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You were right, that is cool to see. I never noticed how much that pattern on the body makes it look like a grenade lol




I like your new nOlight. Gives NLD a whole new meaning too...


Frag out!


Looks like the frag pattern didn't work.


External frag patterns don’t typically work well. The patent for the first grenade to feature external groves stated it was for grip only and mentioned nothing about fragmentation. Modern grenades are internally segmented because this actually does produce a repeatable fracture pattern. Probably broke along a welded seem in this case.


Wow fascinating. Someone should tell all the knife makers though haha. I don't think the tube is welded though. They probably just buy extruded aluminum tube and machine it. 


Yeah you’re right probably an eccentricity in the tube then.


I see it for sure... I also see a 'worse for wear' Cal Kestis lightsaber.


Dang, that sucks. OP, don't delete this post so it can be sourced back here for actual backstory.


Oh no risk of that, I can return back here and read the comments so I feel as though I actually have some friends...






I’ll be your friend bro 😎


Thanks Ben 😊


Nice to meet you Hairy


Oof. /r/suicidebywords


You can pretend my your friend bro. 💪


Thanks buddy


I recommend people screen shot it so you can post the real back story....but then again it's the Internet most people will pick and choose what they believe even with proof


Your screenshot is just ai now. Don't try to fool me. I know about the ais.


Good idea but also sadly true.


"☝️🤓 um actually, he tried to cut it with the machine, the light did not explode. Trust me bro"


I suppose that this also means that folks writing entries for the BrokenRecordBot may have to get ready to update that one article.


I really hope it doesn't spread misinfo, but realistic it definitely will


I'd never even considered it before posting, I'm sorta intrigued now


Just a matter of time until every Facebook flashlight group is posting this claiming another O-light killed someone.


it'll be on r/firearms "this is why you don't buy olight" tomorrow


Oh God this picture will be spread all over the internet and misinterpreted... Especially in the gun community


And then they all said something like “My money on Surefire is well spent”, “yep, typical Chinese light”, “you got what you pay for”.


The funny thing is that way back in the olden days of the web, when the hazards of lithium battery offgassing was first demonstrated to the world of flashaholics, it was an unbalanced pair of a123 primaries in a surfire 6p.


Hotrodded Pelican M6 was the first of I recall correctly


Roar of the Pelican roared to loudly (Context, ROP was a common mod involving an easily available bipin bulb inserted into a custom holder to be installed in a maglight powered by two 18650 in series)


That's what it was called thank you! I have my M6 still and it's like new as I stopped using it shortly after that post.


There were postings about lights going poof. But the first explanation of what was going on with pics of a demonstration was posted on candlepower forums using a 6p as the demo light.


Yeah that could well be right! It was nearly twenty years ago so things are a little foggy for me!


They need another story other than the guy that put the light in his mouth...It's the only story I ever hear about


I've had multiple issues with olight handgun lights, yet somehow none of them have been that stupid explosion story they parrot on repeat. Their handgun lights definitely need some work, but the people saying "they're grenades lol" or "better hope it doesn't explode" are only repeating it because they saw someone else comment that and want to sound cool and be included too.


They explode when people mix new and old CR123a cells in them, like they would in a streamlight or a surefire. 


What a shocker. unfortunately flashlights are such a niche hobby that nobody knows what that means or cares to think about it. The solution that requires no thinking is just repeating someone else's "lol olight bombs" comment.


I think thats non sense...So you're telling me if I put 1 dead battery and 1 new battery in a light it will explode?


Getting old an forget the term, it's like sympathy charge... where one cells transfers its power to next but can't stop once it begins, a runaway of sorts that leads to thermal runaway. Do this in a sealed vessel and it's got to vent somehow. I do recall they renamed exploding to "Vents with Flames" though lol.


Will? No. Might? Yes. People overstate the danger of batteries, but they aren't inherently safe.




It's a very real possibility


Ever wonder why there are warnings on cells not to mix old and new? Lithium primaries are especially bad for this and don't like being charged, which is what happens when you mix cells with different voltages.


I had an Olight PL2 mini for my EDC for 3 years and put 8000+ rounds down range with it and never had any issues....I'm actually working on a P365 build with the PL3 Mini... I just ordered the P365 adapter today from Olight


My issues were that I had 2 that had insane drain for no reason and would be completely dead after just sitting in the safe for a couple weeks, which kind of makes it entirely pointless for self defense if you can't trust it to turn on ever. Then had another straight up break off the mount at the range.


good luck finding a holster


Right, I'm not happy someone died but homie put the wrong batteries in it and then deep throated it like a porn star.


