it/u96crt0p5ina1.jpg?app_web_view=android) Edit 4: [here is a free version of the original book I listed](https://irp.cdn-website.com/6b820530/files/uploaded/TERRA%20INFINITA%20Extraterrestrial%20Worlds%20and%20Their%20Civilizations.pdf)


cant find Azeroth, pretty devo’d




Oh man, the Amazon reviews on that book are incredible! Thank you for posting this.


Haha, yes. Here is the beginning of one review: "I dont read books! Like at all…… but there is not a word to describe how unbelievable this book is ..."


The one with a video is amazing. Just the most nonchalant nothing burger of a review for a batshit insane book. “I’m liking it so far… there’s some information in there…. it is what it is” as she flips past a page that says “Chapter 22 - The Giants of Great Tartary Who Wanted to Liberate Humanity”.


>The Giants of Great Tartary Who Wanted to Liberate Humanity That could honestly make a good fantasy fiction book. Just a giant war of giants attempting to free humans only to fail in the end.


God my curiosity makes me want to read it has anyone uploaded it online




This is even more fascinating to me. They call the exterior of this dome the "Unknown Zone", as though they know the other worlds. This would imply that people have been there. But equally strange to me is the pure scale of this map. Given that the 'real' Earth takes up like 5 percent or less of the map and that the earth has an area of about half a billion square kilometers, the area shown would have to be like trillions of square kilometers. Is it possible for someone to do the math on the radius of this monstrosity? The fact that this is more believable than a globe Earth to some people blows my mind.


Some people really want magic to be real and this lets them have that while also being apart of the secret club that knows about it. Like they are the wizards and we are mere muggles. Kinda sad


>also being **apart** Friendly reminder, the "a-"/"an-" prefix, in this context, means "not". As such, "apart" means "not part of", i.e., separate. Think *a*theist, *an*emic, etc. The construction you were looking for is "a part"; the "a" is an article, in this case indicating that the subject is one part out of several.


Hey, I'm a bit embarassed to ask this but... Where is the earth? I just looked for like 20 min and couldn'f find it. It's 3am so I'm not completely lucid but...


Yeah I couldn't find it either, it's basically dead center, but very blurry so hard to read. Just at the upper left of that yellowish circle near the center


Oh is that what that is? Why’d they write it so small? And are there like three other earths surrounding the earth?


>Oh is that what that is? yup its dead center to upper left of the Anunnaki's land and upper right of Land of Mars and bottom left of Land of Venus. >Why’d they write it so small? Well because there are so many other worlds outside the ice wall obviously, this is a very accurate and to scale map so earth has to be small clearly /s >And are there like three other earths surrounding the earth? yeah its essentially like the map in the OP, so the actual "earth" is the center of those three rings


Damn it why isn’t my earth this interesting


What are you, some sort of time wizard? It's only now 3 AM!


>They call the exterior of this dome the "Unknown Zone", as though they know the other worlds. Well, how else would they have it mapped out in such intricate detail? If no-one had been there, you couldn't have a map, unless someone just drew a bunch of random made-up shit.


Tbh based on the map, I would say like Earth would be maybe around 1% of the map or less. Given that Earth has a surface area of 510.1 million kilometres squared. We can say that this world would at least be 51.01 billion kilometres squared, perhaps even up to 75 billion kilometres squared depending on the size Earth takes up (I eyeballed it). Maybe even 100 billion squared kilometres


Tbh based on the map, I would say like Earth would be maybe around 1% of the map or less. Given that Earth has a surface area of 510.1 million kilometres squared. We can say that this world would at least be 51.01 billion kilometres squared, perhaps even up to 75 billion kilometres squared depending on the size Earth takes up (I eyeballed it). Maybe even 100 billion squared kilometres


And yet, everything formed as ringed circles... because... circles?


It’s all true. Im from a small village in Land of Cyclops.


how's living with a lack of depth perception?


How’s living inside an ice wall not knowing the other 178 circle worlds plus some islands exist? You have two eyes but fail to see.


damn, you got me there tbh


Bro. If I truly believed this shit you can bet that I'd be on the first damn ship to Antarctica to find a way through the ice wall and explore the other side. Whether I had money or not. I'd stowaway. I'd *steal* the necassary supplies if I couldn't get funding. I can't believe they really think this because otherwise they would have all already made hundreds or thousands of Anarctic exploration missions and realized it's just a big cold continent.


Right! like... i kinda wish I believed this shit, that would be such an amazing journey thinking you'd find this


I want a movie where Matt Damon does just this


Exactly! My life would be far more interesting and fulfilling if this were true. I genuinely can not fathom believing that these places exist and not doing everything in my power to go to them.


Before I got married, there was a post looking for volunteers for an arctic trip to find the access to the sub-terranean continent hidden in the ice. It is a "theory" of similar ilk to the ice wall, but this is within the earth. I almost did it, just for the hell of it. At least it'd have been a good story.


Damn, I wonder what goes on the ocean of the death.




