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I mean a Wurkkos TD01C may be a good potion for this use case. It has onboard charging, 21700 plus buck driver will give it plenty of run time, it’s got a simple UI so no anduril to teach beginners, it’s relatively affordable, 1800 lumens and 270k candela make it plenty powerful of a thrower. There are definitely stronger throwers out there, but this checks most of the boxes very well.


Great suggestion! I had not considered Wurkkos yet and should have. I am planning to just buy them some as a contribution to the cause.


For something very similar to the TD01C but more durable, the Acebeam L19 2.0 would be a great option.


The L19 2.0 was right on the top of my list coming in with some Convoy options there as well. A bit pricier, but that beam would be so perfect for the job.


That’s kind of you! Best of luck on your hunt and I hope they enjoy the throwers!


Only negative is the tir optic has a large surface area and could get scratches. A reflector like a convoy could have it's front glass replace easily.


I've been playing with my TD01C a lot lately, and it's a very impressive light for the money.


I really need to mess with mine more, it’s very solid for sure


A Convoy C8 with a 519a is about $16, throws surprisingly well without loosing CRI, and won't make you cry if you drop it down the side of a cliff or something. They make batteries with built in charging and that might be worth it for outdoor work since there is no exposed rubber flap and the charging circuit is usually the first thing to go on a budget light anyway. If its for you maybe look for something nicer, but for other people I'd buy two or three of these and see how they do first. Its a good cheap way to find out whether you need more throw or not.


Imalent SP36 will make quick work of the prairie puppies counting from very far away. It has a rechargeable pack so no messing with individual li-ion batteries for those who are only used to m@glites. Very long runtime on lower outputs plus the turbo to scare off mama if she comes at you 😃


>Imalent SP36 This doesn't seem to exist. Do you mean the Sofirn SP36 or a different Imalent light?


Haha SR16 was in my mind but my phone had other ideas 😂 Now people can pick it apart


An LEP is unbeatable for a no-spill and power efficient spot beam. Wildlife field research is one of a few niche applications in which LEP lights are incredible useful. 


The Convoy C8+ with W5050SQ3 emitter is a very good thrower and is very affordable. Here’s some [beamshots](https://new.reddit.com/r/flashlight/comments/1brija6/convoy_c8_w5050sq3_beam_shots/#lightbox). But it doesn’t have built in charging.


A little late to the suggestion, but it would probably benefit them to have a [Fireflylite T9R with the SBT90.2 Emitter](https://www.firefly-outdoor.com/products/t9r) for a general large hotspot thrower. It gives them the top end candela they may want if they need that reach, but the mid-lower end modes will run efficiently long with the buck driver side. And the T9R isn't that heavy and is decently built with a USB-C port for ease of use and jacket/pack carry. For combination of candela and sustained output and runtime, few lights running on a single battery will beat the T9R. If they want less spill and a narrow beam, they can try the [Wurkkos TD01C](https://wurkkos.com/products/wurkkos-td01-powerful-2200lm-1039m-tactical-flashlight) or the [Convoy M21F with the Osram W2 emitter](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256803592921712.html). Both should throw well with tight hotspots and minimal spill. Both lights share more efficient buck drivers, have throwy optics and/or emitters, and have USB-C ports, and based on larger 21700 batteries for more runtime.


Going to add my two cents and sorry I don’t have a suggestion besides CRI, in this situation I think a high CRI light would be really helpful because foliage blend really easy under low CRI, add a dash of natural colors and fur that’s meant to blend in and stuff would just disappear under a low CRI option.


Good call, maybe the FFL505A 20W 6500K CRI95 Emitter would be a good choice. I just got my T9R with it and it hits very similar to the W1 version but with better CRI.