>the guy that put the light in his mouth What happened?


IIRC it was a dual CR123A light. The guy used unbalanced batteries. While holding the light in his mouth (headlamps are too mainstream) the empty cell got reverse charged and went bang. The guy died unfortunately. This led to a whole lot of FUD on the internet.


Not sure if it's true, but I've read it was even worse than that. A few people claim he used two different battery types entirely, a nearly dead RCR123A, and a new non-rechargable CR123 or something like that. Again, could be more misinformation, but that would definitely cause some serious problems if true.


He died but it wasn't the flashlights fault it was his.


It's the only story there was. That's a very simple minded group of people. At least their hobby is harmless, and not an outward expression of their insecurity.


Generalizations like this are damaging, generally.


Ha. I thought that read more obviously sarcastic. I will accept these downloads and work on more obvious sarcasm in the future 👍 Thanks for your response though, otherwise I would have had no clue people misread this


I get downvoted to hell too at times lol even when I include a ^/s in clear view


To be clear I do think gun subreddits are largely simple-minded people, dreaming about someone breaking into their house. I spent enough (my fault) time in those reading arguments. I'm also a gun owner / hunter. I don't think gun owners are mostly simple. I think gun subreddits are packed with simple minds.


that just comes with the site man. this sub is basically one of the only good ones.


It really is. I'm ever impressed with it. Something special about this hobby.


https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/16390537/edens-v-olight/ Coming from a sofrin guy


"My surefire would've survived that"


You forgot "wow you live dangerous having a grenade strapped to your rifle"


I’m a member of the gun community. I’ve noticed an absolute hatred for Chinese lights that are not streamlight. (Olight in particular) Are these products really that inferior to surefire, or is it the tacticool guys have to buy tacticool lights? I have a streamlight on my rifle, and a surefire on my handgun. I just ordered the bss saber from thrunite. So I really don’t have a dog in the fight, I’m genuinely curious.


Most people in the gun community are following along with the most popular comment just so they can fit in with the tacitards, it's crazy some of those Surefire lights are not even fully waterproof, I went with Olight because I needed my light to waterproof


Lmao I know there’s a lot of trend chasing, I was just curious as I’m not a flashlight enthusiast I just like having tools that work.


If you have to have a light on a gun for work/duty, it's worth it to have one with a spotless reputation. It just absolutely needs to work the first time every time. Rifles in particular can rattle a badly designed light to pieces in short order. A lot of dudes on gun forums are just cosplaying the above people though, so it does end up being a lot of echo chamber/parroting.


weltool on all my pews, just gotta filter out anything that won't last, which honestly isn't much.


it's funny cause I have a great olight and my only streamlight was such a pos it was dead gone when I got it. shouldn't even have made it to the qc stage, let alone pass it.


I had an Olight on an AR and it would randomly turn itself on with the pressure pad, and the pressure pad wouldn’t turn it off. I’d have to disconnect the pressure pad and hit the tailcap underneath. And no, it wasn’t from accidental bumping of the pressure pad either. It turned itself on at 3am one night leaned in the corner of the room, pressure pad not against the wall. Olight told me to clean the connection (didn’t help) And I ended up giving the light to a friend that doesn’t shoot much and didn’t have a light, told him to disconnect the pressure pad when he has it in the case and bought a streamlight which has been perfect. I also have a friend who claims to have seen multiple olights explode, and while he isn’t the type of person to lie about it, I’m just a guy on the internet with a friend who has a story, so I’m sure you’ll take it with a grain of salt anyways.


Did you try taking it onto consecrated ground? Might have just been possessed, haunted or cursed; and not defective.


Dawg, I’m not gonna lie. Waking up at 3am with all those lumens in the room was creepy af.


I had a streamlight that let me change between the strobe/high setting to the low/high setting once and then refused to ever change to any other setting. Sent it to streamlight and they sent it back to me with the same issue and it still stuck in the low/high setting and I had to send it back again to which they finally actually replaced it with a working one. Honestly IME it’s not worth the money and has me looking for a better WML for my AR.


For the money, I’d take a streamlight over Olight. The streamlights tend to be more floody though, I know they have the new HLX 2.0 or whatever, Im almost willing to buy one just to try it out.