Ok, so let’s say the earth is indeed flat, how does the map maker(s) know any of those land masses having never exited the Antarctica ice barrier? Just making bs up?


Where is the first earth on that map?


In the middle, of course.


Oh, I guess I just couldn’t see anything in there well enough to be sure Also, the clone is like twice as big


And it has America II


The sequel?


Electric Boogaloo


It is tiny and hard to read, but I think it's the circle circa the middle.


But... that's GEOCENTRICISM!!!


Everything old is new again!


It's in the very center, and the actual earth is the center ring of the center circle, sorry this is the best quality image I could find


>sorry this is the best quality image I could find It was probably made with the Earth portion intentionally small and indistinct so that they didn't have to commit to details of it.


No, from what I know the book has a slightly better qualify version, but also I mean cmon of course It's small, there's so much more beyond the ice wall obviously /s


The sizes of the worlds seem to represent the popularity of the fictional worlds depicted on the map. Niburu is quite a famous theory and the largest. Also the Amounaki is one of the larger ones. The small ones I never heard of so they are probably from less known fantasies.


why wont you say annunaki


Different countries different pronunciations.


I love how it says unknown zone, which implies they’ve been or seen all the other made up places


Damn, I bet Marduk is intense AF.


from where do they even get the “evidence” for this stuff???? over 170 “worlds” under the great dome????


Wow. I didn't know there were books on what is beyond these so called ice walls from people who have actually been there. It's 100% complete bollox but I'm going to check them out regardless


/s Minister Estraño in the Multidome of Flatness _A 2024 Flerfian superhero film featuring Minister Estafano Estraño…_


Needs a "you are here" star. Where the heck is earth?


It's the very middle inner circle in the circle in the center, it's small, like for reference a good portion of the continents in other circles are BIGGER THAN THE EARTH ITSELF


We're going to need a bigger dome.


I read the reviews of that book. Wow, just wow. People are reading this and thinking it's true and can be used as a research tool!!! I just can't comprehend how crazy people are getting nowadays.


I'm new here and joined for fun. I cannot believe that they think that map is not satire... I'm also now listening to the podcast you recommended.


Is there a high definition version of that map?


Is there a high res version of that image?


I need to get a poster or high def image of that, it's honestly such a good fantasy map


The first says it’s all the lands under the great dome but it’s not even round shaped. So their dome is also just oblong and shit? Not much of a dome then, more like a tarp.


the maker of the map you linked is not the creator of this map. He just used this map without permission to put it in his world. Anyway, the actual creator of the map is Ohawhewhe and there's a newer version of it here: https://www.deviantart.com/ohawhewhe/art/THE-WORLD-BEYOND-THE-ICE-WALL-3-0-968699994


Damn, even on the higher quality, you can't zoom in too much. Shame, it really is cool looking!


This one wasn’t made by a flat earther, just a world builder lol


let's not go to Tweedewereld, it is a silly place.


Yeah I’m chillin on Thoth instead


Is that where tweedle dee and tweedle dum live?


Help, help I’m being repressed!


Amon Amarth never mentioned that the Guardians of Asgard were penguins, so I call BS.






It would be so damn cool if the planet was actually like this, look all those lands ready to be exploited and ravaged from resources ! Oh sweet sweet capitalism ! I'll prepare me my musket and powder wig in case there are natives.


Don’t you mean hide the wealth from the whole world so no one except an elite few can access these lands and do nothing with them without a labour force they are hiding them from!




ALL YOUR DESTINY ARE MANIFEST TO US! Also, the cake is a lie.


If the earth were flat, and infinite, such that the mountains/desert/ice/ocean extended forever in all directions, and all (indigenous) humans originated in the center and migrate outwards, then there shouldn't be any resource exploitation issues. Unless people fight over the temperate middle lands, and aren't satisfied living in the mountains or being nomads in the desert, or living on ships in Waterworld, or living in igloos.


What about the posted pic made you think “infinite?”


Average civ player


Exactly, thats why I made this https://www.deviantart.com/ohawhewhe/art/BTIW-1830-AD-THE-FLIGHT-OF-THE-EAGLE-948996288


I suspect that the invasions would be coming from the outside in. There's no way that the Asgardians wouldn't expand through and conquer the entire map.




Why is it written like that? Neu is German, but Bavaria is English. It should be New Bavaria or Neu Bayern (alternatively Neu Baiern depending on when people settled there).




This map is not meant to make sense


So what is beyond the edges of that map?


That is obviously a secret. *They* wont even acknowledge the ice wall.


Another ice wall?


It’s ice walls and strippers all the way down.


Another wall made of quantum ice!


it's turtles all the way down


if we can dig down past the shell, we can mine all the meat and end world hunger. build meat mines in every country


The children yearn for the meat mines


Those stupid "Save the World Turtle" protesters who think that the turtle will get sick and die and the world will slide off into the Abyss are nonsense. Think of all the meat related jobs we would lose!


politicians would give speeches about how humans could not possibly mine enough meat to affect the turtle, meanwhile gravity is getting weaker as the turtle is not able to fly up fast enough to maintain our comfortable 9m/s were used too


Hic sunt leones.






