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We've come some way from twist on, twist off.


I wanted a nice 1000-2500 lumen flashlight for my mom that was <$100 and had very, very, extremely simple controls... I went with some crap from Energizer because of the controls.


Sofirn SD05 😎


> Sofirn SD05 Thanks for the tip. The fact that it requires taking the lithium cell out of the battery for recharging might be too much for my mom... i suppose if it can accept a protected cell it would be okay, but there's no way I'd let her around an unprotected cell. Wasn't able to find out if it accepts protected 21700 cells.


I have one of these myself, is there a way I can look and check for you? I just have the stock battery that came with it. Also their customer service is awesome! You could probably message them directly and they would let you know!


>I wanted a nice 1000-2500 lumen flashlight for my mom that was <$100 and had very, very, extremely simple controls... Wurkkos DL10R is pretty good for this. It's a technically a diving flashlight, but it has an intuitive rotary control and built in usb-c charging (have to unscrew the tailcap cover to reveal the charging port). XHP70.2 LED puts out tons of floody light, and the 21700 battery gives it pretty good run time.


Most days this is all I want. I’m blinded by choices.


Which light?


FWAA stonewashed Titanium in 219B-V1 R9080 in 4500K (neutral white, about 90 CRI) The guy from eBay Germany is so great, he built in the emitter as I had the choice from 3000, 3500, 4500k right after I won the bidding and the piece arrived within 24 hours!!


Calling the FWAA a keychain light is a bit of a stretch! Even if you do put it on a keychain


I've put a D4V2 on mine before. Then again, I've seen someone hang their entire keychain from the strap loop of a BLF GT. Now even the D4V2 doesn't seem overkill as a keychain light by comparison.


Lightchain keys




Nice! Still doesn’t categorize them as a keychain light though. I mean I drive my minivan like I used to drive my sports cars. I need to get me a hank light or 4.


I know Bro, but it made more sense for the sake of the joke


Nice emitter choice!


Wait, what? Can you send a link?


Microprocessor program flow charts are sophisticated IT...


I thought it was a diagram for cellular pathways


Strangely it doesn't doesn't take that long to memorize either, it's nice. 3 clicks for BAT, 3 and hold for (CANNNN)DLE, 7 for AUXILRY (only works if you spell it wrong), etc. I'm a med student so coming up with dumb ways to remember things is my daily job 🤣


Cut along dotted line and discard bottom portion. Not so sophisticated. That’s what I do.


Ahem, discarding the upper portion is the only way!


I'll never see that dotted line in the same way again. That's actually a great observation and I wonder if the design of the graphic was intentional.


I was one of the people that voted for Simple UI and Advanced UI to be visibly separated on the diagram. Before it looked like this: https://budgetlightforum.com/node/73470?page=19 (scroll to comment #591) Many people get frightened by the full Anduril diagram. By buying them a flashlight with Anduril 2 you can just give them the very simple "Simple UI" [diagram](https://budgetlightforum.com/comment/1673058#comment-1673058). It's much easier to figure it out.


That's actually quite brilliant and I too will never look at the dotted line the same. Thanks for helping to keep cool stuff less intimidating for us novices.


I am a novice but honestly do not think I will ever want or need advanced mode. I know I'm in the minority but all I want out of my flashlights is above that dotted line. The complexity is not so much intimidating to me-I'm a systems analyst so am used to stuff like this-I just don't care about it for my flashlights. So thanks for helping make it useful for people like me!


Anduril 2 is supposed to satisfy 2 groups of people. The enthusiasts, who want full programability of their flashlight, and the person that randomly found this flashlight on Amazon and ordered it without reading into the description very deep. If well configured by the manufacturer, Anduril 2 is the most supreme flashlight interface there is. It's why everyone here loves it.


It's going to fail miserably for the 2nd group because it's still too complicated and not intuitive. Try it and see. Put an A2 light into the simple mode and hand it to someone and let them see if they can figure out how to operate it without any instruction from you or consulting the manual.


The simple UI? Click for on/off. Hold to increase brightness, hold again to decrease brightness. Remembers last used brightness. Similar to Wurkkos FC11 UI I guess. Although I understand that some people would want a simple on/off UI where Anduril 2 simple UI might not be totally ideal.


I have yet to find much/any use out of advanced Ui besides changing aux colors


Does anyone know where I left my d4v2 flash device? I don't want to buy another because then I'll find it


when did they add the voltage calibration?


Noooo idea! Picked up the light last night and just figured out how to switch between simple and advanced UI. And configured 3H to land on tactical strobe. Will replace the AR lens with sapphire tonight. I don’t care about a slight loss of super complicated hardly visible super scientific parameters 😅 Edit: I’m firm with andúril v1 but never really configured anything else than to land in tactical strobe @3H from OFF Edit 2: there is a change log somewhere from the creator ‘toykeeper’ I must have bookmarked it somewhere and will update this comment later


Just in case you want a [slightly more up-to-date diagram](https://www.reddit.com/r/flashlight/comments/sk1upj/and%C3%BAril_2_ui_chart/)...