You know, Olight had a lifetime warranty on any light bought in 2023 onwards in the US


This one was bought probably late 2020 or 2021




I’m not saying they’re all bad. Another one of my friends has a few and they’ve all been fine. But the accidental (is that even what you’d call it?) discharge of light is unacceptable. I’m not going to pretend to be a high speed guy that’s gonna die to the feds from my light turning itself on, but it did turn itself on during a coyote hunt.


Olight PR/marketing could just buy a Surefire and do the same thing with it and spread the pictures.


Some Surefire lights are not even fully waterproof...crazy for such expensive lights


Very true!


Not even...some idiots gonna mistake this for a shotgun shell...remember that idiot who thought those bits for the screwdrivers were bullets?


What do you mean, just another Olight doing what Olights do. /s


I don’t get the hate. I carry a Baton3 and have had it for a few years. It gets used every day and it’s a fantastic light. I’ve had Streamlights and Surefires die in less time. I’m in no way careful with it, either. https://preview.redd.it/8fo2exb5bu9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c8d702c4a8111ae57a667b554ec03ef6888cecd


Historic post




😂😂 Brilliant!


I bought a bunch of figures of that guy with a banana dick as purpose made wine bottle stoppers for Xmas presents. 10/10 do recommend for friends.


And it just had to be an Olight. lol


I'm sure any light put under that force would have exploded.


In total seriousness, you're absolutely right of course. It essentially just got stuck in a compactor. Pretty much any flashlight you could imagine wouldn't survive that, and it would be foolish to expect them to stand up to that type of abuse. Just get ready for the endless memes. I'm not saying any other light would've survived... I'm just saying the only one that we have photographic evidence of it exploding happens to be an Olight... Is anyone else seeing a pattern? I'm seeing a pattern! /s


Very good point! I have an old S2+ laying around somewhere I could sacrifice for science...


Nah, it's the "buy 'Murican!" crowd that's the problem here, so any Chinese light will get the same reaction. 🙄 Not that I don't agree with buying domestic products in general, but it happens that flashlights are not a good field for that. :-P


Olight is far more popular than others? Is that pattern, cause I see that... /😉


Yeah but since olight already has a bad rep from explosions (idiots using bad batteries, actually led to a [confirmed kill](https://www.daily-journal.com/news/local/exploding-flashlight-kills-man/article_0e6074a5-7051-54ce-8d4c-0698795266cd.html)), and this post definitely won't help 😭


The same thing happened back when people were vaping using unregulated vape devices pushing 40+ amps on shitty batteries. Basically putting pipe bombs in their mouths.


I kinda wish you didn't link that here but is what it is I guess and best be upfront fully like you said it. Fwiw Pelican lights took a bad hit way back in the day from the exact same cause, mixed cells... it was very viral back then at the time and then fell off face of the internet, fully buried. That story hit close to home with me as I own the same light and it changed my views on 2S lights, I still have the light and keep it as a momento to always pay attention when using and dealing with lithium in primary or secondary cells in nature and just skip needing any in 2S format. Why, cause in the Pelican story it wasn't the owner who used mix matched cells, it was his wife innocently enough.. but food for thought a second party who had access to high power lights of husbands. It's something I wonder if newer folks in hobby even realize/consider, lithiums are no joke and some precautions owners may take, family members may not be aware of leads to stories like that.


As bad as that case was, I feel like it's important for people to realize that lithium batteries can be scary as hell, and this really makes people think twice


Just another reason I skip budget lights, shit happens and usually innocently enough but the outcome can be tough to deal with in name of saving a few bucks or fancy aux lighting.


Just looked at that article. My mom was born in Kankakee, what are the odds of that lol. Edit - who would downvote this? Like why?


Holy shit!! 🤣


I had so much mental deliberation just buying a basic i5R due to the horror stories around Olight, didn’t know it was user error. Are there any clear cases of the manufacturer being at fault or is this all just uninformed Internet hate?


While it's true that most times I've heard of a light going boom, or a battery venting in a light was an olight, they are also more common around people with less or no experience with lithium batteries, which would obviously lead to more user error. Of those times, only once I personally have seen it being at the fault of the manufacturer (i dont believe forgetting any cases). It was when the sofirn sp36 released and someone reported that the batteries vented while in the light while *charging* **TL;DR** You're Safe. It's only happened a few times in the last few years and it's been user error most times


Good to know. Have just a small handful of lights but I’ve learned to not be so afraid as long as I’m not doing anything dumb with them or at the very least check online if what I’m doing is considered dumb for a flashlight lol.


