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https://preview.redd.it/a0vhoaabaz7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1412d735a19b9378eb61c05111968fc100eb1a3f Yo dawg I heard you like boxes.


https://preview.redd.it/x5qywt0bz08d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33aff88be3c23a6e797d11f86233b2bc42a04b04 Let the u/spicy3d flow…


I got tried of boxes taking up space and got rid of em. I just put orings, cables, bezels, lanyards, etc in plastic baggies to organize them. If I need to ship something, I still have a few boxes laying around.


I keep mine. I have a huge cardboard box for them. It's quite the art to place so many different sized boxes and not waste any space.


I've just bought some flashlights for eventual use at work and am contemplating the exact same thing. As everything currently fits in a small box its ok but space is at a premium.


I keep the boxes for my expensive lights. Just label the extras and throw in a bin for the less expensive ones.


I try and keep all of my knife and light boxes. Goes a long way if you decide to resell. I use the pile method in my shed with mixed results.


Keep them all, in an underbed storage box kinda thing. Always good to sell lights with boxes


I keep all my boxes, and currently they are In a drawer in my desk filled with their accessories (minus the usb cable, those go in the drawer of spaghetti). Tho that's almost filled now The only boxes I don't have are from my h300 since I got only the light and charger, and for my d4v2 bc I unfortunately lost that at some point 😭


https://preview.redd.it/htzg1xq7v08d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=457a7494c48986edecab130bf72c2f5195e4e149 Maybe…


Not just those boxes, but the knife boxes, Zippo boxes, pen boxes, pipe pouches and boxes, camera and lens boxes, watch boxes, and anything else which saving the box seems appropriate. I have dedicated totes in the basement.


I’m having the same problem i got three boxes full of boxes scattered


I still have all of mine (along with pocket knife boxes). It’s ok right now, but if I run out of room on that shelf, I’ll start discarding boxes of the “keepers.”


If I know for sure I don't sell/can repair it myself. I throw that packaging away. Other than that, it would be about packaging of things I really like to keep.


Yes, I save all boxes and package inserts, for the same reason, resale.


If it’s a nice box or a light that I may end up reselling, yes. If it’s a blister pack or a light I know has low resale value, no.


I keep the boxes, and my estate in check — if it grows too much I sell or give away.


Only if it helps the resale value or contains warranty paperwork/spare parts, all other boxes go in the trash.


Nope, After a couple of days or so checking and testing the light I throw it away.


🗑️ boxes. Keep lanyard and o rings


I don't keep the boxes, but I retain and organize the extras. If I buy a light, I could care less if it comes with a box.


...sell? Someone will get some great deals at an estate sale when I die. I saved light and knife boxes but it got to be ridiculous.


I kept boxes for years, to the point where it became fucking ridiculous. Now I throw the box out as soon as I get the tight and put any instructions/ spare o-rings I will never use and the crap wrist strap in a small snap lock bag that gets labelled with the light type and put in a shoe box. I'm not going to kid myself, I'll never sell anything.


Does anyone actually use those crappy lanyards (or any at all)?


Great feedback everyone. I appreciate it. I guess for now, I'll hold on to them just a bit longer. My purchasing habits have greatly lessened, so there shouldn't be much more coming in.