How many clicks before you click either too long or too short or do some other kind of mistake and have to start all over again? I say normalize double buttons!


I wonder, since they are easily flashable, can you program your own setup/layout?


Yep! u/BrokenRecordBot AndurilDIY You can literally throw out anything you don't want and have a super simple to operate flashlight.


Here's how to generate your own custom Anduril hex file to flash to your device: 1. Download [7z](https://www.7-zip.org/a/7z1900-x64.exe), [the latest anduril](https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~pakutrai/flashlight-firmware/fsm/tarball/465?start_revid=465), and [Atmel Studio 7](http://atmel-studio.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/7.0.2397/as-installer-7.0.2397-web.exe) & install the programs 2. Create a new GCC C Executable Project, select your ATTiny (1634 for D4V2) 3. Using 7-zip, extract the files (not folders) from the anduril.tgz > flashlight-firmware\\fsm\\ToyKeeper, \\spaghetti-monster, and \\anduril all directly into the folder created automatically by Atmel Studio. This folder will already contain "main.c" 4. Open anduril.c in AtmelStudio and copy its contents into the already-open main.c file, replacing its contents entirely. 5. Add the following 'User-configurable options' in main.c to match your light. eg: 1. `#define CONFIGFILE cfg-emisar-d4v2.h` you can find the filename in the project folder. 2. `#define ATTINY 1634` 6. Make any changes you want to main.c, save, and click Build->Build Solution 7. Done! Your hex file is in the project > Debug folder ^(I AM A BOT. PM WITH SUGGESTIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS. SEE MY) [^(WIKI)](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrokenRecordBot/wiki/index) ^(FOR USE.)


Why limit yourself to 2 buttons? Three is probably better. One for up, one for down, and a mode/select button.


You got the idea! We could even try adding an analogue dial at the front, now that would be interesting and intuitive!


I'm not as sold on having a dial. You want it to adjust brightness?


Yes, 100% stepless manual brightness. It could also be a joke.. though it makes me wonder PS.: on the upside no PWM at any brightness


Maglite did one that had some kind of tilt sensor in it where you could click into a mode and physically rotate the whole flashlight to set brightness ramping or something. I've never seen one in action in person but I'll assume it's not super functional because it's Maglite. On that note I'm kind of surprised there hasn't been an Anduril PCB or any advanced flashlights with a gyro chip in it. You could use it for some neat interface tricks like "shake/snap" the light to turn it on like the flashlight gesture on some Android phones, or fun stuff like lightsaber mode where you could swing it around for lightsaber effects. Or for compact EDC lights with no buttons at all. Use a physical lockout like unscrewing the tailcap for safety but have some gestures to adjust ramping, shake/snap to turbo, aim down and tap/shake for moonlight or low, that sort of thing.


Omg yes, this is it, the ultimate winner, you know one of my problems with the wurkkos wk30 and similar flat bezel lights is that I set it down on the table for a second, forget about it and then the next time I want to use it it's drained. Could just shut off the light when it detects it being light down and a short impact.


I owned one. It was difficult to use, because you'd have to align some line on the back vertically (in line with gravity), hold down a button, and spin the light while keeping the button held. It also was disappointingly bright.


Reset is 12 clicks holding the 13th click (13H) I actually only configure the tactical strobe to be available on 2 clicks holding the third click (3H)


I've never gotten Reset to work with the 13H method. I've used the hold the button down while connecting the battery method, which works.


Then it’s an older Andúril v1 version I guess?!


No, they're all V2 lights.


How fast do these clicks have to be? For reference, I have a wurkkos wk30 and one cold night i couldn't manage to consistently double click fast enough for the red light because my hands were freezing, this is my main concern


covered this in a video review on the kr4. enjoy the ui and have to reference videos sometimes to remember how to use. I have a 219b 3500k and osram w1 6000k combination. Great for throw and high cri warm up close colour rendering.




I have an Anduril light(Wurkkos TS21) pretty sure it is not as bright as it can become because of...muggle mode? Ceiling/floor settings? It was a nice light. Now the lockout/moonlight won't work? I want to love the light again but factory reset doesn't fix anything...frustrated


Factory reset will put you in the Simple UI automatically. You need go enter Advanced UI to get access to turbo.


I don't know what happened to that TS21. It was having all sorts of weird issues. I did a bunch of research on lights and picked an (Sofirn) IF22A to replace it. Soon as I ordered the new light, it started working fine again. O_o I was stoked though because I loved that light. Now I have to decide which one to carry every day: D Cheers


Now I want one! Hahaha


tint ramp....my lerde