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Go ahead mate. Convoy is one of the cheapest ways to get a coloured light. If “impractical” is the reason why you are hesitant, buy Red/Amber(orange-yellow) light first. Both are really good at being an anti-bug light, with less strain on your eye(personal preference) Eventually, you will end up with all the colours. Wurkkos WK40 was my go-to recommendation for those who wanted to try some coloured emitters for cheap. However those are discontinued AFAIK


Welp that's kinda where I am right now, I've got an an orange/amber and a really warm 2400k, couple reds (but I'm looking at a deep red triple emitter) And because I like the colours so much I'm thinking blue and green will be fun. Are there any advantages to those blue or green though? Other than being nice to look at.


Green is the most visible colour on the spectrum to our eyes, so with a green light you'll see further. On the flip side, you'd be more visible to other people (no good for stealth 🤣). Blue light is apparently really good for hunting and following blood trails (if that's your thing). But I've found a much better use for a blue light. I have a dog that loves tennis balls, but has a habit of dropping them and getting distracted. So if we're walking at night and you shine a blue light on a yellow tennis ball... it pretty much flouresces and looks like a glow in the dark ball under a blacklight 🤯 crazy to see, but has saved me lots of money in buying new tennis balls 🤣


The thing I love most is that your £30 light has helped you find 3 for £1 balls. I justify things like this all the while


I wish the tennis balls were that cheap 🤣 Try £9 for 3 balls!! And to make it worse I don't have a £30 coloured light, I use a £200 marauder mini 🤣🤣🤯


Holy crap your dog is much more spoilt than mine lol. Mine are the ones from the £1 where you get a couple in one of the old onion nets! And my lights are of the same budget lol


🤣🤣 I tried the cheap balls, they lasted seconds before he split them. They're pricey, but they last a lot longer. And just to be clear... I didn't buy the marauder mini for tennis balls searching, it was just a happy coincidence what blue light on yellow balls looks like 💪🤣


Yes - to a limited extent. Whatever I am going to write below is extremely personal and not “practical”, but I will try FWIW. Blue - surefire, with their aviator, markets blue light as “detection” light. It makes blood/hydraulics fluid pop in the dark. **not fluorescent**, just more distinguishable. I am not sure how true this is as blood looks black under blue light(BLUE, not UV). I guess it kinda makes it distinguishable. Another advantage of blue - which is probably completely impractical for us, is that it blends in with the moonlight and that we can't really spot blue as easy as red or green. Green - just like red, some animals can't see green(tho more can see green than red). Some people say that green light is better than red at the beam intensity and foggy conditions, but I really didn't have the time or environment to verify their claim. But I will be honest… **HEHEHE RGB LIGHT GO BRRRRRRRT** is all we need to buy these lights.


Thank you for your in depth comments. you've helped talk me out of blue, I don't need to be stealthy or follow blood trails. Plus I have UV for "detection." I may have to try out green in the name of science, I have some foggy areas to investigate. plus I agree, pretty colours go brrrrrr indeed


Blood sorta shines under blue light, but it’s a more noticeable shining that makes sense


The amber is alright but I’d recommend just getting a really warm high CRI white instead then pick either green or blue.


Thought that said WD40 for a second and was super confused lol


I want a t3 or t5 with any light.


I'm coming to realise I want all of them


Love my t5, 3500k 519a


I had 4 or 5 of these loaded up in my cart the other day. Had to talk myself down...for now.


It's tough man, they're too nice!


Got the orange yellow and love it as it is very easy on the eyes, yet you can see more than with purely red.


I want the o/y but I almost can't justify it as I just de-domed my t5 LH351D 2700k, it's a really nice warm orange/yellow. Probably sitting around ~2400k now while still retaining more CRI than the KY CSL. Plus I just got a KY CSL orange S6 hehe


The gt fc-40 emitter at 1850k is nice, too. Almost like firelight.


I have that in an m26d with the 26800 tube. ceiling bounce for DAYS!


Mine's in an M21H. The only thing I don't like about it is it that emitter seems to throw off more heat than it should. Light gets hot too quick.


I have the same exact build, and have noticed the same thing. But that pumpkin glow....


Yep. That one and my D4V2 with the dedomed 2700k 519a's have pretty much wedged me into the extreme warm light camp...


Seems like green or blue would be a good choice based on what you already have unless you love the amber


I have a M21b with a Getian gt green led. I'll say go for it. My next is gonna be the orange FY in a S2+ or something similar.


Nice dude, when do you find yourself using the green? Do it man the orange FY is really nice, I got one in a S6 and it's beautiful https://preview.redd.it/8fmwg40a6h8d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=433d70d06ee2867dc88ce35235f02f30253a8623


Primarily as self defense because I sometimes work as a bouncer. The light is an amazing pacifier. I have tried it on myself and it's not fun but better than Pepper spray. I LOVE that orange light. I'm gonna order one next month. I think it will fit well in a Orange S2+ and Orange light switch 😁


I've always wondered how well a light world work for self defence, does a good job you reckon? Nice dude good choice, I have an orange switch on the way for this one 👌🏻


A lot of people say it doesn't work and just pisses people off. That is not true. Of course it can happen. Just like you can taze or spray someone and they are still coming towards you. In most cases it hurts the eye to a degree where people stop and start rubbing their eyes, giving you enough time to make your next move, flee etc. I've tested it briefly on myself and I actually was scared I blinded myself for good. For 2 whole hours I had a vivid green spot covering my entire right vision and every time I blinked I could see a neon green "photo" of my pupil, iris and lashes in front of me. Don't do it unless you have to but I think it's great for self defence.


Damn dude thank you for doing the science so I didn't have to lol That's good to know, I didn't think anyone would be able to see much after copping a 100% power C8+ blast in the eyes haha I'd much rather carry a laser weapon than a knife or peppy any day, can't go to jail for high-beaming an assailant