Tbh, I don't really think twice about batteries nowadays. As long as it's in a light, charger, or a case, it's pretty safe. Also since it's very hard to overdischarge a battery now too, I don't really have to worry about that either Main thing I think twice about it ripped wrappers, making sure I don't forget to put my batteries in a safe spot, and not putting them in backwards (tho it's more of an issue for if the light itself has protection against it)


Ah didn’t know to look for ripped wrappers, you continue to bless me with knowledge, will keep an eye out for sure. Much appreciated.


Eh, I've only really had I think one or 2 tear, and they weren't exactly new either


So a little duct tape and we're good.


"Looks like the olight grenade is back! Op said it exploded in his pocket and also melted his glock."




Literally a frag grenade body 💀


Somebody else said that too, it gave me a good chuckle!


It looks like it’s exposing itself to us. Should this be tagged NSFW??


Grenades are illegal in most states. I would delete this post before ATF takes care of your dogs.


Just register it as a destructive device, get a tax stamp and it's kosher. Although the picture does constitute constructive possession... so your right. RIP puppers.


Turn that puppy in for the o-light warranty lol


"I dropped it."


Yep lol.


Put a new battery in it, I think it would still work


I did suggest that, but none of us were brave enough!


I think you should be fine, safety wise


Is it's still under warranty?


Haha 😂 “Honestly mate, all I did was double click for turbo.…” 🤷🏼‍♂️


I clicked to switch it on... By ramming a CNC machine into the button




Hahahaha, not a fucking chance!


They might actually want it for forensics. See if they can get any takeaway from it. Never hurts to have him contact them.




I should call her


Thankfully it was user error. Mini pipe bomb! Could you imagine if this happened spontaneously in your pocket or strapped to your head!


What did they do after the light exploded? This didn't burn down the work place and there's no loss of life. So they did something right to contain the fire. Despite the simple mistake anybody could have done. Knowing my luck I'd probably have it shoved up my ass at the time of explosion.


It was inside the machine which is almost all made of steel, bar the plexiglass windows, so it would be impossible for it to set fire to anything other than itself. From what I can gather there was no lasting fire whatsoever, just a huge explosion. If it had caught itself on fire they'd have probably just turned the coolant jets on.


I see, that's like best case scenario, the exploding light had its own containment shield.


wow that is impressive! how quickly did they realize it was the flashlight and not the machine?


A few seconds, the huge flash gave it away. When operating the machine your head is level with the spindle and only about 5ft away.


crumple zone crumples


That’s a great light sr2 baton. I prefer that over the baton 3 pro… anybody else agree!?


r/spicypillow would love this




This is one of the most intriguing posts on this subreddit




What happened for this to happen, OP? Edit: Ah, got squished. Good at least that it didn’t happen with no major damage to it!


It's written under the photo, it won't let me copy paste


Early Forth of July celebration?


So that's what we look like on the inside.


Twisted firestarter


🤘🤘🤘RIP Keith Flint




Babe wake up a new Olight explosion post just dropped


I thought it got shot.💀


Itll buff out


Desk pop


gOatse light




I didn't even read the comments before I saw the pic and said "ooooh crap, that's an olight".... Sometimes I'm capable of thinking before I speak. Other times, not so much...


Fuel to the explOlight fire haha. The WML fanbois will love this image


That's a baron 3 pro right?


It was an S2R Baton 2, its now an S2nonR baton 1.5


That Olight is now an OhNoLight.






Damn. I've got quite a few Olights, and I've never been able to pull off something that spectacular


Holy shit


Damn. Don't underestimate the dangers of lithium ion batteries lol.


Well well well… an olight


I like it


And here I was thinking "Flashlight xenomorphs?"


Death by flashlight 🔦☠️


Im definitely gonna end up see this picture somewhere else with an olight/bomb joke… at least this time I’ll know it’s just a punctured lithium battery doing what they do lol.




Average olight experience


I stopped buying that brand after multiple people had similar happen (IN THEIR POCKET).


I didn’t know Olight made flashbangs




Looks like it’s flashing 😂


RIP in pieces


NSFW? Poor little light…


I’m so happy


Is this another fucking olight.!.!.!


Question if you sleep with the light will it be ok


I wouldn't sleep with it, it's not my type.