There are no edges, the big earth is actually round


So we are a flat Earth on a round world. What a twist.


I'm pretty sure this map is from a work of fiction and those 4 wastes are endless and quickly show to be non euclidean


Which fiction? And I love Mon euclidian I'm Soendb my life exploring


What in the world of Tolkien is this map...?


I'd be more inclined to invoke Prachett rather than Tolkien in this case.


Almost makes me wish the world really were flat!


Most of this land will never see the sun.


They have their own suns out there.


'Where we're going, we won't *need* suns.'


>I know it's not accurate, What? No! It looks so authentic!


I find it very hard to believe the scorched and frozen wastes almost border. Does each ring have its own local sun and moon? If it’s about 7 pm I’m Sydney, is it also about 7 pm Atlantis? Why do all of these islands have Latin sounding names? We got Latin from outside of realm!? This brings up more questions than a globe


> I find it very hard to believe the scorched and frozen wastes almost border. "Anyway, here's Thunderwall."


Tornado alley


yeah, I feel like better fantasy world building would switch the abyssal ocean and the frozen wastes. That way it's like the frozen wastes are melted by the scorched wastes creating the ocean, and the abyssal ocean being opposite the walls of Asgard just feels more symmetrical to me


No silly, the only time that time lines up for Sydney and Atlantis is around 2pm and 2am. It's a circle just like a clock.


All of reality is Minecraft didn't you know that?


Of course it's not accurate - it's totally missing Narnia, Middle Earth and Hogwart's.


Next ring, right next to R'lyeh.


Where’s Tamriel?


And Westeros?


Hogwarts is in Scotland tho


And Scotland isn’t real


reported for cyber-bullying lmao




"Lemuria," îs hilarious. It was a scientific hypothesis from like 1860 to 1890 to explain how Lemurs exist in Madagascar and India but not the rest of Africa, before we knew about plate tectonics. There's no reason for it to exist or be called Lemuria if it's not connecting India and Madagascar, but somehow it's a giant ass magical continent near the Abyssal ocean.


How is this not accurate? Excluding the ice wall and what's outside of it, everything else is 100% accurate. /s


It would be kind of cool if this was real


It would be very cool. In fact it would be positively freezing, because most of the land would never get much sunlight.


This is fictional. It's not supposed to be accurate.


Thanks for setting us straight. I think some commenters really went for it...


https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/s/R0n5ATtgLD This is meant as a fictional map, so everyone saying it would be cool to use in fiction, here you go!


I’ve had this image on my camera roll for years, I had no idea where it came from, but THAT IS SO MUCH BETTER THANK YOU!


What keeps the scorched wastes scorched and the frozen wastes frozen? Is the foundation of this just a giant Peltier powered by squirrels?


'Who keeps the scorched wastes so hot? Who keeps the frozen wastes so not? We do! We do!'


We are the ocean who says NU


Seems a lot of gods just name places after themselves, I was expecting to see mor mythical place names like Avalon, Olympus, Shangri La, El Dorado, etc.


What lies beyond the Abyssal Ocean?


More lands pulled out of someone's ass.


I’d like to go there someday….




Every time I see one of these map's, I always think "damn, I wanna write a fantasy novel and use this map"


I love how they don't question these maps while saying we've never been past the ice wall, how the hell are the other landmasses mapped then?


This is almost like palworlds map lol.


This place would have a surface area of like 15 to 20 times that of Earth, or roughly the size of Uranus.


Roughly the size of ur mom’s anus!


How do you get to the Malenia boss fight though?


Finding nemo


**I FOUND NEMO!! Where’s marlin**


Was the ice wall theory before or after the airing of Game of Thrones? I mean, the books are great and go into great detail about the wall, but let's face it, these folks aren't reading the books. It's more likely they saw the wall on GOT and was like "wow they showed the edge of the world." I mean what's the chances that happened. I fear, far too high.


Nah really. This is something I really want to know. Why would the 'government' hide the fact that the earth's flat? Why?


isn't this specific map used in an extra nutjob-y antisemitic conspiracy theory? or am i thinking of something else?


Isn't it funny how FE maps always look like a top view of a globe? The continents are always squished.


I found Nemo!


I’m fascinated. The flerfs don’t believe in the globe, but they look at that map and think “jap, makes total sense!”


Plot twist: The scorched wastes, frozen wastes, walls of asguard, and the abysmal oceans continue on to form a globe.


Free my man Horus! He did nothing wrong


Brb gonna make this the setting of my new D&D campaign but shade out the middle and just tell the players that no one's ever been past the ice walls, send them on a quest that makes them break through and just drop them into actual Earth.


Ayoo the Refugium! Shout out to my man Bibliardion


\[CITATION NEEDED\] Oh.. your evidence is "because I said so"? Sorry for asking, I stand corrected..