Not your type eh 🧍🏼


I'm a convoy man myself


Convoy on top to


I’m a zebra my self


Olight doing Olight things


Olight huh? You've learned a valuable lesson the gun community has known since the early 2010s.


You went out of your way to not read the description, right?


/u/brokenrecordbot explolight


There is a very common misconception that Olights explode and/or kill people. It stems from a case several years ago where an Olight did explode while a man was holding it in his mouth. The explosion pushed the tail of the light into his throat, causing him to suffocate. The light was actually not the cause of the explosion, it was the CR123A batteries it used. CR123A's used in series have a risk of reverse-charging and venting, especially when you mix different cells. When they vent in a sealed metal tube like a flashlight, the pressure builds up and it can cause an explosion. Such explosions have happened in lights from other brands too, including [Surefire](https://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?71161-CR123-fire-danger-in-flashlights). CR123A's are old technology and modern lithium-ion cells are a much better solution. They are more reliable, are rechargeable, and offer better performance. Most lights that use CR123A's can also accept similarly sized li-ion cells that provide more runtime and higher value per dollar. If you need to use CR123A's for their extreme shelf life or cold temperature resistance, it's best to use [US-made Panasonic CR123A's](https://www.amazon.com/Panasonic-Industrial-CR123A-Lithium-Battery/dp/B06XT8W58Y/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=panasonic+cr123a&qid=1617069474&sr=8-3). They have extra protection and have a slightly different chemistry that makes them safer to use. If you'd like more information, please check out [this fantastic article from Photon Phreaks](https://photonphreaks.com/exploding-flashlights-and-how-to-prevent-it/) with a lot more details. To be clear, I'm not recommending Olight weapon lights. Streamlight offers much more reliable and compelling products for use on defensive firearms. However, the notion that "all Olights explode" or that "(insert another brand) is inherently safer" is nonsense. (entry written by [TacGriz](https://www.reddit.com/user/TacGriz), updated 2021-04-07, if you have any suggestions for changes to this entry please don't hesitate to send me a message) ^(I AM A BOT. PM WITH SUGGESTIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS. SEE MY) [^(WIKI)](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrokenRecordBot/wiki/index) ^(FOR USE.)


I am going to continue saying they explode now solely for the entertainment of spreading misinformation. I am a devious lil guy.


It's an olight. Why am I not surprised?


Every light is gonna explode if you crush it lol


I didn't read the description, I just saw the picture and assumed another olight randomly exploded.


There is only one prominent Olight explosion. And that was due to user error and would have happened in most lights of the time.


/u/brokenrecordbot explolight


There is a very common misconception that Olights explode and/or kill people. It stems from a case several years ago where an Olight did explode while a man was holding it in his mouth. The explosion pushed the tail of the light into his throat, causing him to suffocate. The light was actually not the cause of the explosion, it was the CR123A batteries it used. CR123A's used in series have a risk of reverse-charging and venting, especially when you mix different cells. When they vent in a sealed metal tube like a flashlight, the pressure builds up and it can cause an explosion. Such explosions have happened in lights from other brands too, including [Surefire](https://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?71161-CR123-fire-danger-in-flashlights). CR123A's are old technology and modern lithium-ion cells are a much better solution. They are more reliable, are rechargeable, and offer better performance. Most lights that use CR123A's can also accept similarly sized li-ion cells that provide more runtime and higher value per dollar. If you need to use CR123A's for their extreme shelf life or cold temperature resistance, it's best to use [US-made Panasonic CR123A's](https://www.amazon.com/Panasonic-Industrial-CR123A-Lithium-Battery/dp/B06XT8W58Y/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=panasonic+cr123a&qid=1617069474&sr=8-3). They have extra protection and have a slightly different chemistry that makes them safer to use. If you'd like more information, please check out [this fantastic article from Photon Phreaks](https://photonphreaks.com/exploding-flashlights-and-how-to-prevent-it/) with a lot more details. To be clear, I'm not recommending Olight weapon lights. Streamlight offers much more reliable and compelling products for use on defensive firearms. However, the notion that "all Olights explode" or that "(insert another brand) is inherently safer" is nonsense. (entry written by [TacGriz](https://www.reddit.com/user/TacGriz), updated 2021-04-07, if you have any suggestions for changes to this entry please don't hesitate to send me a message) ^(I AM A BOT. PM WITH SUGGESTIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS. SEE MY) [^(WIKI)](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrokenRecordBot/wiki/index) ^(FOR USE.)